U.S. Capitol Police to Be Sued for $10 Million for Killing Unarmed Rioter

That might be the most ridiculous thing posted here today, Faun! Police can resort to the force necessary to protect the safety of the public but in no way does that give them license to use a level of force totally inappropriate to the situation! You shouldn't be shooting unarmed people until you've used non lethal means of discouragement!
Well imagining the sorts of things police could have done instead of shooting to death Ashli Babbitt
is no fun for the mentally unbalanced haters that lurk on these boards.
So why was the "seat of Democracy" so poorly protected by those in charge, Itfitzme? Why wasn't security prepared when they were told days before the protest that it very well might turn violent? Why was the Capital Police Chief's request for National Guard troops to bolster security repeatedly ignored?
Why it's almost as if democrat leaders wanted an epic disturbance among the crowds they liberally sprinkled
with provocateurs, agitators and instigators.

And that's just what they got which makes Nan Pelosi's "investigation" all the more absurd
and duplicitous.
Why would Ashli think that a Police officer would shoot her in the head when we've all just seen month after month of liberal protesters doing far worse things than were happening at the Capital that day and NONE of them were shot in the head by Police?
Dude... you seem to be forgetting something. She was a Grade A mooooooooron who was in a state of hysterical delusion. There were not "thoughts" bouncing around that empty cranium.She looked right at an officer with a gun and proceeded to try to climb though a window. She had the mental functioning of an amoeba.
Why it's almost as if democrat leaders wanted an epic disturbance among the crowds they liberally sprinkled
with provocateurs, agitators and instigators.

And that's just what they got which makes Nan Pelosi's "investigation" all the more absurd
and duplicitous.
Tell us more how the lawsuit against the entire Capitol Police force hasn't been filed, because they don't know the shooter's name yet. I am sure it will be just as stupidly hilarious the second time you tell it.
OK...so you've put up a barricade and locked doors...you've warned and you've brandished your weapons...none of which is stopping what's going on...correct? So why is it you go from THERE and jump right past the point where you use pepper spray or a baton to discourage further entry to the rather drastic step of shooting someone who's unarmed at point blank range? Do you see my point that the response wasn't appropriate to what was taking place until other non lethal steps had been tried
From a legal perspective, Ashli was not unarmed. She was armed with a mob which had proven itself to be violent and angry and due to this disparity of numbers, the officer was allowed to use deadly force equally on any/all member of the mob, even if that particular member was not presently presenting a threat.

In other words, a mob changes the dynamics of the self-defense/defense of others scenario and all members of the mob may be held equally culpable and any of them may be viewed equally as a threat.

It should be noted however that the officer's shot neutralized the threat of the mob since not a single one of them made further attempts to breach the locked door through the window they had broken out.

I realize you will in all likelihood not believe what I'm telling you, but this is information that you can research and verify for yourself.
Why would Ashli think that a Police officer would shoot her in the head when we've all just seen month after month of liberal protesters doing far worse things than were happening at the Capital that day and NONE of them were shot in the head by Police? Why the double standard? Because it's the Capital Building...the "People's House"? With all due respect what makes THAT off limits to protest when violent protests took place all across the nation for years and nobody was shot at by Police?
I hope you can take this is the manner in which it is meant but some people in America are statutorily more important than others.

Most people older than 5th grade age know or have heard that it's a crime to make a threat against the President of the United States. While that's the most severe of the crimes, it's also a crime to threaten members of Congress as well as federal judges and a host of other government individuals.

Protesting in the streets is a form of exercising one's 1st amendment right to free speech and to petition our government for a redress of grievances. The protests you seems to be referring to I take it are the Black Lives Matter protests during the previous year where some groups used the protests as cover while they rioted and committed crimes of violence, arson and caused extensive property damage.

Property damage is not a crime for which deadly force can be used.

What makes the January 6th storming of the Capital different is that the rioters weren't just there to cause property damage as an outlet for their anger and frustration. They targeted members of Congress, by deed, by word and symbolism, what you referred to as hanging Mike Pence in effigy.

People smashing store fronts and looting goods, torching police vehicles, etc. as heinous as those offenses may be, they are not grounds for shooting the perpetrators, unfortunately in many cases as that may be, in my opinion.

People trespassing and breaking their way into the Capital while our Congressional members were present and were attempting to certify the election results which Trump had just stated to the mob he didn't want Mike Pence to do, is an entirely different scenario.

People targeting and destroying property versus people attempting to get their hands on the leaders of our government. If you can't discern the difference then I don't know what to tell you.
I hope you can take this is the manner in which it is meant but some people in America are statutorily more important than others.

