UK : Pakistani men sexually abused 1400 young/minor girls

1) the men accused of raping 1400 young white girls are muslims acting in accordance with their religious instructions.

Are they?
Please show me the passage in Al Qur'an that allows or encourages sex outside marriage.

Do you mean these

the Prophet of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, is reported to have said, "Guard your private parts except from your wife or your slaves."

Allah, Exalted and Glorified be He, says: "And who guard their modesty, save from their wives or the slaves, that their right hands possess, for then they are not blameworthy, but Who so craveth beyond that, such are transgressors.” (Al-Mu'minun: 5-7)”

And this which puts the nail in the coffin as the Pakistani muslim men saw these girls as their slaves

The Quran restricts sex to four wives and with one's own slaves 4:3
If ye fear that ye shall not be able to deal justly with the orphans, Marry women of your choice, Two or three or four; but if ye fear that ye shall not be able to deal justly (with them), then only one, or (a captive) that your right hands possess
The above verse says you can marry upto four (free) women but if you cannot treat them with justice (that is give them equal time) than marry only one. Or one can have what your "right hand posses", that means your own slaves. By this verse adultery outside marriage and other than slaves is clearly forbidden. But if one consider slaves as outside marriage, then yes sex outside marriage is allowed, but only with one's slaves.

Afghanistan court sentences seven men to death for gang-rape World news

Seven men sentenced to death for the gang-rape of four women, at court in Kabul.
1) the men accused of raping 1400 young white girls are muslims acting in accordance with their religious instructions.

Are they?
Please show me the passage in Al Qur'an that allows or encourages sex outside marriage.

Do you mean these

the Prophet of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, is reported to have said, "Guard your private parts except from your wife or your slaves."

Allah, Exalted and Glorified be He, says: "And who guard their modesty, save from their wives or the slaves, that their right hands possess, for then they are not blameworthy, but Who so craveth beyond that, such are transgressors.” (Al-Mu'minun: 5-7)”

And this which puts the nail in the coffin as the Pakistani muslim men saw these girls as their slaves

The Quran restricts sex to four wives and with one's own slaves 4:3
If ye fear that ye shall not be able to deal justly with the orphans, Marry women of your choice, Two or three or four; but if ye fear that ye shall not be able to deal justly (with them), then only one, or (a captive) that your right hands possess
The above verse says you can marry upto four (free) women but if you cannot treat them with justice (that is give them equal time) than marry only one. Or one can have what your "right hand posses", that means your own slaves. By this verse adultery outside marriage and other than slaves is clearly forbidden. But if one consider slaves as outside marriage, then yes sex outside marriage is allowed, but only with one's slaves.

Afghanistan court sentences seven men to death for gang-rape World news

Seven men sentenced to death for the gang-rape of four women, at court in Kabul.

So how does that prove your claim that islam disallows sex outside of marriage, now what about temporary marriages that are entered into by muslims and prostitutes.
1) the men accused of raping 1400 young white girls are muslims acting in accordance with their religious instructions.

Are they?
Please show me the passage in Al Qur'an that allows or encourages sex outside marriage.

Do you mean these

the Prophet of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, is reported to have said, "Guard your private parts except from your wife or your slaves."

Allah, Exalted and Glorified be He, says: "And who guard their modesty, save from their wives or the slaves, that their right hands possess, for then they are not blameworthy, but Who so craveth beyond that, such are transgressors.” (Al-Mu'minun: 5-7)”

And this which puts the nail in the coffin as the Pakistani muslim men saw these girls as their slaves

The Quran restricts sex to four wives and with one's own slaves 4:3
If ye fear that ye shall not be able to deal justly with the orphans, Marry women of your choice, Two or three or four; but if ye fear that ye shall not be able to deal justly (with them), then only one, or (a captive) that your right hands possess
The above verse says you can marry upto four (free) women but if you cannot treat them with justice (that is give them equal time) than marry only one. Or one can have what your "right hand posses", that means your own slaves. By this verse adultery outside marriage and other than slaves is clearly forbidden. But if one consider slaves as outside marriage, then yes sex outside marriage is allowed, but only with one's slaves.

