Uh oh, Comey lied. WaPo (5/9/2017): Zero of emails sent by Huma were classified at time of delivery

This is currently the top story in the Washington Post.
James Comey is once again in hot water, as the Washington Post reports that zero of the emails sent by Huma Abedin to Anthony Weiner were classified at the time of delivery, contrary to James Comey's assertion. Comey also lied about the number of emails sent by Abedin.

Comey also lied about the number of emails sent by Huma, the WaPo also reported:

Neither of those statements is accurate, said people close to the investigation. The inquiry found that Abedin did occasionally forward emails to her husband for printing, but it was a far smaller number than Comey described, and it wasn’t a “regular practice,” these people said. None of the forwarded emails were marked classified, but a small number — a handful, one person said — contained information that was later judged to contain classified
Comey misstated key Clinton email evidence at hearing, say people close to investigation

Just because something isn't marked classified doesn't mean it didn't contain classified information.
If you send an email with classified information that is not marked classified at the time, you will not go to jail. Do not litter the USMB with made-up laws.

She knew it was classified...she sent it...
In other words all parties involved, Hillary, Wiener, Huma, etc. were all too stupid to see it might be classified information? LOL@libtards.
2aguy and tedfrazier are making things up. They are not lawyers, and their failures are quite evident.

The investigation continues.
This is currently the top story in the Washington Post.
James Comey is once again in hot water, as the Washington Post reports that zero of the emails sent by Huma Abedin to Anthony Weiner were classified at the time of delivery, contrary to James Comey's assertion. Comey also lied about the number of emails sent by Abedin.

Comey also lied about the number of emails sent by Huma, the WaPo also reported:

Neither of those statements is accurate, said people close to the investigation. The inquiry found that Abedin did occasionally forward emails to her husband for printing, but it was a far smaller number than Comey described, and it wasn’t a “regular practice,” these people said. None of the forwarded emails were marked classified, but a small number — a handful, one person said — contained information that was later judged to contain classified
Comey misstated key Clinton email evidence at hearing, say people close to investigation

What a mess.

Comey is awful, but should he step down, Trump wouldn't hesitate to appoint Giuliani or someone equally odious.

I still think Comey didn't realize how badly he was fucking up back in Oct. Technically he was right that the FBI didn't have an ongoing investigation of Clinton, but he really is a political idiot
This is currently the top story in the Washington Post.
James Comey is once again in hot water, as the Washington Post reports that zero of the emails sent by Huma Abedin to Anthony Weiner were classified at the time of delivery, contrary to James Comey's assertion. Comey also lied about the number of emails sent by Abedin.

Comey also lied about the number of emails sent by Huma, the WaPo also reported:

Neither of those statements is accurate, said people close to the investigation. The inquiry found that Abedin did occasionally forward emails to her husband for printing, but it was a far smaller number than Comey described, and it wasn’t a “regular practice,” these people said. None of the forwarded emails were marked classified, but a small number — a handful, one person said — contained information that was later judged to contain classified
Comey misstated key Clinton email evidence at hearing, say people close to investigation
It's hard to believe the Director of the FBI is this incompetent. I mean it isn't like he is making statements regarding some minor bullshit investigation here. He had to know that every word he uttered may have had an affect on the outcome of the presidential race.

Therefore, the only conclusion I can come to is that there must be some other motivation behind his, ahem, erroneous assertions.
Comeys a partisan dog who should have been fired months ago. His motivations have always been clear.
This is currently the top story in the Washington Post.
James Comey is once again in hot water, as the Washington Post reports that zero of the emails sent by Huma Abedin to Anthony Weiner were classified at the time of delivery, contrary to James Comey's assertion. Comey also lied about the number of emails sent by Abedin.

Comey also lied about the number of emails sent by Huma, the WaPo also reported:

Neither of those statements is accurate, said people close to the investigation. The inquiry found that Abedin did occasionally forward emails to her husband for printing, but it was a far smaller number than Comey described, and it wasn’t a “regular practice,” these people said. None of the forwarded emails were marked classified, but a small number — a handful, one person said — contained information that was later judged to contain classified
Comey misstated key Clinton email evidence at hearing, say people close to investigation
It's hard to believe the Director of the FBI is this incompetent. I mean it isn't like he is making statements regarding some minor bullshit investigation here. He had to know that every word he uttered may have had an affect on the outcome of the presidential race.

