U.N.: Record 1 Billion People Worldwide are Hungry

So many good things came out of colonialism, its kind of stupid to speculate that Africa would of developed into Eden on earth without colonialism. Its just as stupid to stereotype all aspects of colonialism as bad.

Okay let me just humor your theory here for a moment and then I'll just do what I can to offer you a little dose of reality though I doubt it will have any effect on you or youridea of what pre-colonial Africa was like. If colonialism was so great for Africa and Asia for that matter, why exactly after some 200 years of colonialism are parts of Africa so impoverished? I know the answer, because rape, enslavement, torture, and genocide aren't exactly nation-building strategies that have proven effective.

Now, I don't like doing this because it's always been a futile effort since racists who think Africans are just a bunch of "ooga boogas" tend to stick to their theory regardless of historical fact, but I'll try anyway. There were vast cities, universities, kingdoms, and buildings in Africa that exsisted built by Africa long before white men began colonizing the continent. Sankore University or the Sankore Madrasah held one of the largest libraries of ancient and mid-evil texts in the world with over 400,000 to 700,000 books and writings. Every year the school taught 25,000, had over 12 various colleges, in which math, astrology, Arabic, writing etc were all taught and was the center of Islamic study later on. It was built around 1330 by black West Africans and run by black west Africans. This was before western influence. This was right around the time of the reign of Mansa Musa, who heard about Islam, traveled to Saudi Arabia, and brought Islam back to his kingdom and oversaw the spread of Islam through Africa.

Sankore Madrasah - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Musa (mansa) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Historically, no Africa was not a bunch of tribesmen with no future without colonialism. In matter of fact Africans had their own colonial endeavors going on before the white man ever showed up. Now...anyway... back to starving people.
1 Billion people are hungry? really?

Well, I'm one of them. I'm starving. Im really hungry. I think I am going to go get myself some food.

I am willing to bet every single person in the world is hungry everyday.

On a more serious note, we do need more agriculture and we need to smack the environmentalists who were so stupid as to thinking it was a good idea to turn food into fuel.
People are starving in Africa because their governments are corrupt. Remember Mogidishu?
U.N.: Record 1 Billion People Worldwide are Hungry - International News | News of the World | Middle East News | Europe News - FOXNews.com

NAIROBI, Kenya — Parents in some of Africa's poorest countries are cutting back on school, clothes and basic medical care just to give their children a meal once a day, experts say. Still, it is not enough.

A record 1 billion people worldwide are hungry and a new report says the number will increase if governments do not spend more on agriculture. According to the U.N. food agency, which issued the report, 30 countries now require emergency aid, including 20 in Africa.

The trend continues despite a goal set by world leaders nine years ago to cut the number of hungry people in half by 2015.
"We know a child dies every six seconds of malnutrition," he said.

The world's most populous region, Asia and the Pacific, has the largest number of hungry people — 642 million — followed by Sub-Saharan Africa with 265 million.
The FAO says global food output will have to increase by 70 percent to feed a projected population of 9.1 billion in 2050.

To achieve that, poor countries will need $44 billion in annual agricultural aid, compared with the current $7.9 billion, to increase access to irrigation systems and modern machinery as well as build roads and train farmers.
How tragic, the misuse of providing food and overpopulation are having major effects. I don't see a positive ending to this story.
And you never will.

Until such time as aid from the Western world is actually given to the people rather then the corrupt murders that run these countries, the people will continue to starve. It is first year psychology. A brutal killer in power sees how he can extort the caring world for more foods and monies from countries that allow their own humanity get in the way of doing anything effective.
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So all you did was make a bunch of general opinions. Not one statistic or fact. You can blame Liberals all you want, but it doesn't make it true.

Not one fact or statistic, what you smoking, you need to get a bit of an education my freind.

Africa has gone to hell in a hand basket since the whites have been chased out. One of the best hospitals in the world was destroyed in south africa when rule by the whites ended.

Not all people are ready for self rule.

