U.S. intel report identifies Russians who gave emails to WikiLeaks:

Dumbass, no one leaked Clinton emails. They were DNC and Podesta emails.

So wait, you are agreeing with Hillary Clinton that the most unsecured server in the world (Her Illegal State Department Mail Server) that had classified documents on it, was never hacked, right?

And the Russians instead chose to go after a rather benign and uninteresting target, the DNC server that really had nothing on it but some mean comments the Dems made themselves about people they didn't like.

Mmmkay.....yah that makes sense.

I mean, it doesn't make any sense at all that a pissed off Bernie Sander's supporter seeing Sanders getting railroaded and cheated wouldn't want to blow the whistle on that, and on The Crooked DNC.

Nope, it was THE RUSSIANs. LMFAO
every partisan RW hack USMB member is smater than all of the intelligence agencies in the country.

just ask them !

If they're so freaking smart why haven't the government agencies examined the DNC servers themselves?

Why are they relying on CrowdStrike? Why should I believe Clapper who has already lied his ass off about the NSA scandal? Why should I believe Clapper who lied his ass off trying to convince the people that the Muslim Brotherhood was a secular organization?

That's just for starters. But it would help if a government agency actually checked the servers don't you think?

Dumbass, no one leaked Clinton emails. DNC and Podesta emails were hacked and leaked by a clearly professional organization with sizable staff, thousands of targets and even regular Russian business hours of operation.

Oh yeah it took a top notch organization to hack someone who's password.................wait for it.................drumroll..........................password?
every partisan RW hack USMB member is smater than all of the intelligence agencies in the country.

just ask them !

If they're so freaking smart why haven't the government agencies examined the DNC servers themselves?

Why are they relying on CrowdStrike? Why should I believe Clapper who has already lied his ass off about the NSA scandal? Why should I believe Clapper who lied his ass off trying to convince the people that the Muslim Brotherhood was a secular organization?

That's just for starters. But it would help if a government agency actually checked the servers don't you think?

Because they weren't hacked. If Hillary Clinton's Server wasn't hacked and it had classified information on it, why would anyone hack a target like the DNC server that really had nothing on it but gossip and a few mean comments directed at people The Dems didn't like?

Dumbass, no one leaked Clinton emails. They were DNC and Podesta emails.

So wait, you are agreeing with Hillary Clinton that the most unsecured server in the world (Her Illegal State Department Mail Server) that had classified documents on it, was never hacked, right?

And the Russians instead chose to go after a rather benign and uninteresting target, the DNC server that really had nothing on it but some mean comments the Dems made themselves.

Mmmkay.....yah that makes sense.

I mean, it doesn't make any sense at all that a pissed off Bernie Sander's supporter seeing Sanders getting railroaded and cheated wouldn't want to blow the whistle on that, and on The Crooked DNC.

Nope, it was THE RUSSIANs. LMFAO

There are no emails from Hillary's server that were hacked and made public PERIOD.

So when some says that someone leaked Clinton's emails they clearly have no clue what they are saying.

Dumbass, no one leaked Clinton emails. DNC and Podesta emails were hacked and leaked by a clearly professional organization with sizable staff, thousands of targets and even regular Russian business hours of operation.

Oh yeah it took a top notch organization to hack someone who's password.................wait for it.................drumroll..........................password?

It doesn't matter what the password was... he changed it on a phishing email. Not sure why you guys continue to repeat this same failed line over and over... it didn't matter.

Dumbass, no one leaked Clinton emails. DNC and Podesta emails were hacked and leaked by a clearly professional organization with sizable staff, thousands of targets and even regular Russian business hours of operation.

Oh yeah it took a top notch organization to hack someone who's password.................wait for it.................drumroll..........................password?

Yes, in fact the system that hacked Podesta was sloppy enough to be reverse-hacked to reveal 1000s of targets which just so happen to line up with coraborating intelligence on who Russia was suspected of targeting. How did that "someone" get such a list?
940. The FBI interfere US president election (12/29/2016)

The FBI played an active role to interfere the US 2016 president election. It hit Democrate's nominee Hillary Clinton by email gate to help its candidate Donald Trump. The evident scene was in July 5 during Chilcot report. "FBI Director Comey potentially gave Clinton’s political rivals some ammunition, conceding there was "evidence of mishandling” classified information and that an FBI employee who did the same “would face consequences for this.”
The FBI didn't indict Clinton because they have no evidence that Clinton intended to do wrong with her email setup."(washingtonpost.com) In fact, this is common for others. Powell had done samething. Why they beat the drum this time on Clinton? Because this time the FBI need a candidate of their own to handle a criminal case. So they determined to help Trump to win the election. This was also the time the Feds made a secret deal with Russian to hack Clinton's computer.

So then Trump started to call for Russian's help. Why not China? Because he knew they had a deal with Russia already.

