U.S. intel report identifies Russians who gave emails to WikiLeaks:

Look, you guys, no professional or state sponsored hacking operation is going to be traced.

Dumbass statement given facts of well documented traced and punished state hacking.

“Su Bin’s sentence is a just punishment for his admitted role in a conspiracy with hackers from the People's Liberation Army Air Force to illegally access and steal sensitive U.S. military information,” said Assistant Attorney General Carlin. “Su assisted the Chinese military hackers in their efforts to illegally access and steal designs for cutting-edge military aircraft that are indispensable to our national defense. These activities have serious consequences for the national security of our country and the safety of the men and women of our armed services. This prison sentence reinforces our commitment to ensure that hackers, regardless of state affiliation, are held accountable for their criminal conduct.”

Chinese National Who Conspired to Hack into U.S. Defense Contractors’ Systems Sentenced to 46 Months in Federal Prison

You consistently state baseless, made up falsehoods.

That is not state sponsored hacking operation. That is a dumbass defense contractor who was stupid enough to hire a Chinese national.

I am not talking about one amateur who may have been put up to doing some corporate espionage or spying for his country and got caught. I am talking about organized state sponsored cyber warfare and hacking. And you are not going to catch a professional operation like that. Rarely if ever are you going to snag one of those guys, or even find evidence revealing who they are.

So why is The DNC refusing to let anyone look at their server, and why aren't any of Hillary Clinton's emails from her State Dept Server a far softer target being published out there by "THE RUSSIANS?"

...what is your malfunction?

What part of "Su assisted the Chinese military hackers" do you have trouble understanding? This was a state sponsored enterprise.
Look, you guys, no professional or state sponsored hacking operation is going to be traced.

Dumbass statement given facts of well documented traced and punished state hacking.

“Su Bin’s sentence is a just punishment for his admitted role in a conspiracy with hackers from the People's Liberation Army Air Force to illegally access and steal sensitive U.S. military information,” said Assistant Attorney General Carlin. “Su assisted the Chinese military hackers in their efforts to illegally access and steal designs for cutting-edge military aircraft that are indispensable to our national defense. These activities have serious consequences for the national security of our country and the safety of the men and women of our armed services. This prison sentence reinforces our commitment to ensure that hackers, regardless of state affiliation, are held accountable for their criminal conduct.”

Chinese National Who Conspired to Hack into U.S. Defense Contractors’ Systems Sentenced to 46 Months in Federal Prison

You consistently state baseless, made up falsehoods.

That is not state sponsored hacking operation. That is a dumbass defense contractor who was stupid enough to hire a Chinese national.

I am not talking about one amateur who may have been put up to doing some corporate espionage or spying for his country and got caught. I am talking about organized state sponsored cyber warfare and hacking. And you are not going to catch a professional operation like that. Rarely if ever are you going to snag one of those guys, or even find evidence revealing who they are.

So why is The DNC refusing to let anyone look at their server, and why aren't any of Hillary Clinton's emails from her State Dept Server a far softer target being published out there by "THE RUSSIANS?"

...what is your malfunction?

What part of "Su assisted the Chinese military hackers" do you have trouble understanding? This was a state sponsored enterprise.

I think the malfunction is at THE DNC who made up a story of Russian Hacking when it was a Sanders supporter who leaked the emails, and now they refuse to let anyone look at the servers because it will expose them for the liars they are.

And since this impacts National Security, they can all be brought up on charges now for committing perjury. Including Obama Bin Lying and Hillary Clinton.
Look, you guys, no professional or state sponsored hacking operation is going to be traced.

Dumbass statement given facts of well documented traced and punished state hacking.

“Su Bin’s sentence is a just punishment for his admitted role in a conspiracy with hackers from the People's Liberation Army Air Force to illegally access and steal sensitive U.S. military information,” said Assistant Attorney General Carlin. “Su assisted the Chinese military hackers in their efforts to illegally access and steal designs for cutting-edge military aircraft that are indispensable to our national defense. These activities have serious consequences for the national security of our country and the safety of the men and women of our armed services. This prison sentence reinforces our commitment to ensure that hackers, regardless of state affiliation, are held accountable for their criminal conduct.”

Chinese National Who Conspired to Hack into U.S. Defense Contractors’ Systems Sentenced to 46 Months in Federal Prison

You consistently state baseless, made up falsehoods.

That is not state sponsored hacking operation. That is a dumbass defense contractor who was stupid enough to hire a Chinese national.

