U.S. Police Chiefs Call For Background Checks For All Gun Purchases


This is a no-brainer, this is the simplest thing in the world."

CHICAGO, Oct 26 (Reuters) - Police chiefs from across the United States called on Monday for universal background checks for firearms purchases, saying opinion polls consistently show that most Americans support such restrictions.

The proliferation of firearms is one of the factors behind a rise in homicide rates in many U.S. cities this year, according to senior law enforcement officials at the International Association of Chiefs of Police conference in Chicago.

Acknowledging the power of the gun lobby and the reluctance of Congress to enact stricter gun laws, the police chiefs told a news conference they were not anti-gun but wanted to keep weapons out of the hands of people with criminal backgrounds.

Current rules on background checks apply to licensed dealers, but up to 40 percent of firearms sales involve private parties or gun shows and do not require checks, the chiefs said.

"This is a no-brainer, this is the simplest thing in the world," Chicago Police Superintendent Garry McCarthy said. "It troubles me all the time."

Backing the effort is an alliance of organizations representing police chiefs and executives, such as the Major Cities Chiefs Association and groups representing women, Hispanic and African-American law enforcement executives and police chiefs, as well as campus law enforcement administrators.

McCarthy said he was passionate about the issue after four years on the job in Chicago, which has more shootings and killings than other big cities like New York and Los Angeles and where police seize illegal guns at a much higher rate.

The police leaders called for expansion of background checks to cover all gun purchases and for a stronger background check system to ensure all agencies share the same records including criminal and mental health backgrounds.

More: U.S. Police Chiefs Call For Background Checks For All Gun Purchases

So, the question becomes: Who knows best - the NRA gun nutters or U.S. police chiefs? I'm guessing that "the Major Cities Chiefs Association and groups representing women, Hispanic and African-American law enforcement executives and police chiefs, as well as campus law enforcement administrators" know best.

Even the NRA chief Wayne commited his support for universal background checks. Until he didn't.

Its a no brainer. No one, right or left, wants criminals getting guns. Background checks help prevent this.

Again, it's because we don't trust them to stop there.

"Again, it's because we don't trust them to stop there."

So, you think the never-give-an-inch approach is the best way to protect our gun rights? .

Tyrants don't give a shit about rights. They have always decided what rights , if any, WE THE PEOPLE will have.

Let the motherfuckers attempt to confiscate

And what country can preserve it's liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms. The remedy is to set them right as to facts, pardon and pacify them. What signify a few lives lost in a century or two? The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is it's natural manure.

Thomas Jefferson to William Stephens Smith, Paris, 13 Nov. 1787[2]

"Let the motherfuckers attempt to confiscate"

Sadly, retarded gun nutters like you may eventually make that a reality. I cherish my gun rights - and I want to help protect them by embracing reasonable gun control measures and also help make society a little safer.

This is a no-brainer, this is the simplest thing in the world."

CHICAGO, Oct 26 (Reuters) - Police chiefs from across the United States called on Monday for universal background checks for firearms purchases, saying opinion polls consistently show that most Americans support such restrictions.

The proliferation of firearms is one of the factors behind a rise in homicide rates in many U.S. cities this year, according to senior law enforcement officials at the International Association of Chiefs of Police conference in Chicago.

Acknowledging the power of the gun lobby and the reluctance of Congress to enact stricter gun laws, the police chiefs told a news conference they were not anti-gun but wanted to keep weapons out of the hands of people with criminal backgrounds.

Current rules on background checks apply to licensed dealers, but up to 40 percent of firearms sales involve private parties or gun shows and do not require checks, the chiefs said.

"This is a no-brainer, this is the simplest thing in the world," Chicago Police Superintendent Garry McCarthy said. "It troubles me all the time."

Backing the effort is an alliance of organizations representing police chiefs and executives, such as the Major Cities Chiefs Association and groups representing women, Hispanic and African-American law enforcement executives and police chiefs, as well as campus law enforcement administrators.

McCarthy said he was passionate about the issue after four years on the job in Chicago, which has more shootings and killings than other big cities like New York and Los Angeles and where police seize illegal guns at a much higher rate.

The police leaders called for expansion of background checks to cover all gun purchases and for a stronger background check system to ensure all agencies share the same records including criminal and mental health backgrounds.

More: U.S. Police Chiefs Call For Background Checks For All Gun Purchases

So, the question becomes: Who knows best - the NRA gun nutters or U.S. police chiefs? I'm guessing that "the Major Cities Chiefs Association and groups representing women, Hispanic and African-American law enforcement executives and police chiefs, as well as campus law enforcement administrators" know best.

