U.S. National Debt Hits Record $22 Trillion

Our partisans are so bad they only care about the debt when they can blame someone else. Where is the tea party? After many years of Republicans controlling the purse strings we reach $22 trillion. This needs to stop, we need a new party! All this debt and Trump fights for more spending!

U.S. National Debt Hits Record $22 Trillion

Thanks, Obama
Ah more obama. He is not president and the new guy increased deficits.

I wonder if there are studies out there where only budget policies enacted by a president and their effect upon the deficit were compared to other Presidents. Factor out all built in debt and increased debt as result of economic downturn and loss of taxpayer revenue solely because of recession. Factor out costs such as a war in Iraq started by a predecessor president thus conveying debt responsibility in the President that starts a costly stupid war not on the president that has to finish it.

We know Trumpo’s tax cuts for his wealthy kin folk has directly caused most of Trumpo’s 3 trillion debt increase. He is responsible for that and for its failure to increase revenue as promised.
Then you would also have to factor in the costs of a prior president not ending the need for the war that ensued. Its all entangled that way.
View attachment 245863

Chancy took over in 2007......never forget.
So? I asked you what the 2007 Congress failed to do to prevent the economic collapse — but you wouldn’t say.

I am not on lifetime Golden pension to do the job of 635 genius. They did something AFTER. Why not preventative? They caused it with CRA, Glass-Stegall etc. undo-fix it before collapse?

Now i see you all playing debt numbers games. I find this gem online? WTH? Other borrow $830B in 2016? I am out!

Year GrossDebt Debt Increase FederalDeficit Other Borrow
2000 5629 24 -236 259
2005 7905 551 318 232
2010 13529 1653 1294 359
2011 14764 1235 1300 -64
2012 16051 1287 1087 200
2013 16719 669 680 -11
2014 17795 1075 485 590
2015 18120 326 438 -113
2016 19537 1417 587 830

So we can trust nothing posted? Actual debt 2016 $1.417T?
Our partisans are so bad they only care about the debt when they can blame someone else. Where is the tea party? After many years of Republicans controlling the purse strings we reach $22 trillion. This needs to stop, we need a new party! All this debt and Trump fights for more spending!

U.S. National Debt Hits Record $22 Trillion

Thanks, Obama
Ah more obama. He is not president and the new guy increased deficits.

LOL! Obama only doubled the debt he inherited
View attachment 245863

Chancy took over in 2007......never forget.
So? I asked you what the 2007 Congress failed to do to prevent the economic collapse — but you wouldn’t say.

I am not on lifetime Golden pension to do the job of 635 genius. They did something AFTER. Why not preventative? They caused it with CRA, Glass-Stegall etc. undo-fix it before collapse?

Now i see you all playing debt numbers games. I find this gem online? WTH? Other borrow $830B in 2016? I am out!

Year GrossDebt Debt Increase FederalDeficit Other Borrow
2000 5629 24 -236 259
2005 7905 551 318 232
2010 13529 1653 1294 359
2011 14764 1235 1300 -64
2012 16051 1287 1087 200
2013 16719 669 680 -11
2014 17795 1075 485 590
2015 18120 326 438 -113
2016 19537 1417 587 830

So we can trust nothing posted? Actual debt 2016 $1.417T?
The CRA and the Gramm–Leach–Bliley Act were many years earlier. You were blaming the 110th Congress which was seated in 2007.

You said they failed to prevent the economic meltdown. I asked you what you think they could have done to stop it, but you’re refusing to answer.
Our partisans are so bad they only care about the debt when they can blame someone else. Where is the tea party? After many years of Republicans controlling the purse strings we reach $22 trillion. This needs to stop, we need a new party! All this debt and Trump fights for more spending!

U.S. National Debt Hits Record $22 Trillion
Time to eliminate funding Planned Parenthood, NPR, PBS and start a work for welfare practice.

This is like ordering a diet soda with your supersized double quarter pounder meal at McDonalds because you're on a diet.

Example far to generous for what ammounts to 0.00001% of the Federal Budget.
Our partisans are so bad they only care about the debt when they can blame someone else. Where is the tea party? After many years of Republicans controlling the purse strings we reach $22 trillion. This needs to stop, we need a new party! All this debt and Trump fights for more spending!

U.S. National Debt Hits Record $22 Trillion

Thanks, Obama
Ah more obama. He is not president and the new guy increased deficits.

LOL! Obama only doubled the debt he inherited
So did Bush, not a peep from the right.

His father was on pace to more than double it, not a peep from the right.