I am not talking about one amateur who may have been put up to doing some corporate espionage or spying for his country and got caught. I am talking about organized state sponsored cyber warfare and hacking. And you are not going to catch a professional operation like that. Rarely if ever are you going to snag one of those guys, or even find evidence revealing who they are.

So why is The DNC refusing to let anyone look at their server, and why aren't any of Hillary Clinton's emails from her State Dept Server a far softer target being published out there by "THE RUSSIANS?"

...what is your malfunction?

What part of "Su assisted the Chinese military hackers" do you have trouble understanding? This was a state sponsored enterprise.

I read the article numb nuts and it was an inside job done by a clumsy Chinese National. Or did the US trace this hacker clear to China, invade China and arrest him and bring him to The US?

No, they caught him right where he worked. He may have had help from Chinese Military Hackers, but he was the amateur conduit they operated through.

Where are The Military Hackers? Unidentified and still in China, that's where. They used a direct approach through an employee, and because of this, it wasn't necessary to cover their tracks so much. Most of the time, these guys come, do their contracts and are back home in China before anyone discovers they were ripped off, so this does not actually count as hacking, it is more like espionage and leaking by the Chinese National.

Nice try. Nice fail.

This was an INSIDE JOB that went on for YEARS.... YEARS.. The damn fool stayed too long.
Get in, and get out if you are going to use an insider to steal information.

Your story is actually more applicable to The DNC Insider and Bernie Supporter who stole and leaked all of these DNC emails. Again the direct approach yields the most data, but the trick with that is never to stay too long.
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Look, you guys, no professional or state sponsored hacking operation is going to be traced.

Dumbass statement given facts of well documented traced and punished state hacking.

“Su Bin’s sentence is a just punishment for his admitted role in a conspiracy with hackers from the People's Liberation Army Air Force to illegally access and steal sensitive U.S. military information,” said Assistant Attorney General Carlin. “Su assisted the Chinese military hackers in their efforts to illegally access and steal designs for cutting-edge military aircraft that are indispensable to our national defense. These activities have serious consequences for the national security of our country and the safety of the men and women of our armed services. This prison sentence reinforces our commitment to ensure that hackers, regardless of state affiliation, are held accountable for their criminal conduct.”

Chinese National Who Conspired to Hack into U.S. Defense Contractors’ Systems Sentenced to 46 Months in Federal Prison

You consistently state baseless, made up falsehoods.

That is not state sponsored hacking operation. That is a dumbass defense contractor who was stupid enough to hire a Chinese national.

I am not talking about one amateur who may have been put up to doing some corporate espionage or spying for his country and got caught. I am talking about organized state sponsored cyber warfare and hacking. And you are not going to catch a professional operation like that. Rarely if ever are you going to snag one of those guys, or even find evidence revealing who they are.

So why is The DNC refusing to let anyone look at their server, and why aren't any of Hillary Clinton's emails from her State Dept Server a far softer target being published out there by "THE RUSSIANS?"

...what is your malfunction?

What part of "Su assisted the Chinese military hackers" do you have trouble understanding? This was a state sponsored enterprise.

I think the malfunction is at THE DNC who made up a story of Russian Hacking when it was a Sanders supporter who leaked the emails, and now they refuse to let anyone look at the servers because it will expose them for the liars they are.

And since this impacts National Security, they can all be brought up on charges now for committing perjury. Including Obama Bin Lying and Hillary Clinton.

You are seriously unhinged with your little fantasies.

DNC made up the story? Seriously? And how did they get the whole American Intelligence community to sign up for it? Don't tell me - it's a huge conspiracy! Fucking nutter.
Look, you guys, no professional or state sponsored hacking operation is going to be traced.

Dumbass statement given facts of well documented traced and punished state hacking.

“Su Bin’s sentence is a just punishment for his admitted role in a conspiracy with hackers from the People's Liberation Army Air Force to illegally access and steal sensitive U.S. military information,” said Assistant Attorney General Carlin. “Su assisted the Chinese military hackers in their efforts to illegally access and steal designs for cutting-edge military aircraft that are indispensable to our national defense. These activities have serious consequences for the national security of our country and the safety of the men and women of our armed services. This prison sentence reinforces our commitment to ensure that hackers, regardless of state affiliation, are held accountable for their criminal conduct.”

Chinese National Who Conspired to Hack into U.S. Defense Contractors’ Systems Sentenced to 46 Months in Federal Prison

You consistently state baseless, made up falsehoods.

