Uganda says anti Homo law will be accepted into legal system.

Well god destroyed an Entire city because of Homosexuality, and lesbianism.
Have you ever heard of the story of Sodom and Gomorrah?

so you think you're G-d?

No I am not God, But God exist , he is real, and he will put a curse on any country
that disobeys his laws and commandments. And God did say you must not lay with another man, as you would a woman. And he did call Homosexuality an abomination
in the eyes of God.

God hath commanded all humans to be fruitfull and multiply, not to be Homosexual
and waste your procreative liquids, ie sperm, and female eggs, which is what homosexuality does.

They will be consequences for any country on the Earth that accepts Homosexuality as
normal.American and Europe may be destroyed by God himself eventually.?!

Thank you Rev. Phelps.
Ugandan political officials have said the Anti- Homo death penalty law will be ratified, and drafted into the country legal system.

Now we are going to get an influx of gay Ugandan refugees.

52 street will be so turned on, he won't be able to sleep nights.


You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to jillian again.

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to xotoxi again.
These three people calling themselves Christians is an embarrassment to Christianity!

Last March, three American evangelical Christians, whose teachings about “curing” homosexuals have been widely discredited in the United States, arrived here in Uganda’s capital to give a series of talks. The theme of the event, according to Stephen Langa, its Ugandan organizer, was “the gay agenda — that whole hidden and dark agenda” — and the threat homosexuals posed to Bible-based values and the traditional African family.


One month after the conference, a previously unknown Ugandan politician, who boasts of having evangelical friends in the American government, introduced the Anti-Homosexuality Bill of 2009, which threatens to hang homosexuals, and, as a result, has put Uganda on a collision course with Western nations.

Americans’ Role Seen in Uganda Anti-Gay Push -

:cuckoo: :eusa_liar: :doubt:

For three days, according to participants and audio recordings, thousands of Ugandans, including police officers, teachers and national politicians, listened raptly to the Americans, who were presented as experts on homosexuality. The visitors discussed how to make gay people straight, how gay men often sodomized teenage boys and how “the gay movement is an evil institution” whose goal is “to defeat the marriage-based society and replace it with a culture of sexual promiscuity.”
Ugandan political officials have said the Anti- Homo death penalty law will be ratified, and drafted into the country legal system.

Now we are going to get an influx of gay Ugandan refugees.

52 street will be so turned on, he won't be able to sleep nights.

Damn right! He can introduce his gay African cousins to KY jelly, which works better than the cocoa butter that they have been using.
We must all bookmark this thread for those future posts (and they will come) where we get finger wagging far righties stating that "well, the Muslims hang homos".
Ugandan political officials have said the - Homo death penalty law will be ratified, and drafted into the country legal system.

They feel the western pro -Homo governments, ie U.S. , England , Canada , Europe, must
stay out of Ugandan internal affairs. And stop trying to force Christian Ugandans into accepting Sodomy.

I must say I agree with the Ugandans, there is no way the U.S. and the other western countries should try to force Sodomy on any upright God fearing Christian country.

This is whats wrong with Europeans, and many in the west.This also why the Greeks, and
Roman empires eventually fell, Homosexuality is very immoral. It weakens the very fabric
of societies. Morally repulsive, and insane.

Ugandans Christians are going to impose the death penalty upon homosexuals?

"I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ." -
-- Mahatma Gandhi

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