Most people older than 5th grade age know or have heard that it's a crime to make a threat against the President of the United States. While that's the most severe of the crimes, it's also a crime to threaten members of Congress as well as federal judges and a host of other government individuals.

Protesting in the streets is a form of exercising one's 1st amendment right to free speech and to petition our government for a redress of grievances. The protests you seems to be referring to I take it are the Black Lives Matter protests during the previous year where some groups used the protests as cover while they rioted and committed crimes of violence, arson and caused extensive property damage.

Property damage is not a crime for which deadly force can be used.

What makes the January 6th storming of the Capital different is that the rioters weren't just there to cause property damage as an outlet for their anger and frustration. They targeted members of Congress, by deed, by word and symbolism, what you referred to as hanging Mike Pence in effigy.

People smashing store fronts and looting goods, torching police vehicles, etc. as heinous as those offenses may be, they are not grounds for shooting the perpetrators, unfortunately in many cases as that may be, in my opinion.

People trespassing and breaking their way into the Capital while our Congressional members were present and were attempting to certify the election results which Trump had just stated to the mob he didn't want Mike Pence to do, is an entirely different scenario.

People targeting and destroying property versus people attempting to get their hands on the leaders of our government. If you can't discern the difference then I don't know what to tell you.
Interesting concept...you actually believe that protesters targeting members of Congress by "word and symbolism" is more dangerous to our way of life than protesters targeting Police with bricks, fireworks, frozen water bottles and burning Federal buildings and Police stations across the nation for months at a time? Let's be brutally honest here...the protest that turned violent at the Capital (due in large part to the piss poor job at security by those in charge!) lasted for a matter of hours and ZERO members of Congress were hurt (despite their over the top claims of fearing for their lives!) Congress was right back in session the very next day! How much REAL destruction took place that day? A few broken windows and doors readily fixed in a few hours? You've got people sitting in jail 7 months later in solitary confinement...held without bail awaiting trial...for trespassing when other protesters that clashed violently with Police were out on bail the very same DAY! So why the double standard?
I hope you can take this is the manner in which it is meant but some people in America are statutorily more important than others.

Most people older than 5th grade age know or have heard that it's a crime to make a threat against the President of the United States. While that's the most severe of the crimes, it's also a crime to threaten members of Congress as well as federal judges and a host of other government individuals.

Protesting in the streets is a form of exercising one's 1st amendment right to free speech and to petition our government for a redress of grievances. The protests you seems to be referring to I take it are the Black Lives Matter protests during the previous year where some groups used the protests as cover while they rioted and committed crimes of violence, arson and caused extensive property damage.

Property damage is not a crime for which deadly force can be used.

What makes the January 6th storming of the Capital different is that the rioters weren't just there to cause property damage as an outlet for their anger and frustration. They targeted members of Congress, by deed, by word and symbolism, what you referred to as hanging Mike Pence in effigy.

People smashing store fronts and looting goods, torching police vehicles, etc. as heinous as those offenses may be, they are not grounds for shooting the perpetrators, unfortunately in many cases as that may be, in my opinion.

People trespassing and breaking their way into the Capital while our Congressional members were present and were attempting to certify the election results which Trump had just stated to the mob he didn't want Mike Pence to do, is an entirely different scenario.

People targeting and destroying property versus people attempting to get their hands on the leaders of our government. If you can't discern the difference then I don't know what to tell you.

And your claim that liberal protesters only targeted "property" is laughable! When Antifa groups were bringing in pallets of bricks to be thrown at Police and large amounts of frozen water bottles and fireworks as well...they weren't attacking "property"...they were assaulting Police officers and they were doing so in FAR more violent ways than anything that happened at the Capital despite the claims by the Capital Police officers that will probably never work again because of the "mental trauma" they say they suffered that day! (eye roll)
Interesting concept...you actually believe that protesters targeting members of Congress by "word and symbolism" is more dangerous to our way of life than protesters targeting Police with bricks, fireworks, frozen water bottles and burning Federal buildings and Police stations across the nation for months at a time? Let's be brutally honest here...the protest that turned violent at the Capital (due in large part to the piss poor job at security by those in charge!) lasted for a matter of hours and ZERO members of Congress were hurt (despite their over the top claims of fearing for their lives!) Congress was right back in session the very next day! How much REAL destruction took place that day? A few broken windows and doors readily fixed in a few hours? You've got people sitting in jail 7 months later in solitary confinement...held without bail awaiting trial...for trespassing when other protesters that clashed violently with Police were out on bail the very same DAY! So why the double standard?
That they only managed to delay the Congress for a few hours is meaningless. It only reflects their incompetence as their intent was to "stop the steal."
And your claim that liberal protesters only targeted "property" is laughable! When Antifa groups were bringing in pallets of bricks to be thrown at Police and large amounts of frozen water bottles and fireworks as well...they weren't attacking "property"...they were assaulting Police officers and they were doing so in FAR more violent ways than anything that happened at the Capital despite the claims by the Capital Police officers that will probably never work again because of the "mental trauma" they say they suffered that day! (eye roll)
Antifa did not bring in pallets of bricks. That was debunked ages ago.

