Ukraine - Does anyone think Biden is doing a good job?

Next time you fill the tank on your car tell yourself Biden is a better President than Trump.

Biden is definitely the worst President in modern history - much worse than even Jimmy Carter. Part of the reason for that is Joe is suffering from dementia and should never have ran for President.

The Presidency of the United States has been called the toughest job in the world and the person who sits in the Oval Office should have all his mental faculties in tip top shape.
too bad its not Biden's fault. Russia caused those gas prices. Without the war, gas would be much lower.

Trump enabled Putin, and weakened NATO. Biden has united NATO.

You just need to blame Biden for eveything, even things Russia does.
And you seem to be agreeing with what appears to be a pro-Russian propagandist.
Just because a Russian troll posts something does not mean it is incorrect.

He may be a moron on almost all things Russia but Biden has done a rather shit job in dealing with this problem. Everything that can have gone wrong short of sending troops in, has.

The supposed coalition Biden built is bullshit. Putin actually managed to do that when he started threatening nukes. Europe puckered up instantly and started working together. That had noting to do with Biden and everything to do with the realization that the soft stance they had been taking simply was not working. They are STILL not treating this properly as Russia really needs to be totally isolated and proper incentivization with clear cut action/reaction lines being drawn.

I still do not see the west and Ukraine setting up a proper out for Putin here. Biden's monumental gaffs over the last week certainly are not helping.

Claiming Biden is doing a good job here is just partisan. This should have been stopped before it even happened back when Putin was building forces on the boarder. Hell, our response to his invasion should have happened when he took Crimea. That was a monumental fail during Obama's administration. The tensions Trump created in NATO certainly did not help anything. Now it is all falling apart and nothing happening now can be called a 'good job.'
Just because a Russian troll posts something does not mean it is incorrect.

He may be a moron on almost all things Russia but Biden has done a rather shit job in dealing with this problem. Everything that can have gone wrong short of sending troops in, has.

The supposed coalition Biden built is bullshit. Putin actually managed to do that when he started threatening nukes. Europe puckered up instantly and started working together. That had noting to do with Biden and everything to do with the realization that the soft stance they had been taking simply was not working. They are STILL not treating this properly as Russia really needs to be totally isolated and proper incentivization with clear cut action/reaction lines being drawn.

I still do not see the west and Ukraine setting up a proper out for Putin here. Biden's monumental gaffs over the last week certainly are not helping.

Claiming Biden is doing a good job here is just partisan. This should have been stopped before it even happened back when Putin was building forces on the boarder. Hell, our response to his invasion should have happened when he took Crimea. That was a monumental fail during Obama's administration. The tensions Trump created in NATO certainly did not help anything. Now it is all falling apart and nothing happening now can be called a 'good job.'

I disagree.:)
I disagree.:)
I am aware.

What is not there though is any reason beyond him being a democrat as to why.

Every single excuse given in this thread thus far has been a direct lie. Except not sending in troops, and that is one I give him as well. And a 5th grader would have managed that.
Putting troops into Ukraine is definitely inviting WWIII, not a goal.
Of course you peacenik libs don't want to fight the tough battles. Biden doesn't have the balls to send troops to Ukraine. Bush-Cheney knew we had to put boots on the ground to win wars.
I am aware.

What is not there though is any reason beyond him being a democrat as to why.

Every single excuse given in this thread thus far has been a direct lie. Except not sending in troops, and that is one I give him as well. And a 5th grader would have managed that.
2014, Crimea. After wars in Afghanistan and Iraq and other issues around the world wasn't in the mood to deal with what was going on. At home and abroad there wouldn't have been much support. Also, aiding Ukraine with military equipment was iffy as we didn't have as much trust in their government back then.

The coalition was building before Putin mentioned nukes. Actually Putin mentioned nukes to ensure that we didn't go even further because he saw a coalition building against him.

"Russia needs to be totally isolated". Sorry, that doesn't happen over night. As of now these are the most severe sanctions against Russia since the cold war. it's not easy to unravel Russia from the global economy what is important though as that we keep moving in that direction even after Ukraine.

