U.S. intel report identifies Russians who gave emails to WikiLeaks:

Dumbass, no one leaked Clinton emails. DNC and Podesta emails were hacked and leaked by a clearly professional organization with sizable staff, thousands of targets and even regular Russian business hours of operation.

Oh yeah it took a top notch organization to hack someone who's password.................wait for it.................drumroll..........................password?

Yes, in fact the system that hacked Podesta was sloppy enough to be reverse-hacked to reveal 1000s of targets which just so happen to line up with coraborating intelligence on who Russia was suspected of targeting. How did that "someone" get such a list?

You just contradicted yourself. Are they professional or are they sloppy?

Let's put that aside for just a moment though. The information that is being put out there is all sourced from CrowdStrike.

Hired, bought and paid for by the DNC tech company. We're supposed to believe this shit?

I've never heard of a professional that doesn't make any mistakes. Have you? They were professional and they got sloppy, there is no contradiction.

Crowdstrike's findings corroborated many other sources and what intelligence knew of past Bear groups activity including methods, infrastructure and targets.

So we have the DNC denying access to the servers to the FBI. DNC claiming it cost their candidate the election.

But we are supposed to believe reports from a non governmental tech company paid by the DNC.

U.S. intel report identifies Russians who gave emails to WikiLeaks: officials

Reuters January 6, 2017

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The CIA has identified Russian officials who fed material hacked from the Democratic National Committee and party leaders to WikiLeaks at the direction of Russian President Vladimir Putin through third parties, according to a new U.S. intelligence report, senior U.S. officials said on Thursday.

The officials, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said the Central Intelligence Agency and others have concluded that the Russian government escalated its efforts from discrediting the U.S. election process to assisting President-elect Donald Trump's campaign.

U.S. intel report identifies Russians who gave emails to WikiLeaks: officials
Officials Say Russia Has Compromising Info on Trump

“Classified documents presented last week to President Obama and President-elect Trump included allegations that Russian operatives claim to have compromising personal and financial information about Mr. Trump,” CNN reports.

“The allegations were presented in a two-page synopsis that was appended to a report on Russian interference in the 2016 election. The allegations came, in part, from memos compiled by a former British intelligence operative, whose past work US intelligence officials consider credible. The FBI is investigating the credibility and accuracy of these allegations, which are based primarily on information from Russian sources, but has not confirmed many essential details in the memos about Mr. Trump.”
Dumbass, no one leaked Clinton emails. DNC and Podesta emails were hacked and leaked by a clearly professional organization with sizable staff, thousands of targets and even regular Russian business hours of operation.

Oh yeah it took a top notch organization to hack someone who's password.................wait for it.................drumroll..........................password?

Yes, in fact the system that hacked Podesta was sloppy enough to be reverse-hacked to reveal 1000s of targets which just so happen to line up with coraborating intelligence on who Russia was suspected of targeting. How did that "someone" get such a list?

You just contradicted yourself. Are they professional or are they sloppy?

Let's put that aside for just a moment though. The information that is being put out there is all sourced from CrowdStrike.

Hired, bought and paid for by the DNC tech company. We're supposed to believe this shit?

I've never heard of a professional that doesn't make any mistakes. Have you? They were professional and they got sloppy, there is no contradiction.

Crowdstrike's findings corroborated many other sources and what intelligence knew of past Bear groups activity including methods, infrastructure and targets.

So we have the DNC denying access to the servers to the FBI. DNC claiming it cost their candidate the election.

But we are supposed to believe reports from a non governmental tech company paid by the DNC.


If you recall DNC and Clinton blamed FBI's Republican Comey's actions for their loss much more so than Russian hacking. There was certainly a cautious attitude in the organization when it came to FBI and third party experts were preferable.

Dumbass, no one leaked Clinton emails. DNC and Podesta emails were hacked and leaked by a clearly professional organization with sizable staff, thousands of targets and even regular Russian business hours of operation.

Oh yeah it took a top notch organization to hack someone who's password.................wait for it.................drumroll..........................password?

Yes, in fact the system that hacked Podesta was sloppy enough to be reverse-hacked to reveal 1000s of targets which just so happen to line up with coraborating intelligence on who Russia was suspected of targeting. How did that "someone" get such a list?