Donald J. Trump said on Wednesday that he hoped Russian intelligence services had successfully hacked Hillary Clinton’s email, and encouraged them to publish whatever they may have stolen, essentially urging a foreign adversary to conduct cyberespionage against a former secretary of state.

—JULY 27, 2016

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What Russian had hacked? Maybe there was something important. Because in President Debate, Trump intimidated his rival hillary that he'd have special prosecutor and "you'd be in jail".

On 10/28, the FBI director Comey reopened Clintion email investigation, then dramatically dropped the investigation on 11/6. A powerful department of the nation so openly, actively interfere in president election is unprecedented.

Dumbass, no one leaked Clinton emails. They were DNC and Podesta emails.

So wait, you are agreeing with Hillary Clinton that the most unsecured server in the world (Her Illegal State Department Mail Server) that had classified documents on it, was never hacked, right?

And the Russians instead chose to go after a rather benign and uninteresting target, the DNC server that really had nothing on it but some mean comments the Dems made themselves.

Mmmkay.....yah that makes sense.

I mean, it doesn't make any sense at all that a pissed off Bernie Sander's supporter seeing Sanders getting railroaded and cheated wouldn't want to blow the whistle on that, and on The Crooked DNC.

Nope, it was THE RUSSIANs. LMFAO

There are no emails from Hillary's server that were hacked and made public PERIOD.

So when some says that someone leaked Clinton's emails they clearly have no clue what they are saying.

Let me explain this to you again. The FBI and State Department both said Hillary Clinton's UNSECURED and ILLEGAL server was never hacked. This was an easy target, and was unsecured, and easily discoverable especially by a State Sponsored Hacking Operation. And that is what a Government wants. Classified Information which there was plenty on that server and easy to get to.

So you expect us to believe some State Sponsored Russian Hackers completely ignored Hillary's Unsecured Server with classified information on it, and instead went after a lame and rather boring DNC server just to gain access to gossip and a few mean spirited emails?

You don't do Crystal Meth do you?

Dumbass, no one leaked Clinton emails. DNC and Podesta emails were hacked and leaked by a clearly professional organization with sizable staff, thousands of targets and even regular Russian business hours of operation.

Oh yeah it took a top notch organization to hack someone who's password.................wait for it.................drumroll..........................password?

It doesn't matter what the password was... he changed it on a phishing email. Not sure why you guys continue to repeat this same failed line over and over... it didn't matter.

I have a good explanation - they are fucking stupid.

Dumbass, no one leaked Clinton emails. DNC and Podesta emails were hacked and leaked by a clearly professional organization with sizable staff, thousands of targets and even regular Russian business hours of operation.

Oh yeah it took a top notch organization to hack someone who's password.................wait for it.................drumroll..........................password?

Yes, in fact the system that hacked Podesta was sloppy enough to be reverse-hacked to reveal 1000s of targets which just so happen to line up with coraborating intelligence on who Russia was suspected of targeting. How did that "someone" get such a list?

OMG, I am laughing so hard I am crying.

Your statement which is completely false and unsubstantiated means that NO STATE SPONSORED HACKING OCCURRED.
No operation would expose themselves like that. Show us the proof of anything you said.

Yet this so called State Sponsored Operation just ignored the treasure chest of Classified Information on Hillary's Unsecured Server?

Really? You believe that?
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Let me explain this to you again. The FBI and State Department both said Hillary Clinton's UNSECURED

FALSE - they didn't say server was not secured.

and ILLEGAL server

FALSE - server was legal.

was never hacked.

The did not find any evidence of anyone getting to the emails.

This was an easy target, and was unsecured, and easily discoverable especially by a State Sponsored Hacking Operation. And that is what a Government wants. Classified Information which there was plenty on that server and easy to get to.

So you expect us to believe some State Sponsored Russian Hackers completely ignored Hillary's Unsecured Server with classified information on it, and instead went after a lame and rather boring DNC server just to gain access to gossip and a few mean spirited emails?

You don't do Crystal Meth do you?

Speculation, speculation, speculation in light of simple fact - NOT A SINGLE HILLARY EMAIL WAS HACKED FROM HER SERVER AND MADE PUBLIC THUS FAR.

The FBI found no evidence that anyone penetrated the email of the former secretary of state herself

FBI releases Hillary Clinton email investigation documents

Dumbass, no one leaked Clinton emails. DNC and Podesta emails were hacked and leaked by a clearly professional organization with sizable staff, thousands of targets and even regular Russian business hours of operation.

Oh yeah it took a top notch organization to hack someone who's password.................wait for it.................drumroll..........................password?

Yes, in fact the system that hacked Podesta was sloppy enough to be reverse-hacked to reveal 1000s of targets which just so happen to line up with coraborating intelligence on who Russia was suspected of targeting. How did that "someone" get such a list?

You just contradicted yourself. Are they professional or are they sloppy?

