U.S. Capitol Police to Be Sued for $10 Million for Killing Unarmed Rioter

Those out of shape so-called citizens injured 140 capitol officers and killed 1. They posed enouigh of a threat for the Secret Service to hustle the VP out of the capitol.
Protestors killed NO ONE at the Capitol on 1/6. Get your facts straight. Your disinformation is shameful.
Attempted murder, ...of democracy. Not to mention Pence, Pelosi and Schumer
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We will burn every city down unless they win!

At least we’ll learn the name of the murderer.

This is a suit they won't win.

Light up your tiki torches.
They’ll settle out of court for $$$$$$$$ because Deep State doesn’t want the stolen election discussed in court.
We will burn every city down unless they win!

At least we’ll learn the name of the murderer.

This lawsuit isn't going anywhere except into the circular filing cabinet.

If you can shoot demonstrators for what others might later do, then you can shoot police for what they likely will later do and have done.
If the lawsuit does not win, then police will have to be all shot and killed.
Its self defense.

Kent State was a demonstration. What happened at the US Capitol on Jan 6 was NOT a demonstration. Thousands of people converged on the Capitol, and several hundred rioters broke into the Capitol and/or forced their way in, broke windows, severely beat police officers and verbally and physically threatened everyone who blocked their path as they were hunting for Speaker Pelosi and VP Pence who they chanted that they intended to hang. Given the fact that they had erected a gallows outside of the Capitol, it had to be considered a realistic threat because the mob was out of control.
Untrue. Kent State was violent rioting over 3-4 days that included assault, arson, and vandalism. In DC "they" weren't shot and killed. A single unarmed woman was and evidence has not been presented that proves she posed a threat to anyone.
As Daniel Patrick Moynihan was famous for saying, "you're entitled to your own opinion, but you're not entitled to your own facts."

4 dead in Ohio.

(321) Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young Four dead in ohio - YouTube

he Kent State shootings, also known as the May 4 massacre and the Kent State massacre,[3][4][5] were the killings of four and wounding of nine other unarmed Kent State University students by the Ohio National Guard on May 4, 1970 in Kent, Ohio, 40 miles south of Cleveland. The killings took place during a peace rally opposing the expanding involvement of the Vietnam War into neutral Cambodia by United States military forces as well as protesting the National Guard presence on campus. The incident marked the first time that a student had been killed in an anti-war gathering in United States history.

Twenty-eight National Guard soldiers fired approximately 67 rounds over a period of 13 seconds, killing four students and wounding nine others, one of whom suffered permanent paralysis. Students Allison Beth Krause, 19, Jeffrey Glenn Miller, 20, and Sandra Lee Scheuer, 20, died on the scene, while William Knox Schroeder, 19, was pronounced dead at Robinson Memorial Hospital in nearby Ravenna shortly afterward.[6][7]

Krause and Miller were among the upward of 300 students who gathered to protest the expansion of the Cambodian Campaign, which President Richard Nixon had announced in an April 30 television address one week earlier. Scheuer and Schroeder were in the crowd of several hundred others who had been observing the proceedings at distances of more than 300 feet from the firing line; like most of the observers, they were watching the protest during a break between their classes.[8][9]

Kent State shootings - Wikipedia
What? In the face of actual history you have no defence of this bullshit statement of yours?
Oh. So rioters now are just trespassers. I assume you apply equally across the board.
What was Ashli Babbitt's capital offense if not trespassing? What did she do that warranted
a bullet through the neck?
If you think you can justify murder please clue us all in.

Or maybe your standard for murder depends entirely on who gets shot.
Of course to you and your fellow travelers supporters of Donald Trump deserve no protections prescribed in
the Bill of Rights. Because he's Hitler...right?
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It wasw more than justified.
Trespassing is not a capitol offense, blood thirsty fascist. Move to China where your sort of "justice" is more

Oh. So rioters now are just trespassers. I assume you apply equally across the board.
People who are only guilty of trespass are not rioters. People who loot or commit violent acts or commit arson or large scale destruction of property are rioters. Not a difficult concept.
We will burn every city down unless they win!

At least we’ll learn the name of the murderer.

She was participating in an insurrection that she as a military veteran should have known was wrong and contrary to the oath she took.
My guess??...

BLOW IT OUT YOUR ASS, Jack. Nobody cares about your guesses. The 5,000 participating in each of the 8,700 BLM riots last year robbing, stealing, looting, killing and burning should know better.

Democrats ought to know better than to run such a totally corrupt election.