You just contradicted yourself. Are they professional or are they sloppy?

Let's put that aside for just a moment though. The information that is being put out there is all sourced from CrowdStrike.

Hired, bought and paid for by the DNC tech company. We're supposed to believe this shit?

I've never heard of a professional that doesn't make any mistakes. Have you? They were professional and they got sloppy, there is no contradiction.

Crowdstrike's findings corroborated many other sources and what intelligence knew of past Bear groups activity including methods, infrastructure and targets.

You have got to be the dumbest son of a bitch I ever met.

The real treasure of information was on Hillary Clinton's Server. That's where all the dirt was. That's where the classified information was, and the ENTIRE WORLD KNEW for months it existed. There was so much dirt on there that Hillary Clinton knowingly ignored a preservation order for the data on it, and intentionally broke FOIA Laws, and ordered the server Bleach Bitted. She also deleted 33,000 emails off of there. Just about any hacker anywhere if they wanted to would have gone after that server and had months and months to pull data off of it.

BUT NOTHING. Not one published Email from Hillary Clinton's State Department Sever. Unsecured, left wide open for anyone to snoop in, and widely known to The Public and The World!

Yet Russia IGNORED IT. You said so yourself. They ignored an unsecured server with tons of dirt on it, and classified information, and just passed it up for a lame DNC Server that really had nothing on it but some off color comments, gossip, and some mean things said about people Democrats don't like.

Please go have a lobotomy. You might become more intelligent. Nobody with a brain should believe this sh1t. No Hacker, and I am very familiar with hackers, would bother with THE DNC Server. They'd hit Clinton's State Department Server.

The only story that makes sense is Pissed Off Bernie Supporter Ratting On The DNC. No other story makes sense. But that story isn't a distraction for what a miserable and corrupt organization The DNC is, and what a corrupt Lying Hag Clinton is, now is it?
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01.10.2017 - 5:15 PM EDT
CNN has a breaking report that in addition to the reports we're aware of, Russia also compiled compromising information about President Elect Trump. They also included information about on-going contacts between Trump surrogates and members of the Russian government during the presidential campaign. The report seems like the same set of facts which Mojo's David Corn a few months ago - that's my surmise but the claims line up. We'll have more reports shortly.

Read More →
Dumbass, no one leaked Clinton emails. DNC and Podesta emails were hacked and leaked by a clearly professional organization with sizable staff, thousands of targets and even regular Russian business hours of operation.

Oh yeah it took a top notch organization to hack someone who's password.................wait for it.................drumroll..........................password?

Yes, in fact the system that hacked Podesta was sloppy enough to be reverse-hacked to reveal 1000s of targets which just so happen to line up with coraborating intelligence on who Russia was suspected of targeting. How did that "someone" get such a list?

You just contradicted yourself. Are they professional or are they sloppy?

Let's put that aside for just a moment though. The information that is being put out there is all sourced from CrowdStrike.

Hired, bought and paid for by the DNC tech company. We're supposed to believe this shit?

I've never heard of a professional that doesn't make any mistakes. Have you? They were professional and they got sloppy, there is no contradiction.

Crowdstrike's findings corroborated many other sources and what intelligence knew of past Bear groups activity including methods, infrastructure and targets.

You have got to be the dumbest son of a bitch I ever met.

The real treasure of information was on Hillary Clinton's Server. That's where all the dirt was. That's where the classified information was, and the ENTIRE WORLD KNEW for months it existed.

Yet Russia IGNORED IT. You said so yourself. They ignored an unsecured server with tons of dirt on it, and classified information, and just passed it up for a lame DNC Server that really had nothing on it but some off color comments, gossip, and some mean things said about people Democrats don't like.

Please go have a lobotomy. You might become more intelligent. Nobody with a brain should believe this sh1t. No Hacker, and I am very familiar with hackers, would bother with THE DNC Server. They'd hit Clinton's State Department Server.

Guccifer (commonly thought of Russian hacking front) claimed to have gotten into Hillary's server, but was unable to get to the actual emails. FBI similarly confirmed ATTEMPTED hacks, but found no evidence of compromised emails on the server.

So what the fuck do you know about email servers and hacking that they don't?

