U.S. Capitol Police to Be Sued for $10 Million for Killing Unarmed Rioter

Those out of shape so-called citizens injured 140 capitol officers and killed 1. They posed enouigh of a threat for the Secret Service to hustle the VP out of the capitol.
Protestors killed NO ONE at the Capitol on 1/6. Get your facts straight. Your disinformation is shameful.
And ignorant.
Then how was 1 officer killed and 140 injured?
One officer died of a stroke...the next day.
We will burn every city down unless they win!

At least we’ll learn the name of the murderer.

Key words in this article are "plans" to sue them. Also "within the next 10 days" to file a lawsuit.
This interview was given by the family's lawyer...who can speculate all he wants. It don't make it truth. :)
Big hill to climb to get this kind of judgement..even civil-wise.

She was participating in an insurrection that she as a military veteran should have known was wrong and contrary to the oath she took.
My guess??...settlement for a paltry amount vs the amount her family's hotshot lawyer is demanding.
Hilarious you think a few dozen unarmed people can overthrow the government.

Just think what we’re going to accomplish this summer with our 230 million guns and 40 billion rounds of ammo.

Oh just stop. By all conservative (yes, my joke) estimates, almost 800 people actually breached and traipsed the Capitol halls.
That's not to speak of the hundreds outside just lounging about on the steps and the wings of the Capitol.

So..you gonna shoot yourselves this summer? Cause, that'll be fun.
Traipsing and lounging.......does not a riot make.

Looting, assaulting, burning, murdering....all in the hallmarks of a BLM/Antifa riot in full display for months and you still don't recognize a real riot.?
One officer died of a stroke...the next day.
Yes. There was no clubbing with a fire extinguisher, as was at first claimed.
The attempts to make the Trump protestors, though how many people that stormed the Capitol itself
were actually MAGA supporting Trump regulars and how many were Beer Hall Putsch savages recruited
and paid to raise hell and act violently, is not known.

So leftists just assume that everyone there was a typical Trump supporter when that is not
at all clear. But they don't give a crap. They haven't stopped lying about Trump and Putin for
several years now and they sure won't try to get an accurate picture of the crowd that entered
the Capitol. Their lies feel better to them than the truth ever possibly could. So they choose the lie.
"The people own the Capitol."
"The US capitol is public property and can be entered by anyone...."

Yupper, public property.
Taxpayer bought.
True that.

Think of the Gem Room at the Smithsonian.
You know, where the Hope Diamond is kept.
Owned by the people. Taxpayer bought and paid for.
Anyone can enter.

Except, if you are battering down doors, window, or barriers, well.......your ownership may be disputed.

That's kinda like at the Capitol too.
The operations of the congress are open to observers. Capitol police removed barriers. You sure you don't have a red tip on that white cane.
One officer died of a stroke...the next day.

That is what is now being reported. However, if I was a family member I'd hafta wonder how much being sprayed directly in the face with a disabling chemical (on video, btw)....by some miscreant...how much that played a part.
And too, would a competent personal injury lawyer wring a few bucks outta those miscreants and their families who were filmed doing the act? (1)
Interesting questions, imo.

There was no clubbing with a fire extinguisher, as was at first claimed.
It appears so, no 'clubbing'. At least with a fire-extinguisher.
Though, there is on film one moke (a firefighter from Pennsylvania, if memory serves) who threw a fire extinguisher at the police.
And then, one more aspect of that alleged 'clubbing'........the WhiteyRighties seem to think the reports of such were an intentional mendacious lie. I demur.
The situation was chaotic, developments developing in real time, fast time, and reporting such is always subject to new information as it becomes known. So, for those who say it was a "lie"......I say, settle down, son. Life ain't a scripted movie.


how many were Beer Hall Putsch savages recruited
and paid to raise hell and act violently, is not known.
"is not known".
True that.
Also true:

  • How many were Algerian ISIS sleeper cells------is not known.
  • How many were Hindu Nationalist surveilling for a Punjabi attack----is not known.
  • How many were MADD mothers mad over the trending of craft beer -is not known.
  • How many were out of work cartoon illustrators----- is not known.
they sure won't try to get an accurate picture of the crowd that entered the Capitol.
Well, Arthur, I would demur.

