U.S. coronavirus cases rise by a record 70,000 in single day

What stupid conspiracy theories do you NOT believe in?


Duck, dodge and deflect, homey.........I asked some very simple questions. My conclusion is that you are not even the slightest bit informed about the events of that day. You are a pussy and a coward that has no strength in her convictions. You lamely attempt to use Sandy Hoax as a way to "shut me down" hoping that I will go away. You fucked up, dipshit....just like you always do. You are not shaping public opinion in this forum in any shape, fashion or form. You know why that is? Those that look up your posting history will see that you are a gutless, "knows-nothing" coward with no strength in her convictions.

Now, go fetch my dinner, bitch..........and it BETTER be warm when you bring it to me.

Duck, dodge and deflect, homey.........I asked some very simple questions. My conclusion is that you are not even the slightest bit informed about the events of that day. You are a pussy and a coward that has no strength in her convictions. You lamely attempt to use Sandy Hoax as a way to "shut me down" hoping that I will go away. You fucked up, dipshit....just like you always do. You are not shaping public opinion in this forum in any shape, fashion or form. You know why that is? Those that look up your posting history will see that you are a gutless, "knows-nothing" coward with no strength in her convictions.

Now, go fetch my dinner, bitch..........and it BETTER be warm when you bring it to me.


Sure thing, Cheech. I'm not interested in arguing with you about every one of your ridiculous conspiracy theories just like I'm not interested in trying to talk sense into random crazy people I cross paths with.

As far as I'm concerned, any idiot who things Sandy Hook is fake is obviously messed up on drugs and their opinion on anything else is irrelevant.

Here, go have fun with this story.

Sure thing, Cheech. I'm not interested in arguing with you about every one of your ridiculous conspiracy theories just like I'm not interested in trying to talk sense into random crazy people I cross paths with.

As far as I'm concerned, any idiot who things Sandy Hook is fake is obviously messed up on drugs and their opinion on anything else is irrelevant.

Here, go have fun with this story.


No worries, Homey, I bitch-slap leftard pussies that are twenty times more informed than you and the result is always the same.....they tuck tail and run away. You simply took a kick to the ass tonight and sent on your way. Your fellow leftard pals were not so lucky....as they got cyber-scarred for life and a beat-down that they will never live down. The mark of Zorro as it were....they were "undressed" for the masses and ran away while tripping over their pants that were down around their ankles.

I am your "daddy".........and you better pay your propers... lest I spank that ass of yours in the public square. Capiche'? Now, where is my chicken pot pie, bitch?
No worries, Homey, I bitch-slap leftard pussies that are twenty times more informed than you and the result is always the same.....they tuck tail and run away. You simply took a kick to the ass tonight and sent on your way. Your fellow leftard pals were not so lucky....as they got cyber-scarred for life and a beat-down that they will never live down. The mark of Zorro as it were....they were "undressed" for the masses and ran away while tripping over their pants that were down around their ankles.

I am your "daddy".........and you better pay your propers... lest I spank that ass of yours in the public square. Capiche'? Now, where is my chicken pot pie, bitch?

You believe in Pizza-Gate, that Sandy Hook was faked, and that the moon landing was faked. Your opinions don't matter.

Here you go. Have fun with this one.

Sure thing, Cheech. I'm not interested in arguing with you about every one of your ridiculous conspiracy theories just like I'm not interested in trying to talk sense into random crazy people I cross paths with.

As far as I'm concerned, any idiot who things Sandy Hook is fake is obviously messed up on drugs and their opinion on anything else is irrelevant.

Here, go have fun with this story.

You cant fix this kind of stupid
You believe in Pizza-Gate, that Sandy Hook was faked, and that the moon landing was faked. Your opinions don't matter.

Here you go. Have fun with this one.