Afghanistan court sentences seven men to death for gang-rape World news

Seven men sentenced to death for the gang-rape of four women, at court in Kabul.

So how does that prove your claim that islam disallows sex outside of marriage, now what about temporary marriages that are entered into by muslims and prostitutes.

Well, moron, these men are being executed for sex outside marriage. I think that explains the rule rather well.
As for contract marriage, it bends the rules and, on a personal note, I think the idea is crap.
The effect of this horrific crime lies not in the legality or lack thereof under the law of the Koran, but the fact that the UK authorities didn't want to be called racists by prosecuting the men.
1) the men accused of raping 1400 young white girls are muslims acting in accordance with their religious instructions.

Are they?
Please show me the passage in Al Qur'an that allows or encourages sex outside marriage.

Do you mean these

the Prophet of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, is reported to have said, "Guard your private parts except from your wife or your slaves."

Allah, Exalted and Glorified be He, says: "And who guard their modesty, save from their wives or the slaves, that their right hands possess, for then they are not blameworthy, but Who so craveth beyond that, such are transgressors.” (Al-Mu'minun: 5-7)”

And this which puts the nail in the coffin as the Pakistani muslim men saw these girls as their slaves

The Quran restricts sex to four wives and with one's own slaves 4:3
If ye fear that ye shall not be able to deal justly with the orphans, Marry women of your choice, Two or three or four; but if ye fear that ye shall not be able to deal justly (with them), then only one, or (a captive) that your right hands possess
The above verse says you can marry upto four (free) women but if you cannot treat them with justice (that is give them equal time) than marry only one. Or one can have what your "right hand posses", that means your own slaves. By this verse adultery outside marriage and other than slaves is clearly forbidden. But if one consider slaves as outside marriage, then yes sex outside marriage is allowed, but only with one's slaves.

Afghanistan court sentences seven men to death for gang-rape World news

Seven men sentenced to death for the gang-rape of four women, at court in Kabul.

So how does that prove your claim that islam disallows sex outside of marriage, now what about temporary marriages that are entered into by muslims and prostitutes.

Well, moron, these men are being executed for sex outside marriage. I think that explains the rule rather well.
As for contract marriage, it bends the rules and, on a personal note, I think the idea is crap.

Like the burhka there is no command in the Koran that forbids sex outside of marriage, it is an islamonazi lie.

The men are being executed because they brought dishonour on the girls family by raping them. Your link even says this is the case.
The effect of this horrific crime lies not in the legality or lack thereof under the law of the Koran, but the fact that the UK authorities didn't want to be called racists by prosecuting the men.

That is a big BS.

There was another incident at an upper scale boarding school. Here too under age girls were made available for sex to affluent older men. The school authorities knew about it and yet nothing was done to stop it. This particular case had no Muslim involvement whatsoever. The cases that involve Muslims get lots of publicity. British media even goes as far as to blame all Asians by tagging the perpetrators as Asians. So I do not see the so called racial sensibilities that you guys are talking about which supposedly inhibited the prosecution of perpetrators.

That leaves us with following questions:

a) Is British culture promoting sex between underage girls and older men?
b) Did authorities accept bribe?
c) Do these perpetrators have support from British intelligence agencies?
d) Why did British media engage in racism by blaming all Asians for the actions of Pakistanis?
It would appear that child abuse was part of Jewish life long before either Islam or Christianity had been invented.
Yeshua ben Pandira (mentioned in Sanhedrin 67a of the Talmud)
1. came to Israel from Egypt
2. lived approximately in 130 BCE
3. mother was Mirium, father was Pandira
4. studied under Rabbi Yehoshua ben Pandira, practiced and taught black magic and sorcery
5. committed heinous acts against children
6. had 5 disciples
7. started a false messiah movement called the Notzrim
8. was tied to the government under protection of certain people
9. executed (hanged) by the Jewish Court (no imperial rule over Israel, they were able to execute a person under the laws of the Torah)
10. was executed the day BEFORE the day of preparation for Passover
11. was called "Yeshu" by the Talmudic Rabbis
@Vikrant can you see similarities
It would appear that child abuse was part of Jewish life long before either Islam or Christianity had been invented.
Yeshua ben Pandira (mentioned in Sanhedrin 67a of the Talmud)
1. came to Israel from Egypt
2. lived approximately in 130 BCE
3. mother was Mirium, father was Pandira
4. studied under Rabbi Yehoshua ben Pandira, practiced and taught black magic and sorcery
5. committed heinous acts against children
6. had 5 disciples
7. started a false messiah movement called the Notzrim
8. was tied to the government under protection of certain people
9. executed (hanged) by the Jewish Court (no imperial rule over Israel, they were able to execute a person under the laws of the Torah)
10. was executed the day BEFORE the day of preparation for Passover
11. was called "Yeshu" by the Talmudic Rabbis
@Vikrant can you see similarities