The person that needs education is you because you are obviously talking out of your ass - trying to string together a couple of random facts you might have read somewhere using that miniature brain of yours. What was in South Africa was fucking nasty - it was inhumane - and I wish one day you have the chance to experience just how fucking nasty it was - as a victim. Because then you wouldn't be making such grossly misinformed and hateful statements. Or maybe you're yet another Nazi fucker that thinks all blacks are retarded animals that need to be ruled by the superior whites.

Go fuck yourself you lousy excuse for a human being.
So all you did was make a bunch of general opinions. Not one statistic or fact. You can blame Liberals all you want, but it doesn't make it true.

Not one fact or statistic, what you smoking, you need to get a bit of an education my freind.

Africa has gone to hell in a hand basket since the whites have been chased out. One of the best hospitals in the world was destroyed in south africa when rule by the whites ended.

Not all people are ready for self rule.

You make a good point. While the idealists believe everyone want's "democracy". it's kind of hard to explain to someone that doesn't know what it is.

Just as it's hard to assume power when one has no experience in being in control. The PC crowd can rant all they want but their ranting flies in the face of logic an dcommon sense.

What exactly was the good point the assface made, Gunny?
That not everyone is ready for 'self rule'?
What do you base that opinion on? The careful study of history of that continent? And what do you suggest should be done in that case? Re-colonization?

I'd bet my shorts it is just some sort of a knee-jerk reaction of an uneducated mind that thinks everything is just so fucking easy.

Do you have any knowledge what so ever about the history of Africa - especially the history of colonialism in Africa, which is BY THE WAY the main reason why shit's been hitting the fan over there for at least half a century now? Do you know that almost all of those countries have been created by European powers? These countries were not created organically the way countries arose in Europe - through historical shifts in power, etc. - those countries were created FORCEFULLY.

They fucking carved out pieces of land - just like they did with some countries in the motherfucking Middle East - and NOW we are expecting those countries (who have all become independent in the 60s) to just be Democratic or even efficient? There are tribes that were not only MADE to live in the same countries with each other, which they would never do if it were their choice, but many colonizing powers even pitted certain tribes against each other to create the good-ol' divide and rule effect.

I am not saying everything that goes or went wrong in Africa is automatically the fault of former colonizers, but the underlying causes are almost all due to colonization and subjugation of Africa by Europeans! And it's a huge festering mess.
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Not one fact or statistic, what you smoking, you need to get a bit of an education my freind.

Africa has gone to hell in a hand basket since the whites have been chased out. One of the best hospitals in the world was destroyed in south africa when rule by the whites ended.

Not all people are ready for self rule.

You make a good point. While the idealists believe everyone want's "democracy". it's kind of hard to explain to someone that doesn't know what it is.

Just as it's hard to assume power when one has no experience in being in control. The PC crowd can rant all they want but their ranting flies in the face of logic an dcommon sense.

What exactly was the good point the assface made, Gunny?
That not everyone is ready for 'self rule'?
What do you base that opinion of? The careful study of history of that continent? And what do you suggest should be done in that case? Re-colonization?

I'd bet my shorts it is just some sort of a knee-jerk reaction of an uneducated mind that thinks everything is just so fucking easy.

Do you have any knowledge what so ever about the history of Africa - especially the history of colonialism in Africa, which is BY THE WAY the main reason why shit's been hitting the fan over there for at least half a century now? Do you know that almost all of those countries have been created by European powers? These countries were not created organically the way countries arose in Europe - through historical shifts in power, etc. - those countries were created FORCEFULLY.

They fucking carved out pieces of land - just like they did with some countries in the motherfucking Middle East - and NOW we are expecting those countries (who have all become independent in the 60s) to just be Democratic or even efficient? There are tribes that were not only MADE to live in the same countries with each other, which they would never do if it were their choice, but many colonizing powers even pitted certain tribes against each other to provide the good-ol' divide and rule effect.