You know that criminals will avoid whatever this type of background check is the same way the avoid current federally mandated background checks…they will steal their guns or use someone who has a clean record buy the gun for them…..

This is another stupid and overt way to get the feds in control of our guns……

McCarthy is overseeing an increased murder rate in Chicago because the democrats won't spend any money on enough police…they spend it on everything else, just not police….

If you go to any of the democrat murder cities….you find the same thing…they under fund their police. They undermine their police by backing police hating groups like black lives matter, and they won't hire enough police to protect minority neighborhoods…where all of the gun murder actually happens….

they do however have more than enough police to protect the rich, mostly white, democrat areas of the city…..

Couldn't this add to the jail time of the seller?

This is a no-brainer, this is the simplest thing in the world."

CHICAGO, Oct 26 (Reuters) - Police chiefs from across the United States called on Monday for universal background checks for firearms purchases, saying opinion polls consistently show that most Americans support such restrictions.

The proliferation of firearms is one of the factors behind a rise in homicide rates in many U.S. cities this year, according to senior law enforcement officials at the International Association of Chiefs of Police conference in Chicago.

Acknowledging the power of the gun lobby and the reluctance of Congress to enact stricter gun laws, the police chiefs told a news conference they were not anti-gun but wanted to keep weapons out of the hands of people with criminal backgrounds.

Current rules on background checks apply to licensed dealers, but up to 40 percent of firearms sales involve private parties or gun shows and do not require checks, the chiefs said.

"This is a no-brainer, this is the simplest thing in the world," Chicago Police Superintendent Garry McCarthy said. "It troubles me all the time."

Backing the effort is an alliance of organizations representing police chiefs and executives, such as the Major Cities Chiefs Association and groups representing women, Hispanic and African-American law enforcement executives and police chiefs, as well as campus law enforcement administrators.

McCarthy said he was passionate about the issue after four years on the job in Chicago, which has more shootings and killings than other big cities like New York and Los Angeles and where police seize illegal guns at a much higher rate.

The police leaders called for expansion of background checks to cover all gun purchases and for a stronger background check system to ensure all agencies share the same records including criminal and mental health backgrounds.

More: U.S. Police Chiefs Call For Background Checks For All Gun Purchases

So, the question becomes: Who knows best - the NRA gun nutters or U.S. police chiefs? I'm guessing that "the Major Cities Chiefs Association and groups representing women, Hispanic and African-American law enforcement executives and police chiefs, as well as campus law enforcement administrators" know best.

Even the NRA chief Wayne commited his support for universal background checks. Until he didn't.

Its a no brainer. No one, right or left, wants criminals getting guns. Background checks help prevent this.

Again, it's because we don't trust them to stop there.

"Again, it's because we don't trust them to stop there."

So, you think the never-give-an-inch approach is the best way to protect our gun rights? That mentality is precisely what will hurt our future gun rights.

until I get MY gun rights back, not an inch.

Until I can get a CCW without having to spend $3k, wait 6 months, AND don't have to beg NYPD for said permit, any gun laws can go pound sand.

Aw, so now the truth comes out. You lost your gun rights.

Not because of anything I did. I have a clean record, and no mental adjudications. I am talking about the licensing/registration permit process anyone has to go through in NYC.

My gun rights were taken away from me by the city of new york unconstitutionally. I did not lose them.

This is a no-brainer, this is the simplest thing in the world."

CHICAGO, Oct 26 (Reuters) - Police chiefs from across the United States called on Monday for universal background checks for firearms purchases, saying opinion polls consistently show that most Americans support such restrictions.

The proliferation of firearms is one of the factors behind a rise in homicide rates in many U.S. cities this year, according to senior law enforcement officials at the International Association of Chiefs of Police conference in Chicago.

Acknowledging the power of the gun lobby and the reluctance of Congress to enact stricter gun laws, the police chiefs told a news conference they were not anti-gun but wanted to keep weapons out of the hands of people with criminal backgrounds.

Current rules on background checks apply to licensed dealers, but up to 40 percent of firearms sales involve private parties or gun shows and do not require checks, the chiefs said.

"This is a no-brainer, this is the simplest thing in the world," Chicago Police Superintendent Garry McCarthy said. "It troubles me all the time."

Backing the effort is an alliance of organizations representing police chiefs and executives, such as the Major Cities Chiefs Association and groups representing women, Hispanic and African-American law enforcement executives and police chiefs, as well as campus law enforcement administrators.

McCarthy said he was passionate about the issue after four years on the job in Chicago, which has more shootings and killings than other big cities like New York and Los Angeles and where police seize illegal guns at a much higher rate.

