TX church shooter had lengthy record. Illegal for him to have a gun.

The dirty little secret is that it ain't about gun laws, it's about confiscation. The problem is that the stodgy old U.S. Constitution keeps getting in the way of the progressive agenda. Since the current President is likely to appoint a conservative Supreme Court Justice and God only knows how many federal judgeships and factoring in the democrat party's inability to nominate a presidential candidate who isn't a socialist or a nut case, it seems the only solution for progressives is to overthrow the government.
Damn, how bout that. Some criminal shouldn't but has a gun. Stop and frisk is not such a bad idea is it?
In Texas, it’s illegal not to have a gun.
It should be.
Then stop fucking complaining that the church shooter had a gun.

Criminals ignore all laws, so let's do away with all laws.
Um, he was a felon. I'll point out that felons ignore gun laws all I want. If that gets you butthurt, that's just a bonus.:5_1_12024:
Butthurt? No. Just pointing out your stupidity.
Please explain what is "stupid" about pointing out the fact this cretin was a felon who was forbidden by law to possess a gun?

Be specific.

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