UK energy bill price cap skyrockets to £3500 a year

It does affect normal, people are starving because they can't afford to heat and eat

Prayers up for the people of the UK, Alexa. I've been worried about England's proximity to punishment if Mother Russia sets the evil eye on those who are friends of those who have helped the Ukrainian onslaught. London is within the range of their advanced missiles. The Kh-101 was introduced in 2012 and has a range 1,500 to 1,700 miles.
Russia is using its newest and oldest missiles indiscriminately against Ukraine. Right now our country is trying to discourage communism because elections seem to be turning out unlike anything we've ever seen or heard of, and one of the deep state leaders wrote a glowing love-letter master's thesis on the Alinsky method of converting a free country into a communist country in which a few oligarchs enrich themselves at the expense of a mass of state slaves. The freedom of speech, religion, and protection with armaments Bill of Rights to the Constitution are being dissed severely by the Democrat Party. The shifty voting arena we currently have is worrisome as to whether we could friend any non-communist country across the pond.

I pray for conservatives every night. The press is turning us into targets because they are being bought with Soros bucks since their war on America is not loved by conservatives.

The Democrats are going after the conservative half of the nation, and communists have the nasty habit of murdering half the populations as was done by Mao in WWII when the onus was on Hitler, and not the far East. Mao is estimated to have killed 100 million of his own citizens in China because they didn't like Mao. Russian communists used WWII to do "housecleaning" as well, with a Russian popular author, Aleksandr Isayevich Solzhenitsyn saying that the bolsheviks in power slayed 60 million Russian citizens and their children for criticizing communism. They had already killed a few million when they murdered their Czar and his family of 13 kids. Solzhenitsyn was so famous they didn't dare do away with him. Russia tends to do away with average Russians who are dissenters in secret. That's why the secretive meetings by Nancy Pelosi worried me. They're pushing predetermined outcomes for all their incurred indebtedness using the obfuscation method of passing thousand-page "laws" they've withheld in secrecy from Republicans, and DNC operatives are working to eliminate the fairness of the college of electors which gives less populated states a voice in government for all the Founder's government has been used for 135 years when less populated states were attracted to and recruited by The Electoral Count Act of 1887 of the United States, passed by the Congress back then. The number of unpopular Democrats allegedly elected worries me because each of them mouths enunciated hatred toward the conservative choices for the Presidency, and the tongues wag with lies against our nominees and successful winners prior to mass voter fraud years that put people where the Nancy Pelosi party put them.

She controls them with Soros donations to "good" Democrat candidates who wouldn't have even the slightest chance of winning fairly. So the Democrats, in order to accomplish their crooked wins have pretended fairness means removing positive identification of voters with pictured drivers licenses, birth certificates, and what not rather than going with positive ids such as eye scans, fingerprints, etc. They've also pushed voting by computer, voting via mail, and anything but voting in person. Biden was mentally challenged by election time, which gave Democrats the opportunity to massively cheat in swing states with boxed-sent ballots, the all of which vote Democrat, and absence of any means of identification lying their butts off about cheating people out of voting. That's absurd nine ways to the nightmare the election ballots revered by our forebears. He earned his nickname as "Basement Joe" because instead of debating, he spent his spare time in the basement at home throughout the election weeks.

It's one DNC stunt after another after another, and with the sole support of the paid for media moguls, all Republicans are lied about from here to Timbuktu.
Sure, but the price cap on electricity has no effect on the average person, or the poor. That just effects the rich in their big houses that use those large amounts of electricity. I say GOOD!! It's about time those rich bastards paid a little more.
That is the opposite of what is happening. Poor people are going to die this winter unless something is done. Disabled people,pensioners , people who live alone..
UK pensions are the worst in Europe.
The govt has gone missing. The tories are busy picking a new leader and there is no direction.
It will cost around £100bn to kep the country afloat through this. |Similar to the cost of cobid.
Small businesses are already closing down because they cant make a profit after paying their power bills. This will accelerate as people lose all of their discretionary spending.Its grim.

