Tyranny of the Majority and Mob Rule...

Terms that conservatives commonly use to disparage democracy, or more precisely, direct democracy.

The Brexit vote was direct democracy. Haven't heard any conservatives calling it tyranny or mob rule.

I wonder why?

You aren't real bright are you? Tell me son, how does a Bill get passed in the Senate or the House? How do local issues get handled? All of the above are handled by a straight up vote. Why do you hate the Constitution?
Terms that conservatives commonly use to disparage democracy, or more precisely, direct democracy.

The Brexit vote was direct democracy. Haven't heard any conservatives calling it tyranny or mob rule.

I wonder why?

Why? Because they voted in favor of freedom rather than tyranny. We don't complain about democracy when the majority votes to uphold the First Amendment either.

So you admit that the conservative attacks on direct democracy are purely partisan, and have nothing to do with principle.

No shit, Mr. Obvious.
Remind me shit for brains how we whine about elections for all city county State and federal offices except President?

Did you whine when the big evil central federal government stepped in and struck down Chicago's gun ban?

Did you stand up for local government over big federal government then?
Your claim we hate democracy is simply proven to be a BIG FAT LIE by you, thanks for playing though retard.
You seem confused.

mob rule
  1. control of a political situation by those outside the conventional or lawful realm, typically involving violence and intimidation.
Mob rule is leftist tool, civilized people solve their problems using ballots.

You seem to be oblivious to the fact that democracy gets called mob rule on a regular basis.
Mob rule is when democracy is used as an excuse to exceed Constitutional limits on government power. Some of you seem to think that, as long as it's the will of the majority, anything goes.

Now you're all running away from your original disparagements of democracy and majority rule.

What are you even talking about? I've never disparaged democracy. I've disparaged unlimited majority rule. Do you really not understand the difference?

All majority rule is unlimited unless the majority self-limits.
Huh. I guess you don't.
Terms that conservatives commonly use to disparage democracy, or more precisely, direct democracy.

The Brexit vote was direct democracy. Haven't heard any conservatives calling it tyranny or mob rule.

I wonder why?
Much ado about nothing.

Absolutely nothing.

Go back to sleep.
The solution:

Direct democracy carried to the ultimate.

When an issue is decided the side "losing" must be relocated to an area where their side won. From that side the opposites (the "losers" there) must be relocated. In no area populated by "losers" may whatever the "winners" wanted be imposed or enforced.

Then, perhaps at minimum 90 day intervals, a referendum is held on whatever new proposal(s) are brought forward and the "musical houses" goes to round 2.

Won't be long before all those living in proximity are in harmony with their own boundaries.

Will be tough to go shopping, though, as you'd need a passport to leave your bedroom.
Terms that conservatives commonly use to disparage democracy, or more precisely, direct democracy.

The Brexit vote was direct democracy. Haven't heard any conservatives calling it tyranny or mob rule.

I wonder why?

What minority or individual is being oppressed?

That's not a stipulation when conservatives rant against democracy vs. republic.

Yes, it is.

Conservatives just

a. As it is one of the FOUNDING PRINCIPLES of this nation, already know it and know that all conservatives listening know it.


b. know that you lefties aren't listening anyway.

All your song and dance is just a comical attempt to advance whatever peculiar form of government you believe adheres to your partisan conservative agenda.

You have it backwards.

As conservatives we base our agenda on the traditional principles of our form of government.

WHich has built the most successful nation the world has ever seen.
You seem confused.

mob rule
  1. control of a political situation by those outside the conventional or lawful realm, typically involving violence and intimidation.
Mob rule is leftist tool, civilized people solve their problems using ballots.

You seem to be oblivious to the fact that democracy gets called mob rule on a regular basis.
Mob rule is when democracy is used as an excuse to exceed Constitutional limits on government power. Some of you seem to think that, as long as it's the will of the majority, anything goes.

Now you're all running away from your original disparagements of democracy and majority rule.

What are you even talking about? I've never disparaged democracy. I've disparaged unlimited majority rule. Do you really not understand the difference?

All majority rule is unlimited unless the majority self-limits.

You just undermined all you lib buddies who spent the last 8 years whining about obstructionism.

Better watch out. YOu know how they feel about libs who leave the plantation...
Terms that conservatives commonly use to disparage democracy, or more precisely, direct democracy.

The Brexit vote was direct democracy. Haven't heard any conservatives calling it tyranny or mob rule.

I wonder why?
I object to tyranny whether it's done by the majority or the minority.

You mean like everything Obama has done?
Nope. I mean tyranny. And I object to it whether it is done by the majority, the minority, or a single person.
Terms that conservatives commonly use to disparage democracy, or more precisely, direct democracy.

The Brexit vote was direct democracy. Haven't heard any conservatives calling it tyranny or mob rule.

I wonder why?