Hacker Who Says He Got Into Clinton Server Pleads Guilty
Intel chiefs presented Trump with claims of Russian efforts to compromise him
By Evan Perez, Jim Sciutto, Jake Tapper and Carl Bernstein, CNN
Updated 5:15 PM ET, Tue January 10, 2017

(CNN)Classified documents presented last week to President Obama and President-elect Trump included allegations that Russian operatives claim to have compromising personal and financial information about Mr. Trump, multiple US officials with direct knowledge of the briefings tell CNN.

The allegations were presented in a two-page synopsis that was appended to a report on Russian interference in the 2016 election. The allegations came, in part, from memos compiled by a former British intelligence operative, whose past work US intelligence officials consider credible. The FBI is investigating the credibility and accuracy of these allegations, which are based primarily on information from Russian sources, but has not confirmed many essential details in the memos about Mr. Trump.
The classified briefings last week were presented by four of the senior-most US intelligence chiefs -- Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, FBI Director James Comey, CIA Director John Brennan, and NSA Director Admiral Mike Rogers.
One reason the nation's intelligence chiefs took the extraordinary step of including the synopsis in the briefing documents was to make the President-elect aware that such allegations involving him are circulating among intelligence agencies, senior members of Congress and other government officials in Washington, multiple sources tell CNN.
These senior intelligence officials also included the synopsis to demonstrate that Russia had compiled information potentially harmful to both political parties, but only released information damaging to Hillary Clinton and Democrats. This synopsis was not an official part of the report from the intelligence community case about Russian hacks, but some officials said it augmented the evidence that Moscow intended to harm Clinton's candidacy and help Trump's, several officials with knowledge of the briefings tell CNN.
The two-page synopsis also included allegations that there was a continuing exchange of information during the campaign between Trump surrogates and intermediaries for the Russian government, according to two national security officials.
Sources tell CNN that these same allegations about communications between the Trump campaign and the Russians, mentioned in classified briefings for congressional leaders last year, prompted then-Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid to send a letter to FBI Director Comey in October, in which he wrote, "It has become clear that you possess explosive information about close ties and coordination between Donald Trump, his top advisors, and the Russian government -- a foreign interest openly hostile to the United States."
CNN has confirmed that the synopsis was included in the documents that were presented to Mr. Trump but cannot confirm if it was discussed in his meeting with the intelligence chiefs.
The Trump transition team declined repeated requests for comment.
CNN has reviewed a 35-page compilation of the memos, from which the two-page synopsis was drawn. The memos originated as opposition research, first commissioned by anti-Trump Republicans, and later by Democrats. At this point, CNN is not reporting on details of the memos, as it has not independently corroborated the specific allegations. But, in preparing this story, CNN has spoken to multiple high ranking intelligence, administration, congressional and law enforcement officials, as well as foreign officials and others in the private sector with direct knowledge of the memos.
Some of the memos were circulating as far back as last summer. What has changed since then is that US intelligence agencies have now checked out the former British intelligence operative and his vast network throughout Europe and find him and his sources to be credible enough to include some of the information in the presentations to the President and President-elect a few days ago.
On the same day that the President-elect was briefed by the intelligence community, the top four Congressional leaders, and chairmen and ranking members of the House and Senate intelligence committees -- the so-called "Gang of Eight" -- were also provided a summary of the memos regarding Mr. Trump, according to law enforcement, intelligence and administration sources.
The two-page summary was written without the detailed specifics and information about sources and methods included in the memos by the former British intelligence official. That said, the synopsis was considered so sensitive it was not included in the classified report about Russian hacking that was more widely distributed, but rather in an annex only shared at the most senior levels of the government: President Obama, the President-elect, and the eight Congressional leaders.
CNN has also learned that on December 9, Senator John McCain gave a full copy of the memos -- dated from June through December, 2016 -- to FBI Director James Comey. McCain became aware of the memos from a former British diplomat who had been posted in Moscow. But the FBI had already been given a set of the memos compiled up to August 2016, when the former MI6 agent presented them to an FBI official in Rome, according to national security officials.
The raw memos on which the synopsis is based were prepared by the former MI6 agent, who was posted in Russia in the 1990s and now runs a private intelligence gathering firm. His investigations related to Mr. Trump were initially funded by groups and donors supporting Republican opponents of Mr. Trump during the GOP primaries, multiple sources confirmed to CNN. Those sources also said that once Mr. Trump became the nominee, further investigation was funded by groups and donors supporting Hillary Clinton.
Spokespeople for the FBI and the Director of National Intelligence declined to comment. Officials who spoke to CNN declined to do so on the record given the classified nature of the material.
Some of the allegations were first reported publicly in Mother Jones one week before the election.
One high level administration official told CNN, "I have a sense the outgoing administration and intelligence community is setting down the pieces so this must be investigated seriously and run down. I think concern was to be sure that whatever information was out there is put into the system so it is evaluated as it should be and acted upon as necessary."

