Uh oh! Democrats getting hammered by religious voters

Well, Romney carried the Catholic vote 2-1 in Nevada.... which, given Obama's current fight with us... does not bode well for your Messiah in the GE.

The overall vote in Nevada was down from 2008 and only half the anticipated 70,000 the GOP had predicted would participate.

Not for the first time, you're mistaking me for someone who gives a damn.

So all that stalking you do is because you don't care...

Last time I had someone who didn't care that much, I had to get a restraining order.

Duly noted you couldn't address the point. Shrinking turnouts in primaries is not impressive.
Face it Lefties, y'all are dead meat come November.

35 million Catholics voted in 2008, and Obama got 19 million of them.

I just don't see y'all doing HALF that well this go-round...

Most Catholics are with Obama on this one. They don't want the pedophiles in collars telling them what they can do in their bedrooms. Sorry.



With the low Republican primary voter turnouts it seems that perhaps Obama might win.
Or will the right bond together in fellowship and claim to have the best candidate ever? Whomever that may be.

What ever happened to the Tea Party anyway?

Well, the TEA party never really had a candidate. We are talking about a movement that is only 2 years old.

I think like everyone else, they are acquiesing to teh Weird Mormon Robot, but they are probably also slowly expecting that Obama will get a second term.
With the low Republican primary voter turnouts it seems that perhaps Obama might win.
Or will the right bond together in fellowship and claim to have the best candidate ever? Whomever that may be.

What ever happened to the Tea Party anyway?

Well, the TEA party never really had a candidate. We are talking about a movement that is only 2 years old.

I think like everyone else, they are acquiesing to teh Weird Mormon Robot, but they are probably also slowly expecting that Obama will get a second term.

If a republican wins this time we will see the basic dissoloution of the Tea Party.
The Obama hate club will no longer have a reason to exist.
That's not practical or realistic.

BUT, even if the Catholic Church did decide to discriminate in their hospitals based on religious affiliation, I would not have a problem with them closing their doors completely, clearing the way for another hospital to operate on a secular basis.

I don't care what you would or wouldn't have a 'problem' with. If we want to operate our own hospitals, serving Catholics only, there ain't jack shit you can do about it. First Amendment and all that.... unless, you think you're gonna scrap that. Idiot.

You mean: there's jack-shit you can do about it. We don't use double negatives in the English language.


Really? And how do you propose to enforce a Catholics-only discriminatory hospital? Are Catholics all given an ID card upon enlistment? Or do you propose patients take an oath upon admittance? Yeah, they'll stay in business long.

Whatever happened to freedom of religion?

I mean I think Obama is setting himself up for a hell of a USSC challenge if he really thinks he can force Catholic Hospitals to perform procedures against their conscience.
Glad you brought that up. I am in favor of all for profit entities such as Churches paying the same taxes as any other business where thier main goal is SELLING something to the public. Churches use the same comons roads, fire depts. etc as everyone else. They should pay for that use the same as everyone. The taxes they SHOULD pay would be ample increase to handle what they claim to do for free.

In that, you would be horrifyingly wrong. Crunch the numbers - go ahead. Do it. See how wrong you are. I know how wrong you are.

if you really knew you would have proved it.....Shut up

You are the one making the claim. YOU should prove it. Of course you want her to shut up. She's challenging your delusional little liberal world.

I don't care what you would or wouldn't have a 'problem' with. If we want to operate our own hospitals, serving Catholics only, there ain't jack shit you can do about it. First Amendment and all that.... unless, you think you're gonna scrap that. Idiot.

You mean: there's jack-shit you can do about it. We don't use double negatives in the English language.


Really? And how do you propose to enforce a Catholics-only discriminatory hospital? Are Catholics all given an ID card upon enlistment? Or do you propose patients take an oath upon admittance? Yeah, they'll stay in business long.

Whatever happened to freedom of religion?

I mean I think Obama is setting himself up for a hell of a USSC challenge if he really thinks he can force Catholic Hospitals to perform procedures against their conscience.

Yes we might find out that Catholic owned businesses are just businesses not a church.

In that, you would be horrifyingly wrong. Crunch the numbers - go ahead. Do it. See how wrong you are. I know how wrong you are.

if you really knew you would have proved it.....Shut up

No, this is one of those issues where one actually needs to do some work: one needs to research, think, use math, apply logic, and that kind of shit. It is not provided in bite size chunks via the HuffPuff.


You are expecting WAY too much of Plasma. He doesn't rely on facts or logic. Only liberals mantras.

