U.S. military decimated under Obama

Not at all. Unless you wanna get wasted too you're not gonna use nuclear weapons. Any war where even one nuke gets used opens pandora's box to a full release (and not the pleasant happy kind.) So a ground operation to secure territory is all that's left. You could never take over the US for any length of time (geography working in our favor and making supply lines all but impossible,) but the attack gesture could result in concessions being given when it's over so you never do it again.

Defense contractors love wars. Doesn't matter what they're about, how successful they are, or how long they last. Longer the better. Wars make the contractors money. If defense spending gets cut, they need an enemy to justify ramping spending back up. No better boogeyman than the guys who just landed on the East Coast.

If they see defense spending being scaled back bit by bit over time, they might not resist it and even encourage it on the hope someone takes a shot at us. Once that happens, demands to be protected come and spending goes back up. Like drug dealers giving free samples knowing people will get hooked and spend lots more than the free sample cost the dealer.
Actually Defense contractors don't love war. They love weapons development. That is the biggest expense to the government. Once a system is tested at government expense they can sell it to anyone. If you're in a war expense is a major factor, and cuts have to be made. New weapons have to take a back seat to sheer numbers.

Don't get money to develop new weapons systems if no one's depleting their existing supplies in wars.

Meanwhile our enemies are developing newer and more sophisticated weapons making ours obsolete. Yeah...brilliant
Which enemies are those who are developing "newer and more sophisticated weapons"? :lmao:

Gee, the Chinese have rolled out a couple of stealth fighter planes (that look amazingly like OUR stealth planes).
Given a little longer, without the US working on better planes, the Chinese are balls-to-the-walls, trying to make their planes superior to our planes.

Imitationis the sincerest form of flattery

There is more to stealth technology than looks
The undeniable facts are Bush & the neo-cons failed to protect US, got us attacked on 9/11, blew $Trillions killed 8,000 of our best, created a police state, destroyed jobs, the economy & totally failed to get Bin Laden. Republicans do not protect US, they only steal, raise prices & spend.

The undeniable fact is that 911 was planned, financed, trained and staged under Clinton, who did almost as much as Obama to weaken the US military. Clinton had the chance to take out Bin Laden before 911but he pussied out. Clinton was too busy bombing Christians to save Muslims and sending Rangers to get killed taking out Somalian Warlords than he was to protect America from terrorism.

The other undeniable fact is that Clinton was too busy getting blowjobs from Monica to do anything about the 1993 attack on the World Trade Center. He said it was a matter for the New York Police Department. It was Clinton's weak response to the 1993 attack on New York to entourage another try at it and saw what happen, didn't we?

Clinton and Obama have two things in common in their zeal to weaken the US Military. They both were too cowardly to serve in the military and neither one of them had a sense of duty to the US.

Speaking of NeoCons Obama is a NeoCon's wet dream. He fought the war in Iraq for three years, called it a success and recently reintroduced bombing and ground troops. He escalated the war in Afghanistan getting thousands of Americans killed and now is talking about keeping troops there for a much longer time and he bombed the shit out of Libyia, leading to one of the factions of ISIS. Don't be hypocritical about complaining about interventionism and then vote for an interventionist shithead like Obama. It just shows you really don't believe what you preach.

By the way, stop blaming Obama's failures on Bush. After six years of that silly crap it is getting boring and just shows what a partisan fool you are.

You idiots go through irrationally exuberant mental gymnastics to blame Bush's failures on Clinton. Months before 9/11 the FAA distributed a CD-ROM presentation to airlines and airports that "cited the possibility of a suicide hijacking." The CIA & FBI told Bush of suicide hijacking and they need to take out Osama Bin Ladin. Heads of state personally called Bush to warn him that Bin Ladin was going to attack the US. The Bush administration told the CIA & FBI that Osama Bin Ladin "was bluffing to distract US from Iraq." The CIA & FBI repeated that Bin Ladin was not bluffing. Bush said he was not going to swat at flies. Then we got attacked on 9/11 just as Bush was told we would.

After 9/11 the Bush administration refused to allow our soldiers or Afghans to kill Bin Ladin in Tora Bora. Then Bush stopped hunting Osama Bin Ladin.
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The undeniable facts are Bush & the neo-cons failed to protect US, got us attacked on 9/11, blew $Trillions killed 8,000 of our best, created a police state, destroyed jobs, the economy & totally failed to get Bin Laden. Republicans do not protect US, they only steal, raise prices & spend.

The undeniable fact is that 911 was planned, financed, trained and staged under Clinton, who did almost as much as Obama to weaken the US military. Clinton had the chance to take out Bin Laden before 911but he pussied out. Clinton was too busy bombing Christians to save Muslims and sending Rangers to get killed taking out Somalian Warlords than he was to protect America from terrorism.

The other undeniable fact is that Clinton was too busy getting blowjobs from Monica to do anything about the 1993 attack on the World Trade Center. He said it was a matter for the New York Police Department. It was Clinton's weak response to the 1993 attack on New York to entourage another try at it and saw what happen, didn't we?

