U.S. National Debt Hits Record $22 Trillion

Yes it has, thanks Obama

trump has added more to the national debt than any president in his first two years.

The king of debt....president Cheeto.

Gee, and Obama added more to the debt then all presidents, combined....dumbass.

You imbeciles never learn.

No, Obama did not add more debt than all other previous presidents combined. If you think he did, try posting the amount he started with and the amount he ended with...


Follow the thread dumbass. You can read, right?

Poor, baby, whassamatter? You don’t like me correcting you?

Sorry to hear following a thread is too complicated for you.
Our partisans are so bad they only care about the debt when they can blame someone else. Where is the tea party? After many years of Republicans controlling the purse strings we reach $22 trillion. This needs to stop, we need a new party! All this debt and Trump fights for more spending!

U.S. National Debt Hits Record $22 Trillion

Dumb ratfuck. Obama raised the national debt proportionally more by the comparative time he was in office, and he effectively doubled it over 8 years...


At least we're getting our money's worth under Trump. Not so much under Obama.

Federal debt is a direct function of federal DEFICITS

Obama got handed off trillion dollar deficits in the middle of Great Recession - OF COURSE that causes alot of debt. And from there his most major contribution to deficits is extension of most of Bush's TAX-CUTS, which you of course love. So how about a nice hot cup of stfu.

Hey peckerhead: Deficit numbers are meaningless without taking into consideration the GDP to deficit ratio. Obama was the only American President to not even have a whole year of 3% GDP growth. His average annual growth rate only reached 1.48%, which was the weakest of any expansion since 1949.

Obama's deficit to GDP ratio reached a whopping 5.8% with along with doubling the entire national debt, makes his entire presidency a failure.

Thanks for admitting Bush was responsible for the housing bubble.

GW was only responsible in that he was weak. He allowed the Democrats to be the irresponsible little children they are, by legislating lending laws that penalized banks for not loaning money to people who had no chance of ever paying it back.

Democrats were the minority party with no power.

Meanwhile you point to GDP not going over 3% in any FY under Obama. Well the same was true for Bush except for 2 years when the housing bubble pushed GDP above 3%. So if Bush gets credit for GDP those two years, it’s because he owns the housing bubble.
You people just can't seem to accept the fact that President Trump is winning.

The CRA and the Gramm–Leach–Bliley Act were many years earlier. You were blaming the 110th Congress which was seated in 2007.

You said they failed to prevent the economic meltdown. I asked you what you think they could have done to stop it, but you’re refusing to answer.

I answered you. Because you don't understand, want to read it, want to harass? Not my issue. They did something after "never let a crisis go to waste" wink wink.....why not prevent collapse? Do something proactive. They had over 20 months with insider information.

They like crisis, collapse. They get to re-structre under their spending. See the charts? Spending was nearer to $2T before, 33% immediate increase and kept at that level on-going. Somethings' fishy.
Typical lying con. Falsely claiming you answered a question you dodged.

Here’s the dialogue...
... anyone can click on it and see you never answered the question, “what action could they [the 110th Congress] have taken that would have prevented the meltdown?

If you don’t answer it, you demonstrate you’re simply full of shit.

"They did something AFTER. Why not preventative? They caused it with CRA, Glass-Stegall etc. undo-fix it before collapse?"

One of many buried answers pasted again! they had information we dont? Do they save Lehman bros? Do they pay all underwater homes off? They know in advance, we dont. I cant do a job of 535 w/o information up front.
Con, I didn’t ask you what caused it... you blamed the 110th Congress. The 110th Congress, seated in 2007, passed neither the CRA or the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, so who knows why you keep going back to that?

You said the 110th Congress ”prevented action to prevent the decline.”

I’m trying to get you to answer how they did that. You can’t say because you obviously don’t have a fucking clue about the topic.

I'm not going to play mueller games with 140 characters. Oh look, you twist a lie? We have all seen the numerous barny Frank 2007 stories "fundementals are sound". Surely you have. The did nothing to prevent collapse. Yes, they could have, should have. The end. Got to go to work here.
Lying con. In 2007, Barney Frank sponsored a GSE reform bill and got it passed in the House.

