Uh oh, Comey lied. WaPo (5/9/2017): Zero of emails sent by Huma were classified at time of delivery

Comeys a partisan dog who should have been fired months ago. His motivations have always been clear.
What were his motivations for going to Ashcroft's hospital room and stopping Gonzalez and Card from getting approval for warrantless spying?
a decade ago? Probably different then whatever motivates him now to lie and break protocol.
Technically he didn't break protocol. I think he's so politically inattuned that he can't see it. and he's got a huge ego.
Oh he broke protocol by interfering with the election in an obviously biased manner.
Yeah, he did, but he did not comment on an ongoing investigation. He flipped the election, no argument from me on that. But he may not be some evil guy, but more self-important and locked into legal niceties
I don't think he's evil, but I think he abused his power and his unfit for his position.
Comeys a partisan dog who should have been fired months ago. His motivations have always been clear.
What were his motivations for going to Ashcroft's hospital room and stopping Gonzalez and Card from getting approval for warrantless spying?
a decade ago? Probably different then whatever motivates him now to lie and break protocol.
Technically he didn't break protocol. I think he's so politically inattuned that he can't see it. and he's got a huge ego.
Oh he broke protocol by interfering with the election in an obviously biased manner.
Yeah, he did, but he did not comment on an ongoing investigation. He flipped the election, no argument from me on that. But he may not be some evil guy, but more self-important and locked into legal niceties
My issue is at the time, there were TWO on going investigation. He brought one to light with his letter on the hillary emails. He should have also brought to light Donnie's investigation. If he was able to write a vague letter to sink hillary, trump could have gotten a vague letter as well. He declined to bring up trumps investigation as to not interfere but hillary did not get that same treatment? What a load of shit. I don't want people like that in his position- country over party, please people!!!!

Same kind of jackass that would lie to cover up russia-trump collusion.
What were his motivations for going to Ashcroft's hospital room and stopping Gonzalez and Card from getting approval for warrantless spying?
a decade ago? Probably different then whatever motivates him now to lie and break protocol.
Technically he didn't break protocol. I think he's so politically inattuned that he can't see it. and he's got a huge ego.
Oh he broke protocol by interfering with the election in an obviously biased manner.
Yeah, he did, but he did not comment on an ongoing investigation. He flipped the election, no argument from me on that. But he may not be some evil guy, but more self-important and locked into legal niceties
My issue is at the time, there were TWO on going investigation. He brought one to light with his letter on the hillary emails. He should have also brought to light Donnie's investigation. If he was able to write a vague letter to sink hillary, trump could have gotten a vague letter as well. He declined to bring up trumps investigation as to not interfere but hillary did not get that same treatment? What a load of shit. I don't want people like that in his position- country over party, please people!!!!

Same kind of jackass that would lie to cover up russia-trump collusion.
Well the thing is TECHNICALLY Hillary's investigation was still closed. He made the decision that there wasn't anything prosecutable, and despite the Trumpbots and Hillary haters, that was the right call. The server was wrong. But she wasn't going to be prosecuted for the emails even on a gummit server.

So when they found the Huma laptop, he may have viewed his totallyoverblown personal credibility was somehow in issue, when in fact most people just didn't give a fock.
And that shows you are a homer for antiAmerican values.

Clueless twit.
Indeed you are. So many of your ilk believe your opinions are facts. Trump suffers from the same problem: he thinks because he believes X then X is reality. It's not, as you are going to learn.

Right. Trump was right about 10 billion times, that is why he is rich and you are not. You cannot get a fact straight even on a message board. But since you think everyone who disagrees with you is dead wrong, then maybe I'll start agreeing with everything you say as being brilliant--- since everything I say is always wrong, I will be wrong about that as well.
What were his motivations for going to Ashcroft's hospital room and stopping Gonzalez and Card from getting approval for warrantless spying?
a decade ago? Probably different then whatever motivates him now to lie and break protocol.
Technically he didn't break protocol. I think he's so politically inattuned that he can't see it. and he's got a huge ego.
Oh he broke protocol by interfering with the election in an obviously biased manner.
Yeah, he did, but he did not comment on an ongoing investigation. He flipped the election, no argument from me on that. But he may not be some evil guy, but more self-important and locked into legal niceties
I don't think he's evil, but I think he abused his power and his unfit for his position.
I agree. But having Trump name an FBI director is .... a horrible notion.

Flynn had a private server while working at the DOD.
Flynn was reprimanded after giving away classified material to a foreign country.
Flynn became National Security Advisor.

Powell used an AOL account over his phone.

Powell and Condi Rice turned over ZERO emails after being told to turn over their emails. To this day, they still haven't turned over a single email.

So what does all this prove?
That rules are only for Democrats.
toobfreak is impressed that a guy inherited a quarter of a billion than through sneaky business and 4 or 5 bankrupticies made a pile of money. toobfreak idealizes the twark!

The only thing you understand about I think is what I think about you: you are a fool who operates from confirmation bias and who ignores factual evidence.

You truly think that your opinion is reality.

Hint: look at all the evidence, look for objectivity, look for what can be corroborated.

Facts: Flynn, eg, worked for the Turks, spoke for the Russians, received monies for both and did not report them as he was supposed to by law; Flynn, eg, spoke several times to the Russians, including the ambassador, and lied to Pence and probably others. This is why the investigation is ongoing.
Where did you see the support for this notion?