Clinton and Obama have two things in common in their zeal to weaken the US Military. They both were too cowardly to serve in the military and neither one of them had a sense of duty to the US.

Speaking of NeoCons Obama is a NeoCon's wet dream. He fought the war in Iraq for three years, called it a success and recently reintroduced bombing and ground troops. He escalated the war in Afghanistan getting thousands of Americans killed and now is talking about keeping troops there for a much longer time and he bombed the shit out of Libyia, leading to one of the factions of ISIS. Don't be hypocritical about complaining about interventionism and then vote for an interventionist shithead like Obama. It just shows you really don't believe what you preach.

By the way, stop blaming Obama's failures on Bush. After six years of that silly crap it is getting boring and just shows what a partisan fool you are.

Hilarious. First you blame Clinton for what happened 8 months into the Bush presidency and in the very next paragraph blame Clinton for something that happened a little over a month into his presidency without a mention of the previous president who was in office while that attack was being planned.

The you claim it was a blow job from Monica 1993 that caused the president to not be able to do anything about it. Fact is Monica didn't start working in the WH until 1995.

Just goes to show how many conclusion you've made based on lies.


911 was staged, planned, trained and funded under Clinton's watch. The only thing that didn't happen was the execution. Clinton ignored the 1993 attack on the WTC for the most part, calling it a matter for the NYC Police Department and Bin Laden took advantage of it.

Clinton had the chance to kill Bin Laden but chickenshitted out .

I will be critical of Bush for several things but blaming 911 on him after Clinton's cowardice and incompetence isn't one of them.

Stop being a partisan asshole. It just makes you look like a fool.

Bill Clinton s Anti-Terrorism Measures

CNN.com - Bill Press Don t blame it on Bill Clinton - October 18 2001
I saw so much waste and abuse when I served that I refused to go to work for a defense contractor when I retired. They wanted me badly because I had a skill set only about a dozen people on earth had. I took great pleasure in telling them to shove it, even though I would have made a lot of bank.

But I could not take what I considered to be blood money that came at the expense of my comrades.

It's time to get vicious with these defense contractors. Eisenhower had no idea just how right he was about the MIC.
I remember our Congressman, Duke Cunningham, who was retired Navy, selling us out to a shoddy defense contractor for bribes. Thank goodness he got caught and went to prison.
The cost overruns on the F-35 aircraft program exceed the entire defense budgets of Britain and France combined.

Just the waste on the F-35 program alone!

Total Pentagon cost overruns are about half a trillion dollars.

And no one is in jail.
An over-run is not necessarily waste.
The undeniable facts are Bush & the neo-cons failed to protect US, got us attacked on 9/11, blew $Trillions killed 8,000 of our best, created a police state, destroyed jobs, the economy & totally failed to get Bin Laden. Republicans do not protect US, they only steal, raise prices & spend.

The undeniable fact is that 911 was planned, financed, trained and staged under Clinton, who did almost as much as Obama to weaken the US military. Clinton had the chance to take out Bin Laden before 911but he pussied out. Clinton was too busy bombing Christians to save Muslims and sending Rangers to get killed taking out Somalian Warlords than he was to protect America from terrorism.

The other undeniable fact is that Clinton was too busy getting blowjobs from Monica to do anything about the 1993 attack on the World Trade Center. He said it was a matter for the New York Police Department. It was Clinton's weak response to the 1993 attack on New York to entourage another try at it and saw what happen, didn't we?

Clinton and Obama have two things in common in their zeal to weaken the US Military. They both were too cowardly to serve in the military and neither one of them had a sense of duty to the US.

Speaking of NeoCons Obama is a NeoCon's wet dream. He fought the war in Iraq for three years, called it a success and recently reintroduced bombing and ground troops. He escalated the war in Afghanistan getting thousands of Americans killed and now is talking about keeping troops there for a much longer time and he bombed the shit out of Libyia, leading to one of the factions of ISIS. Don't be hypocritical about complaining about interventionism and then vote for an interventionist shithead like Obama. It just shows you really don't believe what you preach.

By the way, stop blaming Obama's failures on Bush. After six years of that silly crap it is getting boring and just shows what a partisan fool you are.

You idiots go through irrationally exuberant mental gymnastics to blame Bush's failures on Clinton. Months before 9/11 the FAA distributed a CD-ROM presentation to airlines and airports that "cited the possibility of a suicide hijacking." The CIA & FBI told Bush of suicide hijacking and they need to take out Osama Bin Ladin. Heads of state personally called Bush to warn him that Bin Ladin was going to attack the US. The Bush administration told the CIA & FBI that Osama Bin Ladin "was bluffing to distract US from Iraq." The CIA & FBI repeated that Bin Ladin was not bluffing. Then we got attacked on 9/11 just as Bush was told we would.

After 9/11 the Bush administration refused to allow our soldiers or Afghans to kill Bin Ladin in Tora Bora. Then Bush stopped hunting Osama Bin Ladin.

There was a possibility of terrorist attacks ever since the WTC bombing in 1993 and Clinton didn't do a damn thing about it. He even had the chance to kill Bin Laden but didn't do it. He didn't stop the hijackers from coming into the country or training to learn to fly, or staging for the attack or anything else that would have been a prudent thing to do after 1993.

