U.S. Capitol Police to Be Sued for $10 Million for Killing Unarmed Rioter

We will burn every city down unless they win!

At least we’ll learn the name of the murderer.

If it was a black person at a BLM protest who was murdered, you’d be rationalizing the death.

But don’t call the Trump cult racist!

A few dozen....do you even remember how not to lie? I have noticed you have made up a stupid lie to prop up literally every point you have tried to make. Which, to any normal, functioning adult, means your points are hot garbage.
If you'd like to apologize now for accusing me of lying...I'll graciously accept. :)
What member of Congress was hurt by the protesters? You're advocating shooting an unarmed female at point blank range in the throat because you THINK you know what her intentions were! You've convinced yourself that members of Congress were in mortal peril when the fact of the matter is that the only "assault" on members of Congress that day was verbal abuse!

As for the 150 police officers "hurt" that day? How many of those do you think have seized upon this as the perfect opportunity to claim "post traumatic stress" and retire on a full disability pension? It the perfect exit strategy to cops that were just putting in their time until retirement. Did you see that testimony on day one? A grown ass black man CRYING because someone called him the N word? Are you serious? That was PATHETIC and you on the left will eat it up and beg for more!


racist loser
You're a RACIST! (eye roll)
I'm so tired of THAT as a comeback from you on the left! I grew up in a college town in the most liberal State in the entire country! My ancestor was an officer in the 54th Massachusetts Infantry and lost an arm fighting against slavery! I'm no more a "racist" than I am a "redneck"! Get a clue...
What member of Congress was hurt by the protesters? You're advocating shooting an unarmed female at point blank range in the throat because you THINK you know what her intentions were! You've convinced yourself that members of Congress were in mortal peril when the fact of the matter is that the only "assault" on members of Congress that day was verbal abuse!

As for the 150 police officers "hurt" that day? How many of those do you think have seized upon this as the perfect opportunity to claim "post traumatic stress" and retire on a full disability pension? It the perfect exit strategy to cops that were just putting in their time until retirement. Did you see that testimony on day one? A grown ass black man CRYING because someone called him the N word? Are you serious? That was PATHETIC and you on the left will eat it up and beg for more!
When was your last firearm certification and how many lives have you protected? I won't even ask about from where you've gained your legal insight.
You're a RACIST! (eye roll)
I'm so tired of THAT as a comeback from you on the left! I grew up in a college town in the most liberal State in the entire country! My ancestor was an officer in the 54th Massachusetts Infantry and lost an arm fighting against slavery! I'm no more a "racist" than I am a "redneck"! Get a clue...
Well you're certainly uninformed. On a lot of topics.
Well you're certainly uninformed. On a lot of topics.
Care to be more specific, Mariyam? I'm obviously more "informed" about the number of torch bearing marchers yet I don't see anyone from your side apologizing for labeling me a "liar"! Now you claim that I'm "uniformed" "on a lot of topics"? Back that up. Tell me what topic I'm uninformed on!
When was your last firearm certification and how many lives have you protected? I won't even ask about from where you've gained your legal insight.
I have no idea what a firearm certification would have to do with the topic at hand...do you? How many lives I've protected? What are you babbling about? Do you think because someone isn't a Police Officer that one can't critique something that an Officer has done? Because if that's the case then you need to get rid of all the civilian oversight groups that now police the Police!
Care to be more specific, Mariyam? I'm obviously more "informed" about the number of torch bearing marchers yet I don't see anyone from your side apologizing for labeling me a "liar"! Now you claim that I'm "uniformed" "on a lot of topics"? Back that up. Tell me what topic I'm uninformed on!
Except you're not as there were far more than a "few dozen."
Then why does the article state that there were a few dozen? How many are you claiming WERE there, Faun?
The articles doesn't say there were a few dozen. Only you said that. There were hundreds.

Care to be more specific, Mariyam? I'm obviously more "informed" about the number of torch bearing marchers yet I don't see anyone from your side apologizing for labeling me a "liar"! Now you claim that I'm "uniformed" "on a lot of topics"? Back that up. Tell me what topic I'm uninformed on!
The topic of this thread and the subsequent discussion, in addition to the laws governing self defense, you don't seem to understand how something that is not unlawful becomes unlawful just for starters. And I'm not on a "side".
The articles doesn't say there were a few dozen. Only you said that. There were hundreds.

