CDZ UK Parliament Debates Trump Ban

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Diamond Member
Feb 5, 2013
Washington State
Donald Trump ban debated in UK Parliament -

"London (CNN)For Donald Trump, in politics as in life, it seems the only thing worse than being talked about is not being talked about.
But Monday, the Republican presidential candidate is entering unfamiliar territory, even by his larger-than-life standards, as members of the British Parliament hold a debate over a petition calling for the U.S. businessman-turned-politician to be banned from the country."

Please read the entire article.

Some may think it is not important how other countries may view our president, not even our allies, but it is extremely important how our president is percieved on the world stage, especially by our allies.

Open for discussion.
What they think of the president is entirely irrelevant. The UK is not going to ban Trump and the 'debate' over it was a joke. At no time should we be considering what other nations want in our president - we should only be considering what we want.
What they think of the president is entirely irrelevant. The UK is not going to ban Trump and the 'debate' over it was a joke. At no time should we be considering what other nations want in our president - we should only be considering what we want.

How completely wrong you are to suggest that it is irrelevant what other countries think of our president. It is essential that we have strong and mutually respectful relations with other countries, especial strong allies such as the UK. To think otherwise is simply not realizing or understanding the role of our country and our president on the gobal stage.

And the debate is not a 'joke.' It is a real manifestation of what would happen if he were president: he would bring the US down like no other president has ever done. He would ruin diplomatic relations and alliances around the world.

We should always consider what other countries want in our president; we cannot function in the world without the friendship and support of other countries.
What they think of the president is entirely irrelevant. The UK is not going to ban Trump and the 'debate' over it was a joke. At no time should we be considering what other nations want in our president - we should only be considering what we want.

How completely wrong you are to suggest that it is irrelevant what other countries think of our president. It is essential that we have strong and mutually respectful relations with other countries, especial strong allies such as the UK. To think otherwise is simply not realizing or understanding the role of our country and our president on the gobal stage.

And the debate is not a 'joke.' It is a real manifestation of what would happen if he were president: he would bring the US down like no other president has ever done. He would ruin diplomatic relations and alliances around the world.

We should always consider what other countries want in our president; we cannot function in the world without the friendship and support of other countries.
That assumes that the UK and the US relation would somehow be different if Trump were elected. That is an incorrect assumption. Nations do not simply change stances because a single statesman changes. That may be true for dictatorships but not for nations like the US and UK. The 'mutual respect' that you are talking about is going nowhere and is based on the mutual gains our 2 nations receive in their friendships. Further, it is blatantly obvious that the actual parliament thought this debate was a joke - it was given the time that was required by law but was never truly considered.

And no, we should not be considering other nations stance on our leadership when choosing a president. The very idea is asinine in my opinion. Other nations place their interests first and our interests not at all - the exact same thing we do. We have allies not because it benefits them but because it benefits us. We consider who would be the best for THIS nation and then go from there. Other nations will have to deal with it and they will.
You are wrong. We work together with other nations. It's important what they think of us and what we think of them. Our relationship with the UK and other strong allies would indeed be adversely affected if we had a president they couldn't work with. WE HAVE ALLIES BECAUSE OF MUTUAL BENEFITS. To think otherwise is to not understand the situation.

Other nations do not have to 'deal with' a man whom they abhore. For example, we don't 'deal with' Putin, not in the way we deal with our good allies. We put up with Putin. It's not the same. We don't have good relations with him. Other countries may have to put up with someone like Trump if he were president, but they would no longer be good and strong allies. We would lose so much and it would drag our country down.
Indeed, our President's image held by other nations is important.

Trump will be seen as a bumpkin.
What they think of the president is entirely irrelevant. The UK is not going to ban Trump and the 'debate' over it was a joke. At no time should we be considering what other nations want in our president - we should only be considering what we want.

the fact that you don't understand WHY the president needs to get along with other countries shows a complete lack of understanding about anything outside your front door.
Dear Limey assholes

The Guardian yesterday ran up the white flag and called a halt to "Operation Clark County", the newspaper's ambitious scheme to recruit thousands of readers to persuade American voters in a swing state to kick out President George W Bush in next month's election.
The cancellation of the project came 24 hours after the first of some 14,000 letters from Guardian readers began arriving in Clark County. The missives led to widespread complaints about foreign interference in a US election.
It also prompted a surge of indignant local voters calling the county's Republican party offering to volunteer for Mr Bush.
The paper said it had closed the website where readers collected an address to write to and had abandoned plans to take four "winners" to visit voters in Clark County. Instead, the group would be taken to the "more tranquil" area of Washington.
And this:
Donald Trump debate: Could UK really ban him? -

"What has Trump said about the debate?
Trump has warned that he would end all current and future investments in the United Kingdom if he's banned from entering the country."