I use to keep a copy of that memo you referenced in case any of you Moon Bats tried to blame 911 on Bush because the memo gave no usable information that would have stopped the hijackers on 9/11/01.

Clinton even stopped the communication between the FBI and the CIA that could have led to information about the hijackers.

Tora Bora was one of Bush's failures. However, Bin Laden wouldn't have been there if Clinton would have had the backbone to take him when he had the opportunity.

Clinton's incompetence was what was responsible for 911. He suffered from the same lack of interest in foreign policy as Obama. The only difference is that instead of playing golf all the time like Obama instead of conducting foreign policy Clinton was sexually harassing anything in a skirt.

The thing that I don't understand about you Moon Bats is your hate of Bush. He was actually a Liberal just like you. He increased the size of government, increased debt, increased the welfare system, refuse to seal the border and conducted an interventionist foreign policy. All the things that you Liberals love. You should embrace him as one of your own.

The only think that I can surmise is that you need a whipping boy to blame Clinton's and Obama's failures on. Just grow up and stop blaming everything on Bush. That shit is getting old. Take responsibility for the idiots you elected. Show some intellectual and moral courage for a change. Something you Moon Bats are not exactly known for.
The undeniable facts are Bush & the neo-cons failed to protect US, got us attacked on 9/11, blew $Trillions killed 8,000 of our best, created a police state, destroyed jobs, the economy & totally failed to get Bin Laden. Republicans do not protect US, they only steal, raise prices & spend.

The undeniable fact is that 911 was planned, financed, trained and staged under Clinton, who did almost as much as Obama to weaken the US military. Clinton had the chance to take out Bin Laden before 911but he pussied out. Clinton was too busy bombing Christians to save Muslims and sending Rangers to get killed taking out Somalian Warlords than he was to protect America from terrorism.

The other undeniable fact is that Clinton was too busy getting blowjobs from Monica to do anything about the 1993 attack on the World Trade Center. He said it was a matter for the New York Police Department. It was Clinton's weak response to the 1993 attack on New York to entourage another try at it and saw what happen, didn't we?

Clinton and Obama have two things in common in their zeal to weaken the US Military. They both were too cowardly to serve in the military and neither one of them had a sense of duty to the US.

Speaking of NeoCons Obama is a NeoCon's wet dream. He fought the war in Iraq for three years, called it a success and recently reintroduced bombing and ground troops. He escalated the war in Afghanistan getting thousands of Americans killed and now is talking about keeping troops there for a much longer time and he bombed the shit out of Libyia, leading to one of the factions of ISIS. Don't be hypocritical about complaining about interventionism and then vote for an interventionist shithead like Obama. It just shows you really don't believe what you preach.

By the way, stop blaming Obama's failures on Bush. After six years of that silly crap it is getting boring and just shows what a partisan fool you are.

You idiots go through irrationally exuberant mental gymnastics to blame Bush's failures on Clinton. Months before 9/11 the FAA distributed a CD-ROM presentation to airlines and airports that "cited the possibility of a suicide hijacking." The CIA & FBI told Bush of suicide hijacking and they need to take out Osama Bin Ladin. Heads of state personally called Bush to warn him that Bin Ladin was going to attack the US. The Bush administration told the CIA & FBI that Osama Bin Ladin "was bluffing to distract US from Iraq." The CIA & FBI repeated that Bin Ladin was not bluffing. Bush said he was not going to swat at flies. Then we got attacked on 9/11 just as Bush was told we would.

After 9/11 the Bush administration refused to allow our soldiers or Afghans to kill Bin Ladin in Tora Bora. Then Bush stopped hunting Osama Bin Ladin.
So what should Bush have done with information that "bin Laden planned to attack the US"? Like that was news t anyone. Al Zawahiri is planning to attack the US. Why isnt Obama preventing it?
What do Republicans know about the military? They spent a trillion dollars creating the worst army in the world in Iraq. What a bunch of know nothing fuck ups.

The worst Army in the world? Go back to sleep, progtard
Can you name one worse? I heard they were trying to sell the weapons the US gave them on eBay.

"Just like new. Never been fired and only dropped once".
What do Republicans know about the military? They spent a trillion dollars creating the worst army in the world in Iraq. What a bunch of know nothing fuck ups.

The worst Army in the world? Go back to sleep, progtard
Can you name one worse? I heard they were trying to sell the weapons the US gave them on eBay.

"Just like new. Never been fired and only dropped once".

Actually I misread your comment, I thought you meant the US Army, my apologies
The undeniable facts are Bush & the neo-cons failed to protect US, got us attacked on 9/11, blew $Trillions killed 8,000 of our best, created a police state, destroyed jobs, the economy & totally failed to get Bin Laden. Republicans do not protect US, they only steal, raise prices & spend.

The undeniable fact is that 911 was planned, financed, trained and staged under Clinton, who did almost as much as Obama to weaken the US military. Clinton had the chance to take out Bin Laden before 911but he pussied out. Clinton was too busy bombing Christians to save Muslims and sending Rangers to get killed taking out Somalian Warlords than he was to protect America from terrorism.