Very interesting @I.P.Freely
It would appear that child abuse was part of Jewish life long before either Islam or Christianity had been invented.
Yeshua ben Pandira (mentioned in Sanhedrin 67a of the Talmud)
1. came to Israel from Egypt
2. lived approximately in 130 BCE
3. mother was Mirium, father was Pandira
4. studied under Rabbi Yehoshua ben Pandira, practiced and taught black magic and sorcery
5. committed heinous acts against children
6. had 5 disciples
7. started a false messiah movement called the Notzrim
8. was tied to the government under protection of certain people
9. executed (hanged) by the Jewish Court (no imperial rule over Israel, they were able to execute a person under the laws of the Torah)
10. was executed the day BEFORE the day of preparation for Passover
11. was called "Yeshu" by the Talmudic Rabbis
@Vikrant can you see similarities

Very interesting @I.P.Freely

And hundreds of years ago when this was the norm, by the 7c most religions/cultures had stopped doing this until islam came along
Recently, the American media was practically peeing it's collective pants over decades old child abuse by Catholic priests. They spent weeks pretending to be outraged, just outraged that this should happen, and wondered if the new Pope would do anything about it. They're not so interested in this story.
Recently, the American media was practically peeing it's collective pants over decades old child abuse by Catholic priests. They spent weeks pretending to be outraged, just outraged that this should happen, and wondered if the new Pope would do anything about it. They're not so interested in this story.

Shhhh. the thread is about evil Muslims committing all the acts of child abuse.
Please stop interfering with all that hate by mentioning the truth.
Recently, the American media was practically peeing it's collective pants over decades old child abuse by Catholic priests. They spent weeks pretending to be outraged, just outraged that this should happen, and wondered if the new Pope would do anything about it. They're not so interested in this story.

Shhhh. the thread is about evil Muslims committing all the acts of child abuse.
Please stop interfering with all that hate by mentioning the truth.

The truth that the numbers involved are less when it comes to Catholic priests and white men. How many individual crimes took place in Rotherham alone. In the period 2005 to 20012 1400 young girls were repeatedly raped by up to 250 Pakistani muslim men making this a matter of national concern. The courts should be looking at compensation for the girls coming from the muslim community, after all the detractors of the Catholic priests want the Catholic church to pay compensation. So sell of the mosques and place a tithe on the earnings of the muslims of 10% until the costs are met in full.

You want the truth so long as it does not show the extent of Islamic involvement in the child rapes, and how muslim men as a whole are paedophiles just like the perfect muslim. You know the one that had the laws changed so he could "marry" his brothers 9 year old daughter
It would appear that child abuse was part of Jewish life long before either Islam or Christianity had been invented.
Yeshua ben Pandira (mentioned in Sanhedrin 67a of the Talmud)
1. came to Israel from Egypt
2. lived approximately in 130 BCE
3. mother was Mirium, father was Pandira
4. studied under Rabbi Yehoshua ben Pandira, practiced and taught black magic and sorcery
5. committed heinous acts against children
6. had 5 disciples
7. started a false messiah movement called the Notzrim
8. was tied to the government under protection of certain people
9. executed (hanged) by the Jewish Court (no imperial rule over Israel, they were able to execute a person under the laws of the Torah)
10. was executed the day BEFORE the day of preparation for Passover
11. was called "Yeshu" by the Talmudic Rabbis
@Vikrant can you see similarities

