U.S. Capitol Police to Be Sued for $10 Million for Killing Unarmed Rioter

The one time the Left cheered the police for shooting someone.
I’m not cheering. It was a damn tragedy.

It was a tragedy.
And unjustified no matter what that puke says

It wasw more than justified.

Suddenly the cops shooting unarmed people is good to you. That while you racists call for cops who shoot armed blacks to be destroyed to exploit blacks

She was storming the capitol complex in a terrorist attack to stop the certification of the election. A complex that contained the VP of the United States. These cops who shot blacks were not in any danger. Tell me why you have to shoot someone 8 times in the back.
Tell me why you have to shoot an unarmed female trespasser for taking pictures. HYPOCRITE.

Because she was storming the capitol not taking pictures. You are a lying weasel.
I've seen the photos. You are wrong, but you're used to that. Nothing new.
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1 officer was killed
Liar--he died of a heart attack.
A democratic republic does not give you the right to storm the capitol.
You have the right as a citizen to enter the capitol building--and capitol police voluntarily removed barriers allowing them in--wise up moron. Keep up with the news and not the fantasies that the msm spews.
The one time the Left cheered the police for shooting someone.
I’m not cheering. It was a damn tragedy.

It was a tragedy.
And unjustified no matter what that puke says

It wasw more than justified.

Suddenly the cops shooting unarmed people is good to you. That while you racists call for cops who shoot armed blacks to be destroyed to exploit blacks

She was storming the capitol complex in a terrorist attack to stop the certification of the election. A complex that contained the VP of the United States. These cops who shot blacks were not in any danger. Tell me why you have to shoot someone 8 times in the back.
Tell me why you have to shoot an unarmed female trespasser for taking pictures. HYPOCRITE.

Because she was storming the capitol not taking pictures. You are a lying weasel.


  • Was not storming the capitol. She was part of a group behind the main body who simply stepped through an opening made in a door in a public building by others going in following as others went in.
  • This was no terrorist attack or it was the worst-planned terror attack in the history of terrorism. SHE was the only victim.
  • No one there was stopping the certification of the election. At best they delayed it a few hours because of the fracas with no possibility of changing how people eventually voted.
  • The whole point to the capitol revolt was to show government how unhappy they were with the handling of the election from the dubious methods used to the massive media cover up denouncing the slightest question of it as a nutcase conspiracy theory.

The only hole is the one in your head if you think anyone is going to believe that story. The windows on the door were shattered as Babbitt attempted to storm the building. Babbitt tweeted "Nothing will stop us…. they can try and try and try but the storm is here and it is descending upon DC in less than 24 hours….dark to light." That does not sound peaceful.

It was a terrorist attack. Even if it was unplanned, it was still a terrorist attack.

That is exactly what they were trying to do. It may not make any sense but that was the goal. These are Trump supporters and brains are not a trademark of Trump supporters.

Storming the capitol is not part of any legitimate protest. The AG confirmed that there was no fraud that would have changed the outcome of the election. It is a nutcase conspiracy.
The one time the Left cheered the police for shooting someone.
I’m not cheering. It was a damn tragedy.

It was a tragedy.
And unjustified no matter what that puke says

It wasw more than justified.

Suddenly the cops shooting unarmed people is good to you. That while you racists call for cops who shoot armed blacks to be destroyed to exploit blacks

She was storming the capitol complex in a terrorist attack to stop the certification of the election. A complex that contained the VP of the United States. These cops who shot blacks were not in any danger. Tell me why you have to shoot someone 8 times in the back.
Tell me why you have to shoot an unarmed female trespasser for taking pictures. HYPOCRITE.

Because she was storming the capitol not taking pictures. You are a lying weasel.
I've seen the photos. You are wrong, but you're used to that. Nothing new.

You need to put on your glasses. You are wrong.
We will burn every city down unless they win!

At least we’ll learn the name of the murderer.

She was participating in an insurrection that she as a military veteran should have known was wrong and contrary to the oath she took.
My guess??...

BLOW IT OUT YOUR ASS, Jack. Nobody cares about your guesses. The 5,000 participating in each of the 8,700 BLM riots last year robbing, stealing, looting, killing and burning should know better.

Democrats ought to know better than to run such a totally corrupt election.

George Floyd should KNOW BETTER than to pass counterfeit money, do fentanyl, mug pregnant women, and fight with police trying to arrest him for said crimes.

You know Freaky, you need to calm down and relax. Have you taken that car in your garage out for a drive with your special someone? It might calm you down. :)
No one stole any election. Your boy lost..cause he sucked! And then he threw a tantrum because he lost...and then convinced his lemmings to go storm a seat of democracy.

And yes, Floyd deserved to get pinched for passing funny money...but die for it? Have his hands cuffed behind his back while lying face down?..already subdued?..with a knee
on his neck (yes, his neck, not his back) for 9:29???..No.
Tell us more how a small group of unarmed middle age out of shape citizens nearly ended America.

Those out of shape so-called citizens injured 140 capitol officers and killed 1. They posed enouigh of a threat for the Secret Service to hustle the VP out of the capitol.
So the out of shape cops couldn’t handle fat fks?

