Uh Oh, Al-Qaeda is strongest it's been since 9/11

It not the first time Kerry intentionally insulted the troops

Remember this...........

“You know, education, if you make the most of it, you study hard, you do your homework and you make an effort to be smart, you can do well. If you don’t, you get stuck in Iraq.”

Don't bother.....RS...

We all know by now...
That when a Democrat says something...........they MISSPOKE...

But, when a Republican says something........It's exactly what they were thinking.....

Thank goodness for the Internet and talk radio...where now...we get to hear the REAL saying of what the Democrats said....Not filtered by the lamestream media, and we're not so stupid to believe their BS excuses........:eusa_dance:

But....I never get over hearing all the lame excuses the a Democrat will make for one of their own....I have yet to see them call out any of their crooks, liars, or cheats to the table and resign...........whats that say?????
Don't bother.....RS...

We all know by now...
That when a Democrat says something...........they MISSPOKE...

But, when a Republican says something........It's exactly what they were thinking.....

Thank goodness for the Internet and talk radio...where now...we get to hear the REAL saying of what the Democrats said....Not filtered by the lamestream media, and we're not so stupid to believe their BS excuses........:eusa_dance:

But....I never get over hearing all the lame excuses the a Democrat will make for one of their own....I have yet to see them call out any of their crooks, liars, or cheats to the table and resign...........whats that say?????

I wonder how the Dems will spin this expression of support for the troops from the peace niks


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I'd like someone to answer me this.......??

What did Jimmy Carter do back in 1979...to the middle east, for them to take our INNOCENT civilian embassy workers hostages for almost 2 yrs...????

He must of been a bastard meddling sonofagon into their countries, for them to pull that one off???????
I'd like someone to answer me this.......??

What did Jimmy Carter do back in 1979...to the middle east, for them to take our INNOCENT civilian embassy workers hostages for almost 2 yrs...????

He must of been a bastard meddling sonofagon into their countries, for them to pull that one off???????

It was not Carter's fault - It was Nixon's fault
It was not Carter's fault - It was Nixon's fault

Yeah I know...

Just like we never had a nuclear showdown(under Democrat President, Bay of Pigs..........JFK),

Just like we never had a terrorist attack on our own soil, under a Democrat President(Clinton), first world trade center, Muri building...

Naaaaaaaa, all this shit has happened when a Republican has been in office...

But, whatever you do...........don't forget......Al Qaeda has become a bigger menace under a Republican President..........

Don't forget??:eusa_dance:
Yeah I know...

Just like we never had a nuclear showdown(under Democrat President, Bay of Pigs..........JFK),

Just like we never had a terrorist attack on our own soil, under a Democrat President(Clinton), first world trade center, Muri building...

Naaaaaaaa, all this shit has happened when a Republican has been in office...

But, whatever you do...........don't forget......Al Qaeda has become a bigger menace under a Republican President..........

Don't forget??:eusa_dance:

Jimmy Carter Won the Cold War

"Short-circuiting the long-established principles of patient negotiation leads to war, not peace." - Jimmy Carter

On this 93rd birthday of the Anti-Christ, Gipper-worshipping dittoheads across the blogosphere are squawking like lovesick parrots about how "Reagan won the cold war". But history will reveal the real truth - the man who actually won the cold war was none other than the 39th president of the United States, James Earl Carter.

Carter strongly suspected that the Soviet Union might be a bully. From his grade school years, Carter also knew that the best way to deal with a bully is to make yourself very small and hope they don't notice you. Failing that, offer them your lunch money. Whatever you do, do NOT confront them - it will only make them angrier. Meekly submitting to a wedgie is better than getting a bloody nose. And perhaps in time, the bully will realize you're no threat and let you pal around with him. Carter applied this policy of d�tente to his dealings with the Soviet Union.

The French word for "I'm your bitch", d�tente with the Soviets was the dreamchild of Henry Kissinger and Tricky Dick Nixon. But it was future nobel laureate, Jimmy Carter, who perfected it to an artform. When the Soviets began rattling their nuclear sabres in the 70's, Carter cut national defense in order to make us seem less threatening. When the Soviets appeared unmoved by his overtures of peace, Carter offered them an olive branch in the form of the Panama Canal, Nicaragua, Taiwan, Ethiopia, Korea, Yemen, Angola, Kampuchea, and Afghanistan. He was in the process of handing them all of Eastern Europe when he was cruelly tossed out of office by the Moral Majority.

However, Carter's refusal to confront the USSR set the wheels in motion for its eventual collapse. Lured into a false sense of superiority, the Soviets overextended themselves, spreading their influence across the globe in much the same way the Roman Empire did. If allowed to continue on such a course, the Soviet Union would quietly fade away in just a few hundred years. All Reagan did was speed up the process by forcing the "evil empire" into an arms race.

By standing up to the Soviets and forcing them in to an arms race, Reagan brought the world to the brink of nuclear annihilation. If it weren't for Sting's visionary Russians single soothing the tensions between the two world powers, I would very likely be typing this blog from a fallout shelter today. We owe him, and Jimmy Carter, a deep debt of gratitude.