The other undeniable fact is that Clinton was too busy getting blowjobs from Monica to do anything about the 1993 attack on the World Trade Center. He said it was a matter for the New York Police Department. It was Clinton's weak response to the 1993 attack on New York to entourage another try at it and saw what happen, didn't we?

Clinton and Obama have two things in common in their zeal to weaken the US Military. They both were too cowardly to serve in the military and neither one of them had a sense of duty to the US.

Speaking of NeoCons Obama is a NeoCon's wet dream. He fought the war in Iraq for three years, called it a success and recently reintroduced bombing and ground troops. He escalated the war in Afghanistan getting thousands of Americans killed and now is talking about keeping troops there for a much longer time and he bombed the shit out of Libyia, leading to one of the factions of ISIS. Don't be hypocritical about complaining about interventionism and then vote for an interventionist shithead like Obama. It just shows you really don't believe what you preach.

By the way, stop blaming Obama's failures on Bush. After six years of that silly crap it is getting boring and just shows what a partisan fool you are.

You idiots go through irrationally exuberant mental gymnastics to blame Bush's failures on Clinton. Months before 9/11 the FAA distributed a CD-ROM presentation to airlines and airports that "cited the possibility of a suicide hijacking." The CIA & FBI told Bush of suicide hijacking and they need to take out Osama Bin Ladin. Heads of state personally called Bush to warn him that Bin Ladin was going to attack the US. The Bush administration told the CIA & FBI that Osama Bin Ladin "was bluffing to distract US from Iraq." The CIA & FBI repeated that Bin Ladin was not bluffing. Then we got attacked on 9/11 just as Bush was told we would.

After 9/11 the Bush administration refused to allow our soldiers or Afghans to kill Bin Ladin in Tora Bora. Then Bush stopped hunting Osama Bin Ladin.

There was a possibility of terrorist attacks ever since the WTC bombing in 1993 and Clinton didn't do a damn thing about it. He even had the chance to kill Bin Laden but didn't do it. He didn't stop the hijackers from coming into the country or training to learn to fly, or staging for the attack or anything else that would have been a prudent thing to do after 1993.

I use to keep a copy of that memo you referenced in case any of you Moon Bats tried to blame 911 on Bush because the memo gave no usable information that would have stopped the hijackers on 9/11/01.

Clinton even stopped the communication between the FBI and the CIA that could have led to information about the hijackers.

Tora Bora was one of Bush's failures. However, Bin Laden wouldn't have been there if Clinton would have had the backbone to take him when he had the opportunity.

Clinton's incompetence was what was responsible for 911. He suffered from the same lack of interest in foreign policy as Obama. The only difference is that instead of playing golf all the time like Obama instead of conducting foreign policy Clinton was sexually harassing anything in a skirt.

The thing that I don't understand about you Moon Bats is your hate of Bush. He was actually a Liberal just like you. He increased the size of government, increased debt, increased the welfare system, refuse to seal the border and conducted an interventionist foreign policy. All the things that you Liberals love. You should embrace him as one of your own.

The only think that I can surmise is that you need a whipping boy to blame Clinton's and Obama's failures on. Just grow up and stop blaming everything on Bush. That shit is getting old. Take responsibility for the idiots you elected. Show some intellectual and moral courage for a change. Something you Moon Bats are not exactly known for.

You an idiot. I am not a liberal or a chicken-hawk. I am for efficient government, not a bloated ineffective one. Stop stealing & wasting my money! Attacking Iraq created a bigger disaster & threat to US than Al-Qaeda. Kill terrorist instead of wasting Trillions creating more terrorist. Obama killed 5 times more terrorist in 4 years than Bush got in 8 years. Bush got 8,000 US citizens killed & got 1.6 billion Muslims pissed off at the USA.
The undeniable facts are Bush & the neo-cons failed to protect US, got us attacked on 9/11, blew $Trillions killed 8,000 of our best, created a police state, destroyed jobs, the economy & totally failed to get Bin Laden. Republicans do not protect US, they only steal, raise prices & spend.

The undeniable fact is that 911 was planned, financed, trained and staged under Clinton, who did almost as much as Obama to weaken the US military. Clinton had the chance to take out Bin Laden before 911but he pussied out. Clinton was too busy bombing Christians to save Muslims and sending Rangers to get killed taking out Somalian Warlords than he was to protect America from terrorism.

The other undeniable fact is that Clinton was too busy getting blowjobs from Monica to do anything about the 1993 attack on the World Trade Center. He said it was a matter for the New York Police Department. It was Clinton's weak response to the 1993 attack on New York to entourage another try at it and saw what happen, didn't we?

Clinton and Obama have two things in common in their zeal to weaken the US Military. They both were too cowardly to serve in the military and neither one of them had a sense of duty to the US.

Speaking of NeoCons Obama is a NeoCon's wet dream. He fought the war in Iraq for three years, called it a success and recently reintroduced bombing and ground troops. He escalated the war in Afghanistan getting thousands of Americans killed and now is talking about keeping troops there for a much longer time and he bombed the shit out of Libyia, leading to one of the factions of ISIS. Don't be hypocritical about complaining about interventionism and then vote for an interventionist shithead like Obama. It just shows you really don't believe what you preach.

