Tyranny- Obama calls for mandatory voting in U.S.

Until you can say that not one citizen is denied the right to vote due to not being able to obtain the mandated photo ID, you have not proven your case.

We aren't there yet.

Voters Turned Away Because of Texas Photo ID Law Brennan Center for Justice

The Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights Under Law Think Getting Free ID Is Easy Think Again

Voter ID Laws Who Doesn t Have Photo ID BillMoyers.com

I'd love for JUST ONE USMB nutter to admit the truth on this issue. These crazy laws are designed to suppress the vote. We all know it. You fuckers know it.

Unbelievable GOP Statements on Voter Suppression BillMoyers.com

Be honest for once.
Anyone can get a fucking ID any time they want

Who is stopping anyone from getting an ID?

No one.

If that were true, this wouldn't be an issue. DO YOU EVER READ LINKS THAT ARE PRESENTED?
I don't have to because any idiot who wants an ID can get one all they have to do is get off their fucking asses
if these senior citizens and other citizens, have lived their entire lives without a Government issued Photo ID card, WHY should they be FORCED to have one now, when it solves NONE of the voter fraud that takes place in any number?

I'm actually surprised you support this gvt over reach....

One is actually surprised that you support less gov't regulation

besides they can use existing gov't id like EBT cards
so it will be efficient

One is actually surprised that you support less gov't regulation

that certainly is odd

the left on every other issue is joyous at the prospect

of more government intervention

The left has never been against voter ID. We just want the ID to be free and easily obtained. Since in-person voter fraud is not an issue at all in this nation, we are not prepared to use it as an excuse to make it difficult for millions of people to vote.

See how easy that is?
It can be free (except to the tax payers who provided the revenue to the government) and easy to obtain.

When it is....and nobody is denied the right to vote due to some bullshit .....you'll have no problem getting liberals behind it.
It is already available free to the voter. For voters that vote by absentee ballot, it would take a lot of government employees to visit each eligible voter and to capture and transmit pictures and info of every eligible voter at the voter's home, polling place, local pub, local community center, local church, jail cell, hospice bed or wherever that person might be.(After all, if we have to fine the for not voting, we have to know where to find them.) With the photo, the info and a card machine a card can just as easily be mailed as an absentee ballot. With GPS data and time/date stamp on the digital photo, the government would at least have evidence that the person is alive.

What would happen is a cottage industry would rise up for bulk voting. In other words those now too lazy to vote would just give their vote to someone to vote for them, which I think is the real aim.
IDs are already easy to obtain and they are not that expensive

Until you can say that not one citizen is denied the right to vote due to not being able to obtain the mandated photo ID, you have not proven your case.

We aren't there yet.

Voters Turned Away Because of Texas Photo ID Law Brennan Center for Justice

The Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights Under Law Think Getting Free ID Is Easy Think Again

Voter ID Laws Who Doesn t Have Photo ID BillMoyers.com

I'd love for JUST ONE USMB nutter to admit the truth on this issue. These crazy laws are designed to suppress the vote. We all know it. You fuckers know it.

Unbelievable GOP Statements on Voter Suppression BillMoyers.com

Be honest for once.
Anyone can get a fucking ID any time they want

Who is stopping anyone from getting an ID?

No one.

If that were true, this wouldn't be an issue. DO YOU EVER READ LINKS THAT ARE PRESENTED?
I don't have to because any idiot who wants an ID can get one all they have to do is get off their fucking asses
if these senior citizens and other citizens, have lived their entire lives without a Government issued Photo ID card, WHY should they be FORCED to have one now, when it solves NONE of the voter fraud that takes place in any number?

I'm actually surprised you support this gvt over reach....


Since when is having to prove you are who you say you are overreach?
f that were true, this wouldn't be an issue. DO YOU EVER READ LINKS THAT ARE PRESENTED?
I don't have to because any idiot who wants an ID can get one all they have to do is get off their fucking asses

The basic lie of the left on this is that people who will get off their ass to vote won't get off their ass to get a free ID to do it. They want to cheat, that is the reason for their opposition to ID laws. And they know it

A basic lie of the right is that there are no people who have valid ID's that are not accepted at their polling place.