First, there is a lot....a lot ....of video imagery of who and how many illegally entered.
Of course, we could quibble over your term "accurate"; however, the reportage to date says the FBI estimates approximately 800 of the Duped & Snookered, with, Fatboy Militias, gawkers, selfie-takers, poopers & pissers, and vandals entered. In fact, I've seen reportage that something like 100,000+ video clips are being examined (a lot of the Duped & Snookered took their own smartphone clips and posted 'em on line. Duh!)

Trust me, Arthur, a million digital-images are being combed through. Reportedly the FBI, et al, are good at that. After all, they've arrested and charged over 500 (2), and say at least double that are subject to arrest.


Capitol police removed barriers.........You sure you don't have a red tip on that white cane.

Well, I'm puzzled by the white-cane comment.
Nonetheless, I would suggest to the poster C.A. that he do a quick google search on that 'barrier' issue. (3) He can expect to be buried on reportage, video clips, and analysis about the RightieWhitie canard that the insurrectionists were invited into the Capitol. IMHO

Good luck.

  1. NPR, April 28th, 2021: "The Department of Justice released on Wednesday a group of videos depicting the alleged assault on Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick and other members of law enforcement during the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol. The videos have been cited as evidence in the assault and conspiracy cases against two men - Julian Khater, 32, of State College, Penn., and George Tanios, 39, of Morgantown, W. Va.
    The videos have been described by prosecutors and played in court, but have not previously been made widely available.
  2. CBS News, April 30th, 2021: " FBI Director Christopher Wray said in March that citizens from around the country had sent the FBI more than 270,000 digital media tips. Wray said, "With their help, we've identified hundreds of suspects and opened hundreds of investigations in all but one of our 56 field offices."
  3. "No, viral video doesn’t show police removing barriers for Capitol rioters — and other news literacy lessons on insurrection
"Pelosi needs to be called as witness."

They ALL need to give testimony, subject to perjury.

America absolutely deadsolidperfectly needs a bi-partisan blue-ribbon commission to examine the events of January 6th.

Get on the record, under competent questioning, Pelosi, and Shumer and McCarthy, McConnel, Trump, Pence, Boebert, and some leaders of the Jackass Patriots and Fatboy Militias and some battered Cops, and the website operators for Parler, and YouTube, and any encrypted communication facilitators.

Bring 'em all in and let's get a definitive Encyclopedia Britannica revelation of the acts and the actors.

Go for it. America needs it.
We will burn every city down unless they win!

At least we’ll learn the name of the murderer.

Key words in this article are "plans" to sue them. Also "within the next 10 days" to file a lawsuit.
This interview was given by the family's lawyer...who can speculate all he wants. It don't make it truth. :)
Big hill to climb to get this kind of judgement..even civil-wise.

She was participating in an insurrection that she as a military veteran should have known was wrong and contrary to the oath she took.
My guess??...settlement for a paltry amount vs the amount her family's hotshot lawyer is demanding.
Hilarious you think a few dozen unarmed people can overthrow the government.

Just think what we’re going to accomplish this summer with our 230 million guns and 40 billion rounds of ammo.

Oh just stop. By all conservative (yes, my joke) estimates, almost 800 people actually breached and traipsed the Capitol halls.
That's not to speak of the hundreds outside just lounging about on the steps and the wings of the Capitol.

So..you gonna shoot yourselves this summer? Cause, that'll be fun.
Traipsing and lounging.......does not a riot make.

Looting, assaulting, burning, murdering....all in the hallmarks of a BLM/Antifa riot in full display for months and you still don't recognize a real riot.?

There was more than traipsing and lounging going on. Ransacking, theft, assault and battery, breaking windows, calling for the VP and the Speaker to be hanged. That';s not even taking into account the assault on our democracy.
Honestly, When are we gonna stop the rationalizations?

I don't care how many riots over social justice you quote. They pale in comparison to what went on the 6th of January.
"Pelosi needs to be called as witness."