By the way, stop blaming Obama's failures on Bush. After six years of that silly crap it is getting boring and just shows what a partisan fool you are.

You idiots go through irrationally exuberant mental gymnastics to blame Bush's failures on Clinton. Months before 9/11 the FAA distributed a CD-ROM presentation to airlines and airports that "cited the possibility of a suicide hijacking." The CIA & FBI told Bush of suicide hijacking and they need to take out Osama Bin Ladin. Heads of state personally called Bush to warn him that Bin Ladin was going to attack the US. The Bush administration told the CIA & FBI that Osama Bin Ladin "was bluffing to distract US from Iraq." The CIA & FBI repeated that Bin Ladin was not bluffing. Then we got attacked on 9/11 just as Bush was told we would.

After 9/11 the Bush administration refused to allow our soldiers or Afghans to kill Bin Ladin in Tora Bora. Then Bush stopped hunting Osama Bin Ladin.

There was a possibility of terrorist attacks ever since the WTC bombing in 1993 and Clinton didn't do a damn thing about it. He even had the chance to kill Bin Laden but didn't do it. He didn't stop the hijackers from coming into the country or training to learn to fly, or staging for the attack or anything else that would have been a prudent thing to do after 1993.

I use to keep a copy of that memo you referenced in case any of you Moon Bats tried to blame 911 on Bush because the memo gave no usable information that would have stopped the hijackers on 9/11/01.

Clinton even stopped the communication between the FBI and the CIA that could have led to information about the hijackers.

Tora Bora was one of Bush's failures. However, Bin Laden wouldn't have been there if Clinton would have had the backbone to take him when he had the opportunity.

Clinton's incompetence was what was responsible for 911. He suffered from the same lack of interest in foreign policy as Obama. The only difference is that instead of playing golf all the time like Obama instead of conducting foreign policy Clinton was sexually harassing anything in a skirt.

The thing that I don't understand about you Moon Bats is your hate of Bush. He was actually a Liberal just like you. He increased the size of government, increased debt, increased the welfare system, refuse to seal the border and conducted an interventionist foreign policy. All the things that you Liberals love. You should embrace him as one of your own.

The only think that I can surmise is that you need a whipping boy to blame Clinton's and Obama's failures on. Just grow up and stop blaming everything on Bush. That shit is getting old. Take responsibility for the idiots you elected. Show some intellectual and moral courage for a change. Something you Moon Bats are not exactly known for.

You an idiot. I am not a liberal or a chicken-hawk. I am for efficient government, not a bloated ineffective one. Stop stealing & wasting my money! Attacking Iraq created a bigger disaster & threat to US than Al-Qaeda. Kill terrorist instead of wasting my money creating more terrorist. Obama killed 5 times more terrorist in 4 years than Bush got in 8 years. Bush got 8,000 US citizens killed & got 1.6 billion Muslims pissed off at the USA.
You need to post a chart.
The undeniable facts are Bush & the neo-cons failed to protect US, got us attacked on 9/11, blew $Trillions killed 8,000 of our best, created a police state, destroyed jobs, the economy & totally failed to get Bin Laden. Republicans do not protect US, they only steal, raise prices & spend.

The undeniable fact is that 911 was planned, financed, trained and staged under Clinton, who did almost as much as Obama to weaken the US military. Clinton had the chance to take out Bin Laden before 911but he pussied out. Clinton was too busy bombing Christians to save Muslims and sending Rangers to get killed taking out Somalian Warlords than he was to protect America from terrorism.

The other undeniable fact is that Clinton was too busy getting blowjobs from Monica to do anything about the 1993 attack on the World Trade Center. He said it was a matter for the New York Police Department. It was Clinton's weak response to the 1993 attack on New York to entourage another try at it and saw what happen, didn't we?

Clinton and Obama have two things in common in their zeal to weaken the US Military. They both were too cowardly to serve in the military and neither one of them had a sense of duty to the US.

Speaking of NeoCons Obama is a NeoCon's wet dream. He fought the war in Iraq for three years, called it a success and recently reintroduced bombing and ground troops. He escalated the war in Afghanistan getting thousands of Americans killed and now is talking about keeping troops there for a much longer time and he bombed the shit out of Libyia, leading to one of the factions of ISIS. Don't be hypocritical about complaining about interventionism and then vote for an interventionist shithead like Obama. It just shows you really don't believe what you preach.

By the way, stop blaming Obama's failures on Bush. After six years of that silly crap it is getting boring and just shows what a partisan fool you are.

You idiots go through irrationally exuberant mental gymnastics to blame Bush's failures on Clinton. Months before 9/11 the FAA distributed a CD-ROM presentation to airlines and airports that "cited the possibility of a suicide hijacking." The CIA & FBI told Bush of suicide hijacking and they need to take out Osama Bin Ladin. Heads of state personally called Bush to warn him that Bin Ladin was going to attack the US. The Bush administration told the CIA & FBI that Osama Bin Ladin "was bluffing to distract US from Iraq." The CIA & FBI repeated that Bin Ladin was not bluffing. Then we got attacked on 9/11 just as Bush was told we would.