The power companies are making obscne profits from this but the govt wont do anything about it.
The UK is a poster boy for failed free market policy and I can see riots if that idiot Truss doesnt start writing chqs very quickly.

this is the price cap hikes , people with disabilities and poor people will suffer
this Tory government is useless for the last 12 years

it's gone up x 80 percent in the last year or so

Only 80% ? Here in Germany we have 400%-2000% ... and perhaps even higher prices in the moment, But this is only ann absurde theory. £3500 is about €4150 ... I calculate here in the moment about €6000 for heating a year - and the prices for electricity also explode - in theory. Such prices is nearly no one able to pay. ... Perhaps we should switch our economy into a war economy.
Prayers up for the people of the UK, Alexa. I've been worried about England's proximity to punishment if Mother Russia sets the evil eye on those who are friends of those who have helped the Ukrainian onslaught. London is within the range of their advanced missiles. The Kh-101 was introduced in 2012 and has a range 1,500 to 1,700 miles.
Russia is using its newest and oldest missiles indiscriminately against Ukraine. Right now our country

What is your country?

is trying to discourage communism

Which communism?

because elections seem to be turning out unlike anything we've ever seen or heard of, and one of the deep state leaders

Is "deep state" not an ideological expression of extremists in the USA in context of Steve Bannon, Donald Trump and perhaps also Boris Johnson in GB and other fake-conservatives?

wrote a glowing love-letter master's thesis on the Alinsky method of converting a free country into a communist country in which a few oligarchs enrich themselves at the expense of a mass of state slaves.

Oligarchs - or the rulership of superrich idiots - what is the real choice in East and West?

The freedom of speech, religion, and protection with armaments Bill of Rights to the Constitution are being dissed severely by the Democrat Party.

Seems to me you are a member of the disunited states of Trumperica.

The shifty voting arena we currently have is worrisome as to whether we could friend any non-communist country across the pond.

I pray for conservatives every night.

:lol: Pray for yourselve, rat. With "conservative" have Donlad Trump and his gang nothing to do. Same with Boris Johnson. How is anyone able to think such men are conservatives? Angela Merkel had been a conservative politician for example.

The press is turning us into targets because they are being bought with Soros bucks since their war on America is not loved by conservatives.


The Democrats are going after the conservative half of the nation, and communists have the nasty habit of murdering half the populations as was done by Mao in WWII when the onus was on Hitler, and not the far East.


Mao is estimated to have killed 100 million of his own citizens in China because they didn't like Mao.

That's true. Up to 100 millions Chinese had been murderd from the bolshewists in China - and I guess in this context had also happened some genocides.

Russian communists used WWII to do "housecleaning" as well, with a Russian popular author, Aleksandr Isayevich Solzhenitsyn saying that the bolsheviks in power slayed 60 million Russian citizens and their children for criticizing communism.

This number seems to be too high. I heard about 20 million Russians had been murdered from their fatherly leader Stalin.

They had already killed a few million when they murdered their Czar and his family of 13 kids. Solzhenitsyn was so famous they didn't dare do away with him. Russia tends to do away with average Russians who are dissenters in secret. That's why the secretive meetings by Nancy Pelosi worried me.

The Russian bolshewist Nancy Pelosi from Baltimore worries you? Does she laugh too loudly?

They're pushing predetermined outcomes for all their incurred indebtedness using the obfuscation method of passing thousand-page "laws" they've withheld in secrecy from Republicans, and DNC operatives are working to eliminate the fairness of the college of electors which gives less populated states a voice in government for all the Founder's government has been used for 135 years when less populated states were attracted to and recruited by The Electoral Count Act of 1887 of the United States, passed by the Congress back then.

... ¿1887? ... Josef Groll died this year. He developed the pilsner. A good beer.

The number of unpopular Democrats allegedly elected worries me because each of them mouths enunciated hatred toward the conservative choices for the Presidency, and the tongues wag with lies against our nominees and successful winners prior to mass voter fraud years that put people where the Nancy Pelosi party put them.

She controls them with Soros donations to "good" Democrat candidates who wouldn't have even the slightest chance of winning fairly. So the Democrats, in order to accomplish their crooked wins have pretended fairness means removing positive identification of voters with pictured drivers licenses, birth certificates, and what not rather than going with positive ids such as eye scans, fingerprints, etc. They've also pushed voting by computer, voting via mail, and anything but voting in person. Biden was mentally challenged by election time, which gave Democrats the opportunity to massively cheat in swing states with boxed-sent ballots, the all of which vote Democrat, and absence of any means of identification lying their butts off about cheating people out of voting. That's absurd nine ways to the nightmare the election ballots revered by our forebears. He earned his nickname as "Basement Joe" because instead of debating, he spent his spare time in the basement at home throughout the election weeks.

It's one DNC stunt after another after another, and with the sole support of the paid for media moguls, all Republicans are lied about from here to Timbuktu.

And the US-state Timbuktu sends now what to GB to help the normal people there not to freeze in winter and/or not to go bankrupt?
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The cap, or the rate per KW? You didn't mention the rate which would effect everyone, including the poor.

