U.S. files breach of contract lawsuit against John Bolton


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
I guess that Bolton and his publishers think he is above the requirements to vet his work.

The breach-of-contract suit filed by the Justice Department in federal court says the action seeks to stop Mr. Bolton “from compromising national security.” It says that in his former post in the White House, Mr. Bolton had “a high-level role in which he regularly came into possession of some of the most sensitive classified information that exists in the U.S. government.”

Although Mr. Bolton did remove some classified information from the manuscript, the National Security Council has determined that some secrets remain in his book, up to several paragraphs in length.

“In fact, the NSC has determined that information in the manuscript is classified at the Confidential, Secret, and Top Secret levels,” the lawsuit states.

“Accordingly, the publication and release of ‘The Room Where it Happened’ would cause irreparable harm, because the disclosure of instances of classified information in the manuscript reasonably could be expected to cause serious damage, or exceptionally grave damage, to the national security of the United States.”


I guess that Bolton and his publishers think he is above the requirements to vet his work.

The breach-of-contract suit filed by the Justice Department in federal court says the action seeks to stop Mr. Bolton “from compromising national security.” It says that in his former post in the White House, Mr. Bolton had “a high-level role in which he regularly came into possession of some of the most sensitive classified information that exists in the U.S. government.”

Although Mr. Bolton did remove some classified information from the manuscript, the National Security Council has determined that some secrets remain in his book, up to several paragraphs in length.

“In fact, the NSC has determined that information in the manuscript is classified at the Confidential, Secret, and Top Secret levels,” the lawsuit states.

“Accordingly, the publication and release of ‘The Room Where it Happened’ would cause irreparable harm, because the disclosure of instances of classified information in the manuscript reasonably could be expected to cause serious damage, or exceptionally grave damage, to the national security of the United States.”


I’m not buying it. The other day Trump said that all his interactions between himself and Bolton should be classified. How silly is that! He doesn’t want the negative press and will use his power to try and block Bolton from publishing. It’s obvious
I guess that Bolton and his publishers think he is above the requirements to vet his work.

The breach-of-contract suit filed by the Justice Department in federal court says the action seeks to stop Mr. Bolton “from compromising national security.” It says that in his former post in the White House, Mr. Bolton had “a high-level role in which he regularly came into possession of some of the most sensitive classified information that exists in the U.S. government.”​
Although Mr. Bolton did remove some classified information from the manuscript, the National Security Council has determined that some secrets remain in his book, up to several paragraphs in length.
“In fact, the NSC has determined that information in the manuscript is classified at the Confidential, Secret, and Top Secret levels,” the lawsuit states.​
“Accordingly, the publication and release of ‘The Room Where it Happened’ would cause irreparable harm, because the disclosure of instances of classified information in the manuscript reasonably could be expected to cause serious damage, or exceptionally grave damage, to the national security of the United States.”​

This is a nuisance lawsuit that will likely increase sales.
Why do I need a book to tell me that Trump is a bad president?

Because his actions as prez don't tell you that?
Hardly, he is a real loser and hypocrite along with the Trumpets.

Uh huh.

There isn't a group, club, clan, crew, gathering, herd, congregation or gaggle of people on this entire planet, combined even that come close to the level of dirty hypocrisy coming from the democrats.
Why do I need a book to tell me that Trump is a bad president?

Because his actions as prez don't tell you that?
Hardly, he is a real loser and hypocrite along with the Trumpets.

Uh huh.

There isn't a group, club, clan, crew, gathering, herd, congregation or gaggle of people on this entire planet, combined even that come close to the level of dirty hypocrisy coming from the democrats.
I don't doubt that at all they and the Repubs are one in the same they both suck horrendously...
I guess that Bolton and his publishers think he is above the requirements to vet his work.