Intel chiefs presented Trump with claims of Russian efforts to compromise him - CNNPolitics.com
Dumbass, no one leaked Clinton emails. DNC and Podesta emails were hacked and leaked by a clearly professional organization with sizable staff, thousands of targets and even regular Russian business hours of operation.

Oh yeah it took a top notch organization to hack someone who's password.................wait for it.................drumroll..........................password?

It doesn't matter what the password was... he changed it on a phishing email. Not sure why you guys continue to repeat this same failed line over and over... it didn't matter.

I have a good explanation - they are fucking stupid.

Yah the Russians completely ignored Hillary's Unsecured Server with Classified Information on it, and Emails that Hillary was so concerned about that the Public might see, that she Violated a Preservation Order, and FOIA Laws and Ordered The Server Bleach Bitted. But it was never hacked according to The FBI and State Department.

And you want us to believe The Russians were after DNC Gossip, so that is why they chose The DNC server? Why? There was nothing on there but a few off color emails, and a couple of mean things said about people The Dems didn't like. And it obviously didn't affect the election either as lefty likes to say, HILLARY WON THE POPULAR VOTE.

You are a loon. A Radical Rabid Jihadist Liberal Loon.

And there is still no proof that the DNC server was hacked. And Hell, it wasn't even a good target. The Russians knew about Hillary's Server. There was a subpoena for it. It was talked about in The News for weeks and Months. They even gave Hillary time to delete all of her 33,000 emails about Yoga pants off of it. Why wouldn't they even try to hack it? They never even tried?

But that DNC server, they really wanted that, and hacked that, and according to you were so sloppy that they left trails all over the place. Bite Me. Liberals are not only stupid, they are BOLD FACED LIARS!

How can you expect an intelligent person to ever buy such whackjob bullshit like this?
Only an idiot could believe that tall tale.

You have not been able to improve on your counter-factual arguments.

There have not been any leaked emails from Hillary's server - that is a fact not a single word you just huffed and puffed and typed can actually dispute.

Why argue with an idiot? The FBI said that Clinton's Server was not hacked. The State Department Said It Wasn't Hacked. Hillary Said it wasn't hacked. You said it wasn't hacked. I believe you.

China, Russia, The Whole World knew she had an unsecured State Department Server with Classified Information on it, and tons and tons of dirt on Hillary, and other Dem Politicians, and NO ONE TOUCHED IT. NO ONE. And Hillary knew what was on there....was....bad....bad...bad...incriminating.....and would send her to jail.... Yet no one touched it. No one but her and her private IT guy. They were so concerned about The Data on it that they violated a preservation subpoena, and FOIA Laws, and Requests, and Bleach Bitted It, and Deleted 33,000 emails off of it. But that server just wasn't interesting enough for Russian State Sponsored Hackers, was it?

But yah, the DNC server? No classified info, just some dumb comments and gossip. Yah. Russia wanted that. Probably so they could work a deal with their best friend Hillary to sell them more of our Uranium.
Oh yeah it took a top notch organization to hack someone who's password.................wait for it.................drumroll..........................password?

Yes, in fact the system that hacked Podesta was sloppy enough to be reverse-hacked to reveal 1000s of targets which just so happen to line up with coraborating intelligence on who Russia was suspected of targeting. How did that "someone" get such a list?

You just contradicted yourself. Are they professional or are they sloppy?

Let's put that aside for just a moment though. The information that is being put out there is all sourced from CrowdStrike.