Reagan nearly tripled the debt, not a peep from the right.

Trump is on pace to add almost as much as Obama, not a peep from the right.
Our partisans are so bad they only care about the debt when they can blame someone else. Where is the tea party? After many years of Republicans controlling the purse strings we reach $22 trillion. This needs to stop, we need a new party! All this debt and Trump fights for more spending!

U.S. National Debt Hits Record $22 Trillion

Dumb ratfuck. Obama raised the national debt proportionally more by the comparative time he was in office, and he effectively doubled it over 8 years...


At least we're getting our money's worth under Trump. Not so much under Obama.

Federal debt is a direct function of federal DEFICITS

Obama got handed off trillion dollar deficits in the middle of Great Recession - OF COURSE that causes alot of debt. And from there his most major contribution to deficits is extension of most of Bush's TAX-CUTS, which you of course love. So how about a nice hot cup of stfu.
Our partisans are so bad they only care about the debt when they can blame someone else. Where is the tea party? After many years of Republicans controlling the purse strings we reach $22 trillion. This needs to stop, we need a new party! All this debt and Trump fights for more spending!

U.S. National Debt Hits Record $22 Trillion

Thanks, Obama
Ah more obama. He is not president and the new guy increased deficits.

LOL! Obama only doubled the debt he inherited

That lie has been debunked multiple times in this thread alone.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
Trump is building debt, not a wall.

minus 43's tax cuts, AND HIS, this country would be damn near out of debt
View attachment 245863

Chancy took over in 2007......never forget.
So? I asked you what the 2007 Congress failed to do to prevent the economic collapse — but you wouldn’t say.

I am not on lifetime Golden pension to do the job of 635 genius. They did something AFTER. Why not preventative? They caused it with CRA, Glass-Stegall etc. undo-fix it before collapse?

Now i see you all playing debt numbers games. I find this gem online? WTH? Other borrow $830B in 2016? I am out!

Year GrossDebt Debt Increase FederalDeficit Other Borrow
2000 5629 24 -236 259
2005 7905 551 318 232
2010 13529 1653 1294 359
2011 14764 1235 1300 -64
2012 16051 1287 1087 200
2013 16719 669 680 -11
2014 17795 1075 485 590
2015 18120 326 438 -113
2016 19537 1417 587 830

So we can trust nothing posted? Actual debt 2016 $1.417T?
The CRA and the Gramm–Leach–Bliley Act were many years earlier. You were blaming the 110th Congress which was seated in 2007.

You said they failed to prevent the economic meltdown. I asked you what you think they could have done to stop it, but you’re refusing to answer.

I answered you. Because you don't understand, want to read it, want to harass? Not my issue. They did something after "never let a crisis go to waste" wink wink.....why not prevent collapse? Do something proactive. They had over 20 months with insider information.

They like crisis, collapse. They get to re-structre under their spending. See the charts? Spending was nearer to $2T before, 33% immediate increase and kept at that level on-going. Somethings' fishy.
Our partisans are so bad they only care about the debt when they can blame someone else. Where is the tea party? After many years of Republicans controlling the purse strings we reach $22 trillion. This needs to stop, we need a new party! All this debt and Trump fights for more spending!

U.S. National Debt Hits Record $22 Trillion

It needs to STOP?


You ain't seen NOTHING yet!

Haven't you heard? AOC & the Democrats want to ADD approx. another $50 TRILLION in new debt to upgrade/rebuild every in the US / build trains that will end air travel / kill the internal combustion engine and our economy ... and all the social programs for the 20-30 MILLION Americans who lose their jobs because of AOC's plan AND approx. ANOTHER $50 - $75 TRILLION in new debt for Forced Socialist Single Payer health care.

...yet somehow the Soc8ialists and snowflakes will still find a way to blame their continued debt addition / destruction of the US...

View attachment 245863

Chancy took over in 2007......never forget.
So? I asked you what the 2007 Congress failed to do to prevent the economic collapse — but you wouldn’t say.

I am not on lifetime Golden pension to do the job of 635 genius. They did something AFTER. Why not preventative? They caused it with CRA, Glass-Stegall etc. undo-fix it before collapse?

Now i see you all playing debt numbers games. I find this gem online? WTH? Other borrow $830B in 2016? I am out!

Year GrossDebt Debt Increase FederalDeficit Other Borrow
2000 5629 24 -236 259
2005 7905 551 318 232
2010 13529 1653 1294 359
2011 14764 1235 1300 -64
2012 16051 1287 1087 200
2013 16719 669 680 -11
2014 17795 1075 485 590
2015 18120 326 438 -113
2016 19537 1417 587 830

So we can trust nothing posted? Actual debt 2016 $1.417T?
The CRA and the Gramm–Leach–Bliley Act were many years earlier. You were blaming the 110th Congress which was seated in 2007.