Not when you are heavily outnumbered. That justified the shooting. The thug who made it to Pelosi'as office should have been shot long before he did that.

That is so much right wing nonsense. We have the right wing propaganda outfits. We also have a nyriad of right wing websites. No one has control over the media.
Hilarious lie.

You are the liar. We already know that. Except it is not hilarious.
Says shitforbrains who thinks conservatives control the media.

What is Fox News? OANN? Newsmax? The Washington Examiner? You are the shit for brains guy around here.

That is so much right wing nonsense. We have the right wing propaganda outfits. We also have a nyriad of right wing websites. No one has control over the media.
Hilarious lie.

You are the liar. We already know that. Except it is not hilarious.
Says shitforbrains who thinks conservatives control the media.

What is Fox News? OANN? Newsmax? The Washington Examiner? You are the shit for brains guy around here.
Keep going.
4 out of 2,000.
We will burn every city down unless they win!

At least we’ll learn the name of the murderer.

She was participating in an insurrection that she as a military veteran should have known was wrong and contrary to the oath she took.
My guess??...

BLOW IT OUT YOUR ASS, Jack. Nobody cares about your guesses. The 5,000 participating in each of the 8,700 BLM riots last year robbing, stealing, looting, killing and burning should know better.

Democrats ought to know better than to run such a totally corrupt election.

George Floyd should KNOW BETTER than to pass counterfeit money, do fentanyl, mug pregnant women, and fight with police trying to arrest him for said crimes.

You know Freaky, you need to calm down and relax. Have you taken that car in your garage out for a drive with your special someone? It might calm you down. :)
No one stole any election. Your boy lost..cause he sucked! And then he threw a tantrum because he lost...and then convinced his lemmings to go storm a seat of democracy.

And yes, Floyd deserved to get pinched for passing funny money...but die for it? Have his hands cuffed behind his back while lying face down?..already subdued?..with a knee
on his neck (yes, his neck, not his back) for 9:29???..No.
Tell us more how a small group of unarmed middle age out of shape citizens nearly ended America.

Those out of shape so-called citizens injured 140 capitol officers and killed 1. They posed enouigh of a threat for the Secret Service to hustle the VP out of the capitol.
So the out of shape cops couldn’t handle fat fks?

Not when you are heavily outnumbered. That justified the shooting. The thug who made it to Pelosi'as office should have been shot long before he did that.
Good to know we can shoot unarmed trespassers.
Get more razor wire to hide behind.
Those out of shape so-called citizens injured 140 capitol officers and killed 1. They posed enouigh of a threat for the Secret Service to hustle the VP out of the capitol.
Protestors killed NO ONE at the Capitol on 1/6. Get your facts straight. Your disinformation is shameful.
And ignorant.
Then how was 1 officer killed and 140 injured?
Don't forget the "Don't Tread On Me" rioter that got trampled to death.
No one stole any election.

Brave words from someone who can't produce a shred of evidence to support it. Don't lay down on the job Jack, someone might mistake you for Floyd and put their knee on your neck right where it belongs.

I've given you multiple sources, Freaky. And you still run back to the same well of those 6K votes in Antrim County, MI. Blown up into a national conspiracy by your alt-right media.
Sad. Looks like those media sources have their knee..on your neck.
Tell us why Democrats keep suing to prevent election audits.

Tell us why Republicans want to conduct partisan election audits.

Democrats stole the election, the fraud was in big Democrat cities. Particularly Philadelphia, Detroit, Atlanta, Las Vegas and Phoenix

Shouldn't there be more proof if that were true?
It would take a huge conspiracy with as many as tens of thousands involved.
Not a single leak?

Gotcha, so Democrats changing the elections rules unilaterally to enable election fraud didn't clue you in. Neither did that every toss up State Democrat cities kept "counting" until Biden one, then stopped. Democrats did all that not wanting to cheat at all and assuming that Republicans wouldn't take advantage of their removal of all vote counting accountability. Sure they did.

Here's a dollar, buy a clue

No one changed any laws No one was enabling any election fraud. They kept counting because larger counties have more voters.

You will need nore than a dollar to buy a clue.

That is so much right wing nonsense. We have the right wing propaganda outfits. We also have a nyriad of right wing websites. No one has control over the media.
Hilarious lie.

You are the liar. We already know that. Except it is not hilarious.
Says shitforbrains who thinks conservatives control the media.

What is Fox News? OANN? Newsmax? The Washington Examiner? You are the shit for brains guy around here.
Keep going.
4 out of 2,000.
You trying math again? Oh hun.....:heehee:
We will burn every city down unless they win!

At least we’ll learn the name of the murderer.

She was participating in an insurrection that she as a military veteran should have known was wrong and contrary to the oath she took.
My guess??...

BLOW IT OUT YOUR ASS, Jack. Nobody cares about your guesses. The 5,000 participating in each of the 8,700 BLM riots last year robbing, stealing, looting, killing and burning should know better.

Democrats ought to know better than to run such a totally corrupt election.

George Floyd should KNOW BETTER than to pass counterfeit money, do fentanyl, mug pregnant women, and fight with police trying to arrest him for said crimes.