Hired, bought and paid for by the DNC tech company. We're supposed to believe this shit?

I've never heard of a professional that doesn't make any mistakes. Have you? They were professional and they got sloppy, there is no contradiction.

Crowdstrike's findings corroborated many other sources and what intelligence knew of past Bear groups activity including methods, infrastructure and targets.

You have got to be the dumbest son of a bitch I ever met.

The real treasure of information was on Hillary Clinton's Server. That's where all the dirt was. That's where the classified information was, and the ENTIRE WORLD KNEW for months it existed.

Yet Russia IGNORED IT. You said so yourself. They ignored an unsecured server with tons of dirt on it, and classified information, and just passed it up for a lame DNC Server that really had nothing on it but some off color comments, gossip, and some mean things said about people Democrats don't like.

Please go have a lobotomy. You might become more intelligent. Nobody with a brain should believe this sh1t. No Hacker, and I am very familiar with hackers, would bother with THE DNC Server. They'd hit Clinton's State Department Server.

Guccifer (commonly thought of Russian hacking front) claimed to have gotten into Hillary's server, but was unable to get to the actual emails. FBI similarly confirmed ATTEMPTED hacks, but found no evidence of compromised emails on the server.

So what the fuck do you know about email servers and hacking that they don't?

Hacker Who Says He Got Into Clinton Server Pleads Guilty

I am a network Engineer Dumbass. I work for a Global Corporation and I run a 250,000 square foot office and am in charge of the entire IT Operation. I think I know what the fuck I am talking about.

You and your whole party are LIARS. Anyone that believes your shit should bash their own brains in with a rock, and do society a favor.
Russians blackmailing Trump would certainly make a lot of sense in context of his bizzare pro-Russia positioning at expense of appeal to American voters....but I'll have to see something more concrete before I would elevate that above conspiracy theory level.
Yes, in fact the system that hacked Podesta was sloppy enough to be reverse-hacked to reveal 1000s of targets which just so happen to line up with coraborating intelligence on who Russia was suspected of targeting. How did that "someone" get such a list?

You just contradicted yourself. Are they professional or are they sloppy?

Let's put that aside for just a moment though. The information that is being put out there is all sourced from CrowdStrike.

Hired, bought and paid for by the DNC tech company. We're supposed to believe this shit?

I've never heard of a professional that doesn't make any mistakes. Have you? They were professional and they got sloppy, there is no contradiction.

Crowdstrike's findings corroborated many other sources and what intelligence knew of past Bear groups activity including methods, infrastructure and targets.

You have got to be the dumbest son of a bitch I ever met.

The real treasure of information was on Hillary Clinton's Server. That's where all the dirt was. That's where the classified information was, and the ENTIRE WORLD KNEW for months it existed.

Yet Russia IGNORED IT. You said so yourself. They ignored an unsecured server with tons of dirt on it, and classified information, and just passed it up for a lame DNC Server that really had nothing on it but some off color comments, gossip, and some mean things said about people Democrats don't like.

Please go have a lobotomy. You might become more intelligent. Nobody with a brain should believe this sh1t. No Hacker, and I am very familiar with hackers, would bother with THE DNC Server. They'd hit Clinton's State Department Server.

Guccifer (commonly thought of Russian hacking front) claimed to have gotten into Hillary's server, but was unable to get to the actual emails. FBI similarly confirmed ATTEMPTED hacks, but found no evidence of compromised emails on the server.

So what the fuck do you know about email servers and hacking that they don't?

Hacker Who Says He Got Into Clinton Server Pleads Guilty

I am a network Engineer Dumbass. I work for a Global Corporation and I run a 250,000 square foot office and am in charge of the entire IT Operation. I think I know what the fuck I am talking about.

You and your whole party are LIARS. Anyone that believes your shit should bash their own brains in with a rock, and do society a favor.

Why didn't you hack that "unsecured" server then? :rolleyes:
FALSE - they didn't say server was not secured.

They did not find any evidence of anyone getting to the emails.

Speculation, speculation, speculation in light of simple fact - NOT A SINGLE HILLARY EMAIL WAS HACKED FROM HER SERVER AND MADE PUBLIC THUS FAR.