A proper out for Putin is that he ends up with some of the territory in the east. Of course in order to get that far Russia needs to at the minimum stop bombing civilians allow for humanitarian aid now. But the out is there, even if Ukraine is against the idea now (and I really don't blame them)

As for Biden, I didn't claim he was doing anything exceptional. As of now I'm not sure if he is or not as I and you and everyone else isn't privy to what is going on behind the scenes. We won't know for quite some time. Biden's gaff probably not great, I wouldn't give him points for that and it's a propaganda gift he gave Putin for his own people. Outside of that I don't think it means much.

Biden is not Trump and right now I'm very thankful for that. I don't feel Trump would have done anything and I believe in his second term pulling out of NATO would have been a very real possibility. He already demonstrated that he didn't care about Ukrainian sovereignty with the games he was playing with the foreign aid we were giving them.

So, Biden is not Trump, I'm good with that and very thankful.
too bad its not Biden's fault. Russia caused those gas prices. Without the war, gas would be much lower.

Trump enabled Putin, and weakened NATO. Biden has united NATO.

You just need to blame Biden for eveything, even things Russia does.
Gas prices were on their way up before RTussia invaded Ukraine.

You are believing Lying Biden‘s bullshit. Biden even told us during the campaign he intended to end fossil fuels.

Biden is doing a great job on Ukraine.

Biden has untied the world, NATO, and Europe against Putin and hit Russia with the most severe sanctions ever. These sanctions will crush Russia. NATO is more united than ever thanks to Biden's leadership.

Biden has supplied Ukraine with weapons and aid. Now it is up to the Ukrainian's to win the war, which they are doing.

What else can Biden do? No US troops on the ground, not much else to do but wait for Trump's best bud Putin to lose.
Biden’s stupid war will kill many Ukrainians and only benefit his master Xi Jin Ping. The globalists and neocons will fight their war to the last Ukrainian and dopes like you will cheer them on.!
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Biden doesn't have the balls to send troops to Ukraine.

Open you ears! Listen! Now!

A submarine of the Russians is able to send a torpedo which can drive 10,000 kilometers on its own and has an explosive power of 100 megatons. If it will explode under water it will cause a tsunami and destroy a very big part of a coast. In the sea and the coast where this explosion will happen (power of about 9,000-10,000 Hiroshma bombs) for years - perhaps also for decades or even longer - no animal is able to live any more. And we are animals - otherwise such weapons would not exist.

At least Bush/Cheney knew we needed boots on the ground to get the job done.

Go to a brain transplantation center and let help you!
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2014, Crimea.

It was a very weird story how the Crimea came to the Ukraine so this had not been a real big problem. The western world had been extremely hypocritical in this context. The Ukrainian Crimea had been the home harbor of the Russian black sea fleet. To remember you: Hawaii had not been a part of the USA when it had been the home harbor of your pacific fleet. The Crimea had been since 1799 territory of Russia and came only because of weird ideas of the Soviet Khrushchev to the Ukraine. Extremely short: This conflict had been relativelly unimportant and no one thought Putin will do such a nonsense which he did do now with his war on the Ukraine.
Biden’s stupid war

Putin's stupid war

will kill many Ukrainians ...

kills now in the moment many children of many mothers. Russian mothers and Ukrainian mothers. The Ukrainians have no chance - they have to defend themselve and so they have to kill the Russian aggressors. The Russians have a chance: Go home! That's the most easy thing to do and only a wrong proudness keeps you in the claws of this wrong war. Russians: Go home! Live there happy again and let the people in the Ukraine be happy again!
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Just because a Russian troll posts something does not mean it is incorrect.

He may be a moron on almost all things Russia but Biden has done a rather shit job in dealing with this problem. Everything that can have gone wrong short of sending troops in, has.

The supposed coalition Biden built is bullshit. Putin actually managed to do that when he started threatening nukes. Europe puckered up instantly and started working together. That had noting to do with Biden and everything to do with the realization that the soft stance they had been taking simply was not working. They are STILL not treating this properly as Russia really needs to be totally isolated and proper incentivization with clear cut action/reaction lines being drawn.