A basic lie of the right is that people who are too lazy to get ID's even give a shit about voting.

A basic lie of the right is that there is in-person voter fraud.....committed by millions of people who will risk jail in order to help a Democrat get a job.
Until you can say that not one citizen is denied the right to vote due to not being able to obtain the mandated photo ID, you have not proven your case.

We aren't there yet.

Voters Turned Away Because of Texas Photo ID Law Brennan Center for Justice

The Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights Under Law Think Getting Free ID Is Easy Think Again

Voter ID Laws Who Doesn t Have Photo ID BillMoyers.com

I'd love for JUST ONE USMB nutter to admit the truth on this issue. These crazy laws are designed to suppress the vote. We all know it. You fuckers know it.

Unbelievable GOP Statements on Voter Suppression BillMoyers.com

Be honest for once.
Anyone can get a fucking ID any time they want

Who is stopping anyone from getting an ID?

No one.

If that were true, this wouldn't be an issue. DO YOU EVER READ LINKS THAT ARE PRESENTED?
I don't have to because any idiot who wants an ID can get one all they have to do is get off their fucking asses
if these senior citizens and other citizens, have lived their entire lives without a Government issued Photo ID card, WHY should they be FORCED to have one now, when it solves NONE of the voter fraud that takes place in any number?

I'm actually surprised you support this gvt over reach....

You can't function today w/o valid ID. Fact

Clearly, millions of people function without THE TYPES OF ID required by GOP voter ID laws, Your statement is not accurate.
What's the difference between Mandatory Voting and Mandatory Health Insurance?

Only difference is that you need an ID to get the mandatory health insurance. You would think that forcing participation in healthcare, and therefore forcing everyone to obtain an ID, would take care of the voter ID.
So, for a moron who is against voter ID, calls for Hitler, Mao type mandate.

Force people to vote for scum like Obama. Yea, that's the ticket.

There's that word 'transform' again...... Oh the pain........................


President Obama, whose party was trounced in last year’s midterm election due in part to poor turnout among Democrats, endorsed the idea of mandatory voting Wednesday.

“It would be transformative if everybody voted,” Mr. Obama said during a town-hall event in Cleveland. “That would counteract [campaign] money more than anything. If everybody voted, then it would completely change the political map in this country.”

Read more: Obama calls for mandatory voting in U.S. - Washington Times
I'll go for mandatory voting when there is a civic literacy test to go along with it.
What's the difference between Mandatory Voting and Mandatory Health Insurance?

Only difference is that you need an ID to get the mandatory health insurance. You would think that forcing participation in healthcare, and therefore forcing everyone to obtain an ID, would take care of the voter ID.
simply not true Clementine.... a government issued picture id is NOT required for Health CARE coverage, not with your employer and not with the Exchange.
Suggesting ways to prompt more people to vote. TYRANNY!!!!

Wasn't that the same guy who voted "present" when he was an Illinois State Senator??

I mean....when he wasn't voting in favor of infanticide.
I'm surprised you haven't tried to further your education PC?

The Illinois Senate is the upper chamber of the Illinois General Assembly, the legislative branch of the government of the state of Illinois in the United States. The body was created by the first state constitution adopted in 1818. The Illinois Senate is made up of 59 senators elected from individual legislative districts determined by population; redistricted every 10 years, based on the 2010 U.S. census each senator represents approximately 217,468 people.[1] Under the Illinois Constitution of 1970, senators are divided into three groups, each group having a two-year term at a different part of the decade between censuses, with the rest of the decade being taken up by two four-year terms.[2] Depending on the election year, roughly one-third, two-thirds, or all Senate seats may be contested. In contrast, the Illinois House of Representatives is made up of 118 members with its entire membership elected to two-year terms. House districts are formed by dividing each Senate district in half.[3]

The Illinois Senate convenes at the Illinois State Capitol in Springfield, Illinois. Its first official working day is the second Wednesday of January each year. Its primary duties are to pass bills into law, approve the state budget, confirm appointments to state departments and agencies, act on federal constitutional amendments and propose constitutional amendments for Illinois. It also has the power to override gubernatorial vetoes through a three-fifths majority vote. The Illinois Senate tries impeachments made by the House of Representatives, and can convict impeached officers by a two-thirds vote.

