U.S. Added 292,000 Jobs In December:

Are the Hussein fans really celebrating a lousy 300,000 jobs at a time when everybody is hiring during the shopping season? Unemployment rate still at 5% (no statistics on people who stopped looking for a job) and 7.5 million people still out of work.

Hey Numbnuts!! It doesn't take a genius....just somebody with enough sense to shit off their self:

Are the Hussein fans really celebrating a lousy 300,000 jobs at a time when everybody is hiring during the shopping season? Unemployment rate still at 5% (no statistics on people who stopped looking for a job) and 7.5 million people still out of work.

Hey Numbnuts!! It doesn't take a genius....just somebody with enough sense to shit off their self:

Dipshit/ What do you think this chart shows?
(no statistics on people who stopped looking for a job)
Actually the BLS DOES keep stats on workers who have given up, which is why the Right are called the NO-information voters.
Labor Force Statistics from the Current Population Survey

Discouragement over job prospects (Persons who believe no job is available.)
Last edited:
(no statistics on people who stopped looking for a job)
Actually the BLS DOES keep stats on workers who have given up, which is why the Right are called the NO-information voters.
Labor Force Statistics from the Current Population Survey

Discouragement over job prospects (Persons who believe no job is available.)
And after 12 months you fall off the discouraged roles and are no longer counted..
(no statistics on people who stopped looking for a job)
Actually the BLS DOES keep stats on workers who have given up, which is why the Right are called the NO-information voters.
Labor Force Statistics from the Current Population Survey

Discouragement over job prospects (Persons who believe no job is available.)
And after 12 months you fall off the discouraged roles and are no longer counted..
(no statistics on people who stopped looking for a job)
Actually the BLS DOES keep stats on workers who have given up, which is why the Right are called the NO-information voters.
Labor Force Statistics from the Current Population Survey

Discouragement over job prospects (Persons who believe no job is available.)
And after 12 months you fall off the discouraged roles and are no longer counted..
Good comeback
(no statistics on people who stopped looking for a job)
Actually the BLS DOES keep stats on workers who have given up, which is why the Right are called the NO-information voters.
Labor Force Statistics from the Current Population Survey

Discouragement over job prospects (Persons who believe no job is available.)
And after 12 months you fall off the discouraged roles and are no longer counted..
Good comeback
It's the truth, you told a lie.
(no statistics on people who stopped looking for a job)
Actually the BLS DOES keep stats on workers who have given up, which is why the Right are called the NO-information voters.
Labor Force Statistics from the Current Population Survey

Discouragement over job prospects (Persons who believe no job is available.)
And after 12 months you fall off the discouraged roles and are no longer counted..
Good comeback
It's the truth, you told a lie.

Definition: The real unemployment rate (U-6) is the widely reported rate (U-3) plus the marginally attached, discouraged workers, and part-time workers who would prefer full-time jobs. For that reason, it is nearly double the U-3 report.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) issues both in each month's jobs report, but there isn't as much media attention paid to the real unemployment rate. However, it may paint a clearer picture of true unemployment in the United States.

In the widely reported unemployment rate (U-3), the BLS only counts those who have looked for a job in the past four weeks as unemployed. They're included in the labor force because their jobless situation is only temporary (hopefully).

Once they haven't looked for a job in the past four weeks are no longer counted as unemployed or in the labor force. The BLS adds them to a group it calls the marginally attached.

Among them are the discouraged workers, who have given up looking for work altogether. The rest have gone back to school, gotten pregnant, or can not longer physically work. They may or may not eventually return to the labor force, depending on their circumstances.

Once they haven't looked for a job in 12 months, they're no longer counted as marginally attached. (Source: BLS, Definitions)
Actually the BLS DOES keep stats on workers who have given up, which is why the Right are called the NO-information voters.
Labor Force Statistics from the Current Population Survey

Discouragement over job prospects (Persons who believe no job is available.)
And after 12 months you fall off the discouraged roles and are no longer counted..
Good comeback
It's the truth, you told a lie.

Definition: The real unemployment rate (U-6) is the widely reported rate (U-3) plus the marginally attached, discouraged workers, and part-time workers who would prefer full-time jobs. For that reason, it is nearly double the U-3 report.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) issues both in each month's jobs report, but there isn't as much media attention paid to the real unemployment rate. However, it may paint a clearer picture of true unemployment in the United States.