You know Freaky, you need to calm down and relax. Have you taken that car in your garage out for a drive with your special someone? It might calm you down. :)
No one stole any election. Your boy lost..cause he sucked! And then he threw a tantrum because he lost...and then convinced his lemmings to go storm a seat of democracy.

And yes, Floyd deserved to get pinched for passing funny money...but die for it? Have his hands cuffed behind his back while lying face down?..already subdued?..with a knee
on his neck (yes, his neck, not his back) for 9:29???..No.
Tell us more how a small group of unarmed middle age out of shape citizens nearly ended America.

Those out of shape so-called citizens injured 140 capitol officers and killed 1. They posed enouigh of a threat for the Secret Service to hustle the VP out of the capitol.
So the out of shape cops couldn’t handle fat fks?

Not when you are heavily outnumbered. That justified the shooting. The thug who made it to Pelosi'as office should have been shot long before he did that.
Good to know we can shoot unarmed trespassers.
Get more razor wire to hide behind.

You can shoot people when a mob attacks the capitol.
No one stole any election.

Brave words from someone who can't produce a shred of evidence to support it. Don't lay down on the job Jack, someone might mistake you for Floyd and put their knee on your neck right where it belongs.

I've given you multiple sources, Freaky. And you still run back to the same well of those 6K votes in Antrim County, MI. Blown up into a national conspiracy by your alt-right media.
Sad. Looks like those media sources have their knee..on your neck.
Tell us why Democrats keep suing to prevent election audits.

Tell us why Republicans want to conduct partisan election audits.

Democrats stole the election, the fraud was in big Democrat cities. Particularly Philadelphia, Detroit, Atlanta, Las Vegas and Phoenix

No evidence of that. Trump's AG said there was no fraud that would have changed the outcome. QAs usual you want to attack minorities.

Again, sure toots. Democrats removed voting rules enforcing any accountability with no plan to cheat. Note. Zero. Riiiggghhhhtttttt ....
Give us an example of "Democrats removing voting rules enforcing any accountability with no plan to cheat."......Link said example.
No one stole any election.

Brave words from someone who can't produce a shred of evidence to support it. Don't lay down on the job Jack, someone might mistake you for Floyd and put their knee on your neck right where it belongs.

I've given you multiple sources, Freaky. And you still run back to the same well of those 6K votes in Antrim County, MI. Blown up into a national conspiracy by your alt-right media.
Sad. Looks like those media sources have their knee..on your neck.
Tell us why Democrats keep suing to prevent election audits.

Tell us why Republicans want to conduct partisan election audits.

Democrats stole the election, the fraud was in big Democrat cities. Particularly Philadelphia, Detroit, Atlanta, Las Vegas and Phoenix

No evidence of that. Trump's AG said there was no fraud that would have changed the outcome. QAs usual you want to attack minorities.

Again, sure toots. Democrats removed voting rules enforcing any accountability with no plan to cheat. Note. Zero. Riiiggghhhhtttttt ....
What? No examples yet?
We will burn every city down unless they win!

At least we’ll learn the name of the murderer.

She was participating in an insurrection that she as a military veteran should have known was wrong and contrary to the oath she took.
My guess??...

BLOW IT OUT YOUR ASS, Jack. Nobody cares about your guesses. The 5,000 participating in each of the 8,700 BLM riots last year robbing, stealing, looting, killing and burning should know better.

Democrats ought to know better than to run such a totally corrupt election.

George Floyd should KNOW BETTER than to pass counterfeit money, do fentanyl, mug pregnant women, and fight with police trying to arrest him for said crimes.

You know Freaky, you need to calm down and relax. Have you taken that car in your garage out for a drive with your special someone? It might calm you down. :)
No one stole any election. Your boy lost..cause he sucked! And then he threw a tantrum because he lost...and then convinced his lemmings to go storm a seat of democracy.

And yes, Floyd deserved to get pinched for passing funny money...but die for it? Have his hands cuffed behind his back while lying face down?..already subdued?..with a knee
on his neck (yes, his neck, not his back) for 9:29???..No.
Tell us more how a small group of unarmed middle age out of shape citizens nearly ended America.

Those out of shape so-called citizens injured 140 capitol officers and killed 1. They posed enouigh of a threat for the Secret Service to hustle the VP out of the capitol.
So the out of shape cops couldn’t handle fat fks?

Not when you are heavily outnumbered. That justified the shooting. The thug who made it to Pelosi'as office should have been shot long before he did that.
Good to know we can shoot unarmed trespassers.
Get more razor wire to hide behind.

You can shoot people when a mob attacks the capitol.
The people own the Capitol.

That is so much right wing nonsense. We have the right wing propaganda outfits. We also have a nyriad of right wing websites. No one has control over the media.
Hilarious lie.

You are the liar. We already know that. Except it is not hilarious.
Says shitforbrains who thinks conservatives control the media.

What is Fox News? OANN? Newsmax? The Washington Examiner? You are the shit for brains guy around here.
Keep going.
4 out of 2,000.

There are numerous websites as well as national and local radio shows. The fact that you spout stupid ideas shows how effective the right wing propaganda media works.

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