Typo in the Declaration of Independence?

Liberals, not "progressives". The latter weren't invented until a century later.

Are you sure about that? Just because it didn't become defined until it finally managed to get political power in the late 19th century does not mean there was no one advocating it before then. Every political movement in history has roots in something that came before it, even if we haven't actually dug into it to find them.

I didn't say "no one ever advocated" anything; I said Progressives -- the ideological political sub-movement called briefly by that name -- didn't exist until the late 19th. So yes, I'm sure about that. Contrived strawman dispatched.

There you go again with the misunderstanding of logic. I didn't make up an argument and claim you were advocating it, I just asked a question.

Note: I am not saying you are wrong, just pointing out that blanket statements based on nothing more than a lack of evidence usually are.

I'm unaware of anyone who's railed against blanket generalizations on this site more than I have. But that's got absolute zero to do with anything in the posts above.

You make blanket assertions all the time, just like you have in this thread when you claim that no one can define the term Progressive and that they don't even exist.

Wrong again. Here's what I said, verbatim, key words emphasized for the dense:
>> there are those partisans around here who like to drop the word Progressive (noun) as if it's some kind of slur, yet they can never define what the hell they mean <<​

That's pretty specific. No blanket statement there.

That said, the post you quoted was not directed at you, so I fail to see how you can claim I used a straw man against you.

It's directly answering my post as can be plainly seen above. And it introduced an idea I never put forth through contradiction. That's what I call a strawman, try to squirm away from it all you like.

Contradiction is all you're capable of around here anyway so congratulations on killing yet another thread that might have gone somewhere.

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Where'd anybody do dat, Dave? Read the whole thread and I do Nazi it. :link:


[MENTION=23991]daveman[/MENTION] :poke:
that whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

I find this line to be the most interesting. how could a public who is not as well armed as the government ever abolish it?
And that's why some people want Americans disarmed.
that whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

I find this line to be the most interesting. how could a public who is not as well armed as the government ever abolish it?

Uh - with ballot boxes and Constitutional Amendments...

Not everything has to be about violence.
What if the elections are cancelled? That happens a lot in dictatorial regimes.

Not saying we've got one, but it's a "What if...?" kinda discussion.
I didn't say "no one ever advocated" anything; I said Progressives -- the ideological political sub-movement called briefly by that name -- didn't exist until the late 19th. So yes, I'm sure about that. Contrived strawman dispatched.

There you go again with the misunderstanding of logic. I didn't make up an argument and claim you were advocating it, I just asked a question.

You make blanket assertions all the time, just like you have in this thread when you claim that no one can define the term Progressive and that they don't even exist.

Wrong again. Here's what I said, verbatim, key words emphasized for the dense:
>> there are those partisans around here who like to drop the word Progressive (noun) as if it's some kind of slur, yet they can never define what the hell they mean <<​
That's pretty specific. No blanket statement there.

That said, the post you quoted was not directed at you, so I fail to see how you can claim I used a straw man against you.

It's directly answering my post as can be plainly seen above. And it introduced an idea I never put forth through contradiction. That's what I call a strawman, try to squirm away from it all you like.

Contradiction is all you're capable of around here anyway so congratulations on killing yet another thread that might have gone somewhere.

I made a mistake, I thought that was directed at something Duddly said. Unlike you, I admit when I am wrong, I don't go around claiming I didn't say what I said.

I do find it ironic that you leave an argument after I prove you were wrong about what you said though, you have a habit of doing that.

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