George Floyd should KNOW BETTER than to pass counterfeit money, do fentanyl, mug pregnant women, and fight with police trying to arrest him for said crimes.

You know Freaky, you need to calm down and relax. Have you taken that car in your garage out for a drive with your special someone? It might calm you down. :)
No one stole any election. Your boy lost..cause he sucked! And then he threw a tantrum because he lost...and then convinced his lemmings to go storm a seat of democracy.

And yes, Floyd deserved to get pinched for passing funny money...but die for it? Have his hands cuffed behind his back while lying face down?..already subdued?..with a knee
on his neck (yes, his neck, not his back) for 9:29???..No.
you are a deranged piece of anti-AMERICA shit
People who are only guilty of trespass are not rioters. People who loot or commit violent acts or commit arson or large scale destruction of property are rioters. Not a difficult concept.
An easy distinction to remember except to leftists who only recognize ONE distinction....Trump evil.
We will burn every city down unless they win!

At least we’ll learn the name of the murderer.

Key words in this article are "plans" to sue them. Also "within the next 10 days" to file a lawsuit.
This interview was given by the family's lawyer...who can speculate all he wants. It don't make it truth. :)
Big hill to climb to get this kind of judgement..even civil-wise.

She was participating in an insurrection that she as a military veteran should have known was wrong and contrary to the oath she took.
My guess??...settlement for a paltry amount vs the amount her family's hotshot lawyer is demanding.
Hilarious you think a few dozen unarmed people can overthrow the government.

Just think what we’re going to accomplish this summer with our 230 million guns and 40 billion rounds of ammo.
A few dozen?

You are woefully misinformed or simply lying.

There were more than 800 rioters that broke in to the capital, not a few dozen.
A few dozen?

You are woefully misinformed or simply lying.

There were more than 800 rioters that broke in to the capital, not a few dozen.
You have a reputable factual source for your claim....right? :rolleyes:

I'd hate to think you are just pulling numbers out of your rear.
It wasw more than justified.
Trespassing is not a capitol offense, blood thirsty fascist. Move to China where your sort of "justice" is more

Oh. So rioters now are just trespassers. I assume you apply equally across the board.
Riot-- a violent disturbance of the peace by a crowd. There were no weapons. There was no arson. There was no murder or assault except by a capitol police officer on an unarmed trespasser on public property. There was no looting. Conversely, BLM/Antifa RIOTS. There was public arson, There was looting, There were assaults and MURDERS. There was anarchy. Public property was defaced and destroyed and the public was THREATENED. There is no comparison.
"Another dimtard ..... you fuckwit "
Poor baby..... proven to be a dipshit..... usual asshole self.......shit thrown back in your face.......YOU looked stupid."

Ummmm, well good morning to you too, poster "lantern".

I read your post (#102) and it's a lot like your post from last night. And, I must say again: 'Poster you may be overthinking this. Taking it a tad too seriously. It is the internet, you know. You are posting anonymously under a fake name. You really don't have a lot of skin in the game.

Yet, you seem to think you are adding to the adult discourse here with: dimtard, mommy, fuckwit, tantrums, outsmarted, ASS, dipshit, asshole, baby, shit in your face, stupid, and so on.

I don't get it. Likely, the readers of the message board don't get it either.
So let's do this, let's go back to posts 74 and 78

  • Lantern: (re: the Capitol cop) "Now he'll have to pay for it."
  • Me: 'Pay for it? Whatcha got in mind?'
And away we go with the seemingly unstable over-the-top responses.

Mon ami, my fake-named avatar is here to tell you......it ain't a good look for you.
I'm mildly sure that the hand-in-the-sock is a smart, mature, responsible adult.
However, the avatar you have employed to represent your maturity and thoughtfulness is, ..........is......well, may not be doing the job you have employed it for. You may want to re-think THAT relationship.

In short, your 'sock' looks worrisomely unstable, volatile, sketchy, immature.
And I absolutely deadsolidperfect know that is not a good look for you.

No disrespect intended.
Wish you well. ;)
Poor baby. Your bullshit didn’t get the response you wanted so you deflect to attacking anything about me like a typical dimtard. You’re an ass. As for what you think of me, shove it up your ass. You still lose. Fuck off. Disrespect intended.
"deflect by attacking anything about me".....Ironic post is Ironic. :heehee:
Hey dumbfuck, I call it like it is. I answered the retard’s question and he threw a hissyit because he got shown up. Kind of like you do. Another example of your illiteracy. Damn you’re looking dumber than usual today.
"I call it like it is".... :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
Laughing at your own stupidity. About me shoving your face in your own pile of shit about Sicknick.... Now go FOAD you worthless uncultured swine.
"Your bullshit ..... a typical dimtard. You’re an ass. ..... shove it up your ass. . Fuck off. ..................Hey stupid fat fuck, try learning to read........Hey dumbfuck, I call it like it is"
Poster "Lantern" is back.
Which, for those of us who are fans, it is a relief.
None of us want him banned. As far as I can tell.

