TX radio station boycotts Madonna.............

Boycotting Madonna from a Texarkana, TX radio station. That seems about like putting a ban on ham sandwiches at a bar mitzvah.
Good to see you, PeterGriffin!

haha, wuzzup playa!
Have you decided to post at this sewer for a while? This one used to be an interesting place, but it's been taken over by KKK, Nazi-lovers, Commie-lovers, Putin-worshippers, and Stormfronters.

At least your presence boosts the site IQ.

I'm checking it out, we'll see what happens :) Ol' Lois gets tired of hearing me rant around the house so gotta take it out somewhere ;)
You know, I kinda approve of what this station did. Why? Threats, veiled or direct, against the president is a pretty crass move. Especially when you have the kind of bullhorn that Madonna has.

Good to see that there are some consequences for stupid actions.

I agree. She sure didn't use her head when she made that comment about blowing up the White House.

Wonder if the FBI or the SS had a little chat with that moron??
Looks like Madonna isn't going to get away with her comments about Trump. Seems that now a TX radio station is boycotting her music because of what she said.................

Madonna Banned by Radio Station for Lack of ‘Patriotism’
The radio station probably focuses on country/western only anyway.

Yanno, it would help with the conversation GREATLY if you would read the linked article that was provided. They don't play country western, they play rock and roll from the 70's through the 90's, right in the beginning and middle of Madonna's career.

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