The police leaders called for expansion of background checks to cover all gun purchases and for a stronger background check system to ensure all agencies share the same records including criminal and mental health backgrounds.

More: U.S. Police Chiefs Call For Background Checks For All Gun Purchases

So, the question becomes: Who knows best - the NRA gun nutters or U.S. police chiefs? I'm guessing that "the Major Cities Chiefs Association and groups representing women, Hispanic and African-American law enforcement executives and police chiefs, as well as campus law enforcement administrators" know best.

Even the NRA chief Wayne commited his support for universal background checks. Until he didn't.

Its a no brainer. No one, right or left, wants criminals getting guns. Background checks help prevent this.

Again, it's because we don't trust them to stop there.

"Again, it's because we don't trust them to stop there."

So, you think the never-give-an-inch approach is the best way to protect our gun rights? That mentality is precisely what will hurt our future gun rights.

until I get MY gun rights back, not an inch.

Until I can get a CCW without having to spend $3k, wait 6 months, AND don't have to beg NYPD for said permit, any gun laws can go pound sand.

The two aren't mutually exclusive.

Actually they are. NYC's laws are already unconstitutional, until they are fixed not one more law.
Even the NRA chief Wayne commited his support for universal background checks. Until he didn't.

Its a no brainer. No one, right or left, wants criminals getting guns. Background checks help prevent this.

Again, it's because we don't trust them to stop there.

"Again, it's because we don't trust them to stop there."

So, you think the never-give-an-inch approach is the best way to protect our gun rights? That mentality is precisely what will hurt our future gun rights.

until I get MY gun rights back, not an inch.

Until I can get a CCW without having to spend $3k, wait 6 months, AND don't have to beg NYPD for said permit, any gun laws can go pound sand.

The two aren't mutually exclusive.

Actually they are. NYC's laws are already unconstitutional, until they are fixed not one more law.

Serious question: What is so restrictive about NYC gun laws?

This is a no-brainer, this is the simplest thing in the world."

CHICAGO, Oct 26 (Reuters) - Police chiefs from across the United States called on Monday for universal background checks for firearms purchases, saying opinion polls consistently show that most Americans support such restrictions.

The proliferation of firearms is one of the factors behind a rise in homicide rates in many U.S. cities this year, according to senior law enforcement officials at the International Association of Chiefs of Police conference in Chicago.

Acknowledging the power of the gun lobby and the reluctance of Congress to enact stricter gun laws, the police chiefs told a news conference they were not anti-gun but wanted to keep weapons out of the hands of people with criminal backgrounds.

Current rules on background checks apply to licensed dealers, but up to 40 percent of firearms sales involve private parties or gun shows and do not require checks, the chiefs said.

"This is a no-brainer, this is the simplest thing in the world," Chicago Police Superintendent Garry McCarthy said. "It troubles me all the time."

Backing the effort is an alliance of organizations representing police chiefs and executives, such as the Major Cities Chiefs Association and groups representing women, Hispanic and African-American law enforcement executives and police chiefs, as well as campus law enforcement administrators.

McCarthy said he was passionate about the issue after four years on the job in Chicago, which has more shootings and killings than other big cities like New York and Los Angeles and where police seize illegal guns at a much higher rate.

The police leaders called for expansion of background checks to cover all gun purchases and for a stronger background check system to ensure all agencies share the same records including criminal and mental health backgrounds.

More: U.S. Police Chiefs Call For Background Checks For All Gun Purchases

So, the question becomes: Who knows best - the NRA gun nutters or U.S. police chiefs? I'm guessing that "the Major Cities Chiefs Association and groups representing women, Hispanic and African-American law enforcement executives and police chiefs, as well as campus law enforcement administrators" know best.
And if you were an objective poster,you have found,just as many,don't share those views,fact in a state like NY that just passed the retarded in the middle of the night safe act,all of up and I mean all of ustates sheriffs have condemned the new law.
But nice try
Again, it's because we don't trust them to stop there.

"Again, it's because we don't trust them to stop there."

So, you think the never-give-an-inch approach is the best way to protect our gun rights? That mentality is precisely what will hurt our future gun rights.

until I get MY gun rights back, not an inch.

Until I can get a CCW without having to spend $3k, wait 6 months, AND don't have to beg NYPD for said permit, any gun laws can go pound sand.

The two aren't mutually exclusive.

Actually they are. NYC's laws are already unconstitutional, until they are fixed not one more law.

Serious question: What is so restrictive about NYC gun laws?

This is the process to get a handgun.

