Tyrant in a robe jails woman for not deleting facebook page

A Judge can't order you (or anyone else) to delete your FaceBook.

Any of you here wanna' cite the Law or is the Judge just making it up as she goes along?

A new Louisiana law steps up the penalties imposed on sex offenders in the state by prohibiting them from using social-media websites. This latest restriction is just one of many imposed on people convicted of sex crimes in Louisiana.

Under House Bill 55, any person required to register as a sex offender is banned from using or accessing social-networking websites, chat rooms and peer-to-peer networks if he or she has been convicted of:

Indecent behavior with juveniles
Pornography involving juveniles
Computer-aided solicitation of a minor
Video voyeurism
Other sex offenses in which the victim was a minor
The law defines the prohibited types of social media as follows:

Chat room: Any website through which users have the ability to communicate via text and which allows messages to be visible to all other users or to a designated segment of all other users
Social-networking website: A website that allows users to create web pages or profiles about themselves that are available to the general public or to any other users or that offers a mechanism for communication among users like a forum, chat room, email or instant messaging
Peer-to-peer network: A connection of computer systems through which files are shared directly between the systems on a network without the need for a central server
These significant restrictions may be lifted only if the individual obtains permission to use social-networking websites from his or her probation or parole officer or from a judge.

In addition, the penalties for prohibited use of social-networking websites by a sex offender can be severe. If convicted, the individual could be sentenced to up to 10 years in jail and to pay up to a $10,000 fine. For a second conviction, the individual could be ordered to pay a fine of up to $20,000 and spend five to 20 years in jail.

That will get shot down in the supreme court if not before then.
A Judge can't order you (or anyone else) to delete your FaceBook.

Any of you here wanna' cite the Law or is the Judge just making it up as she goes along?

A new Louisiana law steps up the penalties imposed on sex offenders in the state by prohibiting them from using social-media websites. This latest restriction is just one of many imposed on people convicted of sex crimes in Louisiana.

Under House Bill 55, any person required to register as a sex offender is banned from using or accessing social-networking websites, chat rooms and peer-to-peer networks if he or she has been convicted of:

Indecent behavior with juveniles
Pornography involving juveniles
Computer-aided solicitation of a minor
Video voyeurism
Other sex offenses in which the victim was a minor
The law defines the prohibited types of social media as follows:

Chat room: Any website through which users have the ability to communicate via text and which allows messages to be visible to all other users or to a designated segment of all other users
Social-networking website: A website that allows users to create web pages or profiles about themselves that are available to the general public or to any other users or that offers a mechanism for communication among users like a forum, chat room, email or instant messaging
Peer-to-peer network: A connection of computer systems through which files are shared directly between the systems on a network without the need for a central server
These significant restrictions may be lifted only if the individual obtains permission to use social-networking websites from his or her probation or parole officer or from a judge.

In addition, the penalties for prohibited use of social-networking websites by a sex offender can be severe. If convicted, the individual could be sentenced to up to 10 years in jail and to pay up to a $10,000 fine. For a second conviction, the individual could be ordered to pay a fine of up to $20,000 and spend five to 20 years in jail.

That will get shot down in the supreme court if not before then.

Maybe, maybe not.
Maybe next time she will obey a judges order.

Maybe you should remove your head out of your ass and read the constitution. You are a despicable human being and don't deserve to fly the stars and bars as your avatar because you obviously are nothing but a stooge who does as big brother tells you to do and are certainly no rebel.

The constitution does not mention facebook.

Stop with the flattery.

Speech in this country is limited, whether you like it or not.

REALLY!? Speech is limited huh? Wow...you really should have been born in nazi Germany you would have loved it there.
Maybe you should remove your head out of your ass and read the constitution. You are a despicable human being and don't deserve to fly the stars and bars as your avatar because you obviously are nothing but a stooge who does as big brother tells you to do and are certainly no rebel.

The constitution does not mention facebook.

Stop with the flattery.

Speech in this country is limited, whether you like it or not.

REALLY!? Speech is limited huh? Wow...you really should have been born in nazi Germany you would have loved it there.

Yes it is. And here are some examples.

You can say whatever it is that you would like to say as long as it does not impose on another person's rights or slander or libel another person.

Free speech does not give you the right to copy the work of other people.

It also does not give you the right to plan a crime (that is conspiracy) or to commit treason.

It does not give you the right to make threats of illegal acts.

It does not give the right to intentionally cause harm by panic (you can't shout "bomb" in the airport or subway or yell "fire" in a theater).

