U.S. troops fight on despite end to combat in Iraq

Are you parroting again, bigreb? Ollie and I have shared military service info about commo units some time ago, so he will tell you privately to leave it alone. And what Gates controls here, not what you think. You have a fail OP, kiddo, and should move on before you melt down.
bigreb, this discussion was over before it ever began. Gates said there are no combat units in Iraq, and you have nothing of value to add about it. Now please go away before you melt down.

Gates has hinted...

"Today, at the end of Operation Iraqi Freedom, 4,427 American service members have died in Iraq, 3,502 of them killed in action; 34,265 have been wounded or injured," Gates said at the American Legion convention in Milwaukee.

Anderson Cooper 360: Blog Archive - Evening Buzz: Combat Mission Over in Iraq - CNN.com Blogs
bigrebbyrd is considering his options.

bigreb, this discussion was over before it ever began. Gates said there are no combat units in Iraq, and you have nothing of value to add about it. Now please go away before you melt down.

Gates has hinted...

"Today, at the end of Operation Iraqi Freedom, 4,427 American service members have died in Iraq, 3,502 of them killed in action; 34,265 have been wounded or injured," Gates said at the American Legion convention in Milwaukee.

Anderson Cooper 360: Blog Archive - Evening Buzz: Combat Mission Over in Iraq - CNN.com Blogs

And how many will die or be wounded now that Obama waved his magic wand and ended combat operations? Face facts, there are combat troops and units in Iraq. And we are still engaged in combat in Iraq. And we are still losing troops in said combat. And I don't give a rats ass what Gates and Obama said.

And no fake Jake I do not melt.
bigreb, this discussion was over before it ever began. Gates said there are no combat units in Iraq, and you have nothing of value to add about it. Now please go away before you melt down.

Gates has hinted...

"Today, at the end of Operation Iraqi Freedom, 4,427 American service members have died in Iraq, 3,502 of them killed in action; 34,265 have been wounded or injured," Gates said at the American Legion convention in Milwaukee.

Anderson Cooper 360: Blog Archive - Evening Buzz: Combat Mission Over in Iraq - CNN.com Blogs

Gates has hinted that the withdrawal of combat brigades will be accomplished through an administrative sleight of hand rather than by actually withdrawing all the combat brigade teams. Appearing on Meet the Press Mar. 1, Gates said the "transition force" would have "a very different kind of mission", and that the units remaining in Iraq "will be characterised differently".
Why are you wasting you time arguing with a bunch of Libs. Who you know full well, if a republican was still in office and had said the same things Obama did. Would be screaming how he lied, there are still combat troops in Iraq, and people are still dying.
Same Units, Same troops. They are combat units and combat troops.

But Gates said they are not.

Sarge, if Gates said they were wearing pink tutu's and rehearsing ballet in Iraq, then that's what you are supposed to believe, m'k?

Haven't you learned by now, that its not important that it makes any sense to anyone, as long as the NYT can give Barak Hussein credit for keeping at least ONE campaign promise.
Thus, thanks to your own admission, bigreb, there are no American combat units in Iraq.

You may calm down now. Officer Rabbit has put away his handcuffs . . . for now. :lol:
Thus, thanks to your own admission, bigreb, there are no American combat units in Iraq.

You may calm down now. Officer Rabbit has put away his handcuffs . . . for now. :lol:

only those who argue that there are no combat troops in Iraq are the same people who have never been in the military.

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