And your claim that liberal protesters only targeted "property" is laughable! When Antifa groups were bringing in pallets of bricks to be thrown at Police and large amounts of frozen water bottles and fireworks as well...they weren't attacking "property"...they were assaulting Police officers and they were doing so in FAR more violent ways than anything that happened at the Capital despite the claims by the Capital Police officers that will probably never work again because of the "mental trauma" they say they suffered that day! (eye roll)
You expose yourself with this post. Look at your outrage over protestors assaulting cops. You spent most of this thread downplaying the threat to capitol police (even though we have this assault on video).
You expose yourself with this post. Look at your outrage over protestors assaulting cops. You spent most of this thread downplaying the threat to capitol police (even though we have this assault on video).
Police officers across the country suffered through MONTHS of assaults by violent liberal protesters and you on the left responded by demanding the Police be "defunded"! Now you're going shed crocodile tears over a few Capital Police that will now be milking those few hours they battled conservative protesters into full disability pensions? Yeah...I've "exposed" myself all right! LOL
"...the protest that turned violent at the Capital (due in large part to the piss poor job at security by those in charge!)"
With hindsight there surely should have been a better police presence....in numbers and equipment....on January 6th.
However, what the poster seemingly is unaware of is that a larger....far far larger.....part of the violence at the Capitol was not due to the police...or lack thereof. It was due to the Trump mobsters who instigated it, expanded it, continued it.

Poor poster Oldestyle wants to rely on that old 'duck-out-back-door' tactic: blame the victim.
Don't blame the criminal assaulters.

I'm mildly convinced he knows better.
Which probably means I'm more convinced he ain't being sincere. Just trollin' for entertainment.


"You've got people sitting in jail 7 months later in solitary confinement...held without bail awaiting trial...for trespassing"

You know I keep reading that complaint on this venue. Coming, it seems to me, exclusively from the Rightfield fringies of this forum.

So, let's autopsy it a bit.
Poster Oldestyle.......what vetting or sourcing, do you have for that claim that you can share with the forum members?
That they are in "solitary confinement".
And in 'solitary confinement'' because of a charge of only trespassing.
How many are in 'solitary confinement'?
Do you have a list of names? And charges?

In short, poster Oldestyle, my avatar is calling your avatar's hand.
Or go.
And you marched on charlottesville with torches and promised us jews would not replace you.

Is that how this is going to go? Grow up son.
a few dozen white supremacists march with their silly torches and you on the left wet your panties...liberals loot and torch entire cities and you yawn. Who's the child here?
a few dozen white supremacists march with their silly torches and you on the left wet your panties...liberals loot and torch entire cities and you yawn. Who's the child here?
A few dozen....do you even remember how not to lie? I have noticed you have made up a stupid lie to prop up literally every point you have tried to make. Which, to any normal, functioning adult, means your points are hot garbage.
Interesting concept...you actually believe that protesters targeting members of Congress by "word and symbolism" is more dangerous to our way of life than protesters targeting Police with bricks, fireworks, frozen water bottles and burning Federal buildings and Police stations across the nation for months at a time? Let's be brutally honest here...the protest that turned violent at the Capital (due in large part to the piss poor job at security by those in charge!) lasted for a matter of hours and ZERO members of Congress were hurt (despite their over the top claims of fearing for their lives!) Congress was right back in session the very next day! How much REAL destruction took place that day? A few broken windows and doors readily fixed in a few hours? You've got people sitting in jail 7 months later in solitary confinement...held without bail awaiting trial...for trespassing when other protesters that clashed violently with Police were out on bail the very same DAY! So why the double standard?
Your reading comprehension skills are absolutely appalling.
1. I didn't write the laws that pertain to lethal force not being allowed for property crimes versus crimes against persons (look it up)
2. Your opinion of how severely members of Congress were "hurt" although I believe "traumatized" is the better adjective is irrelevant. That's why we have statutes that outline the behaviors that are unlawful and the punishments for violating said laws. That's like a guy claiming "well I didn't really hurt her because a girl objected to him putting his hands on her". He doesn't get to determine how hurt she is by his violation of her rights. Same for our Congressional and the criminals who were intent on terrorizing them.
3. 150+ police officers were injured in those few hours, one died the next day and although the medical examiner ruled his death has "natural causes", I understand he was sprayed and inhaled some type of bear spray or tear gas. He had a seizure the next and then died. As far as I am concerned because the two individuals who sprayed him did so, they will always bear some culpability, even if not legally for his death in my mind. There were also at a couple of protestors who succumbed to medical conditions allegedly due to the excitement, stress or being trampled during the riot. All of this and this is not even counting property damage and you have the audacity to claim "how much REAL destruction took place that day"?