H.R. 1427

Like I said, it’s clear you don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about.
trump has added more to the national debt than any president in his first two years.

The king of debt....president Cheeto.

Gee, and Obama added more to the debt then all presidents, combined....dumbass.

You imbeciles never learn.

No, Obama did not add more debt than all other previous presidents combined. If you think he did, try posting the amount he started with and the amount he ended with...


Follow the thread dumbass. You can read, right?

Poor, baby, whassamatter? You don’t like me correcting you?

Sorry to hear following a thread is too complicated for you.

You poor thing. This thread is about the debt and I was talking about the debt. So it’s not just numbers that hurt your brain — it’s words too. :lmao:
Gee, and Obama added more to the debt then all presidents, combined....dumbass.

You imbeciles never learn.

No, Obama did not add more debt than all other previous presidents combined. If you think he did, try posting the amount he started with and the amount he ended with...


Follow the thread dumbass. You can read, right?

Poor, baby, whassamatter? You don’t like me correcting you?

Sorry to hear following a thread is too complicated for you.

You poor thing. This thread is about the debt and I was talking about the debt. So it’s not just numbers that hurt your brain — it’s words too. :lmao:

The best part is both of the links he posted to back up his false claim showed him to be wrong.

Thinker makes a head of cabbage look smart

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OB inherited 1.16 trillion from Bush

the stimulus package in his first year was used to stop the massive job lost due to the recession, financial market in chaos, bank being bailed out, and the war on terrorism was still going on.

even with such a gloomy picture he manage to turn it around

585 billion budget deficit with the job market steadily increasing in his last year

thank you OB

Enter Trump stage right

2019 deficit is up to 987 billion

and we know what the projections are

Yet Trump has no major wars going on, no recession YET, job market strong

So what could go wrong

well now that the mandate is gone in order to keep prices down for his health care the gov't will have to heavily subsidize it

whether, you like the mandate or not, it sole purpose was to keep prices down by having a large pool of people participating

Economics 101, Walmart is not strong because they have the best products or the most expensive products, its because they keep prices low which draws in a large number of customers.

With less participation the prices will go up and the trump budget will pay for it

But lets not forget the wall and how much it will cost

Trump realizes this and that is why he is withdrawing troops and bringing them home

He can save a lot of money that way

I say why stop there withdraw troops from Japan and Germany

It should work as long as no major issues with terrorism pop up

You imbeciles never learn.

No, Obama did not add more debt than all other previous presidents combined. If you think he did, try posting the amount he started with and the amount he ended with...


Follow the thread dumbass. You can read, right?

Poor, baby, whassamatter? You don’t like me correcting you?

Sorry to hear following a thread is too complicated for you.

You poor thing. This thread is about the debt and I was talking about the debt. So it’s not just numbers that hurt your brain — it’s words too. :lmao:

The best part is both of the links he posted to back up his false claim showed him to be wrong.

Thinker makes a head of cabbage look smart

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Whatever makes you feel better.
Nobody gives a rats ass, especially the Dims on what administration doubled the national debt, or that you can not spend your way to prosperity, all they give a shit about is spin jobs and promising everything for free. KICK THAT CAN DOWN THE ROAD then deny culpability.
Obama debt will take time to repay....

Obama debt? Haha. Who appropriated the funds? Republicans held the House for 6 of the 8 years Obama was in office.

Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi approved everything Obama wanted...it didn't take long for Obama to amass the largest national debt America ever has had...either you have a short memory...you are lying...or someone has lied to you....but you will never convince me or anyone else that Obama was a frugal spender....ever...we know better...
Our partisans are so bad they only care about the debt when they can blame someone else. Where is the tea party? After many years of Republicans controlling the purse strings we reach $22 trillion. This needs to stop, we need a new party! All this debt and Trump fights for more spending!

U.S. National Debt Hits Record $22 Trillion

We have 22 trillion dollars of debt because our monetary policy is patently socialist. Well, it's Keynesian, but Keynesianism is socialist economics.

We have central economic planning by a central bank. A centrally controlled economy.

