Uh Oh: Rick Perry Gets Popped With The Dreaded Evolution Question. (Click For Answer)

I didn't know it was a competition.
Science always has been one, the best theory wins the gold; then they find a flaw and move onto the next one.

I never viewed creationism as science.

I see what you're saying but God creating life is science. The problem with evolutionist they can't explain how he did it so they say there is no God. The theory of Macro-evolution is here because such ignorance. Then the anti God crowd got hold of the theory and ran with it.

They removed God and created their own God naturalism, chance + time= no God ,naturalism.

The problem kids have been taught this stuff most of their life and trust whats written in their text books .Because we don't share their views they think we are ignorant and uneducated.

Many times i have debated them and they will use an explanation as is it was fact, not knowing that i will ask them to show proof and they kinda disappear for a while because they realize they only have what they read in the text book.

Many of them don't have a clue of what has been observed and what hasn't or whats just an explanation. Yesterday somebody was trying to use LGT and HGT as ways for new information to arise that it's just not mutations where the new information comes from.
Like you're the only that ever cracked a book.:cuckoo:

Between the two of us? I don't think you've cracked open a science book in quite some time, if you humorous thoughts on biology are any indication.

I still strongly urge you to go to your local library and get a book from the biology section.

I know enough about biology.

It's funny, when evolutionist and those that have faith in them are completely shot out of the saddle on their theories, they keep grabbing for rein.

It's funny when I give you evidence and you ignore it.
Between the two of us? I don't think you've cracked open a science book in quite some time, if you humorous thoughts on biology are any indication.

I still strongly urge you to go to your local library and get a book from the biology section.

I know enough about biology.

It's funny, when evolutionist and those that have faith in them are completely shot out of the saddle on their theories, they keep grabbing for rein.

It's funny when I give you evidence and you ignore it.

I dunno these guys must know a lot, they know more than the biology department of every university in america. Harvard, Yale, Vanderbilt, Northwestern, etc, that's pretty impressive that they know so much more about the subject than these institutions..................................................................
Between the two of us? I don't think you've cracked open a science book in quite some time, if you humorous thoughts on biology are any indication.

I still strongly urge you to go to your local library and get a book from the biology section.

I know enough about biology.

It's funny, when evolutionist and those that have faith in them are completely shot out of the saddle on their theories, they keep grabbing for rein.

It's funny when I give you evidence and you ignore it.

And the evidence that's staring you in the face is also ignored.

Fossil records do not support evolution. Nothing more needs to be said.

Now you can create all kinds of mutations and variations in a species but can't change a reptile into a mammal. And there is no evidence that it has ever has been done.
Pretty much.


How you have "Logic" in your screen name and then have the balls to admit that this is what you believe. Really? In all your "logic" this is what you think?

It's not much different than believing the nonsense you believe.

Tell me, when did humans stop evolving and why? Why aren't there living transitional species that can be observed?

Who says we aren't still evolving? Do you expect to see drastic changes in your lifetime? You do realize that evolution takes places over thousand upon thousands of years.

Who says there aren't living transitional species alive today? How would you know if you saw one?
I know enough about biology.

It's funny, when evolutionist and those that have faith in them are completely shot out of the saddle on their theories, they keep grabbing for rein.

It's funny when I give you evidence and you ignore it.

And the evidence that's staring you in the face is also ignored.

Fossil records do not support evolution. Nothing more needs to be said.

And yet the fossil record comes off as awfully confusing unless you apply evolution to it. It certainly doesn't outright refute it as you claim but never back up. I'm still waiting for some actual evidence on why evolution is not true, besides your classic misunderstanding of what precisely evolution is all about.

There's other stuff too for you not to understand. You don't just have to be ignorant about fossils, y'know.

Now you can create all kinds of mutations and variations in a species but can't change a reptile into a mammal. And there is no evidence that it has ever has been done.

Yeah you're right, there isn't any evidence for a mammal evolving into a reptile. No one was claiming that though, so it's rather irrelevant. Although, mammals and reptiles do share a common ancestry. It's kinda neat. I don't see how this disproves evolution.
I know enough about biology.