Getting A NYC Handgun Permit | New York City Guns

This is a no-brainer, this is the simplest thing in the world."

CHICAGO, Oct 26 (Reuters) - Police chiefs from across the United States called on Monday for universal background checks for firearms purchases, saying opinion polls consistently show that most Americans support such restrictions.

The proliferation of firearms is one of the factors behind a rise in homicide rates in many U.S. cities this year, according to senior law enforcement officials at the International Association of Chiefs of Police conference in Chicago.

Acknowledging the power of the gun lobby and the reluctance of Congress to enact stricter gun laws, the police chiefs told a news conference they were not anti-gun but wanted to keep weapons out of the hands of people with criminal backgrounds.

Current rules on background checks apply to licensed dealers, but up to 40 percent of firearms sales involve private parties or gun shows and do not require checks, the chiefs said.

"This is a no-brainer, this is the simplest thing in the world," Chicago Police Superintendent Garry McCarthy said. "It troubles me all the time."

Backing the effort is an alliance of organizations representing police chiefs and executives, such as the Major Cities Chiefs Association and groups representing women, Hispanic and African-American law enforcement executives and police chiefs, as well as campus law enforcement administrators.

McCarthy said he was passionate about the issue after four years on the job in Chicago, which has more shootings and killings than other big cities like New York and Los Angeles and where police seize illegal guns at a much higher rate.

The police leaders called for expansion of background checks to cover all gun purchases and for a stronger background check system to ensure all agencies share the same records including criminal and mental health backgrounds.

More: U.S. Police Chiefs Call For Background Checks For All Gun Purchases

So, the question becomes: Who knows best - the NRA gun nutters or U.S. police chiefs? I'm guessing that "the Major Cities Chiefs Association and groups representing women, Hispanic and African-American law enforcement executives and police chiefs, as well as campus law enforcement administrators" know best.

Very few care what police chiefs are saying because it is irrelevant.
"Again, it's because we don't trust them to stop there."

So, you think the never-give-an-inch approach is the best way to protect our gun rights? That mentality is precisely what will hurt our future gun rights.

until I get MY gun rights back, not an inch.

Until I can get a CCW without having to spend $3k, wait 6 months, AND don't have to beg NYPD for said permit, any gun laws can go pound sand.

The two aren't mutually exclusive.

Actually they are. NYC's laws are already unconstitutional, until they are fixed not one more law.

Serious question: What is so restrictive about NYC gun laws?

This is the process to get a handgun.

Getting A NYC Handgun Permit | New York City Guns

If NYC guns laws are so restrictive - why hasn't the Supreme Court stepped in to support the NRA version of the Second Amendment?
until I get MY gun rights back, not an inch.

Until I can get a CCW without having to spend $3k, wait 6 months, AND don't have to beg NYPD for said permit, any gun laws can go pound sand.

The two aren't mutually exclusive.

Actually they are. NYC's laws are already unconstitutional, until they are fixed not one more law.

Serious question: What is so restrictive about NYC gun laws?

This is the process to get a handgun.

Getting A NYC Handgun Permit | New York City Guns

If NYC guns laws are so restrictive - why hasn't the Supreme Court stepped in to support the NRA version of the Second Amendment?

because the courts take forever, and the local courts think law abiding citizens should be harassed as much as possible when they try to get a handgun.

Do you consider the NYC laws to be constitutional?
It's sadly funny when gun nutters try to act smarter than nationwide police officials. If gun nutters simply allowed "universal background checks" - this debate could end. What's the problem?

The problem….Weimar Germany, Post World War 1 France, Britain, Australia….and any time there has been a genocide, mass murder or ethnic cleansing…they first registered the guns to keep people safe….and then the murder started….

Who is talking about "registering" guns? Who is talking about "gun-grabbing"?

Democrats. For 50 years.
The two aren't mutually exclusive.

Actually they are. NYC's laws are already unconstitutional, until they are fixed not one more law.

Serious question: What is so restrictive about NYC gun laws?

This is the process to get a handgun.

Getting A NYC Handgun Permit | New York City Guns

If NYC guns laws are so restrictive - why hasn't the Supreme Court stepped in to support the NRA version of the Second Amendment?

because the courts take forever, and the local courts think law abiding citizens should be harassed as much as possible when they try to get a handgun.

Do you consider the NYC laws to be constitutional?

I'm a country boy who wouldn't live in NYC. However, the Second Amendment means whatever SCOTUS says it means at any point in time!
It's sadly funny when gun nutters try to act smarter than nationwide police officials. If gun nutters simply allowed "universal background checks" - this debate could end. What's the problem?

