Two Women Accuse Herman Cain Of Inappropriate Behavior

I still like Newt better.
And you're so full of shit I think, I think Cain scares you.

This stuff with Cain leaves me wondering who will benefit in the polls. I hope it's Newt; there's no way, IMO, it will be Romney.

From what I've seen so far, the Cain team is not prepared to handle this, and since it's been out there (Cain always knew it was) they, in the Cain camp have had time to plan a response.

Our local news just reported this.


Very damning stuff.

It seems when Michael Jackson was accused by anonymous sources and paid them hush money, the right wing took that as an admission of guilt
I still like Newt better.
And you're so full of shit I think, I think Cain scares you.

This stuff with Cain leaves me wondering who will benefit in the polls. I hope it's Newt; there's no way, IMO, it will be Romney.

From what I've seen so far, the Cain team is not prepared to handle this, and since it's been out there (Cain always knew it was) they, in the Cain camp have had time to plan a response.

Our local news just reported this.


Very damning stuff.

As I said in an earlier post, Cain spokesman JD Gordon called into the Geraldo show last evening, and when put on the spot about a rebuttal as to making payments to the two women, Gordon could offer nothing but denials of the base accusation.

Geraldo asked several times for something more substantive, and Gordon couldn't offer anything. Geraldo said "there's still time to get in front of this, Mate, the monday morning newspapers haven't gone past their deadlines yet"[ /paraphrase] but Gordon couldn't do any better than a blanket denial.

HERE'S A LINK with the video at HUFFPO Media. You have to scroll down to the middle of the page to see the Geraldo video segment.
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Why this should make the Left like him even more right? I mean, After how they Defended Clinton and all, and joked about how they liked the idea of their President getting some.

The MSM is not the left, nor is the NRA (not the gun guys). The fact is conservatives made Clinton's behavior into a national crisis, one which distracted us from real issues and not on real problems such as the economy and terrorism.

No one liked Clinton's behavior; the outrage th;though was all political; when one puts the behavior of Gingrich, Livingston, Foley and other GOP leaders into the mix Clinton's behavior was simply a peccadillo.
FOX must be on the left now, too.

Pretty amazing hit piece on Cain.

And so the question of the day: Where is Gloria Cain?

The candidate’s wife has stayed home in Georgia and is unknown to her husband’s fans. If she suddenly emerges now, it would have a Spitzerish, guilty-seeming quality. But if she doesn’t emerge soon, it will only deepen concerns about her husband’s conduct.

Cain Campaign Gets Smoked On Harassment | Fox News
This stuff with Cain leaves me wondering who will benefit in the polls. I hope it's Newt; there's no way, IMO, it will be Romney.

From what I've seen so far, the Cain team is not prepared to handle this, and since it's been out there (Cain always knew it was) they, in the Cain camp have had time to plan a response.

Our local news just reported this.


Very damning stuff.

It seems when Michael Jackson was accused by anonymous sources and paid them hush money, the right wing took that as an admission of guilt

Did Herman admit to sleeping with little boys.

Good try but fail!!
This stuff with Cain leaves me wondering who will benefit in the polls. I hope it's Newt; there's no way, IMO, it will be Romney.

From what I've seen so far, the Cain team is not prepared to handle this, and since it's been out there (Cain always knew it was) they, in the Cain camp have had time to plan a response.

Our local news just reported this.


Very damning stuff.

It seems when Michael Jackson was accused by anonymous sources and paid them hush money, the right wing took that as an admission of guilt

Actually the media assumed he was guilty.

Don't blame that on the right.
Our local news just reported this.


Very damning stuff.

It seems when Michael Jackson was accused by anonymous sources and paid them hush money, the right wing took that as an admission of guilt

Did Herman admit to sleeping with little boys.

Good try but fail!!

MJ admitted to "sleeping"

Isn't Cain paying off those ladies as much of an admission as Jackson paying off his accusers?
This stuff with Cain leaves me wondering who will benefit in the polls. I hope it's Newt; there's no way, IMO, it will be Romney.

From what I've seen so far, the Cain team is not prepared to handle this, and since it's been out there (Cain always knew it was) they, in the Cain camp have had time to plan a response.

Our local news just reported this.


Very damning stuff.

As I said in an earlier post, Cain spokesman JD Gordon called into the Geraldo show last evening, and when put on the spot about a rebuttal as to making payments to the two women, Gordon could offer nothing but denials of the base accusation.

Geraldo asked several times for something more substantive, and Gordon couldn't offer anything. Geraldo said "there's still time to get in front of this, Mate, the monday morning newspapers haven't gone past their deadlines yet"[ /paraphrase] but Gordon couldn't do any better than a blanket denial.

HERE'S A LINK with the video at HUFFPO Media. You have to scroll down to the middle of the page to see the Geraldo video segment.

Maybe he should take a 3 week vacation to the Bahamas till things cool Obama always does.
Deflection alert. "Libs" don't care about what Cain does/did either. As long as it was consentual. See the difference? Sure you do.

This is the primary season. If this story is true, and Cain survives it, it will be because conservatives don't care about it.

We can always count on you for the what ifs. :lol:

So should I be automatically assuming it's true, or automatically assuming it's false?
If this turns out to be true..I feel that it's unacceptable that the republicans party accept sexual inappropriate behavior of its members. Are we really going to become straight up like the democrats? I thought we were better then this...I can understand wanting to make sure he is guilty first, but if he is he should step down.