In the widely reported unemployment rate (U-3), the BLS only counts those who have looked for a job in the past four weeks as unemployed. They're included in the labor force because their jobless situation is only temporary (hopefully).

Once they haven't looked for a job in the past four weeks are no longer counted as unemployed or in the labor force. The BLS adds them to a group it calls the marginally attached.

Among them are the discouraged workers, who have given up looking for work altogether. The rest have gone back to school, gotten pregnant, or can not longer physically work. They may or may not eventually return to the labor force, depending on their circumstances.

Once they haven't looked for a job in 12 months, they're no longer counted as marginally attached. (Source: BLS, Definitions)

To me the picture looks a helluva lot better than what Bush left for him:
And after 12 months you fall off the discouraged roles and are no longer counted..
Among them are the discouraged workers, who have given up looking for work altogether. The rest have gone back to school, gotten pregnant, or can not longer physically work. They may or may not eventually return to the labor force, depending on their circumstances.

Once they haven't looked for a job in 12 months, they're no longer counted as marginally attached. (Source: BLS, Definitions)
Notice how the Right moves the goalposts when they are caught lying.

Sorry, there is no time limit to how long you have been unemployed in order to be counted as discouraged, only that you've looked at least once in the past year and do not think there is a job out there for you. You don't automatically "fall off the discouraged rolls" after 12 months. You could be unemployed for 20 years and if you looked for work at least once in the last year you are still counted as discouraged. Looking for work can be as simple as asking a friend if they know of any job openings!

If you haven't even looked for a job in over a year, why the hell should you be counted as part of the labor force???
And after 12 months you fall off the discouraged roles and are no longer counted..
Among them are the discouraged workers, who have given up looking for work altogether. The rest have gone back to school, gotten pregnant, or can not longer physically work. They may or may not eventually return to the labor force, depending on their circumstances.

Once they haven't looked for a job in 12 months, they're no longer counted as marginally attached. (Source: BLS, Definitions)
Notice how the Right moves the goalposts when they are caught lying.

Sorry, there is no time limit to how long you have been unemployed in order to be counted as discouraged, only that you've looked at least once in the past year and do not think there is a job out there for you. You don't automatically "fall off the discouraged rolls" after 12 months. You could be unemployed for 20 years and if you looked for work at least once in the last year you are still counted as discouraged. Looking for work can be as simple as asking a friend if they know of any job openings!

If you haven't even looked for a job in over a year, why the hell should you be counted as part of the labor force???
And you believe they are going to personally stay in touch with you for 20yrs. For all practical purposes after a year they don't know you exist.
Sorry, there is no time limit to how long you have been unemployed in order to be counted as discouraged, only that you've looked at least once in the past year and do not think there is a job out there for you. You don't automatically "fall off the discouraged rolls" after 12 months. You could be unemployed for 20 years and if you looked for work at least once in the last year you are still counted as discouraged. Looking for work can be as simple as asking a friend if they know of any job openings!

If you haven't even looked for a job in over a year, why the hell should you be counted as part of the labor force???
The point is people that WOULD work if they could. You want them to disappear from the unemployed numbers to make them look better for political gain. You are nothing but a propagandizer.
And after 12 months you fall off the discouraged roles and are no longer counted..
Among them are the discouraged workers, who have given up looking for work altogether. The rest have gone back to school, gotten pregnant, or can not longer physically work. They may or may not eventually return to the labor force, depending on their circumstances.

Once they haven't looked for a job in 12 months, they're no longer counted as marginally attached. (Source: BLS, Definitions)
Notice how the Right moves the goalposts when they are caught lying.

Sorry, there is no time limit to how long you have been unemployed in order to be counted as discouraged, only that you've looked at least once in the past year and do not think there is a job out there for you. You don't automatically "fall off the discouraged rolls" after 12 months. You could be unemployed for 20 years and if you looked for work at least once in the last year you are still counted as discouraged. Looking for work can be as simple as asking a friend if they know of any job openings!

If you haven't even looked for a job in over a year, why the hell should you be counted as part of the labor force???

I've noticed how the Right lies. Anyone who's ever watched Fox News for more than 30 minutes knows exactly what I'm talking about. Fox is a loudspeaker for Roger Ailes.

And after 12 months you fall off the discouraged roles and are no longer counted..
Good comeback
It's the truth, you told a lie.

Definition: The real unemployment rate (U-6) is the widely reported rate (U-3) plus the marginally attached, discouraged workers, and part-time workers who would prefer full-time jobs. For that reason, it is nearly double the U-3 report.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) issues both in each month's jobs report, but there isn't as much media attention paid to the real unemployment rate. However, it may paint a clearer picture of true unemployment in the United States.

