UK Parliament openly discussed Israeli WAR CRIMES... nothing has changed :frown:


VIP Member
Sep 19, 2017
Here are excerpts from the UK Parliament from 2014. They openly accuse Israel of war crimes, disproportionate violence, ruining peace negotiations by building illegal settlements, running the worlds largest outdoor prison, collective punishment, and attacking water supplies, hospitals, supply centers and all manner of other civilian targets.

These people are not antisemitic. They are simply describing the reality on the ground that our media is not allowed to discuss.
And here we have Eran Efrati, a former IDF soldier discussing the war criminality that he witnessed himself.

Here are excerpts from the UK Parliament from 2014. They openly accuse Israel of war crimes, disproportionate violence, ruining peace negotiations by building illegal settlements, running the worlds largest outdoor prison, collective punishment, and attacking water supplies, hospitals, supply centers and all manner of other civilian targets.

These people are not antisemitic. They are simply describing the reality on the ground that our media is not allowed to discuss.

Why was a State of Jewdea, not created for Jewdeans?
Please stay on topic. We are looking at the facts regarding war crimes. This is deadly serious and you have many threads for your "my ancestors lived there so I can do what I want" argument.

Exclusive: Israeli soldiers tell Channel 4 News they were ordered to "cleanse" Palestinian neighbourhoods...

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Here are excerpts from the UK Parliament from 2014. They openly accuse Israel of war crimes, disproportionate violence, ruining peace negotiations by building illegal settlements, running the worlds largest outdoor prison, collective punishment, and attacking water supplies, hospitals, supply centers and all manner of other civilian targets.

These people are not antisemitic. They are simply describing the reality on the ground that our media is not allowed to discuss.

And here we are almost four years later facing the exact same issues. I have heard governments complain but then stick their thumbs up their ass and do nothing, or worse give Israel more support.

BDS are the only people in the world who are seriously addressing these issues.
And here we are almost four years later facing the exact same issues. I have heard governments complain but then stick their thumbs up their ass and do nothing, or worse give Israel more support.

BDS are the only people in the world who are seriously addressing these issues.
Agreed. Hopefully, the people who support the zionist regime from their computer might tale a few minutes and find out what they actually support is a war crime.

These specific war crimes are the obvious ones:
disproportionate violence
ruining peace negotiations by building illegal settlements
running the worlds largest outdoor prison
collective punishment
attacking water supplies, hospitals, supply centers and all manner of other civilian targets

If your conscience will not allow you to support the above, then you can't support the zionist regime.
Here are excerpts from the UK Parliament from 2014. They openly accuse Israel of war crimes, disproportionate violence, ruining peace negotiations by building illegal settlements, running the worlds largest outdoor prison, collective punishment, and attacking water supplies, hospitals, supply centers and all manner of other civilian targets.

These people are not antisemitic. They are simply describing the reality on the ground that our media is not allowed to discuss.

The UN can whine as much as you do about your Islamic terrorist co-religionists suffering humiliating defeats. When your Islamic terrorist heroes wage war from civilian areas, those areas become legitimate targets.

Why would you think that Islamic terrorists have an entitlement to acts of Islamic terrorism without consequence?

And here we are almost four years later facing the exact same issues. I have heard governments complain but then stick their thumbs up their ass and do nothing, or worse give Israel more support.

BDS are the only people in the world who are seriously addressing these issues.
Agreed. Hopefully, the people who support the zionist regime from their computer might tale a few minutes and find out what they actually support is a war crime.

These specific war crimes are the obvious ones:
disproportionate violence
ruining peace negotiations by building illegal settlements
running the worlds largest outdoor prison
collective punishment
attacking water supplies, hospitals, supply centers and all manner of other civilian targets

If your conscience will not allow you to support the above, then you can't support the zionist regime.

That’s all very melodramatic but obviously, unsupported drivel.

What else ya’ got, Louie?
The report covers a wide variety of topics and I hope that all our zionists reading and posting in this forum will actually read it. Or, we could just skip to where you people start screaming about antisemitism. I prefer choice one followed by honest discussion.

