Two Women Accuse Herman Cain Of Inappropriate Behavior

There is no double standard. The cases are not the same.

Why, because you say so? Really?

Comparing Anita Hill to Paula Jones, I would say that

1) the alledged behavior in Jones' case was much worse.

2) Thomas directly confronted his accuser, while Clinton pulled every trick in the book to try to deny this woman a day in court until he finally settled for THREE TIMES what she was originally asking.

No, the only double standard is that Clinton supported causes you like, and Thomas (and Cain) didn't.

Since you are bringing up a dozen different cases now....the discussion points have changed.

I am talking Clinton/Lewinski vs Cain/Accusers. The fucking cases are not the same. There is no double standard.
Cain is toast. His Planned Parenthood remarks that it was a whitey plot to kill black babies which he repeated today burnt him to a crisp.
Told you so.
There is no double standard. The cases are not the same.

Why, because you say so? Really?

Comparing Anita Hill to Paula Jones, I would say that

1) the alledged behavior in Jones' case was much worse.

2) Thomas directly confronted his accuser, while Clinton pulled every trick in the book to try to deny this woman a day in court until he finally settled for THREE TIMES what she was originally asking.

No, the only double standard is that Clinton supported causes you like, and Thomas (and Cain) didn't.

Since you are bringing up a dozen different cases now....the discussion points have changed.

I am talking Clinton/Lewinski vs Cain/Accusers. The fucking cases are not the same. There is no double standard.

Actually, Clinton's behavior towards Lewinsky would have gotten him fired anywhere else.

And even if it wasn't illegal, it was sure as hell reprehensible.

Can you admit, then that his behavior towards Paula Jones was just as reprehensible as anything that Cain might be accused of? Can you go that far?
Unless there is evidence their jobs where at stake or something akin to that, i dont care.

I will say though i find it interesting the very people defending cain where some of the first to call for wiener to resign...either its none of our business or it is people try being consostent.

The evidence against Weiner was pretty damning. And he lied about it. And his name was Weiner. Seriously, when you have a name like Weiner, you should go around sending people pictures of your junk.

On Cain, I'm reserving judgment until 1) We actually get the particulars and 2) we can judge the credibility of the acccusers.

I don't think the guy is the best pick for the GOP nomination, and I don't think he was going to get it - or my vote- before this.
Libs - "What Clinton does (BJ's, adultery, etc.) in his personal life is none of our business."

See how that works?

You don't see a difference between consensual sex and someone trying to force sex on someone?


Again- Juanita Brodderick. Paula Jones. Kathleen Wiley.

Oh, wait, they were all liars.

They would have made him unelectable.

In fact, they made Al Gore unelectable. That's pretty much what Dubya campaigned on.
Ah and yet we still can't see 0bama's college transcripts, can't find anything he published for the law review, can't find his college thesis, can't condemn him for his past "acquaintances", can't find out how he got in to Harvard with less than stellar grades. There's lots more, but it doesn't matter to the left unless it's a Republican.

Someone doesn't want Herman Cain to be the nominee, wonder why???
Ah and yet we still can't see 0bama's college transcripts, can't find anything he published for the law review, can't find his college thesis, can't condemn him for his past "acquaintances", can't find out how he got in to Harvard with less than stellar grades. There's lots more, but it doesn't matter to the left unless it's a Republican.

Someone doesn't want Herman Cain to be the nominee, wonder why???
Ask the RNC.
Ah and yet we still can't see 0bama's college transcripts, can't find anything he published for the law review, can't find his college thesis, can't condemn him for his past "acquaintances", can't find out how he got in to Harvard with less than stellar grades. There's lots more, but it doesn't matter to the left unless it's a Republican.

Someone doesn't want Herman Cain to be the nominee, wonder why???

Obama's 8 volume, 2083 page during his tenure at Harvard are public record.
Disagree with most ofit but it is all there.
Ah and yet we still can't see 0bama's college transcripts, can't find anything he published for the law review, can't find his college thesis, can't condemn him for his past "acquaintances", can't find out how he got in to Harvard with less than stellar grades. There's lots more, but it doesn't matter to the left unless it's a Republican.

Someone doesn't want Herman Cain to be the nominee, wonder why???
Ask the RNC.