You said they failed to prevent the economic meltdown. I asked you what you think they could have done to stop it, but you’re refusing to answer.

I answered you. Because you don't understand, want to read it, want to harass? Not my issue. They did something after "never let a crisis go to waste" wink wink.....why not prevent collapse? Do something proactive. They had over 20 months with insider information.

They like crisis, collapse. They get to re-structre under their spending. See the charts? Spending was nearer to $2T before, 33% immediate increase and kept at that level on-going. Somethings' fishy.
Typical lying con. Falsely claiming you answered a question you dodged.

Here’s the dialogue...
It all went bad when Chancy took control Jan 2007. Allowed the housing bust. The amonut of debt added on end of 2008 early 2009 was off the charts. Spending was ~$2.5T just prior.

Then the real kicker, ~$1T phony stimulus became baked into budget year one of BO and carried over on "CR" for next the next 8. More than $10T ran up over those 9 years.

Great, what legislation did that 110th Congress pass to cause the collapse....

They prevented action to prevent the decline which was caused by their social engineering over previous nany years. You're welome. //
Oh? What action could they have taken that would have prevented the meltdown?
... anyone can click on it and see you never answered the question, “what action could they [the 110th Congress] have taken that would have prevented the meltdown?”

If you don’t answer it, you demonstrate you’re simply full of shit.
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View attachment 245863

Chancy took over in 2007......never forget.
So? I asked you what the 2007 Congress failed to do to prevent the economic collapse — but you wouldn’t say.

I am not on lifetime Golden pension to do the job of 635 genius. They did something AFTER. Why not preventative? They caused it with CRA, Glass-Stegall etc. undo-fix it before collapse?

Now i see you all playing debt numbers games. I find this gem online? WTH? Other borrow $830B in 2016? I am out!

Year GrossDebt Debt Increase FederalDeficit Other Borrow
2000 5629 24 -236 259
2005 7905 551 318 232
2010 13529 1653 1294 359
2011 14764 1235 1300 -64
2012 16051 1287 1087 200
2013 16719 669 680 -11
2014 17795 1075 485 590
2015 18120 326 438 -113
2016 19537 1417 587 830

So we can trust nothing posted? Actual debt 2016 $1.417T?
The CRA and the Gramm–Leach–Bliley Act were many years earlier. You were blaming the 110th Congress which was seated in 2007.

You said they failed to prevent the economic meltdown. I asked you what you think they could have done to stop it, but you’re refusing to answer.

I answered you. Because you don't understand, want to read it, want to harass? Not my issue. They did something after "never let a crisis go to waste" wink wink.....why not prevent collapse? Do something proactive. They had over 20 months with insider information.

They like crisis, collapse. They get to re-structre under their spending. See the charts? Spending was nearer to $2T before, 33% immediate increase and kept at that level on-going. Somethings' fishy.
Typical lying con. Falsely claiming you answered a question you dodged.

Here’s the dialogue...
... anyone can click on it and see you never answered the question, “what action could they [the 110th Congress] have taken that would have prevented the meltdown?

If you don’t answer it, you demonstrate you’re simply full of shit.

"They did something AFTER. Why not preventative? They caused it with CRA, Glass-Stegall etc. undo-fix it before collapse?"

One of many buried answers pasted again! they had information we dont? Do they save Lehman bros? Do they pay all underwater homes off? They know in advance, we dont. I cant do a job of 535 w/o information up front.
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So? I asked you what the 2007 Congress failed to do to prevent the economic collapse — but you wouldn’t say.

I am not on lifetime Golden pension to do the job of 635 genius. They did something AFTER. Why not preventative? They caused it with CRA, Glass-Stegall etc. undo-fix it before collapse?

Now i see you all playing debt numbers games. I find this gem online? WTH? Other borrow $830B in 2016? I am out!

Year GrossDebt Debt Increase FederalDeficit Other Borrow
2000 5629 24 -236 259
2005 7905 551 318 232
2010 13529 1653 1294 359
2011 14764 1235 1300 -64
2012 16051 1287 1087 200
2013 16719 669 680 -11
2014 17795 1075 485 590
2015 18120 326 438 -113
2016 19537 1417 587 830

So we can trust nothing posted? Actual debt 2016 $1.417T?
The CRA and the Gramm–Leach–Bliley Act were many years earlier. You were blaming the 110th Congress which was seated in 2007.