Voting in the Illinois Senate is done by members pushing one of three buttons. Unlike most states, the Illinois Senate allows members to vote yes, no, or present. It takes 30 affirmative votes to pass legislation during final action.[4][5] The number of negative votes does not matter. Therefore, the use of the present vote has the same effect as voting no. Illinois Senate - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Until you can say that not one citizen is denied the right to vote due to not being able to obtain the mandated photo ID, you have not proven your case.

We aren't there yet.

Voters Turned Away Because of Texas Photo ID Law Brennan Center for Justice

The Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights Under Law Think Getting Free ID Is Easy Think Again

Voter ID Laws Who Doesn t Have Photo ID BillMoyers.com

I'd love for JUST ONE USMB nutter to admit the truth on this issue. These crazy laws are designed to suppress the vote. We all know it. You fuckers know it.

Unbelievable GOP Statements on Voter Suppression BillMoyers.com

Be honest for once.
Anyone can get a fucking ID any time they want

Who is stopping anyone from getting an ID?

No one.

If that were true, this wouldn't be an issue. DO YOU EVER READ LINKS THAT ARE PRESENTED?
I don't have to because any idiot who wants an ID can get one all they have to do is get off their fucking asses
if these senior citizens and other citizens, have lived their entire lives without a Government issued Photo ID card, WHY should they be FORCED to have one now, when it solves NONE of the voter fraud that takes place in any number?

I'm actually surprised you support this gvt over reach....


Since when is having to prove you are who you say you are overreach?
Have these citizens needed a Government Issued Photo ID for their lively hoods in their Country before? The answer is NO THEY HAVE NOT, so this is CLEARLY an over reach.

When you enter the poll, the clerk asks for your name, then your address, then your party affiliation, then they make you sign your name and this has to match your registration....in States where ID is not required and that is good enough.

NO ONE is sanely going to go in to your personal local voting poll place and go up to the clerk and LIE, or even know the answers to your address and party affiliation or risk the chance of running in to you at the Local Poll or the Polling clerk happens to be the Mother of the person's identity you are trying to steal.... this is all highly unlikely and just simply does not occur.

Those States that require ID can accept your your SSAN card and your electric bill, or your voters registration card, and your Water bill, or your Employer ID with your name, and your Natural gas bill....this proves who you are and that you are the person who HAS ALREADY BEEN VETTED and REGISTERED ALREADY to vote by your State...

NO ONE, no Mickey Mouses or Donald Ducks should make it through the VETTING PROCESS of your State, before your State sends you a Voter's Registration card.

The vetting process takes place under the Registration process, after you apply but before they issue you a voter's registration card.

Dead people need to be removed from the Voter rolls by the State when they die, and kept up to date so that no dead people are available to use the absentee ballot system for voter fraud.
Anyone can get a fucking ID any time they want

Who is stopping anyone from getting an ID?

No one.

If that were true, this wouldn't be an issue. DO YOU EVER READ LINKS THAT ARE PRESENTED?
I don't have to because any idiot who wants an ID can get one all they have to do is get off their fucking asses
if these senior citizens and other citizens, have lived their entire lives without a Government issued Photo ID card, WHY should they be FORCED to have one now, when it solves NONE of the voter fraud that takes place in any number?

I'm actually surprised you support this gvt over reach....


Since when is having to prove you are who you say you are overreach?
Have these citizens needed a Government Issued Photo ID for their lively hoods in their Country before? The answer is NO THEY HAVE NOT, so this is CLEARLY an over reach.

When you enter the poll, the clerk asks for your name, then your address, then your party affiliation, then they make you sign your name and this has to match your registration....in States where ID is not required and that is good enough.

NO ONE is sanely going to go in to your personal local voting poll place and go up to the clerk and LIE, or even know the answers to your address and party affiliation or risk the chance of running in to you at the Local Poll or the Polling clerk happens to be the Mother of the person's identity you are trying to steal.... this is all highly unlikely and just simply does not occur.