Here is the short introduction:
Israeli forces unlawfully killed Palestinian civilians, including children, in both Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories (OPT), and detained thousands of Palestinians from the OPT who opposed Israel’s continuing military occupation, holding hundreds in administrative detention. Torture and other ill-treatment of detainees remained rife and was committed with impunity. The authorities continued to promote illegal settlements in the West Bank, including by attempting to retroactively “legalize” settlements built on private Palestinian land, and severely restricted Palestinians’ freedom of movement, closing some areas after attacks by Palestinians on Israelis. Israeli forces continued to blockade the Gaza Strip, subjecting its population of 1.9 million to collective punishment, and to demolish homes of Palestinians in the West Bank and of Bedouin villagers in Israel’s Negev/Naqab region, forcibly evicting residents. The authorities imprisoned conscientious objectors to military service and detained and deported thousands of asylum-seekers from Africa.
Israel and Occupied Palestinian Territories 2016/2017
The report also includes:

The year saw stabbing, car-ramming, shooting and other attacks by Palestinians on Israelis in the West Bank and in Israel. The attacks, mostly carried out by Palestinians unaffiliated to armed groups, killed 16 Israelis and one foreign national, mostly civilians. Israeli forces killed 110 Palestinians and two foreign nationals during the year. Some were killed unlawfully while posing no threat to life.

Palestinian armed groups in Gaza periodically fired indiscriminate rockets and mortars into Israel, without causing deaths or serious injuries. Israeli forces responded with air strikes and artillery fire, killing three Palestinian civilians, including two children, in Gaza.

I hope the Islamic terrorist Pom Pom flailers will address Israel's need to address acts of islamic terrorism.
I know and it is about time we have an honest report we can all agree on.
An honest report.

Good idea

Elliott Abrams, writing about the November 2012 Operation Pillar of Defense, says that Amnesty treats "Hamas and other terrorist groups […] with an 'evenhandedness' that bespeaks deep biases," citing NGO Monitor's detailed research.[14]

The Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs criticised the May 2012 report on administrative detention saying it was "one sided," and "not particularly serious," and "that it seemed little more than a public relations gimmick." Gerald Steinberg, of NGO Monitor, said that the report was tied to the recent Palestinian hunger strikes and that Amnesty "jumped on the bandwagon to help their Palestinian allies."[15] Steinberg also said that one of the researchers, Deborah Hyams, was not a neutral party, saying that "Hyams has volunteered as a 'human shield' in Beit Jala (near Bethlehem) to deter Israeli military responses to gunfire and mortars targeting Jewish civilians in Jerusalem," and that in 2008 she signed a letter claiming Israel is "a state founded on terrorism, massacres and the dispossession of another people from their land."[16]

The Israeli embassy in London called Amnesty "ridiculous". Amnesty said that this report "is not intended to address violations of detainees' rights by the Palestinian Authority, or the Hamas de facto administration. These violations have been and will continue to be addressed separately by the organisation."[17]

In May 2012, NGO Monitor criticized Amnesty's 2012 World Report in a few areas:

Amnesty criticized Israel's blockade on Gaza without mentioning that the blockade was in place "to stop the smuggling of weapons and rockets used to target Israeli citizens." NGO Monitor continued and said that "UN Secretary General’s Palmer Committee declared in September 2011 that the blockade is legal under international law."
Amnesty "failed to mention the thousands of tons of goods provided by Israel to Gaza each week."
NGO Monitor also pointed out that Amnesty's report "mentions Israel 137 times, while making only 74 mentions of the Syrian regime," during a year in which thousands of people have been killed by the Syrian government.[18]
Amnesty allowed a speaking event to take place in London in May 2011, organized by the magazine Middle East Monitor Online (MEMO) and the Palestine Solidarity Campaign. Much controversy surrounded this event since one of the speakers included Abdel Bari Atwan, editor of the London-based al-Quds al-Arabi newspaper. In the past, Atwan has said that "he would 'dance with delight' in Trafalgar Square if Iran attacked Israel, and that the terrorist attack on the Mercaz HaRav yeshiva, in which eight students were killed, "was justified" as it was responsible for "hatching Israeli extremists and fundamentalists." Amnesty responded by saying that "while we did have concerns about the way the event had originally been organized, these have been resolved."[19]

Amnesty also allowed a speaking event to take place in January 2012, which included a speaker who is viewed as anti-Israel. The UK's Zionist Federation said that the speaker "goes beyond the bounds of acceptable behavior" and asked that the event either not take place or that a pro-Israel speaker be allowed to attend as well. In addition, NGO Monitor's Gerald Steinberg said that the speaker's "intense hatred directed at Israel, which is the embodiment of Jewish sovereign equality in the world, is entirely inconsistent with the universal values that Amnesty claims to promote. If Amnesty seeks to restore its tarnished moral credentials, it must end this cooperation, and join in denouncing White’s anti-Israel campaigns."[20]