"The FBI did find that hostile foreign actors successfully gained access to the personal email accounts of individuals associated with whom Clinton was in regular contact, and in doing so, obtained emails sent or received by Clinton on her personal account."

--Department of Justice/FBI July 2016

FALSE - server was legal.

"Did Clinton or her staff violate any federal laws or policies?

Comey said the FBI found evidence of “potential violations” of federal law, but such cases are generally not prosecuted. “Although there is evidence of potential violations of the statutes regarding the handling of classified information, our judgment is that no reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case,” Comey said.

It’s clear, though, that she violated department policies. Comey said, “To be clear, this is not to suggest that in similar circumstances a person who engaged in this activity would face no consequences. To the contrary, those individuals are often subject to security or administrative sanctions. But that is not what we are deciding now.”

Similarly, the IG report found that Clinton violated department policies that were in place at the time. That report cited the case of Jonathan Scott Gration, a former ambassador to Kenya, who ignored instructions in July 2011 not to use commercial email for government business and resigned in mid-2012 when the department initiated disciplinary action against him. “[T]he Department’s response to his actions demonstrates how such usage is normally handled when Department cybersecurity officials become aware of it,” the report said."

A Guide to Clinton's Emails - FactCheck.org
Look, you guys, no professional or state sponsored hacking operation is going to be traced. The simplest method, and there are better ones than this is to use two simple methods simultaneously.

You use RDP mirroring. And you use spoofing.
RDP mirroring is using a remote RDP session in to a server, and then launching another RDP session from that server to remote in to another server, and then repeat. Along the way, you spoof the originating IP. The more mirroring you do, the harder it is to trace. Combine that with spoofing and not even The NSA will find you.

The problem with Libs and this whole Russian thing is that people are completely INCOMPETENT and Illiterate when it comes to Computers.
I could tell half of you dumbasses here just a decade ago that your Optical Drive was a fucking Coffee Mug holder and you Son of a Bitches would believe me.

So The Russian Hacking story is a scam. Completely and thoroughly a scam. There is no proof. This is all politics, and slight of hand.
And you are the fools watching the show with wide open eyes in amazement of shit you don't even understand.

Just like Global Fucking Warming. Lies on top of lies, and scams wrapped within scams. Layrs of lies piled on top of other lies. But you keep supporting these scam artists and give them your money. I'd rather kick their asses and slap them silly with truth.


BAR NONE. This is worse than Watergate. And it all started with Hillary Clinton and her server.
This is a dog and pony show. A Magic Show. Watching Obama and Hillary Clinton attempt to pull rabbits out of their asses and failing at it repeatedly is amusing, but it's sad that no one is calling them on it, or holding them accountable, or has the courage to apply the law and do the right thing.

Obama should be impeached and Hillary Clinton should have been prosecuted by THE FBI. Both of them are criminals and a danger to American Society and Security.

They know what they are doing is wrong. They just don't fucking care. They don't care about me, or you, or this country. They are sore losers, who only care about their image and legacy, power and wealth.

There mere existence should be an affront to the nostrils of honest men.
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You just contradicted yourself. Are they professional or are they sloppy?

Let's put that aside for just a moment though. The information that is being put out there is all sourced from CrowdStrike.

Hired, bought and paid for by the DNC tech company. We're supposed to believe this shit?

I've never heard of a professional that doesn't make any mistakes. Have you? They were professional and they got sloppy, there is no contradiction.

Crowdstrike's findings corroborated many other sources and what intelligence knew of past Bear groups activity including methods, infrastructure and targets.

You have got to be the dumbest son of a bitch I ever met.

The real treasure of information was on Hillary Clinton's Server. That's where all the dirt was. That's where the classified information was, and the ENTIRE WORLD KNEW for months it existed.

Yet Russia IGNORED IT. You said so yourself. They ignored an unsecured server with tons of dirt on it, and classified information, and just passed it up for a lame DNC Server that really had nothing on it but some off color comments, gossip, and some mean things said about people Democrats don't like.

Please go have a lobotomy. You might become more intelligent. Nobody with a brain should believe this sh1t. No Hacker, and I am very familiar with hackers, would bother with THE DNC Server. They'd hit Clinton's State Department Server.