Therefore, the only conclusion I can come to is that there must be some other motivation behind his, ahem, erroneous assertions.
Comeys a partisan dog who should have been fired months ago. His motivations have always been clear.
What were his motivations for going to Ashcroft's hospital room and stopping Gonzalez and Card from getting approval for warrantless spying?
This is currently the top story in the Washington Post.
James Comey is once again in hot water, as the Washington Post reports that zero of the emails sent by Huma Abedin to Anthony Weiner were classified at the time of delivery, contrary to James Comey's assertion. Comey also lied about the number of emails sent by Abedin.

Another hogwash story. What was the Secretary of State doing with 60,000 emails? 30,000 about yoga classes and the other 30,000 were recipes? Oh wait. That goes kind of explain how Hillary did JACK while holding her office.

Except we already know there is no such thing as a document marked "classified," and twelve of them were SA (Special Access), the highest classification! Not that a document need be marked at all ---- her first duty was to recognize classified, sensitive information in any form and protect it.
Toobfreek. We are talking about Comey, and Yates, and the trumpeteeres colluding with da Russians.
This is currently the top story in the Washington Post.
James Comey is once again in hot water, as the Washington Post reports that zero of the emails sent by Huma Abedin to Anthony Weiner were classified at the time of delivery, contrary to James Comey's assertion. Comey also lied about the number of emails sent by Abedin.

Comey also lied about the number of emails sent by Huma, the WaPo also reported:

Neither of those statements is accurate, said people close to the investigation. The inquiry found that Abedin did occasionally forward emails to her husband for printing, but it was a far smaller number than Comey described, and it wasn’t a “regular practice,” these people said. None of the forwarded emails were marked classified, but a small number — a handful, one person said — contained information that was later judged to contain classified
Comey misstated key Clinton email evidence at hearing, say people close to investigation

Trump wouldn't hesitate to appoint Giuliani or someone equally odious.

If Giuliani is odious, then I am all for odious.
This is currently the top story in the Washington Post.
James Comey is once again in hot water, as the Washington Post reports that zero of the emails sent by Huma Abedin to Anthony Weiner were classified at the time of delivery, contrary to James Comey's assertion. Comey also lied about the number of emails sent by Abedin.

Comey also lied about the number of emails sent by Huma, the WaPo also reported:

Neither of those statements is accurate, said people close to the investigation. The inquiry found that Abedin did occasionally forward emails to her husband for printing, but it was a far smaller number than Comey described, and it wasn’t a “regular practice,” these people said. None of the forwarded emails were marked classified, but a small number — a handful, one person said — contained information that was later judged to contain classified
Comey misstated key Clinton email evidence at hearing, say people close to investigation
It's hard to believe the Director of the FBI is this incompetent. I mean it isn't like he is making statements regarding some minor bullshit investigation here. He had to know that every word he uttered may have had an affect on the outcome of the presidential race.

Therefore, the only conclusion I can come to is that there must be some other motivation behind his, ahem, erroneous assertions.
Comeys a partisan dog who should have been fired months ago. His motivations have always been clear.
What were his motivations for going to Ashcroft's hospital room and stopping Gonzalez and Card from getting approval for warrantless spying?
a decade ago? Probably different then whatever motivates him now to lie and break protocol.
Forward government emails to a non secure non government computer...for printing? lol Was Hillary and her entire staff dumb as a brick?
This is currently the top story in the Washington Post.
James Comey is once again in hot water, as the Washington Post reports that zero of the emails sent by Huma Abedin to Anthony Weiner were classified at the time of delivery, contrary to James Comey's assertion. Comey also lied about the number of emails sent by Abedin.

Comey also lied about the number of emails sent by Huma, the WaPo also reported:

Neither of those statements is accurate, said people close to the investigation. The inquiry found that Abedin did occasionally forward emails to her husband for printing, but it was a far smaller number than Comey described, and it wasn’t a “regular practice,” these people said. None of the forwarded emails were marked classified, but a small number — a handful, one person said — contained information that was later judged to contain classified
Comey misstated key Clinton email evidence at hearing, say people close to investigation
It's hard to believe the Director of the FBI is this incompetent. I mean it isn't like he is making statements regarding some minor bullshit investigation here. He had to know that every word he uttered may have had an affect on the outcome of the presidential race.

Therefore, the only conclusion I can come to is that there must be some other motivation behind his, ahem, erroneous assertions.
Comeys a partisan dog who should have been fired months ago. His motivations have always been clear.
What were his motivations for going to Ashcroft's hospital room and stopping Gonzalez and Card from getting approval for warrantless spying?
a decade ago? Probably different then whatever motivates him now to lie and break protocol.
Technically he didn't break protocol. I think he's so politically inattuned that he can't see it. and he's got a huge ego.
This is currently the top story in the Washington Post.
James Comey is once again in hot water, as the Washington Post reports that zero of the emails sent by Huma Abedin to Anthony Weiner were classified at the time of delivery, contrary to James Comey's assertion. Comey also lied about the number of emails sent by Abedin.