It does not give the right to interfere with the normal workings of government and industry.
And to think I actually took your retarded ass off ignore for no reason....damn...now I gotta go through all that work again to put ya back on it.

Oh you poor widdle dope. Imagine how hard it must be for you to handle the arduous process of clicking three or so buttons and typing in a name.
Yeah...yer just not worth the time or effort....you mean that little...I would rather make fun of your child like posts and neg rep you all day.:)
A Judge can't order you (or anyone else) to delete your FaceBook.

Any of you here wanna' cite the Law or is the Judge just making it up as she goes along?

A new Louisiana law steps up the penalties imposed on sex offenders in the state by prohibiting them from using social-media websites. This latest restriction is just one of many imposed on people convicted of sex crimes in Louisiana.
She's a Sex Offender? Where was that mentioned in the Article?
A Judge can't order you (or anyone else) to delete your FaceBook.

Any of you here wanna' cite the Law or is the Judge just making it up as she goes along?

A new Louisiana law steps up the penalties imposed on sex offenders in the state by prohibiting them from using social-media websites. This latest restriction is just one of many imposed on people convicted of sex crimes in Louisiana.
She's a Sex Offender? Where was that mentioned in the Article?

It was an example.... dumbass.
No I don't. I'm sure there were extenuating circumstances that was not reported in which the judge felt this was an appropiate action.

You don't like the judges ruling you have the right to appeal, if you disobey a judges order, you will be subject to arrest.

Yep.. but not what this little limp dick anarchist OP wants to hear... it takes away from his tantrums

I laugh at the fact you can't come up with a reasonable argument so you jump on lonedicks bandwagon LMAO hilarious....That woman is a US citizen no tyrant in a robe has any right to tell her she has to delete her facebook page. Period. End of story. I bet you think it was wrong for Jews to fight back against the nazis when they came for them huh? Ya know since a law was passed and all that they were to obey the nazis and they were subhumans etc....evil jews huh....such a fucking idiot.

Godwinned twice in your thread already.. epic
Yep.. but not what this little limp dick anarchist OP wants to hear... it takes away from his tantrums

I laugh at the fact you can't come up with a reasonable argument so you jump on lonedicks bandwagon LMAO hilarious....That woman is a US citizen no tyrant in a robe has any right to tell her she has to delete her facebook page. Period. End of story. I bet you think it was wrong for Jews to fight back against the nazis when they came for them huh? Ya know since a law was passed and all that they were to obey the nazis and they were subhumans etc....evil jews huh....such a fucking idiot.

Godwinned twice in your thread already.. epic

Figured it was over your head...
If the terms of her probations/parole were to delete a facebook page, then yes they can be jailed for that. There is no First amendment right to facebook.
Freedom of speech is the political right to communicate one's opinions and ideas via speech. The term freedom of expression is sometimes used synonymously, but includes any act of seeking, receiving and imparting information or ideas, regardless of the medium used. In practice, the right to freedom of speech is not absolute in any country and the right is commonly subject to limitations, as with libel, slander, obscenity,[citation needed] copyright violation and incitement to commit a crime.

She has the right to express herself on her private facebook page. The tyrant had no right to try and force her to delete anything. I would have done the same damn thing...then when she sent me to jail I would get a lawyer or maybe the ACLU and sue the bitch judge.
Freedom of speech is the political right to communicate one's opinions and ideas via speech. The term freedom of expression is sometimes used synonymously, but includes any act of seeking, receiving and imparting information or ideas, regardless of the medium used. In practice, the right to freedom of speech is not absolute in any country and the right is commonly subject to limitations, as with libel, slander, obscenity,[citation needed] copyright violation and incitement to commit a crime.

She has the right to express herself on her private facebook page. The tyrant had no right to try and force her to delete anything. I would have done the same damn thing...then when she sent me to jail I would get a lawyer or maybe the ACLU and sue the bitch judge.

I've already shown your ignorant ass that there are limitations to "free" speech.
No you pointed out things that are crimes. Posting on facebook is not a crime even though you want it to be.
Disshit can't grasp the concept that freedom of speech is not synonymous with a right to use facebook.

If that access to one form of speech can be withheld from -- say -- a pedophile, then it can be withheld for some other crime too.

In the case of the female defendant mentioned in the OP, it strikes me as unlikely that the judge's ruling could withstand appellate scrutiny.

But that is simply a matter of the courts ironing out the wrinkles. It is not actually a particularly compelling example of any alleged judicial tyranny.

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