You really miss a lot bendog. You never saw the number of times asked about major events, Obama's claiming it was news to him as well? That he had just learned about it by watching television himself?

Asked by Bill Plante of CBS News when he first learned of Clinton’s use of a personal email server instead of the government’s, the president told Plante he learned of it from the media, last week, when the rest of us did.

I'm sure you can learn more by researching it on the web. At one point, it got so ridiculous, Charles Krautmammer made this observation:

Comey also lied when he said that Crooked Hillary had no "intent' to commit the crimes he said she committed.

Wouldn't every crook in the world under FBI investigation just love to claim that they had no intent to commit a crime and then the FBI Director believed the horseshit? We wouldn't have to worry about over crowding in our Federal prison system then, would we?
toobfreak is impressed that a guy inherited a quarter of a billion than through sneaky business and 4 or 5 bankrupticies made a pile of money.

I can see that of your enormous number of illiterate posts that 74,660 of them were making outlandish claims, then another 74,660 defending them with personal attacks. You don't even have it right that:

a). Trump's father gave him a million dollars to get started in real estate to see if he could turn a profit, and when he did, he repaid his father every penny.

b). His father wasn't a "sneaky business" but a land developer of housing for low income people in Queens.

c). And you never make a "pile of money" out of declaring bankruptcy.

The very fact that you have averaged 50 posts a day over an 8 year period shows that you are just a hack with absolutely no life at all. You are probably a bitter welfare recipient sitting in your pajamas in your mothers house with nothing else to do. The only reason why you win any arguments at all is because you simply keep out-posting them with more garbage.
Here is the whole post to which toofreek was afraid to post, then his remarks. He is afraid to engage in full discussion; his opinions rule him.

toobfreak is impressed that a guy inherited a quarter of a billion than through sneaky business and 4 or 5 bankrupticies made a pile of money. toobfreak idealizes the twark!

The only thing you understand about I think is what I think about you: you are a fool who operates from confirmation bias and who ignores factual evidence.

You truly think that your opinion is reality.

Hint: look at all the evidence, look for objectivity, look for what can be corroborated.

Facts: Flynn, eg, worked for the Turks, spoke for the Russians, received monies for both and did not report them as he was supposed to by law; Flynn, eg, spoke several times to the Russians, including the ambassador, and lied to Pence and probably others. This is why the investigation is ongoing.


I can see that of your enormous number of posts that 74,660 of them were making outlandish claims, then another 74,660 defending them with personal attacks. You don't even have it right that:

a). Trump's father gave him a million dollars to get started in real estate to see if he could turn a profit, and when he did, he repaid his father every penny.

b). His father wasn't a "sneaky business" but a land developer of housing for low income people.

c). And you never make a "pile of money" out of declaring bankruptcy.

The very fact that you have averaged 50 posts a day over an 8 year period shows that you are just a hack with absolutely no life at all. You are probably a bitter welfare recipient sitting in your pajamas in your mothers house with nothing else to do. The only reason why you win any arguments at all is because you simply keep out-posting them with more garbage
^^^ toobfreek thinks his opinion is reality.

In fact, I am living in my retirement a lifestyle you will never approach, toob, because I worked from a young teenager, served my country, went to college with the GI bill and earned graduate degrees, and with my family we built a business with outlets in four states. We all have done magnificently well. And, you? Well?

You simply do not "think", only emote.

Comey did not lie. Yates kicked ass on the far right yesterday. Trump continues to stumble, and it will not get better for him, which means it may become much worse for the American people.
Where did you see the support for this notion?

You really miss a lot bendog. You never saw the number of times asked about major events, Obama's claiming it was news to him as well? That he had just learned about it by watching television himself?

Asked by Bill Plante of CBS News when he first learned of Clinton’s use of a personal email server instead of the government’s, the president told Plante he learned of it from the media, last week, when the rest of us did.

I'm sure you can learn more by researching it on the web. At one point, it got so ridiculous, Charles Krautmammer made this observation:

View attachment 125769
You misstate facts, rely upon hyperbole and engage in personal insults in one post. Outstanding trumpbot!
You misstate facts, rely upon hyperbole and engage in personal insults in one post. Outstanding trumpbot!

Which facts did I misstate? Name them, If they are facts then how can they be misstated?
What hyperbole? Name it. Can you even tell me what hyperboloidal means?
What insults? Quote them. Show me which ones in my post above.
You misstate facts, rely upon hyperbole and engage in personal insults in one post. Outstanding trumpbot!

Which facts did I misstate? Name them, If they are facts then how can they be misstated?
What hyperbole? Name it. Can you even tell me what hyperboloidal means?
What insults? Quote them. Show me which ones in my post above.
You stated Obama got most of his info from watching tv, yet yoo not only failed to support that assertion, you engaged in personal insults. Fuck off asshole. I civilly offered to attempt communication with you.
You stated Obama got most of his info from watching tv,

Nope, never said that. Return to GO and read my post again more slowly.

yet yoo not only failed to support that assertion,

Gave several several specific instances illustrating it. You can look it up on the web.

you engaged in personal insults.

Yet you still fail to point out where I ever insulted you!

Fuck off asshole. I civilly offered to attempt communication with you.

Right. Typical Lib. Can't write. Can't think. Can't spell. Accuses others of what he does himself. You and that other Jake guy must be married to each other.

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