It's funny, when evolutionist and those that have faith in them are completely shot out of the saddle on their theories, they keep grabbing for rein.

It's funny when I give you evidence and you ignore it.

I dunno these guys must know a lot, they know more than the biology department of every university in america. Harvard, Yale, Vanderbilt, Northwestern, etc, that's pretty impressive that they know so much more about the subject than these institutions..................................................................

They call that, the blind leading the blind.
Between the two of us? I don't think you've cracked open a science book in quite some time, if you humorous thoughts on biology are any indication.

I still strongly urge you to go to your local library and get a book from the biology section.

I know enough about biology.

It's funny, when evolutionist and those that have faith in them are completely shot out of the saddle on their theories, they keep grabbing for rein.

It's funny when I give you evidence and you ignore it.

So far all you have ever been able to show for evidence is adaptations. :eusa_whistle:

How you have "Logic" in your screen name and then have the balls to admit that this is what you believe. Really? In all your "logic" this is what you think?

It's not much different than believing the nonsense you believe.

Tell me, when did humans stop evolving and why? Why aren't there living transitional species that can be observed?

Who says we aren't still evolving? Do you expect to see drastic changes in your lifetime? You do realize that evolution takes places over thousand upon thousands of years.

Who says there aren't living transitional species alive today? How would you know if you saw one?

The ol you're evolving but you can't see it explanation :lol:
It's funny when I give you evidence and you ignore it.

I dunno these guys must know a lot, they know more than the biology department of every university in america. Harvard, Yale, Vanderbilt, Northwestern, etc, that's pretty impressive that they know so much more about the subject than these institutions..................................................................

They call that, the blind leading the blind.

I agree, I'd call Harvard scientists idiots and Bible bloggers geniuses in terms of biology.

Nothing else really needs said.
It's funny when I give you evidence and you ignore it.

And the evidence that's staring you in the face is also ignored.

Fossil records do not support evolution. Nothing more needs to be said.

And yet the fossil record comes off as awfully confusing unless you apply evolution to it. It certainly doesn't outright refute it as you claim but never back up. I'm still waiting for some actual evidence on why evolution is not true, besides your classic misunderstanding of what precisely evolution is all about.

There's other stuff too for you not to understand. You don't just have to be ignorant about fossils, y'know.

Now you can create all kinds of mutations and variations in a species but can't change a reptile into a mammal. And there is no evidence that it has ever has been done.

Yeah you're right, there isn't any evidence for a mammal evolving into a reptile. No one was claiming that though, so it's rather irrelevant. Although, mammals and reptiles do share a common ancestry. It's kinda neat. I don't see how this disproves evolution.

Oh boy.
That Obama guy...he believes in a 'God' too...doesnt he? Lord...what a freqin dumbass...and he prays too. You people must just want to piss on his leg.
That Obama guy...he believes in a 'God' too...doesnt he? Lord...what a freqin dumbass...and he prays too. You people must just want to piss on his leg.

Not denying elementary science means someone automatically supports Obama?

I dunno these guys must know a lot, they know more than the biology department of every university in america. Harvard, Yale, Vanderbilt, Northwestern, etc, that's pretty impressive that they know so much more about the subject than these institutions..................................................................

They call that, the blind leading the blind.

I agree, I'd call Harvard scientists idiots and Bible bloggers geniuses in terms of biology.

Nothing else really needs said.

Let me give you a hint, no one has all the answers,but the bible predicted things well before man confirmed them.

The bible predicted kinds will bring forth after their kinds, is that not a fact ?

The bible predicted the earth was a sphere,round,or a circle take your pick,is that not a fact ?

The bible predicted that all living organisms were made up of things that can't be seen,is that not a fact ?

The bible predicted we are made of ingredients of the earth,is this not a fact ?

The bible predicted the Hydrologic system,is this not a fact?

