U.S. CO2 emissions dropping


Gold Member
May 30, 2008
Environmental activists seem elated that the Obama administration may tackle climate change in its second term. In order to determine where climate change fits into the priority ranking of our nation’s most important agenda items, it seems worthwhile to step back and take stock of the quiet but tremendous progress that the U.S. has already made in reducing carbon emissions, and take a few moments to understand the underlying factors that are bringing about such benefits.

In the first quarter of this year, U.S. carbon emissions hit a 20-year low. As Figure 1 below demonstrates, the U.S. has observed substantial reductions in CO2 emissions over the last five years. These reductions contrast with the increases in CO2 emissions that the Energy Information Administration forecasted in 1998 when the U.S. was considering committing to CO2 emissions reductions in the Kyoto Agreement. At the time of these discussions, the EIA estimated that CO2 emissions would increase at a rate of approximately 1.3 percent annually through 2020. In fact, to reach the Kyoto Agreement target for 2012, the U.S. would have needed to reduce CO2 emissions to 7 percent below 1990 levels—to approximately 4,700 million metric tons.

Fast forward to 2012: The U.S. achieved approximately 70% of the CO2 emissions reductions targeted under Kyoto (as compared to the 1998 EIA CO2 forecast). That’s substantial progress. A major factor in CO2 emission reduction is shale gas, which, with the continued displacement/retirement of coal plants, has the potential to provide even more CO2 reduction benefits in the future.

Surprise Side Effect Of Shale Gas Boom: A Plunge In U.S. Greenhouse Gas Emissions - Forbes
In other words we really didn't need to sign the agreement in order to lower emissions on our own.

Bush was right.
When a Nations Manufacturing base shuts down and moves to China of course there will be fewer emissions here.

"Greenhouse Gas" emissions are WAY UP in developing nations which more than compensates for what doesn't get spewed here.

Developing Nations are exempt from any of those regulations.

There's a reason for that.
Wait a sec. All the denialists swore the US economy would collapse and we'd all be living in caves if CO2 emissions were reduced in any way.

Yet that didn't happen in any way. So, it seems the denialists got it totally wrong yet another time. Go fig.
Boy -- you really MISSED the story here Chris.. Like Obama should be taking or given credit for this CO2 emission reduction..

Actually -- the reduction has NOTHING TO DO with Obama policy and has happened quite in SPITE of admin policies. As you can find by digging up my thread from a month ago.. In there -- the REASON for the reduction is revealed. It's because of the dramatic market shift to NATURAL GAS as it gets more plentiful and cheaper. Combusts more completely with almost 1/2 the emissions of CO2.

But hey --- thanks for TRYING to take credit for it and bashing Bush.. It's good for a chuckle..
Damn this is a no brainier. CO2 emissions are dropping because less people don't have a job to drive too everyday.
Wait a sec. All the denialists swore the US economy would collapse and we'd all be living in caves if CO2 emissions were reduced in any way.

Yet that didn't happen in any way. So, it seems the denialists got it totally wrong yet another time. Go fig.

What a dummy......................:D



The denialists always point out.......as the UN pointed out earlier this year........that going green would cost with world 76 trillion dollars.:gay: Of course, as I astutely point out via use of the above graphs, that isnt happening...........not even close!!!:fu:

The radicals continue to think they are winning due to the obsession with their science hoax...........but they're not.:9:
That graph is eye-popping carnage..

Beautiful shit indeed........if the k00ks had their way, my electric bill would be twice what it is now!!!

Thats the dirty little secret that has been exposed and why efforts like RGGI climate legislation in the Northeast have been spectacular disasters for the nutters.:D

This is why climate change has fallen off the the radar for people.........they are all for legislation to reduce carbon emmissions until they are told they have to open their wallet. Then its "FUCK YOU!!!"
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