U.S. Corporations Doing New Testament Year-End (Not Exactly Walking On Water!)


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
So famously, in Deuteronomy, Moses ordered Israel to observe the usual wreath-like spirit of year-end: And Screw Everybody(?): Deuteronomy 23:19-20, KJV and Jewish editions. The Catholics and Moslems were and are on-board with that, themselves. It's not just, "Throw the queers off the roof-tops," even then(?)!

After 1500 years or so: In the Gospel of a Tax Collector, of all people: World peace is outlined. The Moses Atrocity is described in Matthew 25: 14-30. The servant with more clearly prospers with the fixed percentage usury exchanges. People unable to keep up, in that arithmetic, get thrown into "Outer Darkness," out of the Household. Some things in Las Vegas do not stay there at all(?)!

A community-remedy is shown in Matthew 20:1-16. The able-bodied do the daily toil commencing at the first hour. Any less able arrive and labor during the subsequent hours. At the end of day: All get a daily ration, about the value of a denarius.

Mostly: A lot of them are really not that happy to be blessed with participation in civilization: With a stable food supply and other goods and services. There had been a Superior Time of Eden: When the Road-Kill allegedly was everywhere--and there weren't too many around. . . .participating in the feasting(?). For all that time, there were two; In the Baptist editions, they were actually White People(?)! Some clergy know their people well-enough, and include the pictures.

Now U. S. Public Corporations are publically proclaiming "Arithmetic!" There will be equal amount bonuses and wage floors at some of the very largest: Celebrating Tax Cuts. Some in fact are announcing investments and charitable works(?).

These Companies Are Giving Employees Bonuses Because of the Tax Bill

The net of the tax changes can be shown to in fact cost the Blue State rich some money: Where a lot is located. Many would say that the Obama Stimulus had blown up the federal deficit a bundle--and most of it seems to have easily been spent. . . .at least for some. An alternative life-style, Keynesian Miracle had happened.

People who noticed included voters in three swing states, for example(?). The Stimulus Public Works--like the roofs on the outdoor crappers in the Parks at Mammoth Mountain, CA--had mainly trickled to an Pacific Northwest-based construction company.

More likely Putin had been doing the Central Planning--no investigation even suggested about that(?).

See in the link that an outcome expected from the tax cuts, may be partially underway already--likely more suggestive(?). . .or more widespread: The The Social Planning of a decade ago(?)!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!'
(Great Spirit "Seven Come Eleven" is revered on Lands of Many Nations--expecting the Holy-Inspired Visitors--soon enough in the New Year!)

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