U.S. women's soccer team kneels during anthem, then get their asses kicked

You should have gotten on the Olympic team if you are unhappy with our representation. Oh, wait.....you aren't good enough.
Oh, I am so insulted. You got me on that one. (dumb ass)

Are we a nation or not? Because I have no problem taking my Texas ball and going home.
I won't be supporting any U.S. athlete that kneels during our anthem. If they continue this, I hope they continue to get their asses handed to them.

U.S. Women’s Soccer Team Takes Stunning Loss After Kneeling For BLM At Olympic Opener​

"The U.S. women’s soccer team took a devastating 3-0 loss to Sweden early Wednesday morning in their Tokyo Olympic opener, breaking their 44-game winning streak.

All 22 players on Team USA took a knee in solidarity with the radical leftist group Black Lives Matter before the game, a major point of contention with U.S. fans."

The idea of allowing members of an Olympic sport or a team that represents the U.S. to openly spit on this nation is ridiculous. Those who do it are little better than traitors.
I think the woke bitches that got their asses handed to them by the Swede babes are the losers.

Hope they lose all their games. We don't need hateful bitches like that representing our country, even if it is a Commie game.
Still crying, loser?
So, do we want Anti-Americans representing Americans on the international stage?

Because if that's the case, fuck it. I want nothing to do with that shit.

Break up this shit union and be done with it.
I'm just not sure that kneeling during that song represent the "absolute Despotism" mentioned in the Decalaration of Independence. So I'd say that's a bit of an over reaction.

"But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.
Sure. It has nothing to do with our representatives publicly shitting on our national anthem in front of the entire world. Pay no attention to that.

It would be better if the U.S. killed all Olympics participation FOREVER!!!
I think It shows we value our freedom. I still hope they win the Gold. I wonder if they would kneel then. (Maybe they'll all give us the moon ( | ) ?
Spoken like a true fascist.

No, it's not. You are just retarded.

My point stands. Standing for the Anthem is done to show loyalty to the nation as a whole and to your fellow Americans.

KNEELING, shows that you feel the exact opposite, ie DISLOYALTY.

They are traitorous scum of the earth as are anyone that supports them.

Also, fuck you.
But a FAILED insurrection at the Capitol is cool, right?

I'm on record many places on this site making my views on the 1/6 riot clear.

Indeed, there was a poll on this very site and the clear, if not vast majority of conservatives agreed.

You are a retarded monkey, trying disparately to change the subject from your side's clear embrace of anti-Americanism and being assholes.
No, it's not. You are just retarded.

My point stands. Standing for the Anthem is done to show loyalty to the nation as a whole and to your fellow Americans.

KNEELING, shows that you feel the exact opposite, ie DISLOYALTY.

They are traitorous scum of the earth as are anyone that supports them.

Also, fuck you.
Welp, fascists are gonna fascist.

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