Challenge those, and you can expect the usual barrage of the race card, petty insults, and finally an all out tantrum of epic proportions.

I don't care what you would or wouldn't have a 'problem' with. If we want to operate our own hospitals, serving Catholics only, there ain't jack shit you can do about it. First Amendment and all that.... unless, you think you're gonna scrap that. Idiot.

You mean: there's jack-shit you can do about it. We don't use double negatives in the English language.


Really? And how do you propose to enforce a Catholics-only discriminatory hospital? Are Catholics all given an ID card upon enlistment? Or do you propose patients take an oath upon admittance? Yeah, they'll stay in business long.

critical thinking isnt her strong suit. She is more of a talking points kinda of "gal"

That's pretty funny coming from the guy who says he doesn't have to prove what he says, the other person has to prove he's wrong.

With the low Republican primary voter turnouts it seems that perhaps Obama might win.
Or will the right bond together in fellowship and claim to have the best candidate ever? Whomever that may be.

What ever happened to the Tea Party anyway?

Well, the TEA party never really had a candidate. We are talking about a movement that is only 2 years old.

I think like everyone else, they are acquiesing to teh Weird Mormon Robot, but they are probably also slowly expecting that Obama will get a second term.

If a republican wins this time we will see the basic dissoloution of the Tea Party.
The Obama hate club will no longer have a reason to exist.

Works on the assumption that the TEA movement was only about hating Obama. I don't think it was.

I think it shows a contempt for both Parties and their establishments.
You mean: there's jack-shit you can do about it. We don't use double negatives in the English language.


Really? And how do you propose to enforce a Catholics-only discriminatory hospital? Are Catholics all given an ID card upon enlistment? Or do you propose patients take an oath upon admittance? Yeah, they'll stay in business long.

We're Catholics... we'll find our own way - if we are forced to. But it is good to know that you are happy to trample on the First Amendment.

LOL In other words: It's not going to happen.

I frankly don't think it would stand up to a Supreme Court challenge. You can't force people to perform procedures against their faith.
I don't care what you would or wouldn't have a 'problem' with. If we want to operate our own hospitals, serving Catholics only, there ain't jack shit you can do about it. First Amendment and all that.... unless, you think you're gonna scrap that. Idiot.
Hospitals that accept Medicare and Medicaid funding, which is likely all Catholic hospitals, are obligated to treat patients in accordance with established medical procedures, per the Medicare Conditions of Participation.

“Religious dictates do not trump bedrock legal protections that entitle patients to the standard of care and informed consent in the American medical system,” said Jill Morrison, NWLC Senior Counsel.

Women's Health and Lives at Risk Due to Religious Restrictions at Hospitals, New Center Study Shows | National Women's Law Center

There will also be emergency cases where a hospital is legally required to treat the patient as described in further detail below. In these cases, the health care provider has an ethical and legal duty to promptly treat the patient according to the standard of care. This means that if the patient is experiencing a medical emergency, she is entitled not just to any medical treatment, but treatment according to the standard of care, despite the provider’s religious objection to providing such care.


Let me get this straight.

IF a hospital takes money FROM TAXPAYERS, they are required to perform procedures according to government dictates?

So, the taxpayers don't have a choice in giving to a dictatorial government and the government uses that money to force hospitals to ignore both their religious and Hippocratic oath. NICE!

Figures liberals would be for that.
Well, the TEA party never really had a candidate. We are talking about a movement that is only 2 years old.

I think like everyone else, they are acquiesing to teh Weird Mormon Robot, but they are probably also slowly expecting that Obama will get a second term.

If a republican wins this time we will see the basic dissoloution of the Tea Party.
The Obama hate club will no longer have a reason to exist.

Works on the assumption that the TEA movement was only about hating Obama. I don't think it was.

I think it shows a contempt for both Parties and their establishments.

It was not ONLY about Obama, but that was the deciding factor in it's rapid growth.
Whatever happened to freedom of religion?

I mean I think Obama is setting himself up for a hell of a USSC challenge if he really thinks he can force Catholic Hospitals to perform procedures against their conscience.

That's not what this is about.

This is about Catholic businesses offering insurance that covers basic family planning to their employees. NOthing about performing the procedures in there at all.

Since most rank and file Catholic women practice some kind of family planning other than the "Rythem Method", Obama is on fairly solid ground on this one.
You mean: there's jack-shit you can do about it. We don't use double negatives in the English language.


Really? And how do you propose to enforce a Catholics-only discriminatory hospital? Are Catholics all given an ID card upon enlistment? Or do you propose patients take an oath upon admittance? Yeah, they'll stay in business long.