The problem….Weimar Germany, Post World War 1 France, Britain, Australia….and any time there has been a genocide, mass murder or ethnic cleansing…they first registered the guns to keep people safe….and then the murder started….

Who is talking about "registering" guns? Who is talking about "gun-grabbing"?

Democrats. For 50 years.

Your car is registered. Has the government grabbed it yet?
"Again, it's because we don't trust them to stop there."

So, you think the never-give-an-inch approach is the best way to protect our gun rights? That mentality is precisely what will hurt our future gun rights.

until I get MY gun rights back, not an inch.

Until I can get a CCW without having to spend $3k, wait 6 months, AND don't have to beg NYPD for said permit, any gun laws can go pound sand.

The two aren't mutually exclusive.

Actually they are. NYC's laws are already unconstitutional, until they are fixed not one more law.

Serious question: What is so restrictive about NYC gun laws?

This is the process to get a handgun.

Getting A NYC Handgun Permit | New York City Guns

And you think New York would be safer if handguns were simply sold over the counter like a loaf of bread or a pair of trousers?
Actually they are. NYC's laws are already unconstitutional, until they are fixed not one more law.

Serious question: What is so restrictive about NYC gun laws?

This is the process to get a handgun.

Getting A NYC Handgun Permit | New York City Guns

If NYC guns laws are so restrictive - why hasn't the Supreme Court stepped in to support the NRA version of the Second Amendment?

because the courts take forever, and the local courts think law abiding citizens should be harassed as much as possible when they try to get a handgun.

Do you consider the NYC laws to be constitutional?

I'm a country boy who wouldn't live in NYC. However, the Second Amendment means whatever SCOTUS says it means at any point in time!

Figures you are a living document idiot.
Actually they are. NYC's laws are already unconstitutional, until they are fixed not one more law.

Serious question: What is so restrictive about NYC gun laws?

This is the process to get a handgun.

Getting A NYC Handgun Permit | New York City Guns

If NYC guns laws are so restrictive - why hasn't the Supreme Court stepped in to support the NRA version of the Second Amendment?

because the courts take forever, and the local courts think law abiding citizens should be harassed as much as possible when they try to get a handgun.

Do you consider the NYC laws to be constitutional?

I'm a country boy who wouldn't live in NYC. However, the Second Amendment means whatever SCOTUS says it means at any point in time!

Just like Dred Scott, eh? :laugh:
It's sadly funny when gun nutters try to act smarter than nationwide police officials. If gun nutters simply allowed "universal background checks" - this debate could end. What's the problem?

The problem….Weimar Germany, Post World War 1 France, Britain, Australia….and any time there has been a genocide, mass murder or ethnic cleansing…they first registered the guns to keep people safe….and then the murder started….

Who is talking about "registering" guns? Who is talking about "gun-grabbing"?

Democrats. For 50 years.

Your car is registered. Has the government grabbed it yet?

There is no inalienable or enumerated right to own a car.
until I get MY gun rights back, not an inch.

Until I can get a CCW without having to spend $3k, wait 6 months, AND don't have to beg NYPD for said permit, any gun laws can go pound sand.

The two aren't mutually exclusive.

Actually they are. NYC's laws are already unconstitutional, until they are fixed not one more law.

Serious question: What is so restrictive about NYC gun laws?

This is the process to get a handgun.

Getting A NYC Handgun Permit | New York City Guns

And you think New York would be safer if handguns were simply sold over the counter like a loaf of bread or a pair of trousers?

As a law abiding citizen I should be able to purchase a handgun after a instant background check, and get a CCW with a few days after getting some quick training and another background check. Not 3-8 months of waiting and some NYPD idiot deciding if I am worthy or not.
until I get MY gun rights back, not an inch.

Until I can get a CCW without having to spend $3k, wait 6 months, AND don't have to beg NYPD for said permit, any gun laws can go pound sand.

The two aren't mutually exclusive.

Actually they are. NYC's laws are already unconstitutional, until they are fixed not one more law.

Serious question: What is so restrictive about NYC gun laws?

This is the process to get a handgun.

Getting A NYC Handgun Permit | New York City Guns

And you think New York would be safer if handguns were simply sold over the counter like a loaf of bread or a pair of trousers?

Considering current rising stats, it just might.
Availability of firearms is not why we have a violence problem. It's parenting (or more precisely the lack of good parenting,) general destruction of the respect for authority figures we had not too long ago in the country, increasing marginalization of faith (admittedly I don't have a huge problem with this one but conceed it has downsides,) and the increasing villification of sex and pleasure in general.

So you blame society for a murderer. Bad potty training.

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