U.S. National Debt Hits Record $22 Trillion

Our partisans are so bad they only care about the debt when they can blame someone else. Where is the tea party? After many years of Republicans controlling the purse strings we reach $22 trillion. This needs to stop, we need a new party! All this debt and Trump fights for more spending!

U.S. National Debt Hits Record $22 Trillion

Yes it has, thanks Obama

trump has added more to the national debt than any president in his first two years.

The king of debt....president Cheeto.

Gee, and Obama added more to the debt then all presidents, combined....dumbass.

Not true, why do you keep repeating the same lies?

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Reality Check: Has the U.S. borrowed more under Obama than all other presidents combined?
so why aren't you demanding your leftist cut spending? if all you want to do is come in here and bitch about it, who fking cares. do something worth something while. you're just a stupid fk.
Our partisans are so bad they only care about the debt when they can blame someone else. Where is the tea party? After many years of Republicans controlling the purse strings we reach $22 trillion. This needs to stop, we need a new party! All this debt and Trump fights for more spending!

U.S. National Debt Hits Record $22 Trillion

We were fine in debt to GNP until Barry the Fairy sneaked into the WH and stuck us with $10T of red ink.....you crackpots crack me up....dumb as a bucket of bolts.
ah Obama again. You are aware that Repubs controlled the purse strings for most of Obama right?

Which is why the economy started it's upswing in 2010. Once Trump got in the market hit record levels. Thanks for finally admitting Obama had nothing to do with the economy.
Our partisans are so bad they only care about the debt when they can blame someone else. Where is the tea party? After many years of Republicans controlling the purse strings we reach $22 trillion. This needs to stop, we need a new party! All this debt and Trump fights for more spending!

U.S. National Debt Hits Record $22 Trillion

(Watch this folks)
So, Brain, tell us how the national debt and deficit spending has affected your life and or quality of life.
(he has no idea, he just thinks he supposed to be mad because CNN has run the story as part of their anti Trump campaign)
Go ahead Brain...tell us.
It's about future generations paying the interest on this debt. Even now the interest is huge. Do you want to become Greece?

This nation has carried a heavy debt load for years...I ask you again; how has the debt and deficit spending affected your life and or quality of life...how much have you paid toward the interest on our debt?
Maybe Golfing Gator can help you make sense out of your outrage...If you can’t explain why you’re ass-hurt you and Gator should probably disable your CNN programming on this issue...huh?
Our partisans are so bad they only care about the debt when they can blame someone else. Where is the tea party? After many years of Republicans controlling the purse strings we reach $22 trillion. This needs to stop, we need a new party! All this debt and Trump fights for more spending!

U.S. National Debt Hits Record $22 Trillion

Yes it has, thanks Obama

trump has added more to the national debt than any president in his first two years.

The king of debt....president Cheeto.

Gee, and Obama added more to the debt then all presidents, combined....dumbass.

Not true, why do you keep repeating the same lies?

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Reality Check: Has the U.S. borrowed more under Obama than all other presidents combined?

That is what you get for believing fake news.

Debt to the Penny (Daily History Search Application)

On 20 Jan 2009 the total debt was $10,626,877,048,913.

On 19 Jan 2017 the total debt was $19,944,429,217,106.

This the total debt added was 9,317,552,168,193...which is less than the total before him.

Or if you wish to measure from first budget year to last the numbers are as such:

11,920,519,164,319. Start
20,244,900,016,053 end.

Total added 8,324,289,851,734

Less than the total before him.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
Yes it has, thanks Obama

trump has added more to the national debt than any president in his first two years.

The king of debt....president Cheeto.

Gee, and Obama added more to the debt then all presidents, combined....dumbass.

Not true, why do you keep repeating the same lies?

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

Reality Check: Has the U.S. borrowed more under Obama than all other presidents combined?

That is what you get for believing fake news.

Debt to the Penny (Daily History Search Application)

On 20 Jan 2009 the total debt was $10,626,877,048,913.

On 19 Jan 2017 the total debt was $19,944,429,217,106.

This the total debt added was 9,317,552,168,193...which is less than the total before him.

Or if you wish to measure from first budget year to last the numbers are as such:

11,920,519,164,319. Start
20,244,900,016,053 end.

Total added 8,324,289,851,734

Less than the total before him.

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WTF? If you can't dazzle em with brilliance, baffle em with bullshit.
trump has added more to the national debt than any president in his first two years.

The king of debt....president Cheeto.

Gee, and Obama added more to the debt then all presidents, combined....dumbass.