And there are many, many, more cases of the bible being supported by what we do know.
I dunno these guys must know a lot, they know more than the biology department of every university in america. Harvard, Yale, Vanderbilt, Northwestern, etc, that's pretty impressive that they know so much more about the subject than these institutions..................................................................

They call that, the blind leading the blind.

I agree, I'd call Harvard scientists idiots and Bible bloggers geniuses in terms of biology.

Nothing else really needs said.

I didn't call anyone an idiot ,and I didn't say creationist are geniuses, did I ?
That Obama guy...he believes in a 'God' too...doesnt he? Lord...what a freqin dumbass...and he prays too. You people must just want to piss on his leg.

They try to eat anyone who disagrees with their religion,except when it benefits them.

Survival of the fittest :eusa_angel:
They call that, the blind leading the blind.

I agree, I'd call Harvard scientists idiots and Bible bloggers geniuses in terms of biology.

Nothing else really needs said.

Let me give you a hint, no one has all the answers,but the bible predicted things well before man confirmed them.

The bible predicted kinds will bring forth after their kinds, is that not a fact ?

The bible predicted the earth was a sphere,round,or a circle take your pick,is that not a fact ?

The bible predicted that all living organisms were made up of things that can't be seen,is that not a fact ?

The bible predicted we are made of ingredients of the earth,is this not a fact ?

The bible predicted the Hydrologic system,is this not a fact?

And there are many, many, more cases of the bible being supported by what we do know.

You do a cute job of spinning biblical quotes to meet today's science, I wish you'd do that with evolution instead of denying a basic fact.

The Bible also told us that a man caught 2 T-Rex's, got them on to a boat, kept them from eating everything else and rode around with them keeping them perfectly healthy with food and water.

Now that's a book I'd look to for scientific accuracies.

If you'd excuse me, I have to go outside and part Lake Erie with my hands after I have a conversation with a snake, I gotta part the lake so I can get to the ocean easier and meet up with my brother who's living inside a whale right now.
I agree, I'd call Harvard scientists idiots and Bible bloggers geniuses in terms of biology.

Nothing else really needs said.

Let me give you a hint, no one has all the answers,but the bible predicted things well before man confirmed them.

The bible predicted kinds will bring forth after their kinds, is that not a fact ?

The bible predicted the earth was a sphere,round,or a circle take your pick,is that not a fact ?

The bible predicted that all living organisms were made up of things that can't be seen,is that not a fact ?

The bible predicted we are made of ingredients of the earth,is this not a fact ?

The bible predicted the Hydrologic system,is this not a fact?

And there are many, many, more cases of the bible being supported by what we do know.

You do a cute job of spinning biblical quotes to meet today's science, I wish you'd do that with evolution instead of denying a basic fact.

The Bible also told us that a man caught 2 T-Rex's, got them on to a boat, kept them from eating everything else and rode around with them keeping them perfectly healthy with food and water.

Now that's a book I'd look to for scientific accuracies.

If you'd excuse me, I have to go outside and part Lake Erie with my hands after I have a conversation with a snake, I gotta part the lake so I can get to the ocean easier and meet up with my brother who's living inside a whale right now.

No, no ,no, there you go distorting the truth again God gathered the animals and brought them to Noah.

Noah didn't gather the animals God did.

Gen 6:17 And behold! I, even I, am bringing a flood of waters upon the earth in order to destroy all flesh (in which is the breath of life) from under the heavens. Everything which is in the earth shall die.
Gen 6:18 But I will establish My covenant with you. And you shall come into the ark, you and your sons and your wife and your sons' wives with you.
Gen 6:19 And you shall bring into the ark two of every kind, of every living thing of all flesh, to keep them alive with you. They shall be male and female.
Gen 6:20 Two of every kind shall come to you to keep them alive; of fowls after their kind, and of cattle after their kind, of every creeping thing of the earth after its kind.
Gen 6:21 And take for yourself all food that is eaten, and you shall gather for yourself. And it shall be for food, for you and for them.
Gen 6:22 Noah did so, according to all that God commanded him, so he did.

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