There is no double standard, I know what you're thinking and you're incorrect. It's already been verbalized that many people think that black people and those supporting Black Lives Matter are allowed to get away with rampant lawlessness, however the fact that the police were not allowed to mow them down with gunfire should tell you something. The same restraint was shown to the rioters at the Capital on January 6th ALL THE WAY UP UNTIL THEY BACKED EVERYONE UP TO THE POINT WHERE THEY COULD RETREAT NO FURTHER.

This next part is really important so pay attention. Because those officers were protecting the LIVES of our congressional members, they (all of them) were allowed to use deadly force to prevent any of the mob from reaching the area where our congressional members were sheltering in place.

There is no hypocrisy, there is no double standard just your appalling lack of understanding and knowledge of our laws and how they are applied. Anyone who thinks they can attack a member of Congress or any of the Presidential cabinet and not risk getting shot probably shouldn't be out in public without adult supervision.
Your reading comprehension skills are absolutely appalling.
1. I didn't write the laws that pertain to lethal force not being allowed for property crimes versus crimes against persons (look it up)
2. Your opinion of how severely members of Congress were "hurt" although I believe "traumatized" is the better adjective is irrelevant. That's why we have statutes that outline the behaviors that are unlawful and the punishments for violating said laws. That's like a guy claiming "well I didn't really hurt her because a girl objected to him putting his hands on her". He doesn't get to determine how hurt she is by his violation of her rights. Same for our Congressional and the criminals who were intent on terrorizing them.
3. 150+ police officers were injured in those few hours, one died the next day and although the medical examiner ruled his death has "natural causes", I understand he was sprayed and inhaled some type of bear spray or tear gas. He had a seizure the next and then died. As far as I am concerned because the two individuals who sprayed him did so, they will always bear some culpability, even if not legally for his death in my mind. There were also at a couple of protestors who succumbed to medical conditions allegedly due to the excitement, stress or being trampled during the riot. All of this and this is not even counting property damage and you have the audacity to claim "how much REAL destruction took place that day"?

There is no double standard, I know what you're thinking and you're incorrect. It's already been verbalized that many people think that black people and those supporting Black Lives Matter are allowed to get away with rampant lawlessness, however the fact that the police were not allowed to mow them down with gunfire should tell you something. The same restraint was shown to the rioters at the Capital on January 6th ALL THE WAY UP UNTIL THEY BACKED EVERYONE UP TO THE POINT WHERE THEY COULD RETREAT NO FURTHER.

This next part is really important so pay attention. Because those officers were protecting the LIVES of our congressional members, they (all of them) were allowed to use deadly force to prevent any of the mob from reaching the area where our congressional members were sheltering in place.

There is no hypocrisy, there is no double standard just your appalling lack of understanding and knowledge of our laws and how they are applied. Anyone who thinks they can attack a member of Congress or any of the Presidential cabinet and not risk getting shot probably shouldn't be out in public without adult supervision.
What member of Congress was hurt by the protesters? You're advocating shooting an unarmed female at point blank range in the throat because you THINK you know what her intentions were! You've convinced yourself that members of Congress were in mortal peril when the fact of the matter is that the only "assault" on members of Congress that day was verbal abuse!

As for the 150 police officers "hurt" that day? How many of those do you think have seized upon this as the perfect opportunity to claim "post traumatic stress" and retire on a full disability pension? It the perfect exit strategy to cops that were just putting in their time until retirement. Did you see that testimony on day one? A grown ass black man CRYING because someone called him the N word? Are you serious? That was PATHETIC and you on the left will eat it up and beg for more!

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