Not true, why do you keep repeating the same lies?

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

Reality Check: Has the U.S. borrowed more under Obama than all other presidents combined?

That is what you get for believing fake news.

Debt to the Penny (Daily History Search Application)

On 20 Jan 2009 the total debt was $10,626,877,048,913.

On 19 Jan 2017 the total debt was $19,944,429,217,106.

This the total debt added was 9,317,552,168,193...which is less than the total before him.

Or if you wish to measure from first budget year to last the numbers are as such:

11,920,519,164,319. Start
20,244,900,016,053 end.

Total added 8,324,289,851,734

Less than the total before him.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

WTF? If you can't dazzle em with brilliance, baffle em with bullshit.

I gave you exact fucking number down to the dollar, provided by the Fed Govt.

Is the math too complicated for you? Are you incapable of subtracting such large numbers?

Which part of my post baffled you? Would it help if it used crayons instead?

Maybe you can find a 5th grader to explain the math for you.

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Our partisans are so bad they only care about the debt when they can blame someone else. Where is the tea party? After many years of Republicans controlling the purse strings we reach $22 trillion. This needs to stop, we need a new party! All this debt and Trump fights for more spending!

U.S. National Debt Hits Record $22 Trillion

(Watch this folks)
So, Brain, tell us how the national debt and deficit spending has affected your life and or quality of life.
(he has no idea, he just thinks he supposed to be mad because CNN has run the story as part of their anti Trump campaign)
Go ahead Brain...tell us.
It's about future generations paying the interest on this debt. Even now the interest is huge. Do you want to become Greece?

BL does not care about anyone but himself, he does not give a shit about the future generations.

I suspect he is one of those people living a lifestyle they cannot afford and putting it all on credit for his kids to pay off.

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My DTi ratio looks like yours did at thirteen.
I carry virtually no personal debt...I’m that guy bottom feeding LefTards like Timmy hate...I’m shielded in Corporate veils and Trusts....haha
Yes it has, thanks Obama

trump has added more to the national debt than any president in his first two years.

The king of debt....president Cheeto.

Gee, and Obama added more to the debt then all presidents, combined....dumbass.

Not true, why do you keep repeating the same lies?

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

Reality Check: Has the U.S. borrowed more under Obama than all other presidents combined?

That is what you get for believing fake news.

Debt to the Penny (Daily History Search Application)

On 20 Jan 2009 the total debt was $10,626,877,048,913.

On 19 Jan 2017 the total debt was $19,944,429,217,106.

This the total debt added was 9,317,552,168,193...which is less than the total before him.

Or if you wish to measure from first budget year to last the numbers are as such:

11,920,519,164,319. Start
20,244,900,016,053 end.

Total added 8,324,289,851,734

Less than the total before him.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

The claim was, if you read the link (and if you can read), Washington - Bush. You want numbers, here's your fricken numbers, dumbass.
US National Debt by Year – Polidiotic
Our partisans are so bad they only care about the debt when they can blame someone else. Where is the tea party? After many years of Republicans controlling the purse strings we reach $22 trillion. This needs to stop, we need a new party! All this debt and Trump fights for more spending!

U.S. National Debt Hits Record $22 Trillion

(Watch this folks)
So, Brain, tell us how the national debt and deficit spending has affected your life and or quality of life.
(he has no idea, he just thinks he supposed to be mad because CNN has run the story as part of their anti Trump campaign)
Go ahead Brain...tell us.
It's about future generations paying the interest on this debt. Even now the interest is huge. Do you want to become Greece?

BL does not care about anyone but himself, he does not give a shit about the future generations.

I suspect he is one of those people living a lifestyle they cannot afford and putting it all on credit for his kids to pay off.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

My DTi ratio looks like yours did at thirteen.
I carry virtually no personal debt...I’m that guy bottom feeding LefTards like Timmy hate...I’m shielded in Corporate veils and Trusts....haha

Sure it does, our board is filled with millionaires, it is just crazy how many there are.

Since you have no issue leaving our country’s debt for future generations I have no good reason to not think you would do the same to your own children with your own debt.

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trump has added more to the national debt than any president in his first two years.

The king of debt....president Cheeto.

Gee, and Obama added more to the debt then all presidents, combined....dumbass.

Not true, why do you keep repeating the same lies?

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

Reality Check: Has the U.S. borrowed more under Obama than all other presidents combined?

That is what you get for believing fake news.

Debt to the Penny (Daily History Search Application)

On 20 Jan 2009 the total debt was $10,626,877,048,913.