Some people have criticized Amnesty for promoting an unbalanced and excessive focus on Israel. The American Jewish Congress asserts that Amnesty's criticism of Israel distorts the law of war by "read[ing] the law of war as if it was a law banning war", and misinterprets the Geneva Conventions with regard to the issue of proportionality in war.[21] Yael Beck and Merav Fima of NGO Monitor, a Pro-Israel NGO, claim the Amnesty has an "obsession with Israel" and "persistently condemns Israel while ignoring suffering elsewhere."[22]

Alan Dershowitz, professor of law at Harvard University, in his book The Case for Israel, is very critical of Amnesty and their comparison of Israel to nations such as Sudan and other human rights offenders. Amnesty International has consistently called on Israel to bring any officer suspected of human rights violations to justice and to remove its settlements in the West Bank. It has also opposed "discrimination" against Arab citizens of Israel, and says that the Law of Return and Citizenship and Entry into Israel Law are discriminatory, as they grant automatic citizenship to Jews worldwide, while denying Palestinian refugees the right of return. It has also opposed the blockade of the Gaza Strip, calling it "collective punishment".[citation needed]

In 2010 Frank Johansson, the chairman of Amnesty International-Finland called Israel a nilkkimaa, a derogatory term variously translated as "scum state", "creep state" or "punk state."[23][24] Johansson stood by his statement, saying that it was based on Israel's "repeated flouting of international law", and his own personal experiences with Israelis. When asked by a journalist if any other country on earth that could be described in these terms, he said that he could not think of any, although some individual "Russian officials" could be so described.[24] According to Israeli professor Gerald M. Steinberg of NGO Monitor: "Amnesty International has promoted an intense anti-Israel ideology, resulting in statements like these."[24]

In November 2012, Amnesty UK began a disciplinary process against staffer Kristyan Benedict, Amnesty UK campaigns manager, because of a posting on his Twitter account, said to be anti-semitic, regarding three Jewish members of parliament and Operation Pillar of Defense where he wrote: "Louise Ellman, Robert Halfon and Luciana Berger walk into a bar…each orders a round of B52s … #Gaza”. Amnesty International UK said "the matter has been referred to our internal and confidential processes." Amnesty’s campaigns director Tim Hancock said, "We do not believe that humour is appropriate in the current circumstances, particularly from our own members of staff." An Amnesty International UK spokesperson later said the charity had decided that "the tweet in question was ill-advised and had the potential to be offensive and inflammatory but was not racist or antisemitic."[25][26][27]
An honest report.
Wikipedia? Really, that is your idea of honest report? It is not even an encyclopedia. Anyone can edit it and Israel spends millions doing so.

Any thoughts on the Amnesty report? Is it time we can hold the zionists responsible for their crimes?
An honest report.
Wikipedia? Really, that is your idea of honest report? It is not even an encyclopedia. Anyone can edit it and Israel spends millions doing so.

Any thoughts on the Amnesty report? Is it time we can hold the zionists responsible for their crimes?

Where is there proof for your claim that Israel spends millions of dollars to edit Wikipedia? I have done so for free.
An honest report.
Wikipedia? Really, that is your idea of honest report? It is not even an encyclopedia. Anyone can edit it and Israel spends millions doing so.

Any thoughts on the Amnesty report? Is it time we can hold the zionists responsible for their crimes?

LOL you are just too funny.

More like it's time to hold the Arab countries responsible for their racism and bigotry. how many other countries were created out of the end of the Ottoman empire? Yet Israel is the only one the Arabs appear to have a problem with.

The racism and hatred are as obvious as your nonsensical propaganda campaign abi
So lets just check out Amnesty International ;-) shall we

Amnesty International: Failed Methodology, Corruption, and Anti-Israel Bias
Which I'm sure "someone" will complain about

This research project is in progress (Latest update August 18, 2015).

Amnesty International is perhaps the most prestigious international non-governmental organization (NGO) dedicated to furthering human rights. Amnesty’s campaigns and publications are quoted by political leaders, journalists, diplomats, and academics. Yet, despite Amnesty’s influence, critical analysis of the organization and its activities has been limited. The “halo effect,” which protects groups claiming to promote universal moral agendas and human rights from scrutiny because of its perceived impartiality, has insulated Amnesty from systematic critical assessment and reform, to its own detriment. This monograph details Amnesty’s financial mismanagement; repeated examples of “lawfare”; systematic flaws in the reporting of human rights abuses; limited understanding of armed conflict leading to erroneous claims and incorrect analysis; and violation of the universality of human rights, including a consistent institutionalized bias against Israel through double-standards.

