U-haul crashes into barrier at White House

It appeared to me that they only thing inside was an idiot who can't drive and a planted Nazi flag. Outside was an obvious attempt to "prove" that "white supremacy" is America's "number one threat" (another one of Biden's many lies).
White supremacy IS America's #1 threat right now. Time to pay attention to those espousing such threats on line.
The come in all different flavors and colors.

But nearly always DemoKKKrats...


Nazi Flag found inside u-haul. Perps will be traced and put in prison.

And.......this story is over....

Sure.....the democrats could push the 1984 language crap and say that the hispanic guy was a white supremacist and the regime/democrat party media repeated it endlessly......until they pulled the story......and the useful idiots....actually, just idiots, here on U.S.messageboard, kept repeating the lie that the hispanic guy was a "white" supremacist ......


The guy in the U-haul is not a "white," guy and is an arab or other racial group.....

Story goes away 3.....2.......1....

The waiting game commenced, and the liberal media probably hoped it was a white guy from ‘flyover country.’ The person was from middle America—but it wasn’t a white guy. The driver appears to be a teenager, Sai Varshith Kandula, 19 (via NBC Washington):
Some on social media noted the Left’s attempt to change the narrative. This shelf life lasted barely 30 seconds after the driver’s identity was released. And there might not be a solid motive if mental illness was involved. We won’t speculate, but a non-white teenager from Missouri crashing U-hauls with nothing but a Nazi flag crashing into things near the White House is bizarre at the base level. We’re lucky this vehicle wasn’t rigged to explode. Since the driver isn’t white and there really isn’t much that can be used in political ammunition against Republicans, this story will soon be buried, much like how they suffocated a real Capitol Hill attack after the January 6 riot.


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