U.S. Captures Benghazi Attack Suspect

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Pentagon says a Libyan militant accused in a deadly attack on Americans in Benghazi, Libya, is in U.S. custody.

The capture of Ahmed Abu Khattala marks the first time the U.S has apprehended one of the accused perpetrators in the 2012 attack. Khattala is a senior leader of the Benghazi branch of the terrorist group Ansar alt-Sharia.

U.S. Captures Benghazi Attack Suspect - AP

U.S. captures Benghazi suspect in secret raid - The Washington Post

I look forward to hearing his story...

I feel fucking safer already.......don't you?

Absolutely! Just like with Osama bin Laden - Obama never gives up.
WASHINGTON (AP) — The Pentagon says a Libyan militant accused in a deadly attack on Americans in Benghazi, Libya, is in U.S. custody.

The capture of Ahmed Abu Khattala marks the first time the U.S has apprehended one of the accused perpetrators in the 2012 attack. Khattala is a senior leader of the Benghazi branch of the terrorist group Ansar alt-Sharia.

U.S. Captures Benghazi Attack Suspect - AP

U.S. captures Benghazi suspect in secret raid - The Washington Post

I look forward to hearing his story...

I feel fucking safer already.......don't you?

You should get something for that paranoia and constant fear
WASHINGTON (AP) — The Pentagon says a Libyan militant accused in a deadly attack on Americans in Benghazi, Libya, is in U.S. custody.

The capture of Ahmed Abu Khattala marks the first time the U.S has apprehended one of the accused perpetrators in the 2012 attack. Khattala is a senior leader of the Benghazi branch of the terrorist group Ansar alt-Sharia.

U.S. Captures Benghazi Attack Suspect - AP

U.S. captures Benghazi suspect in secret raid - The Washington Post

I look forward to hearing his story...

I feel fucking safer already.......don't you?

You should get something for that paranoia and constant fear

You left out the 'loathing' word..............:lol:.
The captured "suspect" is reportedly a ringleader, so he should be able to provide some valuable information about the reason for the attack.
The captured "suspect" is reportedly a ringleader, so he should be able to provide some valuable information about the reason for the attack.
He already did years ago!


Mr. Abu Khattala, 41, wearing a red fez and sandals, added his own spin. Contradicting the accounts of many witnesses and the most recent account of the Obama administration, he contended that the attack had grown out of a peaceful protest against a video made in the United States that mocked the Prophet Muhammad and Islam.
BTW, ask him if a video caused them to attack embassy. I'll bet the administration is having him flogged right now so he will say this in public during 2016 to help the Billary get in the White House.

This is funny. You dont know if the video caused the attack? But you guys have been saying for months that the attack WASNT because of the video.

Dont tell me you were just assuming....I refuse to believe that /sarcasm

Seriously, you didn't detect that his post was the sarcasm? I have some land in Florida you may be interested in...
how can he be a ringleader; the loser Left and assorted o-bots insist the whole attack was the spontaneous result of outrage over an Internet video?

libs are losers who lie....................to themselves
Given that Benghazi was the most horrible terrorist attack in the history of planet earth, according to the righties, one would think they'd be a bit more excited. Instead, it's as if they're ignoring it, as if they don't actually care about Benghazi at all.

No matter. They'll pretend to care again when they get ordered to pretend to care.
Stupid fuck.....dictators proclaim anything they feel is good PR.

Only a moron like you would believe Obama would keep his mouth shut about capturing a terrorist that could lead to other terrorists.....

What timing....just in time to cover up the disasters of the past few weeks with the VA, Taliban trade and ISIS taking over Iraq. :eusa_whistle:

We've known where this scumbag was for YEARS.....Obama just now decided to take him to change the news headlines....which is pure scum playing politics with US security.

If he was the dictator that you all think/say he is you wouldn't have heard ANYTHING about the things you just listed.

Ask your run-of-the-mill North Korean what is happening in their world any day of the week 'fer instance.

Seems like you have a lot of fear....and certainly no clue about living under a dictator.
Hillary Clinton addressed the capture of a suspect in the 2012 attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya, which occurred while she was still acting as Secretary of State.

"I'm very pleased," Clinton said during a CNN town hall on Tuesday. "This is another indication, as President Obama said in his statement today, that the United States has an unwavering commitment to bring to justice those who are responsible for attacks on Americans, no matter where they are, no matter how long it takes."

Clinton noted it took 10 years to bring Osama bin Laden to justice, but said this has been a goal "since that night in September 2012."

Clinton said "there's a lot we don't know" about what happened in Benghazi.

"I'm still looking for answers, because it was a confusing and difficult time," Clinton said.

Hillary Clinton Responds To Capture Of Benghazi Suspect
WASHINGTON -- After a handful of Republicans suggested on TV and social media that the apprehension of alleged Benghazi, Libya, attacker Ahmed Abu Khatalla was less than impressive, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid used his weekly news conference to hammer the GOP response as "pathetic" and "disgusting."

"The reaction from some of the Republicans, I've been told, is to downplay and insult the brave men and women of our special forces and the FBI," the Nevada Democrat said. "They're trying to say, 'Well, that's no big deal.' I wonder if the men and women who capture the terrorists agree with the Republicans that it's no big deal. Even in these days of polarization ... their reaction is shocking and disgusting."

Reid appeared to be referring mostly to early tweets and web posts reacting to the arrest of Khatallah, who had been found and interviewed by reporters well before his apprehension.

Among them, former Rep. Allen West (R-Fla.) wrote: "Squirrel! Benghazi suspect conveniently captured to deflect attention from all the other nightmares."

Harry Reid Slams 'Disgusting,' 'Pathetic' GOP Response To Benghazi Arrest
WASHINGTON (AP) — The Pentagon says a Libyan militant accused in a deadly attack on Americans in Benghazi, Libya, is in U.S. custody.

The capture of Ahmed Abu Khattala marks the first time the U.S has apprehended one of the accused perpetrators in the 2012 attack. Khattala is a senior leader of the Benghazi branch of the terrorist group Ansar alt-Sharia.

U.S. Captures Benghazi Attack Suspect - AP

U.S. captures Benghazi suspect in secret raid - The Washington Post

I look forward to hearing his story...

That's great for an administration who refused to call it a terrorist attack. Simply by running his victory lap, Obama's acknowledging once and for all that it wasn't some stupid video on YouTube that caused the deaths of four people.

Don't think this helps you, because simply, it doesn't.

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