Table of Contents
Executive Summary
Amnesty International: Founding Structure and Altered Vision
Corruption at Amnesty’s Core: Women’s Rights, Workers Rights and Troubling Partnerships

Experts or Ideologues?
Disproportionate Focus on Israel
Case Study: Israel
Amnesty’s Lack of Methodology and Lack of Credibility
Further Reading
EU Research Funds Wasted on Amnesty’s Hollywood-Style CSI Adventure, Gerald Steinberg, BlogActive, August 13, 2015
Just Like Its Namesake, Amnesty’s CSI: Gaza is About Psuedo-Forensice, Naftali Balanson, The Jewish Chronicle, August 6, 2015
Findings, But Few Facts, Anne Herzberg, The Jerusalem Post, November 29, 2014
Analysis of Amnesty’s 2012 World Report
Media Impact: Amnesty International’s ‘Trigger Happy’ Report, March 5, 2014
Amnesty’s Credibility Problem, Gidon Shaviv, Ynet, June 6, 2012
Amnesty International is Losing Its Way, Gerald Steinberg and Jason Edelstein, The Jerusalem Post, June 14, 2011
The Dark Side of Amnesty International, NGO Monitor Analysis, April 6, 2010
Amnesty Secretary-General Ignites Row, Abe Selig, The Jerusalem Post, April 7, 2010
Amnesty’s Continuing Abuse of Human Rights to Blast Israel, May 26, 2009
Scrutinize Amnesty International, Gerald Steinberg, The NY Sun, May 24, 2007
Amnesty’s “Human Rights Meltdown”, Sarah Mandel, December 20, 2007

See also
Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International Have a Problem With Israel

But when it comes to the Arab world’s conflict with Israel, the non-governmental behemoths whose public relations machines match that of the UN—Humans Rights Watch and Amnesty International—have a slant that is every bit as biased, and every bit as eye-rolling, as the UN’s. For years the two organizations could consistently distribute Israel’s sworn enemies’ version of the facts with complete impunity. That changed somewhat with the founding in 2003 of NGO Monitor, a team of academics and researchers formed to “watch the watchers.” Gerald Steinberg, a Cornell-educated political scientist, created the Israel-based think tank to ensure HRW and Amnesty faced the kind of scrutiny to which they were entirely unaccustomed, and which they have come to regard as distinctly unwelcome. The two organizations revel in what Steinberg calls their “Halo-effect.”

So by all means do go on, but pretending these organizations are fair or neutral is ludicrous

An honest report.

Good idea

Elliott Abrams, writing about the November 2012 Operation Pillar of Defense, says that Amnesty treats "Hamas and other terrorist groups […] with an 'evenhandedness' that bespeaks deep biases," citing NGO Monitor's detailed research.[14]

The Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs criticised the May 2012 report on administrative detention saying it was "one sided," and "not particularly serious," and "that it seemed little more than a public relations gimmick." Gerald Steinberg, of NGO Monitor, said that the report was tied to the recent Palestinian hunger strikes and that Amnesty "jumped on the bandwagon to help their Palestinian allies."[15] Steinberg also said that one of the researchers, Deborah Hyams, was not a neutral party, saying that "Hyams has volunteered as a 'human shield' in Beit Jala (near Bethlehem) to deter Israeli military responses to gunfire and mortars targeting Jewish civilians in Jerusalem," and that in 2008 she signed a letter claiming Israel is "a state founded on terrorism, massacres and the dispossession of another people from their land."[16]

The Israeli embassy in London called Amnesty "ridiculous". Amnesty said that this report "is not intended to address violations of detainees' rights by the Palestinian Authority, or the Hamas de facto administration. These violations have been and will continue to be addressed separately by the organisation."[17]

In May 2012, NGO Monitor criticized Amnesty's 2012 World Report in a few areas:

