Tyranny of the Majority and Mob Rule...

Terms that conservatives commonly use to disparage democracy, or more precisely, direct democracy.

The Brexit vote was direct democracy. Haven't heard any conservatives calling it tyranny or mob rule.

I wonder why?

Still butthurt ehh ? :laugh:

NYC is in a permanent state of Butthurt. He buys Boudreaux's in 50 Gallon Drums.

View attachment 79437

Personal attacks are the weakest arguments. Such is your nature.






Dude. As a lefty, you don't get to complain about personal attacks.


Still waiting for you to tell me where the personal attack on you is in this thread.

Ok, ok obviously you do have something else.

Mindless blather.

But the vast majority of what passes as debate from the Left is nothing but variations on Personal Attacks.
Did you whine when the big evil central federal government stepped in and struck down Chicago's gun ban?
Striking down a gun ban isn't tyranny.

So you never complain about 'unelected judges' thwarting the will of the people?

I'll bet that's a lie.
I object when there is nothing in the Constitution giving the government authority to thwart the will of the people, as in the gay marriage issue. That justification was made up from whole cloth.
Not getting your way is not necessarily tyranny.


Do you even know what tyranny is?

Tyranny is when the will of the People is subjugated by force.

Tyranny of the majority is a catchphrase that conservatives love to use when they lose something because they're NOT the majority.
I see that you don't know the definition of tyranny.

Since you don't know the definition of tyranny, then it stands to reason that you wouldn't understand the concept of "tyranny of the majority".
What minority or individual is being oppressed?

That's not a stipulation when conservatives rant against democracy vs. republic.

Yes, it is.

Conservatives just

a. As it is one of the FOUNDING PRINCIPLES of this nation, already know it and know that all conservatives listening know it.


b. know that you lefties aren't listening anyway.

All your song and dance is just a comical attempt to advance whatever peculiar form of government you believe adheres to your partisan conservative agenda.

You have it backwards.

As conservatives we base our agenda on the traditional principles of our form of government.

WHich has built the most successful nation the world has ever seen.

Conservatives didn't make this country great. Conservatives fought the progress of this nation every step of the way.

Again, you are confused.

I didn't say we made it great.

I said as Conservatives we have based our ideology and agenda on the traditional principles of our government that has made our nation great.

We are the students of Giants, not the giants themselves.
Not getting your way is not necessarily tyranny.


Do you even know what tyranny is?

Tyranny is when the will of the People is subjugated by force.

Tyranny of the majority is a catchphrase that conservatives love to use when they lose something because they're NOT the majority.

No - it's very real. Maybe some examples would clear it up for you: Let's say the majority decided to reinstate slavery. Or imprison all Muslims. Or legalized the lynching of gays. Those are examples of tyranny of the majority. If that were truly the will of 'The People', would you just accept it as democracy in action?
Not getting your way is not necessarily tyranny.


Do you even know what tyranny is?

Tyranny is when the will of the People is subjugated by force.

Tyranny of the majority is a catchphrase that conservatives love to use when they lose something because they're NOT the majority.

No - it's very real. Maybe some examples would clear it up for you: Let's say the majority decided to reinstate slavery. Or imprison all Muslims. Or legalized the lynching of gays. Those are examples of tyranny of the majority. If that were truly the will of 'The People', would you just accept it as democracy in action?

Of course he would.
Terms that conservatives commonly use to disparage democracy, or more precisely, direct democracy.

The Brexit vote was direct democracy. Haven't heard any conservatives calling it tyranny or mob rule.

I wonder why?

Why? Because they voted in favor of freedom rather than tyranny. We don't complain about democracy when the majority votes to uphold the First Amendment either.

So you admit that the conservative attacks on direct democracy are purely partisan, and have nothing to do with principle.

No shit, Mr. Obvious.

So you think freedom is a "partisan" issue? I suppose you are right. Only one party places a value on freedom.

You place no value on freedom because you reject the use of government to protect freedoms.

The job of government is to maintain a civil society. Freedoms which harm others should be curbed or stopped altogether.

Therefore, laws should be passed with great trepidation because laws take away freedoms.

To date, the US government passes around 40,000 new regulations and laws every year.

So at what point does this become a police state?
Terms that conservatives commonly use to disparage democracy, or more precisely, direct democracy.

The Brexit vote was direct democracy. Haven't heard any conservatives calling it tyranny or mob rule.

I wonder why?

Because no one was voting on something that would force people to buy health insurance. Any other silly points that you would like me to dismantle?

The Brexit vote forces the 49% of Brits who wanted to stay in the EU to leave. Tyranny of the majority by direct democracy.

But what if it were the other way around where 51 % voted to stay in? Then that would also be tyranny of the majority, also, right? I wish we the people had the ability to vote on some of the things our politicians signed on to, like Nafta, Cafta, WTO, MFN for China, etc.
Terms that conservatives commonly use to disparage democracy, or more precisely, direct democracy.

The Brexit vote was direct democracy. Haven't heard any conservatives calling it tyranny or mob rule.

I wonder why?

You seem confused.

mob rule
  1. control of a political situation by those outside the conventional or lawful realm, typically involving violence and intimidation.
Mob rule is leftist tool, civilized people solve their problems using ballots.

You seem to be oblivious to the fact that democracy gets called mob rule on a regular basis.

Only difference, lefties are doing so by intimidating people and businesses, by burning the cities on a regular basis.

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