U.S. Added 292,000 Jobs In December:

even if 45 Million people cant find jobs, we would need one million jobs a month to brag that the economy is improving.

And you think that is going to happen with massive austerity and with the huge corporations being free to buy out/run out of business most of the rest of the small businesses in this country. Think good and hard.
I just wonder how many of those jobs were temporary positions for the Christmas rush (meaning that those people will be added to the unemployment figures this month)...
There is no way that number can be accurate. I suspect the data will be revised, re-revised, etc, etc.
And how many are part time.

Poor babies. Good news got you down? :lol:

It's amazing how partisan hacks can always be relied upon to try and piss on any news that is good for America while the black guy occupies the White House.

Every month, some dipshit tries to imply a large percentage of the jobs were part time, but the percentage is lower than they hoped. What a bummer.

Every month, some dipshit tries to say the numbers are fake and will be revised. Too bad the last few months have been revised UPWARD, huh? It must really bite your asses.

And then there are those who whine that the "discouraged" workers aren't counted and so the unemployment figure is misleading. Except discouraged workers are counted in U-6, and it has been steadily dropping for over a year. That must fuck up your whole day, eh?

And then there are the "what about the LFPR?" assholes who are unaware it has also been rising for some time.

You really should ask yourselves why it is so important to you to piss on good news for America, hacks.



Well some of us think that it would be nice if the jobs created were ones that some one could actually make a living at. Throughout the job growth of the past seven years we have been disappointed to find out how many are part time. Just think if we cut everyone to part time we could have huge job growth.

Even under U6 you are not counted after 1 yr. How is the participation rate? Not good.
This is the part where you cite facts, backed up by links, to show how many of the jobs were part time, and how that compares to the average.

You rubes are just parroting propaganda which has been fed to you.

You are going to be very disappointed when you investigate the facts.
unemployment rate steady at 5 percent.

....................70th consecutive month of job growth. The highest in years.



Are all of these jobs full time? What is their pay? This was the response from you people when Bush added jobs 2004-2006. Be consistent.
They say its over 90 million,,in that case we would need 5 million new jobs a month to brag that the economy is booming.
I know I already ragged on this idiocy, but I am still laughing my ass off about it.

Here's a fact for you, dumbass. Never in the history of the US has there been a month of 5 million jobs created. Not even close.

In fact, there have only been FIVE months in history when one tenth of that amount have been created.

Since you're retarded, one tenth of five million is five hundred thousand.

Only five times have we created half a million jobs in one month.

Carter did it TWICE.

Reagan did it once.

Clinton did it once.

Guess who did it the fifth time?


Obama. In 2010.

In fact, Dubya has one of the worst job creation records in history. He barely tipped over the million mark for his eight years. And those were all lost in the two months following the expiration of his time.

You literally have to go back to HOOVER to find a worse record than Bush.
if there are so many jobs out there, then why arent our local Sunday Papers overflowing with job ads like we had when Reagan/Both Bushes were Presidents? I can still remember when the jobs section was about 10 to 20 pages long.
unemployment rate steady at 5 percent.

....................70th consecutive month of job growth. The highest in years.



People don't feel the way you have presented the stats. Feelings are important. You are a Liberal for chrissakes.
The far right reactionaries are leading with their feelingz instead of the facts.
unemployment rate steady at 5 percent.

....................70th consecutive month of job growth. The highest in years.



Are all of these jobs full time? What is their pay? This was the response from you people when Bush added jobs 2004-2006. Be consistent.

The number of persons employed part time for economic reasons (sometimes referred to as involuntary part-time workers) was little changed at 6.0 million in December but was down by 764,000 over the year.

Employment Situation Summary

I'm sorry if this good news makes you cry,.
unemployment rate steady at 5 percent.

....................70th consecutive month of job growth. The highest in years.



Depends on what your definition of Unemployment is is.
if there are so many jobs out there, then why arent our local Sunday Papers overflowing with job ads like we had when Reagan/Both Bushes were Presidents? I can still remember when the jobs section was about 10 to 20 pages long.

Jobs are advertised online now, idiot. Not in the paper.

More jobs have been created under Obama than under Reagan. And as I just said above, Bush has one of the worst job creation records in history. You have to go all the way back to Hoover to find a worse record.

unemployment rate steady at 5 percent.

....................70th consecutive month of job growth. The highest in years.



Are all of these jobs full time? What is their pay? This was the response from you people when Bush added jobs 2004-2006. Be consistent.

The number of persons employed part time for economic reasons (sometimes referred to as involuntary part-time workers) was little changed at 6.0 million in December but was down by 764,000 over the year.

Employment Situation Summary

I'm sorry if this good news makes you cry,.

What is their pay? Are part time jobs on the rise because their full time job reduced their hours in response to AFA? You should be sorry and Dem facts should make you cry.
if there are so many jobs out there, then why arent our local Sunday Papers overflowing with job ads like we had when Reagan/Both Bushes were Presidents? I can still remember when the jobs section was about 10 to 20 pages long.
Because it isn't the 80's? Who the fuck uses a newspaper in 2015 to find a job?
What is their pay? Are part time jobs on the rise because their full time job reduced their hours in response to AFA? You should be sorry and Dem facts should make you cry.
You have no idea about any of this.
I just wonder how many of those jobs were temporary positions for the Christmas rush (meaning that those people will be added to the unemployment figures this month)...
There is no way that number can be accurate. I suspect the data will be revised, re-revised, etc, etc.
And how many are part time.

Poor babies. Good news got you down? :lol:

It's amazing how partisan hacks can always be relied upon to try and piss on any news that is good for America while the black guy occupies the White House.

Every month, some dipshit tries to imply a large percentage of the jobs were part time, but the percentage is lower than they hoped. What a bummer.

Every month, some dipshit tries to say the numbers are fake and will be revised. Too bad the last few months have been revised UPWARD, huh? It must really bite your asses.

And then there are those who whine that the "discouraged" workers aren't counted and so the unemployment figure is misleading. Except discouraged workers are counted in U-6, and it has been steadily dropping for over a year. That must fuck up your whole day, eh?

And then there are the "what about the LFPR?" assholes who are unaware it has also been rising for some time.

You really should ask yourselves why it is so important to you to piss on good news for America, hacks.



Well some of us think that it would be nice if the jobs created were ones that some one could actually make a living at. Throughout the job growth of the past seven years we have been disappointed to find out how many are part time. Just think if we cut everyone to part time we could have huge job growth.

Even under U6 you are not counted after 1 yr. How is the participation rate? Not good.
This is the part where you cite facts, backed up by links, to show how many of the jobs were part time, and how that compares to the average.

You rubes are just parroting propaganda which has been fed to you.

You are going to be very disappointed when you investigate the facts.

Part time. Slightly trending down, still not pretty.


Participation rate. Not pretty
Civilian Labor Force Participation Rate
So why have more part-time jobs been added since Ohbummer took office than full time jobs? You keep citing stats that you apparently cannot comprehend.
So why are you lying would be a better question! :eusa_liar:

In 2009 there were 115,818,000 FT workers and there are 122,603,000 now, an increase of nearly 7 million.
In 2009 there were 26,377,000 PT workers and there are 27,359,000 now, an increase of nearly 1 million.
Only mis-information voters are stupid enough to think 1 million is more than 7 million. :cuckoo:

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