Amnesty criticized Israel's blockade on Gaza without mentioning that the blockade was in place "to stop the smuggling of weapons and rockets used to target Israeli citizens." NGO Monitor continued and said that "UN Secretary General’s Palmer Committee declared in September 2011 that the blockade is legal under international law."
Amnesty "failed to mention the thousands of tons of goods provided by Israel to Gaza each week."
NGO Monitor also pointed out that Amnesty's report "mentions Israel 137 times, while making only 74 mentions of the Syrian regime," during a year in which thousands of people have been killed by the Syrian government.[18]
Amnesty allowed a speaking event to take place in London in May 2011, organized by the magazine Middle East Monitor Online (MEMO) and the Palestine Solidarity Campaign. Much controversy surrounded this event since one of the speakers included Abdel Bari Atwan, editor of the London-based al-Quds al-Arabi newspaper. In the past, Atwan has said that "he would 'dance with delight' in Trafalgar Square if Iran attacked Israel, and that the terrorist attack on the Mercaz HaRav yeshiva, in which eight students were killed, "was justified" as it was responsible for "hatching Israeli extremists and fundamentalists." Amnesty responded by saying that "while we did have concerns about the way the event had originally been organized, these have been resolved."[19]

Amnesty also allowed a speaking event to take place in January 2012, which included a speaker who is viewed as anti-Israel. The UK's Zionist Federation said that the speaker "goes beyond the bounds of acceptable behavior" and asked that the event either not take place or that a pro-Israel speaker be allowed to attend as well. In addition, NGO Monitor's Gerald Steinberg said that the speaker's "intense hatred directed at Israel, which is the embodiment of Jewish sovereign equality in the world, is entirely inconsistent with the universal values that Amnesty claims to promote. If Amnesty seeks to restore its tarnished moral credentials, it must end this cooperation, and join in denouncing White’s anti-Israel campaigns."[20]

Some people have criticized Amnesty for promoting an unbalanced and excessive focus on Israel. The American Jewish Congress asserts that Amnesty's criticism of Israel distorts the law of war by "read[ing] the law of war as if it was a law banning war", and misinterprets the Geneva Conventions with regard to the issue of proportionality in war.[21] Yael Beck and Merav Fima of NGO Monitor, a Pro-Israel NGO, claim the Amnesty has an "obsession with Israel" and "persistently condemns Israel while ignoring suffering elsewhere."[22]

Alan Dershowitz, professor of law at Harvard University, in his book The Case for Israel, is very critical of Amnesty and their comparison of Israel to nations such as Sudan and other human rights offenders. Amnesty International has consistently called on Israel to bring any officer suspected of human rights violations to justice and to remove its settlements in the West Bank. It has also opposed "discrimination" against Arab citizens of Israel, and says that the Law of Return and Citizenship and Entry into Israel Law are discriminatory, as they grant automatic citizenship to Jews worldwide, while denying Palestinian refugees the right of return. It has also opposed the blockade of the Gaza Strip, calling it "collective punishment".[citation needed]

In 2010 Frank Johansson, the chairman of Amnesty International-Finland called Israel a nilkkimaa, a derogatory term variously translated as "scum state", "creep state" or "punk state."[23][24] Johansson stood by his statement, saying that it was based on Israel's "repeated flouting of international law", and his own personal experiences with Israelis. When asked by a journalist if any other country on earth that could be described in these terms, he said that he could not think of any, although some individual "Russian officials" could be so described.[24] According to Israeli professor Gerald M. Steinberg of NGO Monitor: "Amnesty International has promoted an intense anti-Israel ideology, resulting in statements like these."[24]

In November 2012, Amnesty UK began a disciplinary process against staffer Kristyan Benedict, Amnesty UK campaigns manager, because of a posting on his Twitter account, said to be anti-semitic, regarding three Jewish members of parliament and Operation Pillar of Defense where he wrote: "Louise Ellman, Robert Halfon and Luciana Berger walk into a bar…each orders a round of B52s … #Gaza”. Amnesty International UK said "the matter has been referred to our internal and confidential processes." Amnesty’s campaigns director Tim Hancock said, "We do not believe that humour is appropriate in the current circumstances, particularly from our own members of staff." An Amnesty International UK spokesperson later said the charity had decided that "the tweet in question was ill-advised and had the potential to be offensive and inflammatory but was not racist or antisemitic."[25][26][27]
Holy crap, Batman! You listed virtually every Israel propagandist in one post. :clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2:
Amnesty (Leftist, Jew-hating, pro-Arab, Muslim ass-kissing) International?

To the Devil with them, and their Report.

The sooner they start setting-up Reception Camps in Jordan, to receive the Muslims to be ejected from the West Bank and Gaza, the better.

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