Very interesting @I.P.Freely

And hundreds of years ago when this was the norm, by the 7c most religions/cultures had stopped doing this until islam came along
@Phoenall the Tochus leker, wrong again BBC News - Israeli police bust messianic prostitution ring
for the idiots who post here-----the Talmud is not a history book----
it is not even a compendium of legal cases (like "law review") ---
Many of the "cases" cited are allegorical For reasons not clear
to me-----somehow the son of pandera story was thought by some medieval Christian theologians to be a slur on Jesus----but then again -----BALAAM was suppose to be something like
a code word for Jesus. Balaam is a figure in the bible at the
time of Jacob-----he was a gentile. There is lots of discussion
about abuse of children in ancient jewish writings. Most of
it deals with that which was considered the greatest sin of all----
child sacrifice------the "Amalekites" did it which is why
"Amalekite"-----is the worst possible thing to be.
Recently, the American media was practically peeing it's collective pants over decades old child abuse by Catholic priests. They spent weeks pretending to be outraged, just outraged that this should happen, and wondered if the new Pope would do anything about it. They're not so interested in this story.

Shhhh. the thread is about evil Muslims committing all the acts of child abuse.
Please stop interfering with all that hate by mentioning the truth.

really Freddie? I checked-----I see no statement that would be
consistent with "MUSLIMs DO ALL THE CHILD ABUSE"
Why do you lie so much? do you consider doing so to be
a kind of service to your "deity"?
for the idiots who post here-----the Talmud is not a history book----
it is not even a compendium of legal cases (like "law review") ---
Many of the "cases" cited are allegorical For reasons not clear
to me-----somehow the son of pandera story was thought by some medieval Christian theologians to be a slur on Jesus----but then again -----BALAAM was suppose to be something like
a code word for Jesus. Balaam is a figure in the bible at the
time of Jacob-----he was a gentile. There is lots of discussion
about abuse of children in ancient jewish writings. Most of
it deals with that which was considered the greatest sin of all----
child sacrifice------the "Amalekites" did it which is why
"Amalekite"-----is the worst possible thing to be.
For the idiot that responded, To make it easy for you the talmud is like the Islamic hadiths.
ps this is the yeshua you were rambling about.
Yeshua ben Yosef of Nazareth (of the New Testament)
1. born in Bethlehem and raised in Galilee
2. lived approximately in 4 BCE
3. mother was Mirium (Mary), father was Yosef,
4. studied, practiced and taught Judaism
5. supported the Pharisaic School of Hillel & Shamai - Hasidic movement in Galilee and the Essenes
6. had 12 disciples
7. started the Netzarim (Nazarene) movement
8. had no ties to the government at all
9. executed by the Roman Courts (Rome had imperial rule over Israel, Jewish court had no authority to order or carry out an execution)
10. was executed (scourged - crucified) the day OF preparation for Passover
11. not mentioned in the Talmud except for alluded to writings
thanks delta4
Recently, the American media was practically peeing it's collective pants over decades old child abuse by Catholic priests. They spent weeks pretending to be outraged, just outraged that this should happen, and wondered if the new Pope would do anything about it. They're not so interested in this story.

Shhhh. the thread is about evil Muslims committing all the acts of child abuse.
Please stop interfering with all that hate by mentioning the truth.

The truth that the numbers involved are less when it comes to Catholic priests and white men. How many individual crimes took place in Rotherham alone. In the period 2005 to 20012 1400 young girls were repeatedly raped by up to 250 Pakistani muslim men making this a matter of national concern. The courts should be looking at compensation for the girls coming from the muslim community, after all the detractors of the Catholic priests want the Catholic church to pay compensation. So sell of the mosques and place a tithe on the earnings of the muslims of 10% until the costs are met in full.

You want the truth so long as it does not show the extent of Islamic involvement in the child rapes, and how muslim men as a whole are paedophiles just like the perfect muslim. You know the one that had the laws changed so he could "marry" his brothers 9 year old daughter
Recently, the American media was practically peeing it's collective pants over decades old child abuse by Catholic priests. They spent weeks pretending to be outraged, just outraged that this should happen, and wondered if the new Pope would do anything about it. They're not so interested in this story.