That is not state sponsored hacking operation. That is a dumbass defense contractor who was stupid enough to hire a Chinese national.

I am not talking about one amateur who may have been put up to doing some corporate espionage or spying for his country and got caught. I am talking about organized state sponsored cyber warfare and hacking. And you are not going to catch a professional operation like that. Rarely if ever are you going to snag one of those guys, or even find evidence revealing who they are.

So why is The DNC refusing to let anyone look at their server, and why aren't any of Hillary Clinton's emails from her State Dept Server a far softer target being published out there by "THE RUSSIANS?"

...what is your malfunction?

What part of "Su assisted the Chinese military hackers" do you have trouble understanding? This was a state sponsored enterprise.

I think the malfunction is at THE DNC who made up a story of Russian Hacking when it was a Sanders supporter who leaked the emails, and now they refuse to let anyone look at the servers because it will expose them for the liars they are.

And since this impacts National Security, they can all be brought up on charges now for committing perjury. Including Obama Bin Lying and Hillary Clinton.

You are seriously unhinged with your little fantasies.

DNC made up the story? Seriously? And how did they get the whole American Intelligence community to sign up for it? Don't tell me - it's a huge conspiracy! Fucking nutter.

Of course they made up the stories. The DNC and Liberal Media are desperate. They were outted. Collusion was exposed. There is no difference between THE DNC and The Liberal MSM. NONE.

And in typical lying Lib fashion (All of you are Liars) you deflect from The Issue, that THE DNC made an unsubstantiated and unprovable accusation, one that involves National Security, yet refuses to allow their server to be examined. I guess they really don't care about National Security or about verifying their accusations. Having their lies debunked is what they are really concerned about.

The Democrap Party is Scum. They hate America. They are Liars. They are Slave Masters-Socialists-Communists-Collectivists.
There is no bigger collection of Racists, and radical hate groups any where in the world than at THE DNC and with all of their radical affiliate political groups.

The DNC is a bigger threat to Democracy than The Russians. Hell, Hillary sold them our Uranium, and Obama let them take the Crimea and build Air Bases in Syria, as well as gave their ally Iran 33 Billion Dollars to buy weapons from Russia.

The whole house of lying cards comes falling down when you realize that The Best Target any hacker could have gone after was not The DNC Server, it was Hillary Clinton's Unsecured State Department Server which had tons of dirt on it, and classified information. And this server was known to exist by The Entire World. Yet no one hacked it, and none of Hillary's 33,000 emails she deleted on it, and bleach bitted from it, violating two court orders, FOIA and a subpoena intentionally, were EVER PUBLISHED!


Turn over THE DNC SERVER and this will all be put to bed within 24 hours.
Then again, the Dems know that, and will lose the last bit of credibility they have, so this is why they refuse to let anyone look at it.
This is bigger than Watergate. Hillary should have gone to jail, and been disqualified from running for president, and Bernie Sanders who got screwed and scammed by The DNC should have been your nominee. He may have been your president if your party had any moral backbone or ethics and would have simply done the right thing.

Two DNC Heads of your party disgraced in one election. And several others affiliate group heads fired for GETTING CAUGHT hiring paid thugs to beat up little old ladies who wanted to vote for Trump. The DNC has become the party of liars and criminals.

I hope you are proud of your party.

Then again, you are a liberal, so Evil is something you embrace like a virtue, don't you?


Am I Right?

You know I am.
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a lot of words, zero explanation:

And how did they get the whole American Intelligence community to sign up for it?

Are you right? No I don't think you are right, I think you are fucking insane person that believes whatever politico delusions happen to pop into your emotionally charged head.
Countering Trump, Bipartisan Voices Strongly Affirm Findings on Russian Hacking

WASHINGTON — A united front of top intelligence officials and senators from both parties on Thursday forcefully reaffirmed the conclusion that the Russian government used hacking and leaks to try to influence the presidential election, directly rebuffing President-elect Donald J. Trump’s repeated questioning of Russia’s role.

They suggested that the doubts Mr. Trump has expressed on Twitter about the agencies’ competence and impartiality were undermining their morale.

“There’s a difference between skepticism and disparagement,” James R. Clapper Jr., the director of national intelligence, said at a hearing of the Senate Armed Services Committee on the Russian hacks. He added that “our assessment now is even more resolute” that the Russians carried out the attack on the election.


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