I still do not see the west and Ukraine setting up a proper out for Putin here. Biden's monumental gaffs over the last week certainly are not helping.

Claiming Biden is doing a good job here is just partisan. This should have been stopped before it even happened back when Putin was building forces on the boarder. Hell, our response to his invasion should have happened when he took Crimea. That was a monumental fail during Obama's administration. The tensions Trump created in NATO certainly did not help anything. Now it is all falling apart and nothing happening now can be called a 'good job.'
Our President has handled the task perfectly
Holding back on US Military involvement, working closely with our international alliance, invoking crippling sanctions

Our President has painted Putin into a corner. Putin has no exit strategy and his options are few
Biden’s sanctions on Russia and Afghanistan will only produce mass starvation. Do you support famine?

If escalation occurs NATO and Russia and Ukraine will all become irradiated wastelands.
I support turning Russia into the next North Korea

I hope you enjoy the “New Russia”
Putin's stupid war

kills now in the moment many children of many mothers. Russian mothers and Ukrainian mothers. The Ukrainians have no chance - they have to defend themselve and so they have to kill the Russian aggressors. The Russians have a chance: Go home! That's the most easy thing to do and only a wrong proudness keeps you in the claws of this wrong war. Russians: Go home! Live there happy again and let the people in the Ukraine be happy again!
This war didn’t have to happen. This war doesn’t have to continue.

Many are to blame. Putin deserves blame. Igor Kolomoisky has funded brutal anti-Russian militias. Biden is escalating the conflict. Zelensky wants to start WW III. The neocons have pushed for NATO expansion.

I hope all sides compromise and end this stupid fratricidal war which benefits war profiteers and Xi Jin Ping.
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Seriously. What has Biden even done about Ukraine? Other than follow what Britain has done (give them weapons), the US has been shut-out of the Ukraine Crisis altogether.

France and Turkey of all fucking nations are the two spearheading the Allies' side.

Putin basically tells Ukraine to eat shit. And what's funny is this propaganda crap that Putin doesn't know how Ukraine is going, as if Ukraine's delegations don't try to explain to him the situation in their most favorable light? LOLOL.

But MSNBC is going to keep churning out dumb shit. Anything to make it look like the US is winning and Ukraine is winning...which neither is true.
Bidet's secretary of state should doing his damn job and be in Geneva demanding talks with Lavrov instead of snubbing him. He isn't going to do direct war (GOOD!) with the Russians over this insignificant and non strategic plot of nada, but he is gonna do as much chest bumping as he can get away with and bumble his way into conflict.
Bidet's secretary of state should doing his damn job and be in Geneva demanding talks with Lavrov instead of snubbing him. He isn't going to do direct war (GOOD!) with the Russians over this insignificant and non strategic plot of nada, but he is gonna do as much chest bumping as he can get away with and bumble his way into conflict.
The US will not engage our military unless Putin ups the ante and uses WMDs

Putin….Do you feel lucky?
This war didn’t have to happen.

No war has to happen.

This war doesn’t have to continue.

Sure. But this needs first of all wisdom from the aggressors - and did you ever hear aggressors are from the lovely and funny species homo sapiens sapiens? In former times people fought for their suvival - also in wars - but today they "think" they are gods who have the right to murder only on reason of the narcissism of their autocrats. War needs strong hierarchies and strengthens such strange extremist psychopaths who like to enslave their own people.

Many are to blame. Putin deserves blame. Igor Kolomoisky has funded brutal anti-Russian militias. Biden is escalating the conflict. Zelensky wants to start WW III. The neocons have pushed for NATO expansion.

I hope all sides compromise and end this stupid fratricidal war which benefits war profiteers and Xi Jin Ping.

It's Putins war. Putin has to stop it and to bring "his" soldiers home. Now! Much too many cities are wasted and much too many people died and die for nothing and nonsense in the moment.
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