They ALL need to give testimony, subject to perjury.

America absolutely deadsolidperfectly needs a bi-partisan blue-ribbon commission to examine the events of January 6th.

Get on the record, under competent questioning, Pelosi, and Shumer and McCarthy, McConnel, Trump, Pence, Boebert, and some leaders of the Jackass Patriots and Fatboy Militias and some battered Cops, and the website operators for Parler, and YouTube, and any encrypted communication facilitators.

Bring 'em all in and let's get a definitive Encyclopedia Britannica revelation of the acts and the actors.

Go for it. America needs it.
Yes, the Police State that the Democrat Party is building should be examined.
Their use of the FBI as their political weapon to attack their opponents is undermining our democracy*
The Democrat Party's corruption is worse than in any banana republic.
We will burn every city down unless they win!

At least we’ll learn the name of the murderer.

Key words in this article are "plans" to sue them. Also "within the next 10 days" to file a lawsuit.
This interview was given by the family's lawyer...who can speculate all he wants. It don't make it truth. :)
Big hill to climb to get this kind of judgement..even civil-wise.

She was participating in an insurrection that she as a military veteran should have known was wrong and contrary to the oath she took.
My guess??...settlement for a paltry amount vs the amount her family's hotshot lawyer is demanding.
Hilarious you think a few dozen unarmed people can overthrow the government.

Just think what we’re going to accomplish this summer with our 230 million guns and 40 billion rounds of ammo.

Oh just stop. By all conservative (yes, my joke) estimates, almost 800 people actually breached and traipsed the Capitol halls.
That's not to speak of the hundreds outside just lounging about on the steps and the wings of the Capitol.

So..you gonna shoot yourselves this summer? Cause, that'll be fun.
Traipsing and lounging.......does not a riot make.

Looting, assaulting, burning, murdering....all in the hallmarks of a BLM/Antifa riot in full display for months and you still don't recognize a real riot.?
"traisping and lounging" :heehee:
"The people own the Capitol."
"The US capitol is public property and can be entered by anyone...."

Yupper, public property.
Taxpayer bought.
True that.

Think of the Gem Room at the Smithsonian.
You know, where the Hope Diamond is kept.
Owned by the people. Taxpayer bought and paid for.
Anyone can enter.

Except, if you are battering down doors, window, or barriers, well.......your ownership may be disputed.

That's kinda like at the Capitol too.
The operations of the congress are open to observers. Capitol police removed barriers. You sure you don't have a red tip on that white cane.
Excuse making for the feral rioters on Jan 6th.
A stand down order is not looting. I see another of your problems.
A stand down order allows looting. I see you are still having problems deciphering. No stand down order, no looting. It's fairly simple even someone like you should understand. why aren't you?
Democrats stole the election, the fraud was in big Democrat cities. Particularly Philadelphia, Detroit, Atlanta, Las Vegas and Phoenix
No evidence of that. Trump's AG said there was no fraud that would have changed the outcome.

COMPLETE BULLSHIT LIES. There is every evidence of the fraud, it has been shown over and over again ad nauseum and I will document all of it soon again so that it cannot be refuted. And AG Barr never said that. All he said is that his department had not FOUND any fraud yet in wherever they looked!

But then, Barr said a lot of things, about Hillary, about Obumma, about Democrats, and about Bidden------ funny how the left only take note when a republican says something they think they can twist and spin for their own efforts.

You still beating this dead horse, Freaky? There are laws against that. :)

You've documented nothing but the same alt-right blather derived from 6K votes in one Michigan county that's been blown up into a national conspiracy. Besides the 67 lower court cases and 3 Supreme Court cases being shitcanned, I got you some stats news here.:auiqs.jpg:

No one is stupid enough to believe your lies. Democrats stole the election. You did it so openly that your denials are just lame and obviously lies. You know it was stolen too, you're just in favor of it because you're a fascist and a racist
Democrats stole the election, the fraud was in big Democrat cities. Particularly Philadelphia, Detroit, Atlanta, Las Vegas and Phoenix
No evidence of that. Trump's AG said there was no fraud that would have changed the outcome.