Those States that require ID can accept your your SSAN card and your electric bill, or your voters registration card, and your Water bill, or your Employer ID with your name, and your Natural gas bill....this proves who you are and that you are the person who HAS ALREADY BEEN VETTED and REGISTERED ALREADY to vote by your State...

NO ONE, no Mickey Mouses or Donald Ducks should make it through the VETTING PROCESS of your State, before your State sends you a Voter's Registration card.

The vetting process takes place under the Registration process, after you apply but before they issue you a voter's registration card.

Dead people need to be removed from the Voter rolls by the State when they die, and kept up to date so that no dead people are available to use the absentee ballot system for voter fraud.
So just how many people in this country have never had an ID?

Sorry but anyone under 100 years old has one.

If you live off the grid in the back hollers of KY and don't have a Social security number or an ID then you're not going to vote anyway
If that were true, this wouldn't be an issue. DO YOU EVER READ LINKS THAT ARE PRESENTED?
I don't have to because any idiot who wants an ID can get one all they have to do is get off their fucking asses
if these senior citizens and other citizens, have lived their entire lives without a Government issued Photo ID card, WHY should they be FORCED to have one now, when it solves NONE of the voter fraud that takes place in any number?

I'm actually surprised you support this gvt over reach....


Since when is having to prove you are who you say you are overreach?
Have these citizens needed a Government Issued Photo ID for their lively hoods in their Country before? The answer is NO THEY HAVE NOT, so this is CLEARLY an over reach.

When you enter the poll, the clerk asks for your name, then your address, then your party affiliation, then they make you sign your name and this has to match your registration....in States where ID is not required and that is good enough.

NO ONE is sanely going to go in to your personal local voting poll place and go up to the clerk and LIE, or even know the answers to your address and party affiliation or risk the chance of running in to you at the Local Poll or the Polling clerk happens to be the Mother of the person's identity you are trying to steal.... this is all highly unlikely and just simply does not occur.

Those States that require ID can accept your your SSAN card and your electric bill, or your voters registration card, and your Water bill, or your Employer ID with your name, and your Natural gas bill....this proves who you are and that you are the person who HAS ALREADY BEEN VETTED and REGISTERED ALREADY to vote by your State...

NO ONE, no Mickey Mouses or Donald Ducks should make it through the VETTING PROCESS of your State, before your State sends you a Voter's Registration card.

The vetting process takes place under the Registration process, after you apply but before they issue you a voter's registration card.

Dead people need to be removed from the Voter rolls by the State when they die, and kept up to date so that no dead people are available to use the absentee ballot system for voter fraud.
So just how many people in this country have never had an ID?

Sorry but anyone under 100 years old has one.

If you live off the grid in the back hollers of KY and don't have a Social security number or an ID then you're not going to vote anyway

Most people have ID. But thousands don't have the kind of ID required by the various voter suppression laws that GOP legislators have enacted. They need to get that ID. It's often an impediment to voting. How many ways must I say that before you stop pretending not to hear it?

Here's the fact that you keep conveniently forgetting. You can't vote if you are not registered to vote. The act of registering to vote is an indication that you are a person who wants to be a voter. If you are legally registered, it means that you are eligible to vote.

When will you admit that these laws are designed to suppress the vote? If you do, you can turn the corner on this issue and start discussing it with some honesty.
I'll go for mandatory voting when there is a civic literacy test to go along with it.

...and the left will cry foul....that would be .......racist

No blood, no foul. But look at it this way, If there was a "civic literacy" test for voting, there would be a whole lot less Republican registered voters. That's for damn sure. Hell, if there was a basic literacy test, there would be even less Republican voters. Most of you Repubs can't read and comprehend much of anything.

You might want to rethink this idea.
. How many ways must I say that before you stop pretending not to hear it?

skulls don't have ears. LMAO. Or tongues. Or eyes. Hell, we've been talking to a deaf, dumb and blind dude. No wonder he never learns anything.
Suggesting ways to prompt more people to vote. TYRANNY!!!!

Wasn't that the same guy who voted "present" when he was an Illinois State Senator??

I mean....when he wasn't voting in favor of infanticide.
I'm surprised you haven't tried to further your education PC?

