U.S. coronavirus cases rise by a record 70,000 in single day

U.S. coronavirus cases rise by a record 70,000 in single day
Can Trump and the Republicans be any more Pathetic? Yeah, you probably can. Disgusting.

U.S. coronavirus cases rise by a record 70,000 in single day
Can Trump and the Republicans be any more Pathetic? Yeah, you probably can. Disgusting.
I seriously don't understand how this is a failure of the federal government.

You're telling me that young people paying more attention to socializing than they do to their own mortality is a function of Trump's careless messaging at press conferences? Like maybe some more strongly worded condemnations of public gatherings by our elected officials would have kept stir crazy young people from going out and trying to get laid?

Oh, I know, maybe if Trump hadn't disbanded two organizations that Obama put in place specifically to keep an eye on international health issues! Granted, we're talking about small handfulls of bureaucrats who would have been getting their Covid19 information from the World Health Organization and China, which, incidentally, is from where the information came upon which our early rounds of reactions and public health advice was based. However, even though they wouldn't have had any information that the CDC didn't, I'm 100 percent CERTAIN that they would have seen through the early misinformation from those sources that acted as our ONLY eyes or ears on the fledgling pandemic, and Covid would have been prevented from ever making it onto American shores, right? RIGHT!?

Also, can you believe these republicans trying to imply that these new spiking numbers have anything to do with the thousands of people shoulder to shoulder in the streets of most major cities for the last 7 weeks!? OMFG, don't they know that the bioaerosol released by people screaming and breathing is naturally disinfected by those peoples' declaration of solidarity with black lives? People who want to earn dirty, evil money to buy immoral, bloody animal carcasses to feed the greedy mouths of their bigoted families. . . THOSE are the people who get infected and spread infection, not noble activists who only want to balance the scales of history and usher us into the age of utopia.
My sister-In-law and her boyfriend are in their 60s. Both got COVID, both recovered without any hospital care. It was basically a bad cold. If you are in good health, not fat, not diabetic, not a smoker, you will be fine. If you are old and aren't healthy, it would be a good idea to isolate yourself as much as possible.

U.S. coronavirus cases rise by a record 70,000 in single day
Can Trump and the Republicans be any more Pathetic? Yeah, you probably can. Disgusting.

I had a friend that went to get tested that after signing in? Got tired of waiting for two hours. A couple of days later she was notified she tested positive for a test she never took. Wear your mask because that there corona-virus is lurking everywhere!!! It might be right behind you eVen as we speak!!!!!

U.S. coronavirus cases rise by a record 70,000 in single day
Can Trump and the Republicans be any more Pathetic? Yeah, you probably can. Disgusting.

Moron. They did not create the virus. How many of those 70K are hospitalizations? You do realize the number is going up because there has been more testing right? so what did you expect? These are mostly going to be non symptomatic cases but considering so many of our institutions are run by pseudo Liberals I have a very hard time believing the truthfulness of anything that is linked to politics.
I had a friend that went to get tested that after signing in? Got tired of waiting for two hours. A couple of days later she was notified she tested positive for a test she never took. Wear your mask because that there corona-virus is lurking everywhere!!! It might be right behind you eVen as we speak!!!!!

And there you go! the bastards are lying.
I had a friend that went to get tested that after signing in? Got tired of waiting for two hours. A couple of days later she was notified she tested positive for a test she never took. Wear your mask because that there corona-virus is lurking everywhere!!! It might be right behind you eVen as we speak!!!!!

Were they the same people who told you that Sandy Hook was fake and that Americans faked the moon landing?

You're pretty gullible.
And there you go! the bastards are lying.
It is worse than most even know. If someone tests "positive" (and these tests have a 50% false positive outcome) the one that tested positive (using contract tracing) has those that came in contact with him or her are told that they are "COVID-19 Positive" and added to the stats. It's all total bullshit and a big fucking psy-op of fear porn.
Were they the same people who told you that Sandy Hook was fake and that Americans faked the moon landing?

You're pretty gullible.

Punkinpuss, no one convinced me that Sandy Hoax was a DHS capstone drill, I figured it out by myself, dipshit. BTW, when have I ever said that the moon landing was fake? You are a lying asswipe....but still, you are my personal board bitch.

P.S George Floyd's death was a psy-op and even had he croaked, he wasn't anyone whose death I would give a flying fuck about. He was a thug and a real POS.

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