Still butthurt ehh ? :laugh:

NYC is in a permanent state of Butthurt. He buys Boudreaux's in 50 Gallon Drums.

View attachment 79437

Personal attacks are the weakest arguments. Such is your nature.






Dude. As a lefty, you don't get to complain about personal attacks.


Still waiting for you to tell me where the personal attack on you is in this thread.
Terms that conservatives commonly use to disparage democracy, or more precisely, direct democracy.

The Brexit vote was direct democracy. Haven't heard any conservatives calling it tyranny or mob rule.

I wonder why?
I object to tyranny whether it's done by the majority or the minority.

You mean like everything Obama has done?
Nope. I mean tyranny. And I object to it whether it is done by the majority, the minority, or a single person.

Not getting your way is not necessarily tyranny.
Terms that conservatives commonly use to disparage democracy, or more precisely, direct democracy.

The Brexit vote was direct democracy. Haven't heard any conservatives calling it tyranny or mob rule.

I wonder why?

What minority or individual is being oppressed?

That's not a stipulation when conservatives rant against democracy vs. republic.

Yes, it is.

Conservatives just

a. As it is one of the FOUNDING PRINCIPLES of this nation, already know it and know that all conservatives listening know it.


b. know that you lefties aren't listening anyway.

All your song and dance is just a comical attempt to advance whatever peculiar form of government you believe adheres to your partisan conservative agenda.

You have it backwards.

As conservatives we base our agenda on the traditional principles of our form of government.

WHich has built the most successful nation the world has ever seen.

Conservatives didn't make this country great. Conservatives fought the progress of this nation every step of the way.
Terms that conservatives commonly use to disparage democracy, or more precisely, direct democracy.

The Brexit vote was direct democracy. Haven't heard any conservatives calling it tyranny or mob rule.

I wonder why?

Why? Because they voted in favor of freedom rather than tyranny. We don't complain about democracy when the majority votes to uphold the First Amendment either.

So you admit that the conservative attacks on direct democracy are purely partisan, and have nothing to do with principle.

No shit, Mr. Obvious.

So you think freedom is a "partisan" issue? I suppose you are right. Only one party places a value on freedom.

You place no value on freedom because you reject the use of government to protect freedoms.

Asking government to protect freedoms is like asking Bernie Madoff to manage your finances. The concept of limited government has proven to be a failure. The only way to protect your freedoms from government is to abolish government.
Folks, NYC is absolutely correct about direct democracy aka MOBOCRACY! The framers AVOIDED that temptation of majority rule by design.

Can anyone find the Constitutional authority for a National referendum OR a plebiscite? It sure as Hell isn't within the four corners of our Constitution.

The First Principle of the Constitution is the protection of the unalienable rights of the INDIVIDUAL! Give the MAJORITY the opportunity to legislate against the minority of ONE through the use of the referendum or plebiscite and the mobocracy will eventually coalesce into an oligarchy and we can all kiss our freedoms and individual rights goodbye in short order.

If some of you don't know the bloody difference between a democratic republic and a majority rule democracy, then you should get yourselves educated on the difference and what our REPUBLIC truly is!

BTW, I can see this coming from the unenlightened so.... Yes a number of States have use of the referendum through their Constitutions and exercise direct democracy. The check on any abuse of that power is in the US Constitution in Article IV, § 4, guaranteeing the States a republican form of government, Article VI, Cls 2, the Supremacy Clause and the implied power of Judicial Review, Article I, § 8, Cls.18, et al.
Terms that conservatives commonly use to disparage democracy, or more precisely, direct democracy.

The Brexit vote was direct democracy. Haven't heard any conservatives calling it tyranny or mob rule.

I wonder why?
Because most on the right are inconsistent hypocrites.

And the Brexit vote is further proof of the folly of direct democracy, and that the American Constitutional Republic with its representative democracy is far superior, as in the United States such an important matter would not have been left up to a ‘referendum’ and ‘simple majority rule’ – indeed, which is why the Constitution guarantees the states a republican form of government, and makes no provision for ‘national referenda.’

And when the RW'ers get a Court decision they don't like they immediately label it as a tyrannical act committed by 'unelected judges'.

You furthered my point, in a way.
Your point is spot-on.

And when the Court rules in a manner conservatives approve of, those ‘unelected judges’ are suddenly no longer ‘tyrants in black robes.’

Again, conservatives can’t have it both ways.

One day they're telling us that the Constitution never gave the Court the power of judicial review, the next day their giving the court a standing ovation for striking down a law they don't like.

IOW, they are shameless hypocrites.

If the Brexit decision had gone the other way they'd be pissing and moaning about referendum being a perfect example of what's wrong with direct democracy.
Yes we would. The few times democracy makes the right decision doesn't excuse all the times it makes the wrong decision. If a serial killer helps an old lady cross the street, we don't use that as justification for not sending him to prison.

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