After 9/11 the Bush administration refused to allow our soldiers or Afghans to kill Bin Ladin in Tora Bora. Then Bush stopped hunting Osama Bin Ladin.

There was a possibility of terrorist attacks ever since the WTC bombing in 1993 and Clinton didn't do a damn thing about it. He even had the chance to kill Bin Laden but didn't do it. He didn't stop the hijackers from coming into the country or training to learn to fly, or staging for the attack or anything else that would have been a prudent thing to do after 1993.

I use to keep a copy of that memo you referenced in case any of you Moon Bats tried to blame 911 on Bush because the memo gave no usable information that would have stopped the hijackers on 9/11/01.

Clinton even stopped the communication between the FBI and the CIA that could have led to information about the hijackers.

Tora Bora was one of Bush's failures. However, Bin Laden wouldn't have been there if Clinton would have had the backbone to take him when he had the opportunity.

Clinton's incompetence was what was responsible for 911. He suffered from the same lack of interest in foreign policy as Obama. The only difference is that instead of playing golf all the time like Obama instead of conducting foreign policy Clinton was sexually harassing anything in a skirt.

The thing that I don't understand about you Moon Bats is your hate of Bush. He was actually a Liberal just like you. He increased the size of government, increased debt, increased the welfare system, refuse to seal the border and conducted an interventionist foreign policy. All the things that you Liberals love. You should embrace him as one of your own.

The only think that I can surmise is that you need a whipping boy to blame Clinton's and Obama's failures on. Just grow up and stop blaming everything on Bush. That shit is getting old. Take responsibility for the idiots you elected. Show some intellectual and moral courage for a change. Something you Moon Bats are not exactly known for.

You an idiot. I am not a liberal or a chicken-hawk. I am for efficient government, not a bloated ineffective one. Stop stealing & wasting my money! Attacking Iraq created a bigger disaster & threat to US than Al-Qaeda. Kill terrorist instead of wasting Trillions creating more terrorist. Obama killed 5 times more terrorist in 4 years than Bush got in 8 years. Bush got 8,000 US citizens killed & got 1.6 billion Muslims pissed off at the USA.

Those Muslims were pissed at us long before Bush came on the scene
The undeniable facts are Bush & the neo-cons failed to protect US, got us attacked on 9/11, blew $Trillions killed 8,000 of our best, created a police state, destroyed jobs, the economy & totally failed to get Bin Laden. Republicans do not protect US, they only steal, raise prices & spend.

The undeniable fact is that 911 was planned, financed, trained and staged under Clinton, who did almost as much as Obama to weaken the US military. Clinton had the chance to take out Bin Laden before 911but he pussied out. Clinton was too busy bombing Christians to save Muslims and sending Rangers to get killed taking out Somalian Warlords than he was to protect America from terrorism.

The other undeniable fact is that Clinton was too busy getting blowjobs from Monica to do anything about the 1993 attack on the World Trade Center. He said it was a matter for the New York Police Department. It was Clinton's weak response to the 1993 attack on New York to entourage another try at it and saw what happen, didn't we?

Clinton and Obama have two things in common in their zeal to weaken the US Military. They both were too cowardly to serve in the military and neither one of them had a sense of duty to the US.

Speaking of NeoCons Obama is a NeoCon's wet dream. He fought the war in Iraq for three years, called it a success and recently reintroduced bombing and ground troops. He escalated the war in Afghanistan getting thousands of Americans killed and now is talking about keeping troops there for a much longer time and he bombed the shit out of Libyia, leading to one of the factions of ISIS. Don't be hypocritical about complaining about interventionism and then vote for an interventionist shithead like Obama. It just shows you really don't believe what you preach.

By the way, stop blaming Obama's failures on Bush. After six years of that silly crap it is getting boring and just shows what a partisan fool you are.

You idiots go through irrationally exuberant mental gymnastics to blame Bush's failures on Clinton. Months before 9/11 the FAA distributed a CD-ROM presentation to airlines and airports that "cited the possibility of a suicide hijacking." The CIA & FBI told Bush of suicide hijacking and they need to take out Osama Bin Ladin. Heads of state personally called Bush to warn him that Bin Ladin was going to attack the US. The Bush administration told the CIA & FBI that Osama Bin Ladin "was bluffing to distract US from Iraq." The CIA & FBI repeated that Bin Ladin was not bluffing. Then we got attacked on 9/11 just as Bush was told we would.

After 9/11 the Bush administration refused to allow our soldiers or Afghans to kill Bin Ladin in Tora Bora. Then Bush stopped hunting Osama Bin Ladin.

There was a possibility of terrorist attacks ever since the WTC bombing in 1993 and Clinton didn't do a damn thing about it. He even had the chance to kill Bin Laden but didn't do it. He didn't stop the hijackers from coming into the country or training to learn to fly, or staging for the attack or anything else that would have been a prudent thing to do after 1993.