It's idiotic statements like this that prove the stupidity of the Left. They're not IN BUSINESS, you dolt. Catholic hospitals are run as CHARITIES. They're not doing it to turn a PROFIT. They're simply helping the people who need it the most, and your ridiculous insistence that they violate their own conscience will cause those poorest people to NOT get the FREE help they so DESPERATELY NEED!

How fucking stupid can you people be??? :cuckoo:

They appear to labor under the misapprehension that the Church is somehow either making a profit or being fully funded by government. They couldn't be more wrong.

Frankly, the liberals stance on this is sickening. I may have to reevaluate my view of the liberals.

You mean finally admit, I'm right on them?

Oh that will be interesting!

In case anyone is actually interested in the figures.... let's take just the Catholic Hospitals in the US as an example. There are 625 Catholic Hospitals across the country - often in the most economically deprived areas of the country. The Church itself funds those hospitals to a total of $5.7 billion, the total operating costs of those hospitals is $84.6 billion.

One in six patients across this country is cared for in a Catholic Hospital. If you are uninsured, we don't come chasing you for money you don't have. We don't ask the government to pay it. We pick up the tab.

$5.7 billion. I help pay that. It comes from me - and my fellow Catholic Americans. Do we ask you for anything in return? No. Except, it would have been nice if you could see past your sick fucking partisan bullshit.... and supported our work in your fucking communities. You people are sick. But our hospitals cannot cure your sickness.

The answer may have to be stop taking government money.

This is the problem in accepting government funds.

Kennedy did this with federal money to the schools.

First the money comes, and then the dicatorial edicts.

Never changes. :(
I'm aware there are many pro choicers out there. I support their right to be pro choice. I just wish that you would do likewise and support the Catholic Church's stance not to be forced by government to provide services that are against our core beliefs.
That’s not the situation. If a Catholic hospital is going to function in a secular capacity as a secular employer, it must be subject to the same laws as any other employer. Non-Catholic employees are entitled to comprehensive health insurance, regardless the employer’s religions affiliation.

Indeed, a Catholic hospital is required to abide by other employment laws and policies, such as work hours and pay rates.

If this stance by the government is successful.... Catholic Hospitals will be forced to close their doors to anyone who is not Catholic. Currently, those hospitals provide care and treatment to anyone - regardless of race, color, creed or sexual orientation.... and most of that care is funded by the Church - not by your taxes. We ask nothing in return for that. Other than we are not forced to provide services that we cannot provide. Surely, you see that?
Catholic hospitals won’t be forced to close their doors, that’s baseless hyperbole. And Catholic hospitals aren’t being required to provide any services they object to, they’re providing medical insurance to their employees, nothing more. What treatment the insurance pays for is a private matter between the employee/patient and his doctor, and considered medically necessary accordingly.

This is yet another non-issue contrived by the right in an effort to realize some perceived political advantage.

Wrong, the premise of the controversy is that the government is using coercive power resulting in Catholic institutions to provide birth control and prescriptions for morning after pill, not just hospitals, that employ non-Catholics or serve non-Catholics. The Church staffs, (Catholic) would not fall under these rules. Neither would most successful Catholic schools, that serve overwhelmingly suburban Catholic children and are staffed overwhelmingly by Catholic staff.

The recourse is to only employ and service Catholics, in spite of the bulk of Catholic outreach being to the poor, many if not most of whom are non-Catholics. For some reason the Catholic Church has put a premium on the theory of 'social justice' which includes serving all of God's children. Time to reevaluate that here in the US.

That would be sad, because (for example) My local hospital is a Catholic Hospital.

I prefer it (in accordance with my faith) because they WON'T provide abortions. I'm not Catholic, I'm Protestant. However, I think it's wrong to force Catholic Hospitals to perform procedures that go against their strongly held beliefs.
They're simply helping the people who need it the most, and your ridiculous insistence that they violate their own conscience will cause those poorest people to NOT get the FREE help they so DESPERATELY NEED!
Hysterical nonsense.

No one is being compelled to violate anything. The employer/hospital merely provides the health coverage, how that coverage is used is the business only of the patient, doctor, and insurance company. As far as the employer/hospital knows, no ‘inappropriate’ services are being provided.

This non-issue is about partisan politics only.

OH BS! If it were NON-PARTISAN, they wouldn't be trying to force abortions on Hospitals that believe abortions are wrong.

Abortion is NOT a "non-partisan" issue.

Stop trying to insult our intelligence that way, even if you are content to insult your own!

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