Guccifer (commonly thought of Russian hacking front) claimed to have gotten into Hillary's server, but was unable to get to the actual emails. FBI similarly confirmed ATTEMPTED hacks, but found no evidence of compromised emails on the server.

So what the fuck do you know about email servers and hacking that they don't?

Hacker Who Says He Got Into Clinton Server Pleads Guilty

I am a network Engineer Dumbass. I work for a Global Corporation and I run a 250,000 square foot office and am in charge of the entire IT Operation. I think I know what the fuck I am talking about.

You and your whole party are LIARS. Anyone that believes your shit should bash their own brains in with a rock, and do society a favor.

Why didn't you hack that "unsecured" server then? :rolleyes:

I was too busy interfering in the election by tweeting Pro Donald Trump Tweets.:finger3:
And now the Narrative turns because 90% of the public isn't buying it. Somehow, The DNC server wait for this.....had super duper double secret sensitive information on it about Trump....that oh THE RUSSIANS did not want to release. And it was so sensitive that not even Hillary Clinton was willing to use it against Trump in the campaign? LOL

I want to call you all a bunch of derogatory names for believing this horse shit. Exactly what kind of INCRIMINATING information could THE DNC have on their servers that they wouldn't be willing to use in a campaign to defeat TRUMP?


Fer Christ sake, they were willing to dig up a 15 year old tape of locker room talk on Trump to try to discredit him.

They attacked his wife even. There was no level so low they weren't willing to stoop to to win, and they spent 1.5 Billion dollars to try to win, but OH NO...we just aren't going to use.....THAT.....

They were willing to hire the mentally Ill, felons, and the homeless to infiltrate Trump Rallies and assault people, vandalize cars and police cruisers.

But they had this super duper never heard of before sensitive dirt on Trump they just could never possibly ever use to defeat him in the dirtiest presidential campaign in history conducted by THE DNC?

What did they have?

His tax returns?

Look, you guys, no professional or state sponsored hacking operation is going to be traced.

Dumbass statement given facts of well documented traced and punished state hacking.

“Su Bin’s sentence is a just punishment for his admitted role in a conspiracy with hackers from the People's Liberation Army Air Force to illegally access and steal sensitive U.S. military information,” said Assistant Attorney General Carlin. “Su assisted the Chinese military hackers in their efforts to illegally access and steal designs for cutting-edge military aircraft that are indispensable to our national defense. These activities have serious consequences for the national security of our country and the safety of the men and women of our armed services. This prison sentence reinforces our commitment to ensure that hackers, regardless of state affiliation, are held accountable for their criminal conduct.”

Chinese National Who Conspired to Hack into U.S. Defense Contractors’ Systems Sentenced to 46 Months in Federal Prison

You consistently state baseless, made up falsehoods.
Look, you guys, no professional or state sponsored hacking operation is going to be traced.

Dumbass statement given facts of well documented traced and punished state hacking.

“Su Bin’s sentence is a just punishment for his admitted role in a conspiracy with hackers from the People's Liberation Army Air Force to illegally access and steal sensitive U.S. military information,” said Assistant Attorney General Carlin. “Su assisted the Chinese military hackers in their efforts to illegally access and steal designs for cutting-edge military aircraft that are indispensable to our national defense. These activities have serious consequences for the national security of our country and the safety of the men and women of our armed services. This prison sentence reinforces our commitment to ensure that hackers, regardless of state affiliation, are held accountable for their criminal conduct.”

Chinese National Who Conspired to Hack into U.S. Defense Contractors’ Systems Sentenced to 46 Months in Federal Prison

You consistently state baseless, made up falsehoods.

That is not state sponsored hacking operation. That is a dumbass defense contractor who was stupid enough to hire a Chinese national.

I am not talking about one amateur who may have been put up to doing some corporate espionage or spying for his country and got caught. I am talking about organized state sponsored cyber warfare and hacking. And you are not going to catch a professional operation like that. Rarely if ever are you going to snag one of those guys, or even find evidence revealing who they are.

So why is The DNC refusing to let anyone look at their server, and why aren't any of Hillary Clinton's emails from her State Dept Server a far softer target being published out there by "THE RUSSIANS?"

We are told The DNC and Obama has all this proof only nobody is allowed to look at it.

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