Jimmy Carter Won the Cold War

"Short-circuiting the long-established principles of patient negotiation leads to war, not peace." - Jimmy Carter

On this 93rd birthday of the Anti-Christ, Gipper-worshipping dittoheads across the blogosphere are squawking like lovesick parrots about how "Reagan won the cold war". But history will reveal the real truth - the man who actually won the cold war was none other than the 39th president of the United States, James Earl Carter.

Carter strongly suspected that the Soviet Union might be a bully. From his grade school years, Carter also knew that the best way to deal with a bully is to make yourself very small and hope they don't notice you. Failing that, offer them your lunch money. Whatever you do, do NOT confront them - it will only make them angrier. Meekly submitting to a wedgie is better than getting a bloody nose. And perhaps in time, the bully will realize you're no threat and let you pal around with him. Carter applied this policy of d�tente to his dealings with the Soviet Union.

The French word for "I'm your bitch", d�tente with the Soviets was the dreamchild of Henry Kissinger and Tricky Dick Nixon. But it was future Nobel laureate, Jimmy Carter, who perfected it to an art form. When the Soviets began rattling their nuclear sabres in the 70's, Carter cut national defense in order to make us seem less threatening. When the Soviets appeared unmoved by his overtures of peace, Carter offered them an olive branch in the form of the Panama Canal, Nicaragua, Taiwan, Ethiopia, Korea, Yemen, Angola, Kampuchea, and Afghanistan. He was in the process of handing them all of Eastern Europe when he was cruelly tossed out of office by the Moral Majority.

However, Carter's refusal to confront the USSR set the wheels in motion for its eventual collapse. Lured into a false sense of superiority, the Soviets overextended themselves, spreading their influence across the globe in much the same way the Roman Empire did. If allowed to continue on such a course, the Soviet Union would quietly fade away in just a few hundred years. All Reagan did was speed up the process by forcing the "evil empire" into an arms race.

By standing up to the Soviets and forcing them in to an arms race, Reagan brought the world to the brink of nuclear annihilation. If it weren't for Sting's visionary Russians single soothing the tensions between the two world powers, I would very likely be typing this blog from a fallout shelter today. We owe him, and Jimmy Carter, a deep debt of gratitude.


Yeah well.......a lot of people would like to rewrite our history...

And who knows........that could be our downfall......not reliving our history...

At the rate where going.........?????????????????????

Yeah well.......a lot of people would like to rewrite our history...

And who knows........that could be our downfall......not relieving our history...

At the rate where going.........?????????????????????

We're are ready for a DOWNFALL........HOW SAD IS THAT??

Libs rewrite history every day to cover their mistakes

As we speak, Dems are holding thier Surrender rally in the Senate - as the terrorists plot, and plan their next attack
Libs rewrite history every day to cover their mistakes

As we speak, Dems are holding their Surrender rally in the Senate - as the terrorists plot, and plan their next attack

The United States of America......

Was a great experiment at one time...

We WERE at one time...........All Americans...

Today.........we are all hyphenated Americans....

The United States of America......

Was a great experiment at one time...

We WERE at one time...........All Americans...

Today.........we are all hyphenated Americans....


To the left, all that matters, their only concern, there number one priority - is their political power
I do so because he did

no. he did not. you are a moron whose command of the english language is laughable.

let me ask you this: if a pit bull gets loose and terrorizes your neighborhood, is the dog therefore a terrorist?

now...I would bet a whole lot of money that RSR will be incapable of directly answering that question and will, instead, tapdance and turn the post to my support of democrats.

proove me wrong, RSR... just answer the question with a simple yes or no. I double dog dare ya!
no. he did not. you are a moron whose command of the english language is laughable.

let me ask you this: if a pit bull gets loose and terrorizes your neighborhood, is the dog therefore a terrorist?

now...I would bet a whole lot of money that RSR will be incapable of directly answering that question and will, instead, tapdance and turn the post to my support of democrats.

proove me wrong, RSR... just answer the question with a simple yes or no. I double dog dare ya!

so now a dog is a terrorist?

To Kerry it is the US military
so...you ARE saying that a pit bull terrorizing a neighborhood is a terrorist?

I rest my case.
No, you did

To Kerry and the Dems, US troops are terrorists, uneducated, cold blooded killers, and Nazi's

OK...let's try this one step at a time.

Is the word "terrorize" used correctly in the following sentence?

The pit bull got loose and terrorized the neighborhood.

yes or no?
OK...let's try this one step at a time.

Is the word "terrorize" used correctly in the following sentence?

The pit bull got loose and terrorized the neighborhood.

yes or no?

Amazing, for a guy who CLAIMS he loves and supports the troops - you pander and defend those who slimes and insults the troops

You are a true blue lib
what an incredible coward. You really are incapable of carrying on a conversation. I keep wanting to NOT believe that, but it really is true.
what an incredible coward. You really are incapable of carrying on a conversation. I keep wanting to NOT believe that, but it really is true.

It did not take you long to cower to the facts

Why is it so hard for you to admit how your elected Dems really feel about the US military?

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