U.S. Has Second Lowest Corporate Taxes In The Developed World


Gold Member
Mar 30, 2011
Contrary To GOP Claims, U.S. Has Second Lowest Corporate Taxes In The Developed World

During negotiations regarding raising the nation’s debt limit, congressional Republicans have defended tax loopholes for corporations, claiming that America has a high corporate tax rate that is stifling economic growth and job creation. But the Center for Tax Justice (CTJ) has crunched the most recent data from the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), the Office of Management and Budget, and the Census Bureau, and finds that “the U.S. is already one of the least taxed countries for corporations in the developed world.”As a share of GDP, the U.S. had the second lowest tax rate, behind only Iceland. This statistic flips on its head the often-repeated Republican charge that America has the second highest corporate tax rate in the world (which is only true on paper). In 2009, U.S. corporate taxes had fallen to only 1.3 percent of GDP, from 4 percent in 1965.

Contrary To GOP Claims, U.S. Has Second Lowest Corporate Taxes In The Developed World | Rich's Thoughts On Life
And as I documented in another thread Americans are among the most under-taxed.

The GOP’s blind adherence to tax-cutting dogma has got to be abandoned.

How do we calculate Corporate taxes as a percentage of "Corporate" Domestic Product not GDP....

Is there a better measurement to use or what does the GOP use for math? Did that fuzzy math hating fella take away their slide rule and the ability to figure this out?

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