This policy has also caused the currency supply to be severely inflated causing the value of the currency to decrease. A dollar is worth about 4 cents now. We have no purchasing power.

Remember that the best wy to destroy a nation is to destroy the value of its money. And here we are.

Both theoretical sides of the party of one are trustees in this monetary policy. Playing Democrats vs Republican and my politician is better than your politician is like peeing into the wind.

The Tea Party was hijacked by neocons.
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Obama debt will take time to repay....

Obama debt? Haha. Who appropriated the funds? Republicans held the House for 6 of the 8 years Obama was in office.

Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi approved everything Obama wanted...it didn't take long for Obama to amass the largest national debt America ever has had...either you have a short memory...you are lying...or someone has lied to you....but you will never convince me or anyone else that Obama was a frugal spender....ever...we know better...

Yeah I remember when they blocked passage of that bill that would have stopped one of The Tyrant's first EO's (#4), closing Gitmo. Yeah they gave him everything. </sarcasm>

With an economy losing hundreds of thousands of jobs per month, the money they spent was barely enough to turn the ship around. But that was the plan, can't have too speedy a recovery you know, 2012 was just around the corner.
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Darkwind, post: 21818142
Then you would also have to factor in the costs of a prior president not ending the need for the war that ensued. Its all entangled that way.

Iraq was not invaded on a basis of a need or necessity or threat. It was a preemptive strike to confiscate and destroy weapons of mass production that did not exist. The existence of which was being determined through a peaceful process under international law at the time of the preemptive invasion.

Sinse there was no need for the invasion of Iraq, the deceit and errors are on the President who preemptively started it and the budgetary long term consequences of that quagmire should not be blamed on the politician who said before Iraq was invaded that it would be wrong and will not support a dumb war.

Then again Afghanistan was based on the United States inherent right to self defense as a result of the 9/11/01 terrorist attacks, Obama’s maintained the military effort there and costs for that war wouid and should transfer to his contribution to the Federal Debt.
You people just can't seem to accept the fact that President Trump is winning.

You mean spending.

Yes - The GREAT TRUMP WALL of DEBT is the only wall he is building.

At least we'll have something to show for it. A big beautiful wall that keeps all those nasty little people out of my country.

BTW: What happened to all that money Obastard sank into "green energy" companies that went out of business and absconded with?
You people just can't seem to accept the fact that President Trump is winning.

You mean spending.

Yes - The GREAT TRUMP WALL of DEBT is the only wall he is building.

At least we'll have something to show for it. A big beautiful wall that keeps all those nasty little people out of my country.

BTW: What happened to all that money Obastard sank into "green energy" companies that went out of business and absconded with?
We already have walls and fences. There’s no need to rebuild them. What happened to the right’s position to cut spending? Now the right wants to waste money to rebuild a wall that’s already there which we were told Mexico would pay for.
View attachment 245863

Chancy took over in 2007......never forget.
So? I asked you what the 2007 Congress failed to do to prevent the economic collapse — but you wouldn’t say.

I am not on lifetime Golden pension to do the job of 635 genius. They did something AFTER. Why not preventative? They caused it with CRA, Glass-Stegall etc. undo-fix it before collapse?

Now i see you all playing debt numbers games. I find this gem online? WTH? Other borrow $830B in 2016? I am out!

Year GrossDebt Debt Increase FederalDeficit Other Borrow
2000 5629 24 -236 259
2005 7905 551 318 232
2010 13529 1653 1294 359
2011 14764 1235 1300 -64
2012 16051 1287 1087 200
2013 16719 669 680 -11
2014 17795 1075 485 590
2015 18120 326 438 -113
2016 19537 1417 587 830

So we can trust nothing posted? Actual debt 2016 $1.417T?
The CRA and the Gramm–Leach–Bliley Act were many years earlier. You were blaming the 110th Congress which was seated in 2007.

You said they failed to prevent the economic meltdown. I asked you what you think they could have done to stop it, but you’re refusing to answer.
Not purchase debt from banks and/or require financial institutions to actually hold their own debt rather than selling it off to other institutions.

Self regulation would happen overnight.

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