Let's put that aside for just a moment though. The information that is being put out there is all sourced from CrowdStrike.

Hired, bought and paid for by the DNC tech company. We're supposed to believe this shit?
the Clintons and emails will echo in the empty skulls of RW dolts forever and a day.

Dumbass, no one leaked Clinton emails. DNC and Podesta emails were hacked and leaked by a clearly professional organization with sizable staff, thousands of targets and even regular Russian business hours of operation.

Oh yeah it took a top notch organization to hack someone who's password.................wait for it.................drumroll..........................password?

It doesn't matter what the password was... he changed it on a phishing email. Not sure why you guys continue to repeat this same failed line over and over... it didn't matter.

I have a good explanation - they are fucking stupid.

Yah the Russians completely ignored Hillary's Unsecured Server with Classified Information on it, and Emails that Hillary was so concerned about that the Public might see, that she Violated a Preservation Order, and FOIA Laws and Ordered The Server Bleach Bitted. But it was never hacked according to The FBI and State Department.

And you want us to believe The Russians were after DNC Gossip, so that is why they chose The DNC server? Why? There was nothing on there but a few off color emails, and a couple of mean things said about people The Dems didn't like. And it obviously didn't affect the election either as lefty likes to say, HILLARY WON THE POPULAR VOTE.

You are a loon. A Radical Rabid Jihadist Liberal Loon.

And there is still no proof that the DNC server was hacked. And Hell, it wasn't even a good target. The Russians knew about Hillary's Server. There was a subpoena for it. It was talked about in The News for weeks and Months. They even gave Hillary time to delete all of her 33,000 emails about Yoga pants off of it. Why wouldn't they even try to hack it? They never even tried?

But that DNC server, they really wanted that, and hacked that, and according to you were so sloppy that they left trails all over the place. Bite Me. Liberals are not only stupid, they are BOLD FACED LIARS!

How can you expect an intelligent person to ever buy such whackjob bullshit like this?
Only an idiot could believe that tall tale.
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Dumbass, no one leaked Clinton emails. DNC and Podesta emails were hacked and leaked by a clearly professional organization with sizable staff, thousands of targets and even regular Russian business hours of operation.

Oh yeah it took a top notch organization to hack someone who's password.................wait for it.................drumroll..........................password?

Yes, in fact the system that hacked Podesta was sloppy enough to be reverse-hacked to reveal 1000s of targets which just so happen to line up with coraborating intelligence on who Russia was suspected of targeting. How did that "someone" get such a list?

You just contradicted yourself. Are they professional or are they sloppy?

Let's put that aside for just a moment though. The information that is being put out there is all sourced from CrowdStrike.

Hired, bought and paid for by the DNC tech company. We're supposed to believe this shit?

I've never heard of a professional that doesn't make any mistakes. Have you? They were professional and they got sloppy, there is no contradiction.

Crowdstrike's findings corroborated many other sources and what intelligence knew of past Bear groups activity including methods, infrastructure and targets.

Dumbass, no one leaked Clinton emails. DNC and Podesta emails were hacked and leaked by a clearly professional organization with sizable staff, thousands of targets and even regular Russian business hours of operation.

Oh yeah it took a top notch organization to hack someone who's password.................wait for it.................drumroll..........................password?

It doesn't matter what the password was... he changed it on a phishing email. Not sure why you guys continue to repeat this same failed line over and over... it didn't matter.

I have a good explanation - they are fucking stupid.

Yah the Russians completely ignored Hillary's Unsecured Server with Classified Information on it, and Emails that Hillary was so concerned about that the Public might see, that she Violated a Preservation Order, and FOIA Laws and Ordered The Server Bleach Bitted. But it was never hacked according to The FBI and State Department.

And you want us to believe The Russians were after DNC Gossip, so that is why they chose The DNC server? Why? There was nothing on there but a few off color emails, and a couple of mean things said about people The Dems didn't like. And it obviously didn't affect the election either as lefty likes to say, HILLARY WON THE POPULAR VOTE.

You are a loon. A Radical Rabid Jihadist Liberal Loon.

And there is still no proof that the DNC server was hacked. And Hell, it wasn't even a good target. The Russians knew about Hillary's Server. There was a subpoena for it. It was talked about in The News for weeks and Months. They even gave Hillary time to delete all of her 33,000 emails about Yoga pants off of it. Why wouldn't they even try to hack it? They never even tried?

But that DNC server, they really wanted that, and hacked that, and according to you were so sloppy that they left trails all over the place. Bite Me. Liberals are not only stupid, they are BOLD FACED LIARS!

How can you expect an intelligent person to ever buy such whackjob bullshit like this?
Only an idiot could believe that tall tale.

You have not been able to improve on your counter-factual arguments.

There have not been any leaked emails from Hillary's server - that is a fact not a single word you just huffed and puffed and typed can actually dispute.

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