Shhhh. the thread is about evil Muslims committing all the acts of child abuse.
Please stop interfering with all that hate by mentioning the truth.

The truth that the numbers involved are less when it comes to Catholic priests and white men. How many individual crimes took place in Rotherham alone. In the period 2005 to 20012 1400 young girls were repeatedly raped by up to 250 Pakistani muslim men making this a matter of national concern.
Once again @Phoenall the Yok you lie. These disgusting offences took place over 16 years from 1997 to 2013. BBC News - Rotherham abuse scandal Key dates
That is a horrendous average of 86 children sexually abuse per year. I repeat 18,915 children under the age of 16 yrs were sexually abused in 2013. How many were abused by Muslims that year? Statistics on child sexual abuse NSPCC
Last edited:
1) the men accused of raping 1400 young white girls are muslims acting in accordance with their religious instructions.

Are they?
Please show me the passage in Al Qur'an that allows or encourages sex outside marriage.

Do you mean these

the Prophet of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, is reported to have said, "Guard your private parts except from your wife or your slaves."

Allah, Exalted and Glorified be He, says: "And who guard their modesty, save from their wives or the slaves, that their right hands possess, for then they are not blameworthy, but Who so craveth beyond that, such are transgressors.” (Al-Mu'minun: 5-7)”

And this which puts the nail in the coffin as the Pakistani muslim men saw these girls as their slaves

The Quran restricts sex to four wives and with one's own slaves 4:3
If ye fear that ye shall not be able to deal justly with the orphans, Marry women of your choice, Two or three or four; but if ye fear that ye shall not be able to deal justly (with them), then only one, or (a captive) that your right hands possess
The above verse says you can marry upto four (free) women but if you cannot treat them with justice (that is give them equal time) than marry only one. Or one can have what your "right hand posses", that means your own slaves. By this verse adultery outside marriage and other than slaves is clearly forbidden. But if one consider slaves as outside marriage, then yes sex outside marriage is allowed, but only with one's slaves.

Afghanistan court sentences seven men to death for gang-rape World news

Seven men sentenced to death for the gang-rape of four women, at court in Kabul.

Freddie----you should learn Islamic law. It is very interesting.
The operative statement is "slaves" or "captives ------the issue is how does
one DEFINE "slave" In Islamic law-----the only non muslim who is NOT A SLAVE-----is one with whom the muslim ruler has
a contract of PROTECTION. All other non muslim chicks are
Recently, the American media was practically peeing it's collective pants over decades old child abuse by Catholic priests. They spent weeks pretending to be outraged, just outraged that this should happen, and wondered if the new Pope would do anything about it. They're not so interested in this story.

Shhhh. the thread is about evil Muslims committing all the acts of child abuse.
Please stop interfering with all that hate by mentioning the truth.

The truth that the numbers involved are less when it comes to Catholic priests and white men. How many individual crimes took place in Rotherham alone. In the period 2005 to 20012 1400 young girls were repeatedly raped by up to 250 Pakistani muslim men making this a matter of national concern. The courts should be looking at compensation for the girls coming from the muslim community, after all the detractors of the Catholic priests want the Catholic church to pay compensation. So sell of the mosques and place a tithe on the earnings of the muslims of 10% until the costs are met in full.

You want the truth so long as it does not show the extent of Islamic involvement in the child rapes, and how muslim men as a whole are paedophiles just like the perfect muslim. You know the one that had the laws changed so he could "marry" his brothers 9 year old daughter
Recently, the American media was practically peeing it's collective pants over decades old child abuse by Catholic priests. They spent weeks pretending to be outraged, just outraged that this should happen, and wondered if the new Pope would do anything about it. They're not so interested in this story.

Shhhh. the thread is about evil Muslims committing all the acts of child abuse.
Please stop interfering with all that hate by mentioning the truth.