Comey also lied about the number of emails sent by Huma, the WaPo also reported:

Comey misstated key Clinton email evidence at hearing, say people close to investigation
It's hard to believe the Director of the FBI is this incompetent. I mean it isn't like he is making statements regarding some minor bullshit investigation here. He had to know that every word he uttered may have had an affect on the outcome of the presidential race.

Therefore, the only conclusion I can come to is that there must be some other motivation behind his, ahem, erroneous assertions.
Comeys a partisan dog who should have been fired months ago. His motivations have always been clear.
What were his motivations for going to Ashcroft's hospital room and stopping Gonzalez and Card from getting approval for warrantless spying?
a decade ago? Probably different then whatever motivates him now to lie and break protocol.
Technically he didn't break protocol. I think he's so politically inattuned that he can't see it. and he's got a huge ego.
Oh he broke protocol by interfering with the election in an obviously biased manner.
This is currently the top story in the Washington Post.
James Comey is once again in hot water, as the Washington Post reports that zero of the emails sent by Huma Abedin to Anthony Weiner were classified at the time of delivery, contrary to James Comey's assertion. Comey also lied about the number of emails sent by Abedin.

Comey also lied about the number of emails sent by Huma, the WaPo also reported:

Neither of those statements is accurate, said people close to the investigation. The inquiry found that Abedin did occasionally forward emails to her husband for printing, but it was a far smaller number than Comey described, and it wasn’t a “regular practice,” these people said. None of the forwarded emails were marked classified, but a small number — a handful, one person said — contained information that was later judged to contain classified
Comey misstated key Clinton email evidence at hearing, say people close to investigation

Trump wouldn't hesitate to appoint Giuliani or someone equally odious.

If Giuliani is odious, then I am all for odious.

Nearly all deplorables agree.
Comey is a national disgrace. He should be prosecuted for his malfeasance in office.

That would be highly discriminatory! That would be leaving out:

James Clapper,
Loretta Lynch,
Eric Holder,
Hillary Clinton,
Rahm Emanuel,
Timothy Guitner,
Valery Jarrett,
Jeh Johnson,
John Kerry,
Janet Napolitano,
Susan Rice,
Barack Obama, and
Lois Lerner
It's hard to believe the Director of the FBI is this incompetent.

Only if you also find it hard to believe that Obama got most of his firsthand information about the goings on in the world off of television.
Comey is a national disgrace. He should be prosecuted for his malfeasance in office.

The FBI hasn’t decided how to correct the director’s false claim that she forwarded thousands of Clinton emails to the laptop computer of her husband, former Congressman Anthony Weiner.

According to two sources familiar with the matter — including one in law enforcement — Abedin forwarded only a handful of Clinton emails to her husband for printing — not the “hundreds and thousands” cited by Comey. It does not appear Abedin made “a regular practice” of doing so. Other officials said it was likely that most of the emails got onto the computer as a result of backups of her Blackberry.

It was not clear how many, if any, of the forwarded emails were among the 12 “classified” emails Comey said had been found on Weiner’s laptop. None of the messages carried classified markings at the time they were sent.

The FBI Chief's Testimony About Huma Abedin's Email Was Deeply Inaccurate
Even if she forwarded only one email containing information that should have been classified, she could be in trouble. How many people have faced prosecution for accidentally revealing even a little bit of classified information? In this case, forwarding sensitive information to an unsecured laptop is at the least very careless, and that is why it's a good thing Hillary doesn't live in the White House right now.

One Navy sailor was arrested and prosecuted for taking a picture of the insides of the sub he worked on and sending it to his Mom so she could see where he worked.
It's hard to believe the Director of the FBI is this incompetent. I mean it isn't like he is making statements regarding some minor bullshit investigation here. He had to know that every word he uttered may have had an affect on the outcome of the presidential race.

Therefore, the only conclusion I can come to is that there must be some other motivation behind his, ahem, erroneous assertions.
Comeys a partisan dog who should have been fired months ago. His motivations have always been clear.
What were his motivations for going to Ashcroft's hospital room and stopping Gonzalez and Card from getting approval for warrantless spying?
a decade ago? Probably different then whatever motivates him now to lie and break protocol.
Technically he didn't break protocol. I think he's so politically inattuned that he can't see it. and he's got a huge ego.
Oh he broke protocol by interfering with the election in an obviously biased manner.
Yeah, he did, but he did not comment on an ongoing investigation. He flipped the election, no argument from me on that. But he may not be some evil guy, but more self-important and locked into legal niceties

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