That is the opposite of what is happening. Poor people are going to die this winter unless something is done. Disabled people,pensioners , people who live alone..
UK pensions are the worst in Europe.
The govt has gone missing. The tories are busy picking a new leader and there is no direction.
It will cost around £100bn to kep the country afloat through this. |Similar to the cost of cobid.
Small businesses are already closing down because they cant make a profit after paying their power bills. This will accelerate as people lose all of their discretionary spending.Its grim.

The power companies are making obscne profits from this but the govt wont do anything about it.
The UK is a poster boy for failed free market policy and I can see riots if that idiot Truss doesnt start writing chqs very quickly.
My husband and I are OK just managing my husband is stressed ,we are cutting what we use etc Food costs are getting stupid and lack of some stuff you cannot get and there are strikes by the workers of this country asking for more money to live as a lot of people are struggling and work including nurses and drs and care workers are struggling some children can only get hot food at school but there people who is disabled who are on breathing machines or feeding machines etc that use a lot more than those who are not this includes disabled Children this Government need to go, or they are going to kill those who are poor old and disabled Not that it will bother the Tories and people have had enough and there is more crime and disobedience in the cities and knife and gun crimes etc
That is the opposite of what is happening. Poor people are going to die this winter unless something is done. Disabled people,pensioners , people who live alone..

The rich make nonsense - and the poor are not able to pay the price for their nonsense. Greece suggested by the way to us Germans to travel to Greece in winter. What about Australia - or another little unknown island on the summer-side of the world? Many cruisers are free since Corona and you are a nation of sailors.

UK pensions are the worst in Europe.
The govt has gone missing. The tories are busy picking a new leader and there is no direction.
It will cost around £100bn to kep the country afloat through this. |Similar to the cost of cobid.
Small businesses are already closing down because they cant make a profit after paying their power bills. This will accelerate as people lose all of their discretionary spending.Its grim.

The power companies are making obscne profits from this but the govt wont do anything about it.
The UK is a poster boy for failed free market policy and I can see riots if that idiot Truss doesnt start writing chqs very quickly.
Holy Moses, two alexa's one with a Capital and one without. This should be interesting.
So are you going to do the Maxine Waters thing


and stalk me?

I stalk no one. The nonsense from the USA around Donald Trump wastes only time and causes only chaos. It exist more than enough problems and crises now - which also Donald Trump had created with his very stupid narcissistic maga-politics "divide et impera". The Brexit is one of the examples for such a stupid politics.

By the way: Normally no one will answer you when you will write such a long text. You should not live in the illusion anyone agrees with you. Sometimes help not even tears - but when I read what could happen too many Brits then it is better to be tearful and to become angry than to be fearful. Somehow we all will have to fight ourselves together with others out of the current summary of heavy crises - and an USA under then unreal narcissist Donald Trump or a GB under the "I don't have any idea what this is but I Iaugh about"-Boris Johnson seems not to be the best start to do so. They are swamp on their own for the many people who have to learn now to swim free within a very short time.
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I thought you were writing to me. I thought now this is not my political view how can I answer this in a friendly manner. Basically we find ourselves now in much the same position as there was prior to WW2. Capitalism is failing and one of the reasons for that is like then, they have allowed Monopolies to grow and grow and with that more power to a few people rather than the citizens with their votes. That is also how we find ourselves now, It was in this situation that Fascism found its place to grow. One of the strongest ways it did that was by dividing society, creating 'the other'. In the States at the moment you seem to have mastered this which I think is very concerning for you. Normally of course in this situation the Capitalists arrange wars and we have indeed started one with Russia - or Russia started it if you prefer but we are in a war with a world power when we should be fighting to save the planet. How will the UK deal with the situation? Well at the moment visitors to the Edinburgh Festival are having one hell of a time as the Bin people are refusing to empty bins and the stench from ten day old rubbish is no fun at all. So in the UK what people seem to be trying first is strikes. I noticed even Piers Morgan was saying unless the chancellor got his cheque book out there was going to be people dying. We look like we will try strikes first. If they don't work and people are dying then obviously there will be protests which will become more and more hostile. Will the UK divide into far right and everyone else. Perhaps parts of England will. I cannot see it happening in Scotland.
Do you guys in the USA don't know what's going on, has gone up so much there is a link i added it's gone up because of the war Ukraine v Russia and food has gone up as well what was £1 has gone up as well to £ 1.50 some people are buying wood burners etc
Yes, I understan all of that. It's really hard right now, and sacrifices are being made. As usual, it seems that most of the hardships fall to the lower income people. I could be wrong, depending on what the average monthly price of energy is for a middle to low income person. If they, too, have consistantly reached the cap, they will certainly be hurt by the cap increase. If not, it will be a non-issue for them. What is the average monthly energy bill for low income people in the UK?
That is the opposite of what is happening. Poor people are going to die this winter unless something is done. Disabled people,pensioners , people who live alone..
UK pensions are the worst in Europe.
The govt has gone missing. The tories are busy picking a new leader and there is no direction.
It will cost around £100bn to kep the country afloat through this. |Similar to the cost of cobid.
Small businesses are already closing down because they cant make a profit after paying their power bills. This will accelerate as people lose all of their discretionary spending.Its grim.