I use to keep a copy of that memo you referenced in case any of you Moon Bats tried to blame 911 on Bush because the memo gave no usable information that would have stopped the hijackers on 9/11/01.

Clinton even stopped the communication between the FBI and the CIA that could have led to information about the hijackers.

Tora Bora was one of Bush's failures. However, Bin Laden wouldn't have been there if Clinton would have had the backbone to take him when he had the opportunity.

Clinton's incompetence was what was responsible for 911. He suffered from the same lack of interest in foreign policy as Obama. The only difference is that instead of playing golf all the time like Obama instead of conducting foreign policy Clinton was sexually harassing anything in a skirt.

The thing that I don't understand about you Moon Bats is your hate of Bush. He was actually a Liberal just like you. He increased the size of government, increased debt, increased the welfare system, refuse to seal the border and conducted an interventionist foreign policy. All the things that you Liberals love. You should embrace him as one of your own.

The only think that I can surmise is that you need a whipping boy to blame Clinton's and Obama's failures on. Just grow up and stop blaming everything on Bush. That shit is getting old. Take responsibility for the idiots you elected. Show some intellectual and moral courage for a change. Something you Moon Bats are not exactly known for.

You an idiot. I am not a liberal or a chicken-hawk. I am for efficient government, not a bloated ineffective one. Stop stealing & wasting my money! Attacking Iraq created a bigger disaster & threat to US than Al-Qaeda. Kill terrorist instead of wasting Trillions creating more terrorist. Obama killed 5 times more terrorist in 4 years than Bush got in 8 years. Bush got 8,000 US citizens killed & got 1.6 billion Muslims pissed off at the USA.

Those Muslims were pissed at us long before Bush came on the scene
Towlheads have been fighting against the world for 1500 years. Liberals only just started paying attention since Bush was elected.
The undeniable facts are Bush & the neo-cons failed to protect US, got us attacked on 9/11, blew $Trillions killed 8,000 of our best, created a police state, destroyed jobs, the economy & totally failed to get Bin Laden. Republicans do not protect US, they only steal, raise prices & spend.

The undeniable fact is that 911 was planned, financed, trained and staged under Clinton, who did almost as much as Obama to weaken the US military. Clinton had the chance to take out Bin Laden before 911but he pussied out. Clinton was too busy bombing Christians to save Muslims and sending Rangers to get killed taking out Somalian Warlords than he was to protect America from terrorism.

The other undeniable fact is that Clinton was too busy getting blowjobs from Monica to do anything about the 1993 attack on the World Trade Center. He said it was a matter for the New York Police Department. It was Clinton's weak response to the 1993 attack on New York to entourage another try at it and saw what happen, didn't we?

Clinton and Obama have two things in common in their zeal to weaken the US Military. They both were too cowardly to serve in the military and neither one of them had a sense of duty to the US.

Speaking of NeoCons Obama is a NeoCon's wet dream. He fought the war in Iraq for three years, called it a success and recently reintroduced bombing and ground troops. He escalated the war in Afghanistan getting thousands of Americans killed and now is talking about keeping troops there for a much longer time and he bombed the shit out of Libyia, leading to one of the factions of ISIS. Don't be hypocritical about complaining about interventionism and then vote for an interventionist shithead like Obama. It just shows you really don't believe what you preach.

By the way, stop blaming Obama's failures on Bush. After six years of that silly crap it is getting boring and just shows what a partisan fool you are.

You idiots go through irrationally exuberant mental gymnastics to blame Bush's failures on Clinton. Months before 9/11 the FAA distributed a CD-ROM presentation to airlines and airports that "cited the possibility of a suicide hijacking." The CIA & FBI told Bush of suicide hijacking and they need to take out Osama Bin Ladin. Heads of state personally called Bush to warn him that Bin Ladin was going to attack the US. The Bush administration told the CIA & FBI that Osama Bin Ladin "was bluffing to distract US from Iraq." The CIA & FBI repeated that Bin Ladin was not bluffing. Bush said he was not going to swat at flies. Then we got attacked on 9/11 just as Bush was told we would.

After 9/11 the Bush administration refused to allow our soldiers or Afghans to kill Bin Ladin in Tora Bora. Then Bush stopped hunting Osama Bin Ladin.

So what should Bush have done with information that "bin Laden planned to attack the US"? Like that was news t anyone. Al Zawahiri is planning to attack the US. Why isnt Obama preventing it?

The information was far more specific than "bin Laden planned to attack the US". Bush knew who, what, where, when why & how! Bush refused to kill Bin Laden before & after 9/11. Obama is killing many times more Al Qaeda & ISIS terrorist than Bush.
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The undeniable facts are Bush & the neo-cons failed to protect US, got us attacked on 9/11, blew $Trillions killed 8,000 of our best, created a police state, destroyed jobs, the economy & totally failed to get Bin Laden. Republicans do not protect US, they only steal, raise prices & spend.

The undeniable fact is that 911 was planned, financed, trained and staged under Clinton, who did almost as much as Obama to weaken the US military. Clinton had the chance to take out Bin Laden before 911but he pussied out. Clinton was too busy bombing Christians to save Muslims and sending Rangers to get killed taking out Somalian Warlords than he was to protect America from terrorism.