"Lantern" makes so many of the posters on this message board look, well, smart, rationale, prudent, and smart.

Did I say smart?

It's sort of a comparative-thingy.
Be glad we got him as a living example of the credo 'there-but-for-the-grace-of-God'
It's akin to Helen Keller's wisdom of comparatives, to wit: " I cried when I had no shoes, then I met a man with no feet".

Did I say smart?
Did I mention you're an uncultured swine? Your pathetic whining because you got embarrassed by your better makes you pathetic asshole. Poor baby didn't get the answer he expected . Obviously raised by uncultured swine as well.
"......female trespasser for taking pictures."

Well, give credit to the poser Concerned American for at least moving the ball a little bit. He has Ms. Babbit 'taking pictures'.....which makes her a bit more assertive than what some other moke on this thread claimed ----that she was shot for looking in the window.

As has been posted before on another of the several recurring Babbitt threads here is a link to the free website 'BellingCat' and you can watch several camera/video captures of Ms. Babbitt at that fateful door. Including the fatal shot.
As far as Babbitt being an innocent ogler-thru-the-window, or even a photographer through the window, well, I demur. (Watch the videos. See BellingCat above)

Ms. Babbitt was all-in with the Duped & Snookered mob to stop the certification. Hell, read her social media communication (see BellingCat above).

More important, we all can see Babbitt jump ---or boosted ----into the opening created by the violent battering. She suddenly is in the opening, despite the repeated warnings and the brandishing of a pistol by the uniforms on the opposite side.
She is suddenly in the opening, despite being warned by the uniforms, being warned by her co-mobbers...that a gun was being aimed at the opening.

Despite all that, Babbitt suddenly jumped through the opening, shrouded in a concealing flag that could've hidden C-4 explosives or a sawed-off shotgun.

So, let's use the 'rational man' criteria:

  • The police order you to quit violently battering and destroying a doorway separating you from them.
  • You continue.
  • They holler they have a gun. Your companions next to you holler that there is a gun being aimed at the door.
  • You continue.
  • The uniforms order you not to enter.
  • But, you enter, suddenly and abruptly...... draped in a concealing flag. And steps away from an officer.
  • You still continue.
  • Until you don't.

Would a 'reasonable man' expect the police could shoot him for such threatening overt behavior?

Babbitt made a bad decision.
And THAT's on her.

Peace to her family.
"Another dimtard ASSuming that the word pay means violence. Perhaps your mommy should read the OP to you fuckwit......."

Ah, poster "lantern", you seem too invested into the Duped & Snookered MAGA-world.
Please, settle down and talk nice. We are all friends here.

After all, my poor avatar simply and sincerely asked what YOU had in mind.

Here, let me show you:

  • Poster "lantern":
The one who did something stupid was the cop. Now he’ll get to pay for it.

  • My poor avatar queries:
Whatcha got in mind there.....
How's he gonna "pay"

And for that simple, sincere, and well-meaning query, poor avataree "lantern" seemingly got discombobulated and defensively resorts to the f-bomb, the 'Mommy' stuff, the 'dimtard' epithet.

What's up with that?

Poster 'lantern' settle down. Breathe.
This is just the internet. No need to have a overwrought keyboard enema about being politely queried over a statement you yourself made.

Is everything OK in your life?
Is this really the right message-board for you, given your defensiveness, unsteadiness, and sensitivity?
Poor baby. You’re throwing tantrums because YOU got shown up and outsmarted because you ASSumed something and got proven to be a dipshit. Polite query? No, you were being you’re usual asshole self. One must question the quality of your upbringing and education. YOU got outsmarted. YOU got your shit thrown back in your face and YOU looked stupid. You’re not doing well in this thread.

You sound upset that your insurrection for your orange god failed so badly.
You sound like an idiot. As usual. Any insurrection charges yet? Trump been arrested yet?
You mean Individual One? The fat orange loser? It ain't over yet, lil'boy/girl.
It’s over. Trump will not be arrested. Now where are those insurrection charges? Keep getting on your knees for the Big Guy.

"trump will not be arrested." :heehee:
Has he been yet fatso? Now about the fact that you shouldn't be here after you lied about Sicknick....

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