In the widely reported unemployment rate (U-3), the BLS only counts those who have looked for a job in the past four weeks as unemployed. They're included in the labor force because their jobless situation is only temporary (hopefully).

Once they haven't looked for a job in the past four weeks are no longer counted as unemployed or in the labor force. The BLS adds them to a group it calls the marginally attached.

Among them are the discouraged workers, who have given up looking for work altogether. The rest have gone back to school, gotten pregnant, or can not longer physically work. They may or may not eventually return to the labor force, depending on their circumstances.

Once they haven't looked for a job in 12 months, they're no longer counted as marginally attached. (Source: BLS, Definitions)

To me the picture looks a helluva lot better than what Bush left for him:
Sure. I've just been making the point that there have been questions as to the number of part time positions and the quality of jobs. Personally I don't give a lot of credit or blame to presidents. For the most part they are talking heads.
I wouldn't crow about the economy just yet.

There are some significant deflationary pressures out there, some important numbers (such as durable goods, production/capacity utilization, business inventories) are looking crappy, and China's problems aren't over. Plus the 10-year bond is back down to freaking 2.12, holy crap. I've seen predictions of 1.60, even worse.

If we make it to July or August unscathed I'll feel better.

Good points Mac, it's a good news-bad news situation, the strong job numbers in December (fueling speculation that the fed will raise rates again soon) coupled with the fact that the Chinese Equities Markets are a complete mess right now and due to government interference cannot effectively carry out price discovery is going to IMHO sting U.S. financial markets badly for at least the first quarter.

Right now it looks like the U.S. economy is the best house in a really shitty neighborhood and it's looking like the risk of another global recession is growing rapidly, time to batten down the hatches until the picture gets a bit clearer I suppose. :)
And after 12 months you fall off the discouraged roles and are no longer counted..
Among them are the discouraged workers, who have given up looking for work altogether. The rest have gone back to school, gotten pregnant, or can not longer physically work. They may or may not eventually return to the labor force, depending on their circumstances.

Once they haven't looked for a job in 12 months, they're no longer counted as marginally attached. (Source: BLS, Definitions)
Notice how the Right moves the goalposts when they are caught lying.

Sorry, there is no time limit to how long you have been unemployed in order to be counted as discouraged, only that you've looked at least once in the past year and do not think there is a job out there for you. You don't automatically "fall off the discouraged rolls" after 12 months. You could be unemployed for 20 years and if you looked for work at least once in the last year you are still counted as discouraged. Looking for work can be as simple as asking a friend if they know of any job openings!

If you haven't even looked for a job in over a year, why the hell should you be counted as part of the labor force???
And you believe they are going to personally stay in touch with you for 20yrs. For all practical purposes after a year they don't know you exist.
They are not required to stay in touch for 20 years. The BLS conducts a survey each month of 60,000 households, about 120,000 individuals, and based on their replies calculates the number of discouraged workers.
holy smokes, what a freaking shocker eh. jobs always goes up in December with hiring or temporary workers for the Christmas holidays.

but of course the tools for Obambam is making it out to be we should all now bow to OBama or something. my gawd how embarrassing
I wouldn't crow about the economy just yet.

There are some significant deflationary pressures out there, some important numbers (such as durable goods, production/capacity utilization, business inventories) are looking crappy, and China's problems aren't over. Plus the 10-year bond is back down to freaking 2.12, holy crap. I've seen predictions of 1.60, even worse.

If we make it to July or August unscathed I'll feel better.

Good points Mac, it's a good news-bad news situation, the strong job numbers in December (fueling speculation that the fed will raise rates again soon) coupled with the fact that the Chinese Equities Markets are a complete mess right now and due to government interference cannot effectively carry out price discovery is going to IMHO sting U.S. financial markets badly for at least the first quarter.

Right now it looks like the U.S. economy is the best house in a really shitty neighborhood and it's looking like the risk of another global recession is growing rapidly, time to batten down the hatches until the picture gets a bit clearer I suppose. :)
Yeah, agreed. Seriously, they could write a book on what is happening this very moment in China, as they struggle with the transition to a more market economy at the worst possible freaking time.

It could be 2017, easily, before things really settle in China. And it could be late 2016 or 2017 before our energy sector rebounds.

Slow going for a while, maybe not many places to make money.

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