I am not saying everything that goes wrong in Africa is automatically the fault of former colonizers, but the underlying causes are almost all due to colonization and subjugation of Africa by Europeans! And it's a huge festering mess.

did you say the Europeans have been gone for forty years?
So all you did was make a bunch of general opinions. Not one statistic or fact. You can blame Liberals all you want, but it doesn't make it true.

Not one fact or statistic, what you smoking, you need to get a bit of an education my freind.

Africa has gone to hell in a hand basket since the whites have been chased out. One of the best hospitals in the world was destroyed in south africa when rule by the whites ended.

Not all people are ready for self rule.

A bit of an education for you; a shining bright example of what great things did the Brits (and Dutch) do to the ungrateful peoples of South Africa:

South Africa was colonized by the English and Dutch in the seventeenth century. English domination of the Dutch descendents (known as Boers or Afrikaners) resulted in the Dutch establishing the new colonies of Orange Free State and Transvaal. The discovery of diamonds in these lands around 1900 resulted in an English invasion which sparked the Boer War. Following independence from England, an uneasy power-sharing between the two groups held sway until the 1940's, when the Afrikaner National Party was able to gain a strong majority. Strategists in the National Party invented apartheid as a means to cement their control over the economic and social system. Initially, aim of the apartheid was to maintain white domination while extending racial separation. Starting in the 60's, a plan of ``Grand Apartheid'' was executed, emphasizing territorial separation and police repression.

With the enactment of apartheid laws in 1948, racial discrimination was institutionalized. Race laws touched every aspect of social life, including a prohibition of marriage between non-whites and whites, and the sanctioning of ``white-only'' jobs. In 1950, the Population Registration Act required that all South Africans be racially classified into one of three categories: white, black (African), or colored (of mixed decent). The coloured category included major subgroups of Indians and Asians. Classification into these categories was based on appearance, social acceptance, and descent. For example, a white person was defined as ``in appearance obviously a white person or generally accepted as a white person.'' A person could not be considered white if one of his or her parents were non-white. The determination that a person was ``obviously white'' would take into account ``his habits, education, and speech and deportment and demeanor.'' A black person would be of or accepted as a member of an African tribe or race, and a colored person is one that is not black or white. The Department of Home Affairs (a government bureau) was responsible for the classification of the citizenry. Non-compliance with the race laws were dealt with harshly. All blacks were required to carry ``pass books'' containing fingerprints, photo and information on access to non-black areas.

Ok, let's review what amazing things did Europeans do for Africa and how much better did Africans have it under their benevolent rule:

1. War
2. Apartheid - Institutionalized Racism
3. Grand Apartheid - territorial separation and police repression.

Oh yeah, mmmm baby! Them negroes had it soooo good under them noble Brits.

The History of Apartheid in South Africa
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U.N.: Record 1 Billion People Worldwide are Hungry - International News | News of the World | Middle East News | Europe News - FOXNews.com

NAIROBI, Kenya — Parents in some of Africa's poorest countries are cutting back on school, clothes and basic medical care just to give their children a meal once a day, experts say. Still, it is not enough.

A record 1 billion people worldwide are hungry and a new report says the number will increase if governments do not spend more on agriculture. According to the U.N. food agency, which issued the report, 30 countries now require emergency aid, including 20 in Africa.

The trend continues despite a goal set by world leaders nine years ago to cut the number of hungry people in half by 2015.
The FAO says global food output will have to increase by 70 percent to feed a projected population of 9.1 billion in 2050.

To achieve that, poor countries will need $44 billion in annual agricultural aid, compared with the current $7.9 billion, to increase access to irrigation systems and modern machinery as well as build roads and train farmers.
How tragic, the misuse of providing food and overpopulation are having major effects. I don't see a positive ending to this story.
And you never will.

Until such time as aid from the Western world is actually given to the people rather then the corrupt murders that run these countries, the people will continue to starve. It is first year psychology. A brutal killer in power sees how he can extort the caring world for more foods and monies from countries that allow their own humanity get in the way of doing anything effective.