The truth that the numbers involved are less when it comes to Catholic priests and white men. How many individual crimes took place in Rotherham alone. In the period 2005 to 20012 1400 young girls were repeatedly raped by up to 250 Pakistani muslim men making this a matter of national concern.
Once again @Phoenall the Yok you lie. These disgusting offences took place over 16 years from 1997 to 2013. BBC News - Rotherham abuse scandal Key dates
That is a horrendous average of 86 children sexually abuse per year. I repeat 18,915 children under the age of 16 yrs were sexually abused in 2013. How many were abused by Muslims that year? Statistics on child sexual abuse NSPCC
for the idiots who post here-----the Talmud is not a history book----
it is not even a compendium of legal cases (like "law review") ---
Many of the "cases" cited are allegorical For reasons not clear
to me-----somehow the son of pandera story was thought by some medieval Christian theologians to be a slur on Jesus----but then again -----BALAAM was suppose to be something like
a code word for Jesus. Balaam is a figure in the bible at the
time of Jacob-----he was a gentile. There is lots of discussion
about abuse of children in ancient jewish writings. Most of
it deals with that which was considered the greatest sin of all----
child sacrifice------the "Amalekites" did it which is why
"Amalekite"-----is the worst possible thing to be.
For the idiot that responded, To make it easy for you the talmud is like the Islamic hadiths.
ps this is the yeshua you were rambling about.
Yeshua ben Yosef of Nazareth (of the New Testament)
1. born in Bethlehem and raised in Galilee
2. lived approximately in 4 BCE
3. mother was Mirium (Mary), father was Yosef,
4. studied, practiced and taught Judaism
5. supported the Pharisaic School of Hillel & Shamai - Hasidic movement in Galilee and the Essenes
6. had 12 disciples
7. started the Netzarim (Nazarene) movement
8. had no ties to the government at all
9. executed by the Roman Courts (Rome had imperial rule over Israel, Jewish court had no authority to order or carry out an execution)
10. was executed (scourged - crucified) the day OF preparation for Passover
11. not mentioned in the Talmud except for alluded to writings
thanks delta4
for the idiots who post here-----the Talmud is not a history book----
it is not even a compendium of legal cases (like "law review") ---
Many of the "cases" cited are allegorical For reasons not clear
to me-----somehow the son of pandera story was thought by some medieval Christian theologians to be a slur on Jesus----but then again -----BALAAM was suppose to be something like
a code word for Jesus. Balaam is a figure in the bible at the
time of Jacob-----he was a gentile. There is lots of discussion
about abuse of children in ancient jewish writings. Most of
it deals with that which was considered the greatest sin of all----
child sacrifice------the "Amalekites" did it which is why
"Amalekite"-----is the worst possible thing to be.
For the idiot that responded, To make it easy for you the talmud is like the Islamic hadiths.
ps this is the yeshua you were rambling about.
Yeshua ben Yosef of Nazareth (of the New Testament)
1. born in Bethlehem and raised in Galilee
2. lived approximately in 4 BCE
3. mother was Mirium (Mary), father was Yosef,
4. studied, practiced and taught Judaism
5. supported the Pharisaic School of Hillel & Shamai - Hasidic movement in Galilee and the Essenes
6. had 12 disciples
7. started the Netzarim (Nazarene) movement
8. had no ties to the government at all
9. executed by the Roman Courts (Rome had imperial rule over Israel, Jewish court had no authority to order or carry out an execution)
10. was executed (scourged - crucified) the day OF preparation for Passover
11. not mentioned in the Talmud except for alluded to writings
thanks delta4

PS FREELY has again proven himself an idiot-----when was the book of the Talmud "Sanhedrin" written, freely dear? The Talmud is nothing like "the hadiths" ------the hadiths consist of stuff attributed to muhummad------the Talmud is a compendium--
AN ACTUAL COMPENDIUM of something like the "minutes"
of scholarly meetings in which the torah was discussed using
many mechanisms of discussion including allegory. It was written at the time that the discussions took place. The Koran--hadiths and all-----did not get recorded until about 100 years
after muhummad died. Did you really imagine that your
description of "JESUS" was needed by anyone here?
The truth that the numbers involved are less when it comes to Catholic priests and white men.