You said they failed to prevent the economic meltdown. I asked you what you think they could have done to stop it, but you’re refusing to answer.

I answered you. Because you don't understand, want to read it, want to harass? Not my issue. They did something after "never let a crisis go to waste" wink wink.....why not prevent collapse? Do something proactive. They had over 20 months with insider information.

They like crisis, collapse. They get to re-structre under their spending. See the charts? Spending was nearer to $2T before, 33% immediate increase and kept at that level on-going. Somethings' fishy.
Typical lying con. Falsely claiming you answered a question you dodged.

Here’s the dialogue...
... anyone can click on it and see you never answered the question, “what action could they [the 110th Congress] have taken that would have prevented the meltdown?

If you don’t answer it, you demonstrate you’re simply full of shit.

"They did something AFTER. Why not preventative? They caused it with CRA, Glass-Stegall etc. undo-fix it before collapse?"

One of many buried answers pasted again! they had information we dont? Do they save Lehman bros? Do they pay all underwater homes off? They know in advance, we dont. I cant do a job of 535 w/o information up front.
Con, I didn’t ask you what caused it... you blamed the 110th Congress. The 110th Congress, seated in 2007, passed neither the CRA or the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, so who knows why you keep going back to that?

You said the 110th Congress ”prevented action to prevent the decline.”

I’m trying to get you to answer how they did that. You can’t say because you obviously don’t have a fucking clue about the topic.
Our partisans are so bad they only care about the debt when they can blame someone else. Where is the tea party? After many years of Republicans controlling the purse strings we reach $22 trillion. This needs to stop, we need a new party! All this debt and Trump fights for more spending!

U.S. National Debt Hits Record $22 Trillion

Thanks, Obama
Ah more obama. He is not president and the new guy increased deficits.

LOL! Obama only doubled the debt he inherited
And Reagan tripled it, but I’m more concerned about now.
Our partisans are so bad they only care about the debt when they can blame someone else. Where is the tea party? After many years of Republicans controlling the purse strings we reach $22 trillion. This needs to stop, we need a new party! All this debt and Trump fights for more spending!

U.S. National Debt Hits Record $22 Trillion

It needs to STOP?


You ain't seen NOTHING yet!

Haven't you heard? AOC & the Democrats want to ADD approx. another $50 TRILLION in new debt to upgrade/rebuild every in the US / build trains that will end air travel / kill the internal combustion engine and our economy ... and all the social programs for the 20-30 MILLION Americans who lose their jobs because of AOC's plan AND approx. ANOTHER $50 - $75 TRILLION in new debt for Forced Socialist Single Payer health care.

...yet somehow the Soc8ialists and snowflakes will still find a way to blame their continued debt addition / destruction of the US...

Sure and 2 years of repubs drastically increased deficits. We need a responsible party.
Our partisans are so bad they only care about the debt when they can blame someone else. Where is the tea party? After many years of Republicans controlling the purse strings we reach $22 trillion. This needs to stop, we need a new party! All this debt and Trump fights for more spending!

U.S. National Debt Hits Record $22 Trillion

Yes it has, thanks Obama
Ah the first partisan speaks. Yes Obama was bad. But look at Trump. He has increased deficits dramatically during a strong economy! And the right gives it a pass. Again, we need a new party.
And it was a rightwing hack.
Our partisans are so bad they only care about the debt when they can blame someone else. Where is the tea party? After many years of Republicans controlling the purse strings we reach $22 trillion. This needs to stop, we need a new party! All this debt and Trump fights for more spending!

U.S. National Debt Hits Record $22 Trillion

Dumb ratfuck. Obama raised the national debt proportionally more by the comparative time he was in office, and he effectively doubled it over 8 years...


At least we're getting our money's worth under Trump. Not so much under Obama.

Federal debt is a direct function of federal DEFICITS

Obama got handed off trillion dollar deficits in the middle of Great Recession - OF COURSE that causes alot of debt. And from there his most major contribution to deficits is extension of most of Bush's TAX-CUTS, which you of course love. So how about a nice hot cup of stfu.

Hey peckerhead: Deficit numbers are meaningless without taking into consideration the GDP to deficit ratio. Obama was the only American President to not even have a whole year of 3% GDP growth. His average annual growth rate only reached 1.48%, which was the weakest of any expansion since 1949.

Obama's deficit to GDP ratio reached a whopping 5.8% with along with doubling the entire national debt, makes his entire presidency a failure.


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