He isn't even elected and he is destroying our alliance with our most impotant ally.

Some folks think it's our most important ally, others remember the truth. . .

What they think of the president is entirely irrelevant. The UK is not going to ban Trump and the 'debate' over it was a joke. At no time should we be considering what other nations want in our president - we should only be considering what we want.

the fact that you don't understand WHY the president needs to get along with other countries shows a complete lack of understanding about anything outside your front door.

Perhaps we have the wrong allies?

Donald Trump is right about Putin's popularity in Russia
A November study written by four American researchers backs up Trump’s point, finding about 80 percent of Russians really support Putin.

David Cameron maintains high approval rating, despite Labour’s poll lead
According to an Opinium/Observer poll, the prime minister is approved of by 41% of the voting population and disapproved of by 42%.

Try to remember who stood by us when we fought for our freedom and who burned our towns, raped our women and shot us in our heads.

I know that folks in Alaska remember who our friends are.
And this:
Donald Trump debate: Could UK really ban him? -

"What has Trump said about the debate?
Trump has warned that he would end all current and future investments in the United Kingdom if he's banned from entering the country."

He isn't even elected and he is destroying our alliance with our most impotant ally.

Some folks think it's our most important ally, others remember the truth. . .

It's not a matter of thinking they are our most important ally; they are our most important ally. What happened 240 years ago is not relevant today.
What they think of the president is entirely irrelevant. The UK is not going to ban Trump and the 'debate' over it was a joke. At no time should we be considering what other nations want in our president - we should only be considering what we want.

the fact that you don't understand WHY the president needs to get along with other countries shows a complete lack of understanding about anything outside your front door.
And this:
Donald Trump debate: Could UK really ban him? -

"What has Trump said about the debate?
Trump has warned that he would end all current and future investments in the United Kingdom if he's banned from entering the country."

He isn't even elected and he is destroying our alliance with our most impotant ally.

We all need to pay close attention to this because its Drumpf's reaction to everything. EVERYTHING.

If he cannot sue someone who disagrees with him, he will fire them. This is tantamount to him firing one of our allies.

He's a loose cannon and GB is just the first.
What they think of the president is entirely irrelevant. The UK is not going to ban Trump and the 'debate' over it was a joke. At no time should we be considering what other nations want in our president - we should only be considering what we want.

the fact that you don't understand WHY the president needs to get along with other countries shows a complete lack of understanding about anything outside your front door.

Perhaps we have the wrong allies?

Donald Trump is right about Putin's popularity in Russia
A November study written by four American researchers backs up Trump’s point, finding about 80 percent of Russians really support Putin.

David Cameron maintains high approval rating, despite Labour’s poll lead
According to an Opinium/Observer poll, the prime minister is approved of by 41% of the voting population and disapproved of by 42%.

Try to remember who stood by us when we fought for our freedom and who burned our towns, raped our women and shot us in our heads.

I know that folks in Alaska remember who our friends are.

Russia/Pooting is not our friend.

Its very telling that a dictator likes Drumpf. Much of what Drumpf says he will do is very like the jack booted actions of Pooting. Drumpf would not be president. He would be king.
Why should Americans care if the U.K. is no longer an ally? An ally for what? Committing mass murder around the world?
First off they will not ban Donald Trump and all they are doing is blowing hot air and nothing else...

You may want to read this and then question what type of hypocrites the British Government is acting like!

David Cameron Says ‘Deportation’ From England Is Possible For Those Who Don't Learn English

They're discussing about the possibility of deporting women that do not learn English, and they are upset about what Trump said?

No, they're just blowing hot air and nothing more!
First off they will not ban Donald Trump and all they are doing is blowing hot air and nothing else...

You may want to read this and then question what type of hypocrites the British Government is acting like!

David Cameron Says ‘Deportation’ From England Is Possible For Those Who Don't Learn English

They're discussing about the possibility of deporting women that do not learn English, and they are upset about what Trump said?

No, they're just blowing hot air and nothing more!
It isn't a matter of whether or not they will actually ban him. The real issue is that this debate illustrates the perception other countries have of this man. No other presidential candidate, that I am aware of, has presented such an offensive persona that another country, one of our strongest if not strongest ally, would go to the point of debating if he is welcom in their country. This situation illustrates that Trump is not suitable on any level to be the president of the United States. That is what this is about.
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