I've already shown one white man that abused around a thousand kids at te BBC and did over 400 more in hospitals, not even counting the dead bodies he had sex with.
That's one white man, guilty of more rapes and sexual assaults than a whole gang of Pakistanis.
Of course, you refuse to even look at it because you want all rapes to be carried out my Muslims - sounds like you have a fetish, maybe a wet dream about being raped by a butch Pakistani.
1) the men accused of raping 1400 young white girls are muslims acting in accordance with their religious instructions.

Are they?
Please show me the passage in Al Qur'an that allows or encourages sex outside marriage.

Do you mean these

the Prophet of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, is reported to have said, "Guard your private parts except from your wife or your slaves."

Allah, Exalted and Glorified be He, says: "And who guard their modesty, save from their wives or the slaves, that their right hands possess, for then they are not blameworthy, but Who so craveth beyond that, such are transgressors.” (Al-Mu'minun: 5-7)”

And this which puts the nail in the coffin as the Pakistani muslim men saw these girls as their slaves

The Quran restricts sex to four wives and with one's own slaves 4:3
If ye fear that ye shall not be able to deal justly with the orphans, Marry women of your choice, Two or three or four; but if ye fear that ye shall not be able to deal justly (with them), then only one, or (a captive) that your right hands possess
The above verse says you can marry upto four (free) women but if you cannot treat them with justice (that is give them equal time) than marry only one. Or one can have what your "right hand posses", that means your own slaves. By this verse adultery outside marriage and other than slaves is clearly forbidden. But if one consider slaves as outside marriage, then yes sex outside marriage is allowed, but only with one's slaves.

Afghanistan court sentences seven men to death for gang-rape World news

Seven men sentenced to death for the gang-rape of four women, at court in Kabul.

Freddie----you should learn Islamic law. It is very interesting.
The operative statement is "slaves" or "captives ------the issue is how does
one DEFINE "slave" In Islamic law-----the only non muslim who is NOT A SLAVE-----is one with whom the muslim ruler has
a contract of PROTECTION. All other non muslim chicks are
Recently, the American media was practically peeing it's collective pants over decades old child abuse by Catholic priests. They spent weeks pretending to be outraged, just outraged that this should happen, and wondered if the new Pope would do anything about it. They're not so interested in this story.

Shhhh. the thread is about evil Muslims committing all the acts of child abuse.
Please stop interfering with all that hate by mentioning the truth.

The truth that the numbers involved are less when it comes to Catholic priests and white men. How many individual crimes took place in Rotherham alone. In the period 2005 to 20012 1400 young girls were repeatedly raped by up to 250 Pakistani muslim men making this a matter of national concern. The courts should be looking at compensation for the girls coming from the muslim community, after all the detractors of the Catholic priests want the Catholic church to pay compensation. So sell of the mosques and place a tithe on the earnings of the muslims of 10% until the costs are met in full.

You want the truth so long as it does not show the extent of Islamic involvement in the child rapes, and how muslim men as a whole are paedophiles just like the perfect muslim. You know the one that had the laws changed so he could "marry" his brothers 9 year old daughter
Recently, the American media was practically peeing it's collective pants over decades old child abuse by Catholic priests. They spent weeks pretending to be outraged, just outraged that this should happen, and wondered if the new Pope would do anything about it. They're not so interested in this story.

Shhhh. the thread is about evil Muslims committing all the acts of child abuse.
Please stop interfering with all that hate by mentioning the truth.

