UC Davis maggot "professor": cops "need to be killed"

Am I surprised ? Fuck no, this is pretty much garden variety on our campuses today.
Fucking piece of shit !!

“I am thankful that every living cop will one day be dead, some by their own hand, some by others, too many of old age #letsnotmakemore”tweeted on Nov. 27, 2014.

“I mean, it’s easier to shoot cops when their backs are turned, no?”tweeted on Dec. 27, 2014.

“People think that cops need to be reformed. They need to be killed.”published in an interview on Jan. 31, 2016.

The university’s ‘support’ for law enforcement runs hypocritical and short-sighted

I first heard about a UC Davis professor who thinks cops should be killed late in Fall Quarter. There were murmurings in the newsroom about his in-class discussions, and rumors of how the professor had given an interview that advocated for violence against law enforcement. It bothered me, but I assumed that what I heard was typical hearsay and likely exaggerated. I wasn’t shown anything concrete; there were no words to read, no sound-bites to parse over. The story seemed too extreme to be believed, because only the intellectually dishonest would even broach such blanketed and violent sentiments — certainly not a highly-regarded professor at a top public university. But I kept the rumors at the back of my mind.

The killing of Natalie Corona changed everything. Corona, an up-and-coming Davis police officer who was gunned down last month, was the type of person who makes labelling all law enforcement as “bad” a simple exercise in fallacy. By all accounts, she was a kind and considerate person who cared deeply about the community she served. She was pictured giving a bag of must-haves to a former resident of Paradise over the holidays. She reportedly gave a man she arrested a few dollars so he could buy a meal when he was released. Corona embodied the moral imperatives enshrined in our campus Principles of Community, the idea that “a climate of equity and justice demonstrated by respect for one another” is not only important, but necessary.

A UC Davis professor thinks cops “need to be killed” - The Aggie
Is English Professor Joshua Clover for real?
A real character? Or, a fictitious one?

If he’s a real guy & UC Professor, he should be censured for his public comments, for inciting violence against public servants!

This has NOTHING to do with NORMAL people, wheather Liberal or Conservative, academic or dumb.

This is normal for the American left of today.
I can see you are not normal, in a stupid way.

Lol !
The hardcore Left has completely lost its shit. It's come unglued.

And it's in control of one of our major parties.
Not so. It’s the Republicans that have gone completely crazy. They’re run by Vladimir Putin.
It's stunning to me that this sort of outeageous behavior is tolerated. Why do we put up with this crap ?
When I lived in the Bay Area we used to call it The People's Republic of Davis, and Berkeley Lite.
But this seems extreme even by Davis standards. He can't be fired and wouldn't be even if he could be cut loose.

The guy needs to take a little helicopter ride.

LOL....My cousin who lives in BC Canada told me they call the University of British Columbia the University of a Billion chinks.
They've taken over.
That's interesting, because I want these university professors killed; preferably by their own body in the form of a giant, cancerous tumor. Whichever cancer has the highest mortality rate (I assume pancreatic).
Notice you don't see any condemnation from our board's leftist members.
Why ? Because they agree with this pos !
Here's this maggot.

It's stunning to me that this sort of outeageous behavior is tolerated. Why do we put up with this crap ?
.....the politicians don't have a backbone like Trump does ....they should make a BIG deal out of this, but they don't
...like the Mike Brown crap, the governor didn't come out and say the cop did the right thing--protected himself from a jackass criminal
It's stunning to me that this sort of outeageous behavior is tolerated. Why do we put up with this crap ?
We have to. So maybe look at it from another angle: There are two dynamics at play here.

First is what the guy said. There are people walking around out there (and "teaching" our kids), and people need to know it.

Second is the more important element of the story: The reaction from the Regressive Left: They won't condemn stuff like this. They might register a perfunctory, light & brief disagreement, but you'll notice they will then try to diffuse it, deflect from it, and - if possible - turn it back on you somehow (the "deflect/pivot/attack" tactic).

What has happened to the hardcore American Left has to be exposed, but without screaming and attacking and platitudes. It needs to be calmly pointed at and used as clear evidence of a much larger and terribly significant issue.
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It's stunning to me that this sort of outeageous behavior is tolerated. Why do we put up with this crap ?
We have to. So maybe look at it from another angle: There are two dynamics at play here.

First is what the guy said. There are people walking around out there (and "teaching" our kids), and people need to know it.

Second is the more important element of the story: The reaction from the Regressive Left: They won't condemn stuff like this. They might register a perfunctory, light & brief disagreement, but you'll notice they will then try to diffuse it, deflect from it, and - if possible - turn it back on you somehow (the "deflect/pivot/attack" tactic).

What has happened to the hardcore American Left has to be exposed, but without screaming and attacking and platitudes. It needs to be calmly pointed at and used as clear evidence of a much larger and terribly significant issue.

This forum is garden variety of how the left looks away.
I wonder how many kids are still willing to sit in front of the guy. In my opinion, you are not any kind of teacher if you don't have any kids who are willing to put up with you and your crap.

God bless you and his former students always!!!

I wonder how many kids are still willing to sit in front of the guy. In my opinion, you are not any kind of teacher if you don't have any kids who are willing to put up with you and your crap.

God bless you and his former students always!!!


Plenty of them Holly, academia is filled with kids that were already indoctrinated into this kind of thinking. The kids love this jackass.
Why UC Davis hasn't fired English professor over tweets that cops should be killed
After a student journalist published an article that spotlighted controversial tweets from UC Davis Professor Joshua Clover, people have wondered: why hasn't the school fired him?

SACRAMENTO, Calif — The UC Davis Aggie published a column article that illuminated the tweets of a tenured professor at the University that was a cause for concern for people of the greater community.

Why UC Davis hasn't fired English professor over tweets that cops should be killed
The hardcore Left has completely lost its shit. It's come unglued.

And it's in control of one of our major parties.
Not so. It’s the Republicans that have gone completely crazy. They’re run by Vladimir Putin.

Sure , and the DNC is run from Mexico City.... anyone can spout crap like you do. BTW this isn't a Putin Thread, post your shit somewheres else. This is a thread about liberal fucks who condone murder and are teaching kids.
Deflect to republicans all you want, it wont save you.

Natalie Corona was ‘married to the job.’ How a sense of duty shaped the Davis police officer

So your hero professor probably would have applauded this woman officers murder, he belongs on medication and being under psychiatric care IMHO, not trying to shape young peoples minds.

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