Ukraine Has Lost the War

If true then it's an indication of Russia's commitment to winning this war.

This is much less about holding the territory Russia has won from the Ukraine than it's about the war against American aggression.

It's the final challenge America must meet in order to continue on as the world's only superpower, in the face of China's rise with Russia in alliance.

The importance of the fight is nothing less than being decisive for the next century.

This is a reason why the factual talking points of this Colonel are so important.

He can be legitimately accused of being [b one of America's loose cannons! [/b]
Ritter is another Putin stooge.

He's also a convicted child sex offender.
Declared enemies of the state are likewise demonized. So was Julian Assange but it didn't lessen the impact of his exposing US war crimes and crimes against humanity.
What Putin's useful idiots are not conveying are the costs Russia is paying for its imperialist aggression.

Russia is facing double-digit inflation.

The supposed strength of its ruble is the result of desperate capital controls and decreased imports due to sanctions.

Putin's economy is also 100 percent reliant on oil prices.

In Russia, as Prices Soar, the Outlook for Its Economy Grows ‘Especially Gloomy’

Financial maneuvers taken by Moscow helped blunt the economic damage initially. At the start of the conflict, the central bank doubled interest rates to 19 percent to stabilize the currency, and recently was able to lower rates to 14 percent.


Analysts say that the rift with many of the world’s largest trading partners and technological powerhouses will inflict deep and lasting damage on the Russian economy.

“The really hard times for the Russian economy are still in front of us,” said Laura Solanko, a senior adviser at the Bank of Finland Institute for Emerging Economies.

The stock of supplies and spare parts that are keeping businesses humming will run out in a few months, Ms. Solanko said. At the same time, a lack of sophisticated technology and investment from abroad will hamper Russia’s productive capacity going forward.

Bank of Finland: Russia’s war hits its economy on many fronts – Bank of Finland Bulletin

The results in Chart 2 indicate that, due to the combined shock effects, Russia’s GDP falls by about 10 per cent and then remains at this depressed level for years.


Our results are disheartening in the case of Russia’s economy. By initiating a brutal war against Ukraine, Russia has chosen to become much poorer and less influential in economic terms. Even in the short run, sanctions and Russia’s deteriorating economy constrain its ability to wage war and replenish the military manpower and materiel lost in Ukraine.

Central Bank of Russia: Russia’s war hits its economy on many fronts – Bank of Finland Bulletin

According to the Bank of Russia’s forecast, given the current monetary policy stance, annual inflation will total 14.0–17.0% in 2022, decline to 5.0–7.0% in 2023 and return to 4% in 2024.


The external environment for the Russian economy remains challenging and significantly constrains economic activity. The contraction in imports due to the introduction of external trade and financial restrictions is considerably outstripping the decline in exports.

You'll notice the Central Bank of Russia does not use the words "war" or "invasion" in their report as that is illegal. And Putin's useful idiots have the temerity to accuse anyone opposing the invasion of "propaganda".

That's priceless.
Russia has been using up about 50,000 rounds a day; although Ukraine cannot match this, eventually Russia’s big guns will wear out. Russian infrastructure and manufacturing are in terrible shape, and I do not believe local tactical improvements can overcome this. Sanctions mean that factories cannot get needed materials. A lack of available manufacturing can be inferred from the vast numbers of Soviet-era tanks and guns that the modern Russian army fields, as counted by open-source research blogs such as Oryx.

Given the probable weakness in Russian manufacturing, every artillery piece or big gun that wears out or is destroyed is one the Russians cannot replace.

What Putin's useful idiots are not conveying are the costs Russia is paying for its imperialist aggression.

Russia is facing double-digit inflation.
The Colonel addressed that and dispelled the talking point with facts. Could you try to address his words specifically in your attempted rebuttals?

If you can't watch the link then you can refer to my partial list in post #5.
Russia has been using up about 50,000 rounds a day; although Ukraine cannot match this, eventually Russia’s big guns will wear out. Russian infrastructure and manufacturing are in terrible shape, and I do not believe local tactical improvements can overcome this. Sanctions mean that factories cannot get needed materials. A lack of available manufacturing can be inferred from the vast numbers of Soviet-era tanks and guns that the modern Russian army fields, as counted by open-source research blogs such as Oryx.

Given the probable weakness in Russian manufacturing, every artillery piece or big gun that wears out or is destroyed is one the Russians cannot replace.

Russia is hitting the Ukraine with 50,000 artillery rounds per day.

I can't address your scattergun remarks in detail. Can you deal with each of the Colonel's points in an orderly manner?