I don't buy that arguement, because not every nation in Africa is ruled by ruthless dictators, and I'm going to be frank most nations in the third world with ruthless dictators tend to do better, because elitist military dictatorships tend to invest in the allusion of comfort for the larger portion of their middle class. It's not good for a dictator to have the majority of it's people starving. Poor yes. Unable to work and produce stuff no. Foreign debt is the main reason for poverty in the third world, as I've stated before.
You make a good point. While the idealists believe everyone want's "democracy". it's kind of hard to explain to someone that doesn't know what it is.

Just as it's hard to assume power when one has no experience in being in control. The PC crowd can rant all they want but their ranting flies in the face of logic an dcommon sense.

What exactly was the good point the assface made, Gunny?
That not everyone is ready for 'self rule'?
What do you base that opinion of? The careful study of history of that continent? And what do you suggest should be done in that case? Re-colonization?

I'd bet my shorts it is just some sort of a knee-jerk reaction of an uneducated mind that thinks everything is just so fucking easy.

Do you have any knowledge what so ever about the history of Africa - especially the history of colonialism in Africa, which is BY THE WAY the main reason why shit's been hitting the fan over there for at least half a century now? Do you know that almost all of those countries have been created by European powers? These countries were not created organically the way countries arose in Europe - through historical shifts in power, etc. - those countries were created FORCEFULLY.

They fucking carved out pieces of land - just like they did with some countries in the motherfucking Middle East - and NOW we are expecting those countries (who have all become independent in the 60s) to just be Democratic or even efficient? There are tribes that were not only MADE to live in the same countries with each other, which they would never do if it were their choice, but many colonizing powers even pitted certain tribes against each other to provide the good-ol' divide and rule effect.

I am not saying everything that goes wrong in Africa is automatically the fault of former colonizers, but the underlying causes are almost all due to colonization and subjugation of Africa by Europeans! And it's a huge festering mess.

did you say the Europeans have been gone for forty years?

Yeah, they robbed the place, pitted the population against each other, cut the continent up into "countries" that usually ran along lines of which European country colonized which piece of land, some put their puppets in power, and LEFT. That's Europeans' legacy in Africa. That is their GIFT to AFRICA.
You make a good point. While the idealists believe everyone want's "democracy". it's kind of hard to explain to someone that doesn't know what it is.

Just as it's hard to assume power when one has no experience in being in control. The PC crowd can rant all they want but their ranting flies in the face of logic an dcommon sense.

What exactly was the good point the assface made, Gunny?
That not everyone is ready for 'self rule'?
What do you base that opinion of? The careful study of history of that continent? And what do you suggest should be done in that case? Re-colonization?

I'd bet my shorts it is just some sort of a knee-jerk reaction of an uneducated mind that thinks everything is just so fucking easy.

Do you have any knowledge what so ever about the history of Africa - especially the history of colonialism in Africa, which is BY THE WAY the main reason why shit's been hitting the fan over there for at least half a century now? Do you know that almost all of those countries have been created by European powers? These countries were not created organically the way countries arose in Europe - through historical shifts in power, etc. - those countries were created FORCEFULLY.

They fucking carved out pieces of land - just like they did with some countries in the motherfucking Middle East - and NOW we are expecting those countries (who have all become independent in the 60s) to just be Democratic or even efficient? There are tribes that were not only MADE to live in the same countries with each other, which they would never do if it were their choice, but many colonizing powers even pitted certain tribes against each other to provide the good-ol' divide and rule effect.

I am not saying everything that goes wrong in Africa is automatically the fault of former colonizers, but the underlying causes are almost all due to colonization and subjugation of Africa by Europeans! And it's a huge festering mess.

did you say the Europeans have been gone for forty years?

Actually they haven't been. "Westerners" have still had a serious hand in alot of formerly colonized nations. Somolia and Haiti being two of them. Not to mention the major hand the Belgians had in stirring up the Rwandan genocide.
You make a good point. While the idealists believe everyone want's "democracy". it's kind of hard to explain to someone that doesn't know what it is.