On 19 Jan 2017 the total debt was $19,944,429,217,106.

This the total debt added was 9,317,552,168,193...which is less than the total before him.

Or if you wish to measure from first budget year to last the numbers are as such:

11,920,519,164,319. Start
20,244,900,016,053 end.

Total added 8,324,289,851,734

Less than the total before him.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

The claim was, if you read the link (and if you can read), Washington - Bush. You want numbers, here's your fricken numbers, dumbass.
US National Debt by Year – Polidiotic

I know the claim.

From Washington to Bush II they added 11,920,519,164,319 to the debt.

Obama added 8,324,289,851,734 to the debt. That is less than all that came before him total.

By the way dumb fuck, your link backs up my numbers.

Your level of stupidity reaches new levels each day

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
Gee, and Obama added more to the debt then all presidents, combined....dumbass.

Not true, why do you keep repeating the same lies?

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

Reality Check: Has the U.S. borrowed more under Obama than all other presidents combined?

That is what you get for believing fake news.

Debt to the Penny (Daily History Search Application)

On 20 Jan 2009 the total debt was $10,626,877,048,913.

On 19 Jan 2017 the total debt was $19,944,429,217,106.

This the total debt added was 9,317,552,168,193...which is less than the total before him.

Or if you wish to measure from first budget year to last the numbers are as such:

11,920,519,164,319. Start
20,244,900,016,053 end.

Total added 8,324,289,851,734

Less than the total before him.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

The claim was, if you read the link (and if you can read), Washington - Bush. You want numbers, here's your fricken numbers, dumbass.
US National Debt by Year – Polidiotic

I know the claim.

From Washington to Bush II they added 11,920,519,164,319 to the debt.

Obama added 8,324,289,851,734 to the debt. That is less than all that came before him total.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

Yea, I'm sure you'd be making the same claim if it were off by $1.25.

That is what you get for believing fake news.

Debt to the Penny (Daily History Search Application)

On 20 Jan 2009 the total debt was $10,626,877,048,913.

On 19 Jan 2017 the total debt was $19,944,429,217,106.

This the total debt added was 9,317,552,168,193...which is less than the total before him.

Or if you wish to measure from first budget year to last the numbers are as such:

11,920,519,164,319. Start
20,244,900,016,053 end.

Total added 8,324,289,851,734

Less than the total before him.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

The claim was, if you read the link (and if you can read), Washington - Bush. You want numbers, here's your fricken numbers, dumbass.
US National Debt by Year – Polidiotic

I know the claim.

From Washington to Bush II they added 11,920,519,164,319 to the debt.

Obama added 8,324,289,851,734 to the debt. That is less than all that came before him total.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

Yea, I'm sure you'd be making the same claim if it were off by $1.25.

You are off by more than 3 trillion dollars you dumb fuck.

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I’m not surprised.

Obama added $10trillion while depleting our military and ignoring infrastructure. Trump is working hard to repair the damage.

I’d still like to know why democrats allowed that idiot to waste our money.
I have to wonder what you are going to say when Trump's borrowing, as they inevitably will, exceed Obama's borrowing.
I’m gonna guess you have obamas balls comfortably nestled between your cheeks.
That would be a very poor guess. My views on Obama are pretty obvious.
Wow, now tell us you aren't a partisan...dumbass.
Obama set the bar, get back to us when Trump exceeds Obama's numbers.

Because Bush didn't double the debt before Obama did, right dumbass? But, yeah, Obama set the bar.

The Kenyan spent on welfare...weird huh, a Black man spending on entitlements...nobody saw that coming...huh?
His ghetto ass was the first POTUS to spend more on welfare than on defense.
Good, productive Americans, those footing the bill tend to be supportive of spending on the military while NONE are supportive of paying ShaQuita and Guadalupe to reproduce more of their filthy same.
Wow, now tell us you aren't a partisan...dumbass.
Obama set the bar, get back to us when Trump exceeds Obama's numbers.

Because Bush didn't double the debt before Obama did, right dumbass? But, yeah, Obama set the bar.

The Kenyan spent on welfare...weird huh, a Black man spending on entitlements...nobody saw that coming...huh?
His ghetto ass was the first POTUS to spend more on welfare than on defense.
Good, productive Americans, those footing the bill tend to be supportive of spending on the military while NONE are supportive of paying ShaQuita and Guadalupe to reproduce more of their filthy same.

Is Medicare or Medicaid included in the welfare that topped defense?

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