One thing I really detest about my fellow conservatives is when they act all high and mighty like a person should never have ever freaking sinned before in their lives.

His behaviour from 20 years ago has jack shit to do with today. AND what really pisses me off are my fellow born agains who seem to expect every R politician to come out of a bloody monastery and never have a past.

What's worse is when I have to listen to any fellow conservative who is also a born again not getting the real deal that Christ just didn't die on the cross for their sins but also for others sins.

If Cain sinned twenty years ago and has asked the Lord for forgiveness for his sins, who the hell is anyone on this planet to condemn him now.

It's bad enough when I have to listen to Democrats bitch whine and moan like all their candidates are angels, but when I have to listen to a conservative condemn someone for any action in the distant past I want to bazooka barf.

Because it's a piece of the puzzle. Obama owned drug use. It was part of his past, he was honest about it. Okay. We should expect less of someone who actually self-identifies as part of the Moral Majority?
A molester?

What kind of molester Lakhota?

A molester child rapist kind of molester like Frank Marshall Davis? You know Obama's mentor?

The same Frank Marshall Davis that wrote in his book Sex Rebel Black how he and his then wife kept having sex repeatedly with a 14 year old girl?

Obama's mentor kind of molestor?

Was Obama accused of molesting a 14 year old girl? Because Cain's employer paid out settlements for his actions.

I think that the left wing will be sadly mistaken that Tea Party people will give a rats ass about these allegations about supposed incidents that happened 20 years ago.

There is no more moral majority. This is all about removing the maniac currently residing in the WH from office so he can't damage the country any more than he has.

But let's play. Bring out the women and show me the proof of the settlements. Let's have a go at these women.

Let's vet them as hard as the left did Linda Tripp over Lewinsky. Let's have some fun.

Accusations are just that till you provide proof. I remember something about a batch of University students being accused of rape and gee how did that turn out?

So let's see these accusers. Bring it.

I think you're mistaken. Sure, the fringe will forgive, because that's what brainless amoeba do. No thought involved. But for the vast majority, what things look like is what's important - and this looks bad.
we can never know the truth about these allegations due to the settlements.

All we can know is that twice in his carreer a woman accused him of inappropiate behavior and it was solid enough a claim they had to settle for paying the women off and keeping them silent.

Its not a deal killer but it is NOT a badge of courage either.
During Herman Cain’s tenure as the head of the National Restaurant Association in the 1990s, at least two female employees complained to colleagues and senior association officials about inappropriate behavior by Cain, ultimately leaving their jobs at the trade group, multiple sources confirm to POLITICO.

The women complained of sexually suggestive behavior by Cain that made them angry and uncomfortable, the sources said, and they signed agreements with the restaurant group that gave them financial payouts to leave the association. The agreements also included language that bars the women from talking about their departures.

Read more: Exclusive: Two women accused Herman Cain of inappropriate behavior - Jonathan Martin and Maggie Haberman and Anna Palmer and Kenneth P. Vogel -

I love this blurb-

POLITICO has confirmed the identities of the two female restaurant association employees who complained about Cain but, for privacy concerns, is not publishing their names.

Read more: Exclusive: 2 women accused Herman Cain of inappropriate behavior - Jonathan Martin and Maggie Haberman and Anna Palmer and Kenneth P. Vogel -

yea right :lol:
Why this should make the Left like him even more right? I mean, After how they Defended Clinton and all, and joked about how they liked the idea of their President getting some.

The MSM is not the left, nor is the NRA (not the gun guys). The fact is conservatives made Clinton's behavior into a national crisis, one which distracted us from real issues and not on real problems such as the economy and terrorism.

No one liked Clinton's behavior; the outrage th;though was all political; when one puts the behavior of Gingrich, Livingston, Foley and other GOP leaders into the mix Clinton's behavior was simply a peccadillo.

The MSM is not the left,

drunk already? for god sakes its its only 815 am out here..
when will you accept that the media is corporate?

They are not left they just are not "bat shit crazy" TP
During Herman Cain’s tenure as the head of the National Restaurant Association in the 1990s, at least two female employees complained to colleagues and senior association officials about inappropriate behavior by Cain, ultimately leaving their jobs at the trade group, multiple sources confirm to POLITICO.

The women complained of sexually suggestive behavior by Cain that made them angry and uncomfortable, the sources said, and they signed agreements with the restaurant group that gave them financial payouts to leave the association. The agreements also included language that bars the women from talking about their departures.

Read more: Exclusive: Two women accused Herman Cain of inappropriate behavior - Jonathan Martin and Maggie Haberman and Anna Palmer and Kenneth P. Vogel -

it's not like the rightwingnuts will care. they'll just lie and try to trash the women like they did anita hill.

they'll probably just like the idiot more.

look who's slid out from under algae....:lol:

news for you- this kind of shit knows no bounds or affiliation, you have just decided it appears to give your own a pass, only reps are morally reprehensible ala this kind of act or acts, shocker!!!!:eek:
Now- for the record; according to the Politico piece, there is no doubt something happened, something where in they felt they needed to pay them off to walk away, or they thought it was such a nuisance it was better to just settle...(?).

I don't know if its worse that we won't know,as we have no way of knowing what went down, exactly, unless some back channel digging which according to the agreements signed is found and put out there, then we can judge accurately.

I am sure Mitts or Perrys people (and Obamas too, are on it), it seems for some lighting strikes twice ( or 3 times) when it comes to supposedly cloistered information that is supposed to remain sealed, finds its way out there to help one candidate or another.
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