The breach-of-contract suit filed by the Justice Department in federal court says the action seeks to stop Mr. Bolton “from compromising national security.” It says that in his former post in the White House, Mr. Bolton had “a high-level role in which he regularly came into possession of some of the most sensitive classified information that exists in the U.S. government.”​
Although Mr. Bolton did remove some classified information from the manuscript, the National Security Council has determined that some secrets remain in his book, up to several paragraphs in length.
“In fact, the NSC has determined that information in the manuscript is classified at the Confidential, Secret, and Top Secret levels,” the lawsuit states.​
“Accordingly, the publication and release of ‘The Room Where it Happened’ would cause irreparable harm, because the disclosure of instances of classified information in the manuscript reasonably could be expected to cause serious damage, or exceptionally grave damage, to the national security of the United States.”​

I’m not buying it. The other day Trump said that all his interactions between himself and Bolton should be classified. How silly is that! He doesn’t want the negative press and will use his power to try and block Bolton from publishing. It’s obvious
Trump's scrambling because he knows, if this book gets published, it will open the floodgates for a bunch of tell-alls from the people he touted, hired and then unceremoniously fired. The "disgruntled employee" dodge only goes so far and he knows it.
Um you fucking libtards do realize that Bolton signed a document stating that if he ever left office and wrote a book that he would agree to have the contents looked over by the national security council to ensure that no classified information was being revealed?

That's the contract he breached. Also revealing classified information is a felony.
Watch the moonbats now carry the water for the warmongering neocon dickweed, whom they said was going to get us into WW XXIV since the Chimpola Bush regime.
What the hell does that have to do with us wanting to know what Bolton has to say about his time with Trump? Oh, I know. It has shit to do with it.
So even though the president was impeached for his Ukraine actions, and acquitted, there is information that we do not know, pertaining to what the president did in the Ukraine and what he was charged with in his impeachment, that was kept from us and the Senators in the trial? And this is what the president wants to keep from everyone, that's in Bolton's book?

ummmm, okie dokie....
It's not ok for someone to violate federal law simply because you don't like Trump and your Russian collusion hoax and impeachment fell flat on their faces.

Unlike fucking libtards if I would find out someone has "the goods" on Obama and was ready to write a book about it the first thing I'd say is "You better fucking do it legally." I can't expect that kind of honesty out of fucking libshits.
And ask yourself, when has one of these "tell all" books like this about a previous administration done really well? I can't remember one.
Why do I need a book to tell me that Trump is a bad president?
Because his actions as prez don't tell you that?
-Record Deficit & Debt Spending in Good Times when Surplus should have occurred!
-Only Tariff on 4% of US imports from China!
-Very Few Jobs Return to USA!
-Lower GDP growth rate than Obama!
-Trump only built 3 new miles of Border Wall.
-Trump pulled US virus experts from China CDC, allowing the pandemic.
-Trump to slow to close all borders.
-Not prepared for pandemic
-Worst Job Loss since Great Depression.
-More Massive Deficit Spending.
-Trump told police to be rough with handcuffed suspects.
-Police granted Trump's wishes murdering cuffed suspects.
-Trump's police thugs cause Worst Riots we ever saw.
-Massive shortages of food & supplies.
-Massive phone & internet outages.
-Lost trade war & China stopped importing from the US.
Why do I need a book to tell me that Trump is a bad president?

Because his actions as prez don't tell you that?
Hardly, he is a real loser and hypocrite along with the Trumpets.

Uh huh.

There isn't a group, club, clan, crew, gathering, herd, congregation or gaggle of people on this entire planet, combined even that come close to the level of dirty hypocrisy coming from the democrats.

You're selling yourselves short.
It's not ok for someone to violate federal law simply because you don't like Trump and your Russian collusion hoax and impeachment fell flat on their faces.

Unlike fucking libtards if I would find out someone has "the goods" on Obama and was ready to write a book about it the first thing I'd say is "You better fucking do it legally." I can't expect that kind of honesty out of fucking libshits.
Dann that Republican liberal Bolton!

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