U.S. military decimated under Obama

What do Republicans know about the military? They spent a trillion dollars creating the worst army in the world in Iraq. What a bunch of know nothing fuck ups.
What do Republicans know about the military? They spent a trillion dollars creating the worst army in the world in Iraq. What a bunch of know nothing fuck ups.

The worst Army in the world? Go back to sleep, progtard
I want to see another Sequestration to cut Republicans Military & Welfare spending spree. We need to build this country instead of flushing our wealth down the toilet.

Translation: Gimme dat welfares

I said cut Welfare & Military spending you idiot! Spend only on our US infrastructure.

You loons had a golden opportunity to do that back in 2008....and blew it
Shovel ready just wasnt as shovel ready as they thought.
I want to see another Sequestration to cut Republicans Military & Welfare spending spree. We need to build this country instead of flushing our wealth down the toilet.

Translation: Gimme dat welfares

I said cut Welfare & Military spending you idiot! Spend only on our US infrastructure.

You loons had a golden opportunity to do that back in 2008....and blew it
Shovel ready just wasnt as shovel ready as they thought.

Shovel ready was a condition to receive stimulus funding not a promise of jobs

It was up to the States to identify the projects that qualified
I want to see another Sequestration to cut Republicans Military & Welfare spending spree. We need to build this country instead of flushing our wealth down the toilet.

Translation: Gimme dat welfares

I said cut Welfare & Military spending you idiot! Spend only on our US infrastructure.

You loons had a golden opportunity to do that back in 2008....and blew it
Shovel ready just wasnt as shovel ready as they thought.

Shovel ready was a condition to receive stimulus funding not a promise of jobs

It was up to the States to identify the projects that qualified
Yeah in south Carolina the replaced perfectly good road signs, with new road signs.lol
Republicans Explode Deficit Spending & Inflation!
What do Republicans know about the military? They spent a trillion dollars creating the worst army in the world in Iraq. What a bunch of know nothing fuck ups.

A significant part of the building up of the Iraq Army was done in the three years that Obama was in charge. He spent hundreds of billions of dollars during those three years and lost hundreds of American lives and then called it a success.

Barack Obama declares Iraq war a success US news The Guardian

Barack Obama declares Iraq war a success
Translation: Gimme dat welfares

I said cut Welfare & Military spending you idiot! Spend only on our US infrastructure.

You loons had a golden opportunity to do that back in 2008....and blew it
Shovel ready just wasnt as shovel ready as they thought.

Shovel ready was a condition to receive stimulus funding not a promise of jobs

It was up to the States to identify the projects that qualified
Yeah in south Carolina the replaced perfectly good road signs, with new road signs.lol

I guess that is what happens when you live in a red state. Instead of using the money to help people they waste it

But that is because Republicans don't love America
I said cut Welfare & Military spending you idiot! Spend only on our US infrastructure.

You loons had a golden opportunity to do that back in 2008....and blew it
Shovel ready just wasnt as shovel ready as they thought.

Shovel ready was a condition to receive stimulus funding not a promise of jobs

It was up to the States to identify the projects that qualified
Yeah in south Carolina the replaced perfectly good road signs, with new road signs.lol

I guess that is what happens when you live in a red state. Instead of using the money to help people they waste it

But that is because Republicans don't love America

Because Solyndra was such a huge stimulus success. No?
I want to see another Sequestration to cut Republicans Military & Welfare spending spree. We need to build this country instead of flushing our wealth down the toilet.

Translation: Gimme dat welfares

I said cut Welfare & Military spending you idiot! Spend only on our US infrastructure.

You loons had a golden opportunity to do that back in 2008....and blew it
Shovel ready just wasnt as shovel ready as they thought.

Shovel ready was a condition to receive stimulus funding not a promise of jobs

It was up to the States to identify the projects that qualified
The premise of shovel ready was to create jobs. It failed. Even Obozo acknowledged it.
I want to see another Sequestration to cut Republicans Military & Welfare spending spree. We need to build this country instead of flushing our wealth down the toilet.

We need another of Obama's "stimulus" packages because the filthy greedy unions and environmental wacko corporations didn't enough money the last time, did they? We need to bail out more GMs and Chryslers, don't we?

We need more welfare, Obamaphones and money in the pockets of the illegals, don't we?
I said cut Welfare & Military spending you idiot! Spend only on our US infrastructure.

You loons had a golden opportunity to do that back in 2008....and blew it
Shovel ready just wasnt as shovel ready as they thought.

Shovel ready was a condition to receive stimulus funding not a promise of jobs

It was up to the States to identify the projects that qualified
Yeah in south Carolina the replaced perfectly good road signs, with new road signs.lol

I guess that is what happens when you live in a red state. Instead of using the money to help people they waste it

But that is because Republicans don't love America
It would've needed the go ahead of the Obama administration first. Anyway obama pumps billions of dollars a day into the stock market, making the rich, richer. Instead of helping the poor.

Our federal Congress is only delegated the power to provide for the common defense, not the common offense nor the general warfare.

And, not Only that, we also have a Second Amendment.

I wish Obama knew that. Then he wouldn't have sent my son into a war in the Middle East that had nothing to do with the security of the US.
The cost overruns on the F-35 aircraft program exceed the entire defense budgets of Britain and France combined.

Just the waste on the F-35 program alone!

Total Pentagon cost overruns are about half a trillion dollars.

And no one is in jail.
Reading the last batch of post it appears the OP has been conceded as a bust and it's time to deflect away from the stupid misrepresentation. The military is being rebuilt after being fucked up by Bush/Cheney. Lets run away from that and go after some other way to bash Obama.

Our federal Congress is only delegated the power to provide for the common defense, not the common offense nor the general warfare.

And, not Only that, we also have a Second Amendment.

I wish Obama knew that. Then he wouldn't have sent my son into a war in the Middle East that had nothing to do with the security of the US.

Thank your son for his service for me
Reading the last batch of post it appears the OP has been conceded as a bust and it's time to deflect away from the stupid misrepresentation. The military is being rebuilt after being fucked up by Bush/Cheney. Lets run away from that and go after some other way to bash Obama.

You must have ignored the facts posted.

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