Then why didn't the article SAY there were hundreds? Instead they chose to use the term "dozens"! So who's more of a liar...you or me? Buffoon...
The topic of this thread and the subsequent discussion, in addition to the laws governing self defense, you don't seem to understand how something that is not unlawful becomes unlawful just for starters. And I'm not on a "side".
What on this topic am I "uninformed" on? You made the charge...now back it up with something specific.
You are. You falsely claimed the article said there were a "few dozen." It doesn't. YOU said that.
And you claimed that there were hundreds...which would be at least 200, correct? So what is more accurate, my assertion that there were a few dozen or yours that there were hundreds? The article writer would seem to agree with me or they would have WRITTEN hundreds instead of dozens! The fact of the matter is that a few dozen could mean six dozen it could mean four dozen it could mean two dozen. Hundreds will ALWAYS be at least 200 if not more! My point which you still have not refuted...is that the initial march by the neo Nazis was not a large one and yet if you listened to the main stream media one would think that there was a Nazi rally taking place attended by thousands!
And you claimed that there were hundreds...which would be at least 200, correct? So what is more accurate, my assertion that there were a few dozen or yours that there were hundreds? The article writer would seem to agree with me or they would have WRITTEN hundreds instead of dozens! The fact of the matter is that a few dozen could mean six dozen it could mean four dozen it could mean two dozen. Hundreds will ALWAYS be at least 200 if not more! My point which you still have not refuted...is that the initial march by the neo Nazis was not a large one and yet if you listened to the main stream media one would think that there was a Nazi rally taking place attended by thousands!
Lying Dumbfuck, my estimate is far closer than your false claim of a few dozen. WTF is wrong with you?



And that shot doesn't capture all of them.

As far as the media portraying it as though it was in the thousands, sounds like you're just lying again. The Washington Post claimed "several hundred." TheHill stated "hundreds." The NY Times also estimated "several hundred."

So from where do you get, "thousands?"
" I'll guarantee you the damn passports will be little electronic credit card style chip cards that are trackable..."
Well, if that little electronic chip will help me get better WiFi reception in my barn......I'm all for it. Where do I sign up?
"And that shot doesn't capture all of them."
Oh, just because I'm in a light mood this afternoon, I tried to count the mokes in that line of guys who were so fearful of being replaced by Jews. I think I got to about 155. It gets difficult the farther you go back.....so at one point I just counted the lit tiki-torches.

So, if we believe with the poster "Oldestyle" his imagined "few dozen".....would include more than a dozen dozen.
But if we believe the poster Faun.....well, he seems to be closing in on that 'hundreds' number.
And if that shot didn't get all of 'em......then poster Faun should be the clear winner.

Just sayin'.
I have no idea what a firearm certification would have to do with the topic at hand...do you? How many lives I've protected? What are you babbling about? Do you think because someone isn't a Police Officer that one can't critique something that an Officer has done? Because if that's the case then you need to get rid of all the civilian oversight groups that now police the Police!
Firearm training teaches you when you can and when you can not use deadly force in addition to making sure you can hit your target.

I asked you what I did because it's OBVIOUS you don't know what you're talking about when it comes to close protection of individuals specifically, the laws regarding self defense and an assortment of other legal premises.

Civilian police review boards are a good thing in my opinion however they'd probably do more harm than good if any/all of the members are as uninformed as you.

I just completed my annual firearm re-qualification a little over 30 days ago so you seriously believe you are more knowledgeable on THIS topic than myself?

What do you think would have happened had someone at the rally Trump held before the riot had taken off running towards him, even if it wasone of his supporters who just wanted someone to take a photo of him with Trump?
What on this topic am I "uninformed" on? You made the charge...now back it up with something specific.
You have claimed REPEATEDLY that a law enforcement officer cannot [lawfully] shoot an individual who is unarmed.

In spite of it being explained to you REPEATEDLY that the disparity of force involved between an armed individual dealing with a mob changes the dynamics,, you keep ignoring this information.

It has also been explained to you REPEATEDLY, the legal difference between crimes against property and crimes against persons and the additional crimes against persons when committed against members of our government.

This is just off the top of my head.

You have an OPINION and God only knows what it's based on - late night reruns of crime and detective shows, too much Blue Bloods I have no idea and in spite of you having been informed REPEATEDLY that your OPINION is not based on the facts that transpired as we understand them to be from having reviewed the video time and again, from the reports of bystanders and some news reports/documents, you insist that your OPINION, even more so than the PROFESSIONAL OPINIONS of others, is correct.

I know there are some people who think it is funny making other people repeat the same thing over and over, apparently believing that they have some sort of control that they're exerting. I am a certified trainer and I can, have, and will find different ways of saying the same thing as many times as necessary for my trainees to fully understand the point I'm trying to impress upon them.

Each time I have to repeat, it clarifies things even more for me.

So don't think yourself special.

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