The power companies are making obscne profits from this but the govt wont do anything about it.
The UK is a poster boy for failed free market policy and I can see riots if that idiot Truss doesnt start writing chqs very quickly.
Again, I could be wrong, but is the average energy bill for the poor and middle class high enough to be effeced by the cap? A cap, by it's nature is more helpful to those who consistantly use more energy (the rich) than to others (the poor).
People are getting their new tarrifs now and they have generally doubled.
Two stories on the local news tonight.
Local businesses closing after getting utility bills.
And disabled families who use more electric basically saying they cant support the rises. Heating or eating is the thing.

We got double glazing a couple of years ago and we are getting some insulation in a couple of weeks. i was going to do it myself before my illness.

There will be riots soon.
We don't have kids, so it will be less for us, it's more if you have kids and a big family it's a lot more and some have medical needs if your low income families and not paid much per month if you have a car or not , if you eat no meat etc or cant have something food wise etc people have to go to food banks older people and vunable need more heat 80% on top of the 50% i cant do math very well , i am disabled and have health issues

this may explane it more
We don't have kids, so it will be less for us, it's more if you have kids and a big family it's a lot more and some have medical needs if your low income families and not paid much per month if you have a car or not , if you eat no meat etc or cant have something food wise etc people have to go to food banks older people and vunable need more heat 80% on top of the 50% i cant do math very well , i am disabled and have health issues

this may explane it more
Thanks for the link. Now I have a better understanding of what is happening. I mistakenly thought a cap was just the maximum price that any residential customer might pay. Seemed kinda odd, but that's how it sounded. That way, once the higher usage customers reached that limit, they could say "screw it, it's not going to cost more anyway".
Again, I could be wrong, but is the average energy bill for the poor and middle class high enough to be effeced by the cap? A cap, by it's nature is more helpful to those who consistantly use more energy (the rich) than to others (the poor).
I think you are right there. As I understand it the cap is the maximum which the house can pay. Those with less money try to just heat up just one room and so do not use as much but the cost per unit is the same as those with more money. Those with more money who have the whole house warm and by units would be paying a good deal more, stop paying once they get to a certain point so I think that the poor actually subsidise the rich in this system. I may have it completely wrong but I think that could be how it works. The most poor who are on prepayment meters pay the most per unit.
What is your country?

Which communism?

Is "deep state" not an ideological expression of extremists in the USA in context of Steve Bannon, Donald Trump and perhaps also Boris Johnson in GB and other fake-conservatives?

Oligarchs - or the rulership of superrich idiots - what is the real choice in East and West?

Seems to me you are a member of the disunited states of Trumperica.

:lol: Pray for yourselve, rat. With "conservative" have Donlad Trump and his gang nothing to do. Same with Boris Johnson. How is anyone able to think such men are conservatives? Angela Merkel had been a conservative politician for example.



That's true. Up to 100 millions Chinese had been murderd from the bolshewists in China - and I guess in this context had also happened some genocides.

This number seems to be too high. I heard about 20 million Russians had been murdered from their fatherly leader Stalin.

The Russian bolshewist Nancy Pelosi from Baltimore worries you? Does she laugh too loudly?

... ¿1887? ... Josef Groll died this year. He developed the pilsner. A good beer.

And the US-state Timbuktu sends now what to GB to help the normal people there not to freeze in winter and/or not to go bankrupt?

What, your vast arrogance and self-satisfaction is not enough to heat the entire galaxy?

Huh. Well good luck with your power grid. We owe you nothing. Not Germany. Not the UK.
In the UK the price for fuel has gone up so much that what people have to pay now is a lot more money than Normal the cost of food and everything has gone up so much and the UK is going through a recession right now there is cost of living crisis in the uk
Do you blame Biden?

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