U.S. Captures Benghazi Attack Suspect

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Pentagon says a Libyan militant accused in a deadly attack on Americans in Benghazi, Libya, is in U.S. custody.

The capture of Ahmed Abu Khattala marks the first time the U.S has apprehended one of the accused perpetrators in the 2012 attack. Khattala is a senior leader of the Benghazi branch of the terrorist group Ansar alt-Sharia.

U.S. Captures Benghazi Attack Suspect - AP

U.S. captures Benghazi suspect in secret raid - The Washington Post

I look forward to hearing his story...

That's great for an administration who refused to call it a terrorist attack. Simply by running his victory lap, Obama's acknowledging once and for all that it wasn't some stupid video on YouTube that caused the deaths of four people.

Don't think this helps you, because simply, it doesn't.

You make no sense.
What timing....just in time to cover up the disasters of the past few weeks with the VA, Taliban trade and ISIS taking over Iraq. :eusa_whistle:

We've known where this scumbag was for YEARS.....Obama just now decided to take him to change the news headlines....which is pure scum playing politics with US security.

What disaster with Bergdahl and Iraq? Nobody but hopeless partisan hacks, like you, thinks we shouldn't have brought him home; and Americans don't want to be involved in Iraq anymore.

You really should see a doctor about your ODS. It has rotted your already weakened mind.
The captured "suspect" is reportedly a ringleader, so he should be able to provide some valuable information about the reason for the attack.

The RAMPANT rw obfuscation, hyperbole, & denial exhibited in this thread reminds me of another occasion where our two-term, Democrat, President "delivered" on a promise UNLIKE HIS PREDECESSOR:


:boohoo: .......... :boohoo: .......... :boohoo:
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The captured "suspect" is reportedly a ringleader, so he should be able to provide some valuable information about the reason for the attack.

The RAMPANT rw obfuscation, hyperbole, & denial exhibited in this thread reminds me of another occasion where our two-term, Democrat, President "delivered" on a promise UNLIKE HIS PREDECESSOR:


:boohoo: .......... :boohoo: .......... :boohoo:

Obama is Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson with better grammar and smile. He's nothing but a thug and a race hustler. Bill Clinton got him right when he called Obama incompetent and an amateur.
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Yes, good question. If our intelligence agencies and so called smart people couldn't find him but the NY Times could as well as others then America is in trouble. Something always smells when Obama's involved.
FNC?s Rosen: Why Couldn't US Forces Pose as Reporter to Catch Benghazi Suspect?


Because that would get a lot of reporters killed.

That's why.

You must be unaware of the reporters who interviewed him. Inform yourself.
Yes, good question. If our intelligence agencies and so called smart people couldn't find him but the NY Times could as well as others then America is in trouble. Something always smells when Obama's involved.
FNC?s Rosen: Why Couldn't US Forces Pose as Reporter to Catch Benghazi Suspect?

Traitor Rosen is an :asshole:

On June 17, retired Lt. Col. Rick Francona appeared on CNN's At This Hour With Berman and Michaela to explain why Khattala's arrest took time and why it was important to apprehend him alive:

FRANCONA: You have to have perfect intelligence. You have to know where they're going to be, what company they're going to be in, how fast can the security forces react, what is, you know, all the situation around you. And sometimes you have to call it off because the police will be there, because the last thing you want to do is get involved in a firefight inside another country, especially a country that's not friendly to you. So for them to set up everything would take time. They may have aborted this several times, we don't know that.
PEREIRA: They did get him alive. The hope is they'll get more intelligence about the other players in this scenario from him?
FRANCONA: Absolutely. It's always better to take these guys alive, and I think that's one of the criticisms a lot of people have of the drone program is you don't get the opportunity to debrief these guys. So we may have had the opportunity to go in and kill this guy, but now we've got him. [CNN, At This Hour With Berman and Michaela, 6/17/14]

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