COMPLETE BULLSHIT LIES. There is every evidence of the fraud, it has been shown over and over again ad nauseum and I will document all of it soon again so that it cannot be refuted. And AG Barr never said that. All he said is that his department had not FOUND any fraud yet in wherever they looked!

But then, Barr said a lot of things, about Hillary, about Obumma, about Democrats, and about Bidden------ funny how the left only take note when a republican says something they think they can twist and spin for their own efforts.

You still beating this dead horse, Freaky? There are laws against that. :)

You've documented nothing but the same alt-right blather derived from 6K votes in one Michigan county that's been blown up into a national conspiracy. Besides the 67 lower court cases and 3 Supreme Court cases being shitcanned, I got you some stats news here.:auiqs.jpg:
It's pretty funny watching all those cultists whine and cry about a stolen election but they can't come up with any evidence in courts.....it's just the word of their orange god. I knew they were stupid and gullible....but this is REALLY stupid and gullible.
No one stole any election.

Brave words from someone who can't produce a shred of evidence to support it. Don't lay down on the job Jack, someone might mistake you for Floyd and put their knee on your neck right where it belongs.

I've given you multiple sources, Freaky. And you still run back to the same well of those 6K votes in Antrim County, MI. Blown up into a national conspiracy by your alt-right media.
Sad. Looks like those media sources have their knee..on your neck.
Tell us why Democrats keep suing to prevent election audits.

Tell us why Republicans want to conduct partisan election audits.

Democrats stole the election, the fraud was in big Democrat cities. Particularly Philadelphia, Detroit, Atlanta, Las Vegas and Phoenix
A loony...a sad little loony. :cuckoo:

And you're a fascist
I'm an anti-fascist.....which is what you hate. View attachment 486080These were anti-fascists too.

You're a Nazi, a complete fascist. Your chief weapon is fascism and you completely support fascists. It's not just a trait, being a fascist is who you are
No one stole any election.

Brave words from someone who can't produce a shred of evidence to support it. Don't lay down on the job Jack, someone might mistake you for Floyd and put their knee on your neck right where it belongs.

I've given you multiple sources, Freaky. And you still run back to the same well of those 6K votes in Antrim County, MI. Blown up into a national conspiracy by your alt-right media.
Sad. Looks like those media sources have their knee..on your neck.
Tell us why Democrats keep suing to prevent election audits.

Tell us why Republicans want to conduct partisan election audits.

Democrats stole the election, the fraud was in big Democrat cities. Particularly Philadelphia, Detroit, Atlanta, Las Vegas and Phoenix
A loony...a sad little loony. :cuckoo:

And you're a fascist
I'm an anti-fascist.....which is what you hate.

Nope, you're a fascist, a racist and a liar
Well, that was a certainly Ironic post...View attachment 486083

Back to the playground for bodecea, the intellectual eight year old.

You're just jealous because I'm so hot. I am so hot that I have to use the air conditioning in the middle of winter
No one stole any election.

Brave words from someone who can't produce a shred of evidence to support it. Don't lay down on the job Jack, someone might mistake you for Floyd and put their knee on your neck right where it belongs.

I've given you multiple sources, Freaky. And you still run back to the same well of those 6K votes in Antrim County, MI. Blown up into a national conspiracy by your alt-right media.
Sad. Looks like those media sources have their knee..on your neck.
Tell us why Democrats keep suing to prevent election audits.

Tell us why Republicans want to conduct partisan election audits.

Democrats stole the election, the fraud was in big Democrat cities. Particularly Philadelphia, Detroit, Atlanta, Las Vegas and Phoenix
A loony...a sad little loony. :cuckoo:

And you're a fascist
I'm an anti-fascist.....which is what you hate. View attachment 486080These were anti-fascists too.

You're a Nazi, a complete fascist. Your chief weapon is fascism and you completely support fascists. It's not just a trait, being a fascist is who you are
There's that N-word again. You have to wonder if our resident Whitey Righties are getting paid everytime they use it. They sure like it....it gives them warm and fuzzy feelings to use it.

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