And please keep in mind that I dont' get into armchair wars. The points being made are not mine.
He is indeed, considering that he isn't willing to swallow the propaganda lies and fabrications on the Ukraine bravely winning the war.

Do you have any points to address from the link? Would you say that he's politically motivated and biased.
Or has he zeroed in on the facts and the truths.

Fwiw, I can only disagree with him on his optimism. America is not going to be willing to lose this war so quickly.

But America is faced with the fact that the Ukrainians aren't going to be willing to be America's cannon fodder forever.

He also mentions how many millions of Ukrainians have been eliminated from the population.
I can't debate the issues with you if you refuse to be informed of the truth.
It is the opinions of a man his peers thought was not fit to be a general.
It is the opinions of a man his peers thought was not fit to be a general.
We've already covered that fact.
America, as is true in all countries, only accepts the truly devoted as their military leaders. And so even this Colonel conveys a certain amount of naivety in him not being committed to the national cause of more wars.

However, his military accomplishments he brags about for the first couple of minutes has to speak loudly on his credibility.

Support his accomplishments; support the troops!
We've already covered that fact.
America, as is true in all countries, only accepts the truly devoted as their military leaders. And so even this Colonel conveys a certain amount of naivety in him not being committed to the national cause of more wars.

However, his military accomplishments he brags about for the first couple of minutes has to speak loudly on his credibility.

Support his accomplishments; support the troops!
And yet in the view of his peers he was unfit to be a general.
Russia is hitting the Ukraine with 50,000 artillery rounds per day.

I can't address your scattergun remarks in detail. Can you deal with each of the Colonel's points in an orderly manner?

And please keep in mind that I dont' get into armchair wars. The points being made are not mine.
Read my post, comrade. It directly addresses the "50,000 artillery rounds per day" Putin talking point.

Russia cannot sustain its aggression over a long period. Putin will lose through attrition.

Putin expected the West to curl up into the fetal position and let him take Ukraine without a fight. And if Trump was in office, that's exactly what would have happened.

Fortunately, Trump is not in office, and Putin has a real fight on his hands. A fight he was not expecting and cannot sustain.
Russia cannot sustain its aggression over a long period. Putin will lose through attrition.
that's possible and cold be a part of the plan.
However, let's try to get down to the short strokes. That calls for an acknowldgment of the fact that escalations by either the US or Russia must be tempered to play within the bounds of the mutually agreed upon rules of this war.

It's not a matter of either side winning as much as it's on which side will escalate too much to win.

Each side holds vast quantity in reserve in readiness for their war turning sour. Relating to that for America's prospects was mentioned by the Colonel in that the American people are turning away from any support of their country's war.

Russia can't be defeated unless the people turn sour on the need to resist, and they're not. And Russia can't be defeated on account of they're holding the world greatest nuclear assets.

Likewise America can't be defeated.

The Colonel does go on to make some suggestions on how the Ukraine needs to sue for peace and can do so in the same way Austria did.

Will America allow the Ukraine to decide its own fate?
I suspect that Russia has enough in reserve to turn the entire Ukraine into rubble, before even having to consider using it's nuclear arms.

I think that the biggest contribution the Colonel has made is in how he has facilitated a more thorough discussion. Even this thread has shown some results, as opposed to all discussions on the war being shunned.

The facts to be accepted on America's war with Russia are admittedly very unpleasant to have to accept.
Ukraine has lost the war. What a surprise. This narrative has been pushed since March.

Is Putin lying? Or is this a dire warning to all parties concerned that Russia means business?

Also questioned: Does this appear to be a threat on Russia's conventional weapons power or should it be interpreted as their nuclear threat?

Peace is so easy to obtain now if the Ukraine is permitted to make it's own choice!

Peace can never come if America has taken control out of Zelensky's hands.
Ukraine has lost the war. What a surprise. This narrative has been pushed since March.
On the contrary, the only narrative that has been heard since the start of the war and even before, has been US propaganda that told us that the Ukraine had won or at least was winning.
On the contrary, the only narrative that has been heard since the start of the war and even before, has been US propaganda that told us that the Ukraine had won or at least was winning.
Whatever floats your boat, dude.
Holding the territory isn't as hard as you might think. Attacks on conquered territory will result in attacks on Kiev or Ukrainian infrastructure until said attacks cease. You can't play the long insurgency game with a country like Russia if you are Ukraine. The Russians can cripple Ukraine for as long as it takes.

Come again? Small armies fighting guerrilla warfare defeated the U.S. During Vietnam, and Russia in Afghanistan.

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