The Illinois Senate is the upper chamber of the Illinois General Assembly, the legislative branch of the government of the state of Illinois in the United States. The body was created by the first state constitution adopted in 1818. The Illinois Senate is made up of 59 senators elected from individual legislative districts determined by population; redistricted every 10 years, based on the 2010 U.S. census each senator represents approximately 217,468 people.[1] Under the Illinois Constitution of 1970, senators are divided into three groups, each group having a two-year term at a different part of the decade between censuses, with the rest of the decade being taken up by two four-year terms.[2] Depending on the election year, roughly one-third, two-thirds, or all Senate seats may be contested. In contrast, the Illinois House of Representatives is made up of 118 members with its entire membership elected to two-year terms. House districts are formed by dividing each Senate district in half.[3]

The Illinois Senate convenes at the Illinois State Capitol in Springfield, Illinois. Its first official working day is the second Wednesday of January each year. Its primary duties are to pass bills into law, approve the state budget, confirm appointments to state departments and agencies, act on federal constitutional amendments and propose constitutional amendments for Illinois. It also has the power to override gubernatorial vetoes through a three-fifths majority vote. The Illinois Senate tries impeachments made by the House of Representatives, and can convict impeached officers by a two-thirds vote.

Voting in the Illinois Senate is done by members pushing one of three buttons. Unlike most states, the Illinois Senate allows members to vote yes, no, or present. It takes 30 affirmative votes to pass legislation during final action.[4][5] The number of negative votes does not matter. Therefore, the use of the present vote has the same effect as voting no. Illinois Senate - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

I'm pleased that you finally tried to further your education......

Since you haven't denied what I posted....

...you're finally admitting that you support the guy who favored killing infants who survived botched abortion attempts.

No comment on that?
I don't have to because any idiot who wants an ID can get one all they have to do is get off their fucking asses
if these senior citizens and other citizens, have lived their entire lives without a Government issued Photo ID card, WHY should they be FORCED to have one now, when it solves NONE of the voter fraud that takes place in any number?

I'm actually surprised you support this gvt over reach....


Since when is having to prove you are who you say you are overreach?
Have these citizens needed a Government Issued Photo ID for their lively hoods in their Country before? The answer is NO THEY HAVE NOT, so this is CLEARLY an over reach.

When you enter the poll, the clerk asks for your name, then your address, then your party affiliation, then they make you sign your name and this has to match your registration....in States where ID is not required and that is good enough.

NO ONE is sanely going to go in to your personal local voting poll place and go up to the clerk and LIE, or even know the answers to your address and party affiliation or risk the chance of running in to you at the Local Poll or the Polling clerk happens to be the Mother of the person's identity you are trying to steal.... this is all highly unlikely and just simply does not occur.

Those States that require ID can accept your your SSAN card and your electric bill, or your voters registration card, and your Water bill, or your Employer ID with your name, and your Natural gas bill....this proves who you are and that you are the person who HAS ALREADY BEEN VETTED and REGISTERED ALREADY to vote by your State...

NO ONE, no Mickey Mouses or Donald Ducks should make it through the VETTING PROCESS of your State, before your State sends you a Voter's Registration card.

The vetting process takes place under the Registration process, after you apply but before they issue you a voter's registration card.

Dead people need to be removed from the Voter rolls by the State when they die, and kept up to date so that no dead people are available to use the absentee ballot system for voter fraud.
So just how many people in this country have never had an ID?

Sorry but anyone under 100 years old has one.

If you live off the grid in the back hollers of KY and don't have a Social security number or an ID then you're not going to vote anyway

Most people have ID. But thousands don't have the kind of ID required by the various voter suppression laws that GOP legislators have enacted. They need to get that ID. It's often an impediment to voting. How many ways must I say that before you stop pretending not to hear it?

Here's the fact that you keep conveniently forgetting. You can't vote if you are not registered to vote. The act of registering to vote is an indication that you are a person who wants to be a voter. If you are legally registered, it means that you are eligible to vote.

When will you admit that these laws are designed to suppress the vote? If you do, you can turn the corner on this issue and start discussing it with some honesty.
Minority voting increases after those laws pass. So if it is an attempt at voter suppression it fails pretty badly. Like your posts.

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