Just as it's hard to assume power when one has no experience in being in control. The PC crowd can rant all they want but their ranting flies in the face of logic an dcommon sense.

What exactly was the good point the assface made, Gunny?
That not everyone is ready for 'self rule'?
What do you base that opinion of? The careful study of history of that continent? And what do you suggest should be done in that case? Re-colonization?

I'd bet my shorts it is just some sort of a knee-jerk reaction of an uneducated mind that thinks everything is just so fucking easy.

Do you have any knowledge what so ever about the history of Africa - especially the history of colonialism in Africa, which is BY THE WAY the main reason why shit's been hitting the fan over there for at least half a century now? Do you know that almost all of those countries have been created by European powers? These countries were not created organically the way countries arose in Europe - through historical shifts in power, etc. - those countries were created FORCEFULLY.

They fucking carved out pieces of land - just like they did with some countries in the motherfucking Middle East - and NOW we are expecting those countries (who have all become independent in the 60s) to just be Democratic or even efficient? There are tribes that were not only MADE to live in the same countries with each other, which they would never do if it were their choice, but many colonizing powers even pitted certain tribes against each other to provide the good-ol' divide and rule effect.

I am not saying everything that goes wrong in Africa is automatically the fault of former colonizers, but the underlying causes are almost all due to colonization and subjugation of Africa by Europeans! And it's a huge festering mess.

did you say the Europeans have been gone for forty years?

no shit the french are still killing people in the congo....someone should make the french germans english and dutch clean this fucking mess up....
It is unfortunate but not surprising that the worst financial crisis in nearly 80 years has plunged more people into poverty.

However, it does not change the fact that over the past 30 years, globalization has lifted more people out of poverty than at any other time in history.
It is unfortunate but not surprising that the worst financial crisis in nearly 80 years has plunged more people into poverty.

However, it does not change the fact that over the past 30 years, globalization has lifted more people out of poverty than at any other time in history.

And a large part of the world has become more democratic.

There are fewer dictators now and more democracy.

Television and the internet make it more difficult to lie.

Look what the Iranian opposition did using the social networking sites.
Now, I don't like doing this because it's always been a futile effort since racists who think Africans are just a bunch of "ooga boogas

Because then you wouldn't be making such grossly misinformed and hateful statements. Or maybe you're yet another Nazi fucker that thinks all blacks are retarded animals that need to be ruled by the superior whites.

Go fuck yourself you lousy excuse for a human being.

$me and my wife.jpg

Bigots, I guess I could never point out to a bigot they are a bigot yet here is a perfect example of two bigots. Both users know nothing of me yet they feel good being the people they accuse others of. Nothing I can post of the current events in Africa will make a difference to these two fools.

Well, for anyone else who cares I posted a picture of me and my wife. Just so you dumb asses dont notice, I am pure white and she is pure African.

You two are lousy souls, seriously you should be shamed but I am sure your so full of yourselves you will rip this post as well. That is exactly what a bigot is, you two fools are pure bigots,

I am lousy excuse for a human being yet I married the exact person you accuse me of hating and being racist against. You got to feel the fool, maybe you might even feel I lured you in and revealed your true self, feel tricked, you know nothing of me yet made statements about me that in no way can apply to me.

And dont think this one pick is fluke, I can post hundreds.

Dumb fucking bigots, I wont even speculate as to your political leanings, its too big of an insult for anyone else that may be of the same political mind.

Nothing Neser Boner says is relevant nor is to be beleived, someone who does not have the common sense to not accuse others of being a racist without knowing detail of the person obviously makes decisions based on an incomplete education. Sure what you post may have a basis on fact but those who accuse others of being a racist erronously obviously lack common sense and reasoning, same goes for the other bigot Uptownlivin90 that chooses to make shit up.
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[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3bObItmxAGc]YouTube - Sell The Vatican, Feed The World (HD, Official)[/ame]

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