The other undeniable fact is that Clinton was too busy getting blowjobs from Monica to do anything about the 1993 attack on the World Trade Center. He said it was a matter for the New York Police Department. It was Clinton's weak response to the 1993 attack on New York to entourage another try at it and saw what happen, didn't we?

Clinton and Obama have two things in common in their zeal to weaken the US Military. They both were too cowardly to serve in the military and neither one of them had a sense of duty to the US.

Speaking of NeoCons Obama is a NeoCon's wet dream. He fought the war in Iraq for three years, called it a success and recently reintroduced bombing and ground troops. He escalated the war in Afghanistan getting thousands of Americans killed and now is talking about keeping troops there for a much longer time and he bombed the shit out of Libyia, leading to one of the factions of ISIS. Don't be hypocritical about complaining about interventionism and then vote for an interventionist shithead like Obama. It just shows you really don't believe what you preach.

By the way, stop blaming Obama's failures on Bush. After six years of that silly crap it is getting boring and just shows what a partisan fool you are.

You idiots go through irrationally exuberant mental gymnastics to blame Bush's failures on Clinton. Months before 9/11 the FAA distributed a CD-ROM presentation to airlines and airports that "cited the possibility of a suicide hijacking." The CIA & FBI told Bush of suicide hijacking and they need to take out Osama Bin Ladin. Heads of state personally called Bush to warn him that Bin Ladin was going to attack the US. The Bush administration told the CIA & FBI that Osama Bin Ladin "was bluffing to distract US from Iraq." The CIA & FBI repeated that Bin Ladin was not bluffing. Bush said he was not going to swat at flies. Then we got attacked on 9/11 just as Bush was told we would.

After 9/11 the Bush administration refused to allow our soldiers or Afghans to kill Bin Ladin in Tora Bora. Then Bush stopped hunting Osama Bin Ladin.

So what should Bush have done with information that "bin Laden planned to attack the US"? Like that was news t anyone. Al Zawahiri is planning to attack the US. Why isnt Obama preventing it?

The information was far more specific than "bin Laden planned to attack the US". Bush knew who, what, where, when why & how! Bush refused to kill Bin Laden before & after 9/11.

Bush knew who, what, where, when, why and how? Link please
The undeniable facts are Bush & the neo-cons failed to protect US, got us attacked on 9/11, blew $Trillions killed 8,000 of our best, created a police state, destroyed jobs, the economy & totally failed to get Bin Laden. Republicans do not protect US, they only steal, raise prices & spend.

The undeniable fact is that 911 was planned, financed, trained and staged under Clinton, who did almost as much as Obama to weaken the US military. Clinton had the chance to take out Bin Laden before 911but he pussied out. Clinton was too busy bombing Christians to save Muslims and sending Rangers to get killed taking out Somalian Warlords than he was to protect America from terrorism.

The other undeniable fact is that Clinton was too busy getting blowjobs from Monica to do anything about the 1993 attack on the World Trade Center. He said it was a matter for the New York Police Department. It was Clinton's weak response to the 1993 attack on New York to entourage another try at it and saw what happen, didn't we?

Clinton and Obama have two things in common in their zeal to weaken the US Military. They both were too cowardly to serve in the military and neither one of them had a sense of duty to the US.

Speaking of NeoCons Obama is a NeoCon's wet dream. He fought the war in Iraq for three years, called it a success and recently reintroduced bombing and ground troops. He escalated the war in Afghanistan getting thousands of Americans killed and now is talking about keeping troops there for a much longer time and he bombed the shit out of Libyia, leading to one of the factions of ISIS. Don't be hypocritical about complaining about interventionism and then vote for an interventionist shithead like Obama. It just shows you really don't believe what you preach.

By the way, stop blaming Obama's failures on Bush. After six years of that silly crap it is getting boring and just shows what a partisan fool you are.

You idiots go through irrationally exuberant mental gymnastics to blame Bush's failures on Clinton. Months before 9/11 the FAA distributed a CD-ROM presentation to airlines and airports that "cited the possibility of a suicide hijacking." The CIA & FBI told Bush of suicide hijacking and they need to take out Osama Bin Ladin. Heads of state personally called Bush to warn him that Bin Ladin was going to attack the US. The Bush administration told the CIA & FBI that Osama Bin Ladin "was bluffing to distract US from Iraq." The CIA & FBI repeated that Bin Ladin was not bluffing. Bush said he was not going to swat at flies. Then we got attacked on 9/11 just as Bush was told we would.

After 9/11 the Bush administration refused to allow our soldiers or Afghans to kill Bin Ladin in Tora Bora. Then Bush stopped hunting Osama Bin Ladin.

So what should Bush have done with information that "bin Laden planned to attack the US"? Like that was news t anyone. Al Zawahiri is planning to attack the US. Why isnt Obama preventing it?

The information was far more specific than "bin Laden planned to attack the US". Bush knew who, what, where, when why & how! Bush refused to kill Bin Laden before & after 9/11.

Bush knew who, what, where, when, why and how? Link please

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