View attachment 364254

Yeah, I bitch-slapped you........I made you look "tiny and small".
You put up "zero defense" and I took away what little manhood you had left. You talked big and performed "small". You tucked tail, ran away and now you are sticking out your tongue from a distance. Grow up, bitch....grow a pair. You will never become a man until you accept responsibility for yourself. The world doesn't owe you diddly squat. What matters is forming alliances with those that will have your back when the feces hits the oscillating blades and I guarantee you that the leftists will roast and eat human flesh to stay alive.... dark meat will be the first item on the menu.

The righteous know how to live off of the land and how to be self-sufficient. We can skin a buck, we can run a trot-line...a country boy can survive.
Yeah, I bitch-slapped you........I made you look "tiny and small".
You put up "zero defense" and I took away what little manhood you had left. You talked big and performed "small". You tucked tail, ran away and now you are sticking out your tongue from a distance. Grow up, bitch....grow a pair. You will never become a man until you accept responsibility for yourself. The world doesn't owe you diddly squat. What matters is forming alliances with those that will have your back when the feces hits the oscillating blades and I guarantee you that the leftists will roast and eat human flesh to stay alive.... dark meat will be the first item on the menu.

The righteous know how to live off of the land and how to be self-sufficient. We can skin a buck, we can run a trot-line...a country boy can survive.

Your opinions don't matter, Cheech. Lay off the drugs.

Watch out for the UFO's. They might try to abduct you again.
Your opinions don't matter, Cheech. Lay off the drugs.

Watch out for the UFO's. They might try to abduct you again.

My opinions matter to many and they make a bigger impression than anything you have ever posted here. Your lame musings wouldn't be missed at all.....you are a non-entity. Hate me or like me, I am a force on this forum whether you like it or not.

Hope this helps!!!!
My opinions matter to many and they make a bigger impression than anything you have ever posted here. Your lame musings wouldn't be missed at all.....you are a non-entity. Hate me or like me, I am a force on this forum whether you like it or not.

Hope this helps!!!!

Congratulations. You think you're a force on an anonymous message board.

You think you matter more than someone else on an anonymous message board. We're all proud of you. Congratulations.

View attachment 364257

My words carry more weight than anything that you could post here. You are a non-entity and when you had the chance to "man up"? You bailed and you failed...........typical of those of your ilk. They talk a lot of shit coming out of the gate but stall and run out of stamina. Sucks to be you...maybe you can take out your anger at a BLM event.....beware of cars and FED-Ex trucks that don't respect your kind.


Savages attacking truck drivers worked in 1992 but not now apparently.

Long story short. Kung Flu testing is profoundly flawed. "Cases" as a stat is a totally meaningless stat. But in the rare case of someone who has what might be a Kung Flu of some type, it is easily curable with the anti-malaria drug and zinc in addition to a couple other things that cost like $5.
My words carry more weight than anything that you could post here. You are a non-entity and when you had the chance to "man up"? You bailed and you failed...........typical of those of your ilk. They talk a lot of shit coming out of the gate but stall and run out of stamina. Sucks to be you...maybe you can take out your anger at a BLM event.....beware of cars and FED-Ex trucks that don't respect your kind.



You're a birther, aren't you?

U.S. coronavirus cases rise by a record 70,000 in single day
Can Trump and the Republicans be any more Pathetic? Yeah, you probably can. Disgusting.

This is such an ignorant post. Do you really not realize that the more testing they do, the more cases they can claim? And do you not realize that the testing is a total joke? Last I heard, they were lumping in results from two different types of tests, and one of them is completely worthless, as anyone who has ever had the common cold can test positive. So then they take that obviously fake, inflated number and plaster it all over the TV in their nonstop fear-porn, so naïve fools like some of you here will parrot their propaganda, and help the tyrants behind this scam.
Long story short. Kung Flu testing is profoundly flawed. "Cases" as a stat is a totally meaningless stat.

Exactly, the trickery with the numbers to create fear and panic is so very obvious, I'm truly amazed that anyone at all is still buying the whole scam. I feel like I'm living in the Twilight Zone.

The Dollar Vigilante talked about that today in his video (he's been talking about this whole thing almost daily in his videos.)


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