The truth that the numbers involved are less when it comes to Catholic priests and white men. How many individual crimes took place in Rotherham alone. In the period 2005 to 20012 1400 young girls were repeatedly raped by up to 250 Pakistani muslim men making this a matter of national concern.
Once again @Phoenall the Yok you lie. These disgusting offences took place over 16 years from 1997 to 2013. BBC News - Rotherham abuse scandal Key dates
That is a horrendous average of 86 children sexually abuse per year. I repeat 18,915 children under the age of 16 yrs were sexually abused in 2013. How many were abused by Muslims that year? Statistics on child sexual abuse NSPCC
for the idiots who post here-----the Talmud is not a history book----
it is not even a compendium of legal cases (like "law review") ---
Many of the "cases" cited are allegorical For reasons not clear
to me-----somehow the son of pandera story was thought by some medieval Christian theologians to be a slur on Jesus----but then again -----BALAAM was suppose to be something like
a code word for Jesus. Balaam is a figure in the bible at the
time of Jacob-----he was a gentile. There is lots of discussion
about abuse of children in ancient jewish writings. Most of
it deals with that which was considered the greatest sin of all----
child sacrifice------the "Amalekites" did it which is why
"Amalekite"-----is the worst possible thing to be.
For the idiot that responded, To make it easy for you the talmud is like the Islamic hadiths.
ps this is the yeshua you were rambling about.
Yeshua ben Yosef of Nazareth (of the New Testament)
1. born in Bethlehem and raised in Galilee
2. lived approximately in 4 BCE
3. mother was Mirium (Mary), father was Yosef,
4. studied, practiced and taught Judaism
5. supported the Pharisaic School of Hillel & Shamai - Hasidic movement in Galilee and the Essenes
6. had 12 disciples
7. started the Netzarim (Nazarene) movement
8. had no ties to the government at all
9. executed by the Roman Courts (Rome had imperial rule over Israel, Jewish court had no authority to order or carry out an execution)
10. was executed (scourged - crucified) the day OF preparation for Passover
11. not mentioned in the Talmud except for alluded to writings
thanks delta4
for the idiots who post here-----the Talmud is not a history book----
it is not even a compendium of legal cases (like "law review") ---
Many of the "cases" cited are allegorical For reasons not clear
to me-----somehow the son of pandera story was thought by some medieval Christian theologians to be a slur on Jesus----but then again -----BALAAM was suppose to be something like
a code word for Jesus. Balaam is a figure in the bible at the
time of Jacob-----he was a gentile. There is lots of discussion
about abuse of children in ancient jewish writings. Most of
it deals with that which was considered the greatest sin of all----
child sacrifice------the "Amalekites" did it which is why
"Amalekite"-----is the worst possible thing to be.
For the idiot that responded, To make it easy for you the talmud is like the Islamic hadiths.
ps this is the yeshua you were rambling about.
Yeshua ben Yosef of Nazareth (of the New Testament)
1. born in Bethlehem and raised in Galilee
2. lived approximately in 4 BCE
3. mother was Mirium (Mary), father was Yosef,
4. studied, practiced and taught Judaism
5. supported the Pharisaic School of Hillel & Shamai - Hasidic movement in Galilee and the Essenes
6. had 12 disciples
7. started the Netzarim (Nazarene) movement
8. had no ties to the government at all
9. executed by the Roman Courts (Rome had imperial rule over Israel, Jewish court had no authority to order or carry out an execution)
10. was executed (scourged - crucified) the day OF preparation for Passover
11. not mentioned in the Talmud except for alluded to writings
thanks delta4

PS FREELY has again proven himself an idiot-----when was the book of the Talmud "Sanhedrin" written, freely dear? The Talmud is nothing like "the hadiths" ------the hadiths consist of stuff attributed to muhummad------the Talmud is a compendium--
AN ACTUAL COMPENDIUM of something like the "minutes"
of scholarly meetings in which the torah was discussed using
many mechanisms of discussion including allegory. It was written at the time that the discussions took place. The Koran--hadiths and all-----did not get recorded until about 100 years
after muhummad died. Did you really imagine that your
description of "JESUS" was needed by anyone here?
You better tell that to the Jewish Chronicle read how this article compares the Talmud to Hadith..It must be hard being a wannabe Jew. The Talmud and Islam The Jewish Chronicle
Both Islam and Judaism are religions which minutely regulate every aspect of the believer’s life. They’re each based on a God-given written document – the Torah for Judaism and the Qu’ran for Islam. These divine texts are each interpreted and expanded upon by an oral tradition – the Talmud and the Hadith respectively. Both traditions contain legal and ethical material, and the legal material in each distinguishes between religious laws and social laws.
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