You may be right on this one Ravi. ;)

Stuff like this generally doesn't bother the left, it's the right that holds their candidates to a higher standard. It could very well be an inside job. :eusa_eh:
Libs - "What Clinton does (BJ's, adultery, etc.) in his personal life is none of our business."

See how that works?

Deflection alert. "Libs" don't care about what Cain does/did either. As long as it was consentual. See the difference? Sure you do.

This is the primary season. If this story is true, and Cain survives it, it will be because conservatives don't care about it.
Libs - "What Clinton does (BJ's, adultery, etc.) in his personal life is none of our business."

See how that works?

Deflection alert. "Libs" don't care about what Cain does/did either. As long as it was consentual. See the difference? Sure you do.

This is the primary season. If this story is true, and Cain survives it, it will be because conservatives don't care about it.

We can always count on you for the what ifs. :lol:
The other day I was watching a couple of party strategists debating.....and I was kind of taken aback when the democratic strategist said that the Fast and Furious issue and the Solyndra issue are both "non storeis" and thus why only Fox News is reporting on them.

I then watched last night as democratic strategists and supporters were saying that the Cain situation is important to the American people for the American People have the right to know about the character of a man they may votye for on election day if he were to win the primaries.....and I agree with that.

What I would like to know is why is it not important for the American People to know if the current AG was not honest with Congress.....and why is it not important for the American people to know if Obama allowed his ideology to let him ignore the warning signs regarding the investment of a half a billiob dollars of tax payer money.

If we should know the character of a presidential candidate, (and we should), shouldnt we know the character of two of the most powerful political people in our country?
The other day I was watching a couple of party strategists debating.....and I was kind of taken aback when the democratic strategist said that the Fast and Furious issue and the Solyndra issue are both "non storeis" and thus why only Fox News is reporting on them.

I then watched last night as democratic strategists and supporters were saying that the Cain situation is important to the American people for the American People have the right to know about the character of a man they may votye for on election day if he were to win the primaries.....and I agree with that.

What I would like to know is why is it not important for the American People to know if the current AG was not honest with Congress.....and why is it not important for the American people to know if Obama allowed his ideology to let him ignore the warning signs regarding the investment of a half a billiob dollars of tax payer money.

If we should know the character of a presidential candidate, (and we should), shouldnt we know the character of two of the most powerful political people in our country?

Well, stand by honey, cause Fox News is reporting this morning that there is another energy company "backed by federal dollars" that has declared bankruptcy.

and they answer to your question is Yes, we should.. to bad the Party Of Cow Shitters doesn't see it that way.
This was predictable. Cain scares the hell out of establishment dems.

I doubt this has any credibility. I think this should be viewed just like the lady that repeatedly and forcefully punched the ballot and it refused to come out. Poor Al!!

Do you believe anything that liberals/Dems here say?

We have been clear in our comments about Cain. We want the GOP to nominate him. Why do you not believe this?

I still like Newt better.
And you're so full of shit I think, I think Cain scares you.

This stuff with Cain leaves me wondering who will benefit in the polls. I hope it's Newt; there's no way, IMO, it will be Romney.

From what I've seen so far, the Cain team is not prepared to handle this, and since it's been out there (Cain always knew it was) they, in the Cain camp have had time to plan a response.
Do you believe anything that liberals/Dems here say?

We have been clear in our comments about Cain. We want the GOP to nominate him. Why do you not believe this?

I still like Newt better.
And you're so full of shit I think, I think Cain scares you.

This stuff with Cain leaves me wondering who will benefit in the polls. I hope it's Newt; there's no way, IMO, it will be Romney.

From what I've seen so far, the Cain team is not prepared to handle this, and since it's been out there (Cain always knew it was) they, in the Cain camp have had time to plan a response.

Our local news just reported this.


Very damning stuff.
Why this should make the Left like him even more right? I mean, After how they Defended Clinton and all, and joked about how they liked the idea of their President getting some.

The MSM is not the left, nor is the NRA (not the gun guys). The fact is conservatives made Clinton's behavior into a national crisis, one which distracted us from real issues and not on real problems such as the economy and terrorism.

No one liked Clinton's behavior; the outrage th;though was all political; when one puts the behavior of Gingrich, Livingston, Foley and other GOP leaders into the mix Clinton's behavior was simply a peccadillo.

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